Baldur's Gate Wiki
Baldur's Gate Wiki

I'm no fighter, friend.

Cordyr is a fisherman who was put out of work and now resides in his house which is located between Jopalin's Tavern and a warehouse in the district of South Baldur's Gate.


Cordyr's fishing grounds were located a fair way off to the south of the city, down the Sword Coast, just north of an abandoned lighthouse. However, sirines tried to move into that area and sank Cordyr's fishing boat. Now he's quite doubtful of how to deal with the situation.


Main article: Cordyr and the Sirines

Being conflicted between the beauty of those creatures and "how much of a nuisance" sirines can be, Cordyr tries to find people adequate to deal with such issues. "Heroes" or too "popular" parties will not learn about his problem, but a less reputable Gorion's Ward may hear Cordyr's story – still, without any gruesome task, but expectations unspoken.

He even understands if the party decides not to kill Sil, head woman of that small tribe of sirines:

You don't have the heart, do you...? It's all right, I know where you're coming from. I couldn't do it myself.

— Cordyr

If the deed was done, Cordyr's reaction again focuses on the background and intentions of Gorion's Ward and his own objections, rewarding parties with an average or above reputation differently than disliked or despised ones, while speaking of "steely hearts", "dirty deeds" and the "cost of civilization". He even admits that he didn't believe, the party would survive the sirines.

See the Cordyr and the Sirines quest article for details about reputation requirements and possible rewards.


  • Cordyr carries two spell scrolls with him, one of which will serve as part of the reward for doing his quest – which one exactly depends on the party's reputation when turning the quest in. However, both scrolls can be pickpocketed from him.

