Annalynn, a courtesan working in the Pleasure Tent - talk with her for extra role play - PPE Mod portrait
Annalynn is a courtesan in the Pleasure Tent southwest of the city wall around Trademeet.
“ | A pleasure to meet a socially acceptable person such as yourself. | ” |
Attempting to talk to Annalyn before Wilfred the Red leaves the tent results in:
"Hmph. Sorry, my <LADY/LORD>... my time is currently purchased up by the boor who claims to have killed a dragon over there. All he does is tell me his stupid story over and OVER. (sigh)"
After Wilfred leaves, she reveals:
"Well, it's about time that moron finally left. He's given me such a headache all I want to do is sleep. I'm taking some time off of this racket."
"You know, that Wilfred guy wasn't all that bad. At least he tipped good when I pretended to be interested. I'm thinking of taking a vacation in Waterdeep, maybe."