Baldur's Gate Wiki

Evasion is a High-level class ability available to the Thief and Bard classes.

The ability can be selected more than once by the eligible classes if desired.

Required for: Greater Evasion

High-level class abilities were added as a new feature to the BG game with the release of the Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion and are also included in the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition as well.


A rogue's natural sense of preservation becomes heightened with the use of the Evasion ability. Evasion gives a bonus of 4 to AC and 2 to all Saving Throws. The effect lasts for 3 rounds.


This ability is accessed from the character's "Special Abilities" button, select the button icon with the cursor (or F12 on a keyboard) to open the menu - use the cursor again and click on the desired ability icon or use one of the designated F-keys if playing with a keyboard interface.

Once the ability icon is selected the Evasion power is bestowed and is immediately applied upon the character automatically - the character has a brief 3D effect render on their sprite, as well as a color glow, and a sound effect audibles. The character will show an icon (No. 157) titled "Evasion" on their portrait for the ability's duration.

The ability has a duration of 3 rounds once applied to the character.

Once the ability is initiated, the character receives the following boons:

This spell can be removed by a Breach spell or effect, but it cannot be affected by any Dispel Magic source.

The spell isn't compatible with Greater Evasion, only one evasion ability can be present upon the rogue at a time.


The Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition ruleset doesn't provide any High-level class abilities as implemented by the BG video game - they are a creation by the developers for the BG video game series only.

Mod content[]

This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

Installation of the Rogue Rebalancing mod makes a change to this HLA - Bards no longer get the Evasion ability, and have their own HLA group to choose from, separate from thieves.

Evasion (revised ability)

Thieves of exceptional skill can avoid damage from energy discharges such as breath weapons, fireball spells and the like through a combination of superior reflexes and extraordinary agility. Through nearly superhuman effort, a Thief can position himself out of harm's way mere seconds before an energy discharge reaches him. After activating this ability, the Thief can evade the effects of the following spells: Burning Hands, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Call Lightning, Flame Strike, Cone of Cold, Sunfire, Chain Lightning, Delayed Blast Fireball and all forms of Dragon's Breath. The Evasion ability expires after five rounds.

Note:With the RR mod ability active, the thief is completely immune to those spells/attacks listed above.

The mod provides a Bard with a replacement HLA instead of Evasion:

Resonating Weapon (replaces Evasion)

Bards eventually achieve a high degree of control over sound which enables them to imbue any weapon with concentrated sound energy for a short while. A weapon imbued in this fashion resonates with a sharp tone and deals an extra 2d4 points of sonic damage to its target on each hit. Furthermore, anyone struck by the resonating weapon must save vs. breath or become temporarily deafened. After 2 rounds have passed, the weapon ceases to resonate, and the deafness subsides.
