The Athkatla Government District is one of the seven districts in the city of Athkatla. This is where the nobles live and where the council of six, the rulers of Athkatla and Amn, have meetings.
Within the district is Jan Jansen and Viconia DeVir, both of whom are potential Companions. Jan can be hired by telling the guard he was not trying to sell illegal items. Viconia can be allowed to join simply by rescuing her from the stake to which she is bound. The fanatics are soon to set her afire. A disintrested Amnian guard seems not to care.
This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
Delon, a boy from the Umar Hills looking for Help for his village, "Oh, uh. H-h-hello, <SIRMAAM>."
Delryn Estate Door Guard, "Ho there! You are not welcome here. Begone!"
Government District beggar "My apologies for the intrusion, <PRO_SIRMAAM>, but might I prevail upon you for a single gold piece? Times are poor for me an' my kin these months, and I have been reduced to a mere beggar!"
Amnian Soldier patrolling district spots the beggar - "Hold! You there! What have I told you about begging in the Government District?!"
Madeen, has a message for Gorion's Ward to speak with his master, "Greetings. You are known to me. Or your deeds are known to those I serve. I think I should introduce myself."
Oriana, selling her "services", "That fool Pehllus is looking for me again? Well, I've got better things to do than take part in his particular form of worship."
Pehllus, Nobleman with assigned bodyguards, "Hmph. Away with you, peasant."
Toady, a well to do halfling, "Er... what the most magnificent Lord Pehllus means is that he is... far too busy... er... surveying the city to speak with you at the moment..."
Town Crier, with news and official public announcements - "Hear ye, hear ye! All the news that's fit to bellow! Today's latest: diplomatic overtures in Riatavin! Council of Six foresees resolution to southern troubles!"
Trax, Officer of the Taxation and Revenue Board, watching Jan Jansen try to illegally peddle illegal merchandise in an illegal manner
Fanatic, "Look ye all upon this foul drow that we have bound before ye! A creature of evil and darkness, my brethren! A creature of foulness and deceit, bent only on our destruction!"
Fanatic, "Aye, burn the elf! Her dark and fiendish kin rose up from their underground homes and killed my father and brother! They are all evil, I tell you, all of them!"
Prison Guard, "Doesn't take much to stir up a lynch mob, does it? Ah well, it's not worth interrupting. Only some idiot drow elf, looks like."
Commoner onlooker, "She was up to no good, she was! Sneakin' around the markets, hidin' from us in her cloaks! A spy... or an assassin! Burn, I says!"