Elkart is a patron on the ground floor of the Blade and Stars in Baldur's Gate. Most of the time he tells Gorion's Ward to get out of his face, but if both Eldoth and Skie are in the party, he can be blackmailed once per day for the sum of 1000 gp. (If the party has only one but not both of them in it, this will not work.) After having been blackmailed eight times and Elkart is spoken to again, he will call the guards, and six Flaming Fist Enforcers appear while he tries to leave.
In Enhanced Edition, this is altered slightly so that you only need to have rescued Skie; neither she nor Eldoth need to be in the party. The time between blackmail amounts is also increased to two days. If Eldoth is in the party, he will give a heads up when the ransom money is ready for collection. This blackmail scheme only works in Chapter 5, however. In Chapter 7, if you've rescued Skie, Elkart will call the Fist as soon as Gorion's Ward speaks to him.
Though Elkart is a fighter and is equipped with weapons and armor, he has the hit points of a civilian, and his other stats aren't much better. He has both melee and ranged weapons, but is probably unable to use his composite longbow because his Strength is insufficient.
Side quest[]
Get out of my face.
I see that you're here prompt for your ransom money. I hope you don't think you'll get away with this forever!
You're a little early, come back later and you'll get your damn blood money!
You foolish little prigs, you've become way too predictable. HEY! They're all here ripe for the slaughter!