Baldur's Gate Wiki

Area North of Gnoll Stronghold is one of the areas from the World Map.

Area North of Gnoll Stronghold, also known as Bear River[1] is an area accessible from the World Map.


  • Northern bridge, an ambush by 2 Ogre Berserkers and 3 Hobgoblin Elite archers spread along the bridge in Baldur's Gate:
    Enhanced Edition
    This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
    or on the western side in Baldur's Gate (1998)
    This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign.
    . The archers shoot poison arrows. Strategies, roughly in order of preference:
    • approach from the west after crossing the southern bridge (Baldur's Gate (1998)
      This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign.
    • retreat to the east and engage the Ogre Berserkers out of range of as many of the archers as possible (Baldur's Gate (1998)
      This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign.
    • engage with a full party of ranged attackers and engage one enemy at the time – two ogres can be lured away from archers,
    • avoid the whole thing.
  • Neville at 3800.850 is an unusually polite bandit. He has 5 hobgoblins hidden in the trees to help him.
  • Jared at one end of the southern bridge (4675.3665) and a bear at the other meet up for the side quest Jared and the Bear .
  • A Hungry Ogre at 415.920 offers little besides some entertaining dialog.
  • Laurel is a Paladin at 1275.1115 with a quest for you: help her fend off The Gibberling Hordes.




