Baldur's Gate Wiki

The Guardian of air will spawn in the Air Laboratory alongside several Air elementals in the Watcher's Keep Elemental Level. This occurs when the fan is energized.


This creature has some similar characterizes to an Invisible Stalker. The elemental begins actions from invisibility. Once it has been revealed via divination or by its own overt action, it can be targeted.

This creature has the needed Air Scepter the party is looking for. That item has several uses on this dungeon level.

The guardian is immune to the chain lightning electricity bolts and air turbulence effects that can be generated by activating the magical fan. However, electricity from some other sources can still harm the creature.

The creature can strike twice per round with its main hand attack and once per round with the off-hand attack.

The guardian has immunity to many status effects due to certain items equipped. See the InfoBox for a summary.

Mod content[]

This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

The Sword Coast Stratagems makes two revisions to this creature. A new default melee oriented script is furnished for smarter tactical behavior. Three potions are furnished for the creature to use when triggered by certain events/thresholds. The potions are to boost abilities and to heal damage.
