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"They've saved the best trip for last... But this time they may have gone too far."
—Tagline for the film
Back to the Future Part III
Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Produced by Steven Spielberg
Neil Canton
Bob Gale
Kathleen Kennedy
Frank Marshall
Steve Starkey
Written by Robert Zemeckis,
Bob Gale
Starring Michael J. Fox,
Christopher Lloyd,
Mary Steenburgen,
Thomas F. Wilson,
Lea Thompson
Music by Alan Silvestri
Distributed by Universal Pictures
Release date(s) May 25, 1990
November 14, 1998
Running time 118 min.
Budget US$40,000,000
Preceded by Back to the Future Part II
Followed by Doc Brown Saves the World
All Movie Guide profile
IMDb profile

Back to the Future Part III is a 1990 science fiction western comedy movie starring Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd and Mary Steenburgen that opened on May 25, 1990. It is the third part of the Back to the Future trilogy, following Back to the Future and Back to the Future Part II.


Going to 1885[]

Like Back to the Future Part II, Back to the Future Part III picks up where the previous film left off. On November 12, 1955, Dr. Emmett Brown is shocked to see Marty moments after sending him back to 1985 and he faints outside of the Hill Valley Courthouse. Marty takes him back to the mansion to recover. Once 1955 Doc wakes up, he dictates the previous night's events on his reel-to-reel tape recorder, during which briefly assumes that what he saw was just an "residual image", but resumes his state of shock when he realizes Marty's right behind him.

After calming down, 1955 Doc uses a magnifying glass to read aloud a letter from his future counterpart explaining that he has been accidentally sent back to 1885 when the DeLorean time machine was struck by lightning. The lightning bolt damaged the time circuits which Doc was unable to repair since the only suitable parts wouldn't be invented until 1947, as well as destroying the flying circuits; the DeLorean will never fly again. Enclosed with the letter is a map describing where the DeLorean time machine is located, with the letter mentioning that in the car are instructions and a schematic diagram showing how the younger Doc can repair it using 1955 components so that Marty can return to 1985. Once Marty has arrived back, he must destroy the time machine. 1985 Doc explains in the letter that he doesn't want Marty to come back to 1885 and pick him up; he is perfectly happy there and has accepted his new life as a blacksmith in the Old West, as well as fearing unnecessary time travel will cause further damage to the space/time continuum.

After the pair recover the DeLorean from an abandoned gold mine, the excavation of which is documented using 1955 Doc's camera, they discover a tombstone bearing Doc's name and stating that he died on September 7, 1885, only six days after writing the letter. The tombstone also reads that Doc had been shot in the back by Biff's great grandfather, Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen "over a matter of eighty dollars" and was erected for him "by his beloved Clara", a name which Doc doesn't recognize. Marty takes a photograph of the tombstone. Going against 1985 Doc's instructions to go immediately back to that year and then destroy the time machine, Marty decides to go back to 1885 to rescue his comrade.

The younger Doc restores the DeLorean to working order with replacement parts that are available in 1955. It is now equipped with historic whitewall tires (to replace the original tires which had long since rotted away), and a box of 1955 components, including vacuum tubes, strapped to the hood to replace the damaged time circuit control microchip. Doc and Marty take the repaired DeLorean to the Indian-motifed Pohatchee Drive-In Theater outside of town. Marty, wearing a novelty cowboy costume, takes off from the back of the lot and heads towards the screen tower, reaching the required 88 m.p.h. and being transported to September 2, 1885 just before hitting the screen.


The time machine gets a warm welcome by Native Americans in 1885.

After arriving in 1885, Marty is chased off by Indians. The Cavalry chases the Indians away, and Marty drives the DeLorean into a cave. The DeLorean's fuel line is ripped, and a black bear is seen residing in the cave. Marty runs away, falls down a hill, hits his head on a fence, and passes out. He wakes up, finding refuge with his own great-great-grandfather Seamus McFly (also played by Michael J. Fox). He introduces himself as "Clint Eastwood", and Seamus, followed reluctantly by his wife Maggie, agree to help Marty find his "blacksmith friend". The next day, Marty goes into Hill Valley, and goes into the local saloon to try and find out where Doc lives. Buford shows up however, and picks a fight with Marty, in no small part due to the ridiculous "Western" clothing given to him by 1955 Doc. The result is a chase that ends with Buford and his gang attempting to hang Marty from the partly-complete clock tower, at which point Doc shows up carrying a rifle with a full-size telescopic scope attached to the top as a rifle-sight. Doc severs the rope with a single shot, saving his young friend. Buford then demands $80 from Doc to replace a horse he shot a few days previously, along with a bottle of Kentucky Red-eye, blaming a horseshoe Doc attached (a job which Buford didn't pay for). Doc refuses, and Buford promises to kill him on Monday.

Doc takes Marty back to his workshop where Marty shows him the photo of the tombstone. Strangely, Doc still doesn't know who Clara is, and the two are set to return home when Marty mentions that the car is out of gas, much to Doc's horror. Marty is unconcerned, believing they can use "Mr. Fusion" to draw energy from any object placed inside to power the time machine, but Doc tells Marty that Mr. Fusion only powers the time circuits and flux capacitor. The actual car has always run on unleaded gasoline: "There won't be a gas station around until sometime next century..." — hence they won't be able to get the DeLorean to go fast enough to time travel (the exact opposite problem to the first movie: enough power, not enough propulsion).

As he and Marty are moving the DeLorean from the cave to his shop, Doc's first idea is to get a team of horses to pull the DeLorean to 88 m.p.h., but this is naturally a flop, as the horses' speed barely breaks 20 m.p.h.

Doc's second idea is to fill the DeLorean's now-repaired gas tank with the strongest whiskey from the saloon. Doc pours the bottle into the tank, and Marty tries the ignition. The engine turns over and starts, but then disaster strikes: there is an explosion at the back of the car. The whiskey has proved too volatile and blown out the engine's fuel injection manifold. Doc says it will take a month to repair, and Marty points out that Doc hasn't got a month — he's going to be shot on Monday!

The plan to return to 1985[]

Marty clint 1885

Marty McFly even dresses like Clint Eastwood

Since they cannot pull the car up to speed, or propel it by its own power, Doc devises a plan to push the DeLorean with a steam locomotive. After consulting with an engineer, they find that they will need to find a straight and level length of track and ensure no weight is pulled behind the locomotive, as well as stoking the fire to an incredible heat. Doc locates the perfect place for the operation: a branch line that runs across a bridge over Clayton Ravine, although he is curious when he sees that the map labels it 'Shonash Ravine'. Going to the ravine, they find that the bridge has not been completed yet. However, it will be in use in 1985 when they arrive, although the train will be left behind to fall in ("It'll be a spectacular wreck. It's too bad no one will be around to see it"). Just then, Doc and Marty see a woman nearby whose horse is out of control. Heading to the rescue, the two save her from being thrown into the ravine. The woman introduces herself as Clara Clayton, with she and Doc quickly becoming infatuated with each other. Afterwards, Marty realizes that Clayton Ravine was supposed to be named after her, remembering the story that it was named after a schoolteacher who fell to her death in 1885. Despite his obvious liking for Clara, Doc is shocked that he saved a person who was meant to die, and this deepens his resolve to destroy the time machine.

Soon after, Marty and Doc attend the town festival which is also doubling as the inauguration of the clock tower which is still being built, with Marty and Doc getting a photo in front of the clock before it is set in place. However, things take a turn for the worse when Buford arrives to kill Doc, two days earlier than the date of death revealed on his tombstone. Buford reveals to Doc that the last time he shot a person with a derringer, a small pistol that can only fire a single shot, it took two days for them to bleed out; just because Doc dies on Monday doesn't mean he has to be shot that same day. Marty foils his attempt to shoot Doc by flinging a plate at Buford's hand (causing the derringer to go off harmlessly in the air, wasting Buford's only shot) and tells Buford to leave his friends alone. Buford angers Marty by calling him "yellow" when Marty starts to leave. Marty's self-control crumbles at Buford, and now Marty is challenged to a duel that Monday morning. Seamus tells Marty that he shouldn't let himself get provoked by others. He also tells Marty about his brother Martin, who was stabbed with a bowie knife in a saloon in Virginia City, Nevada because he let someone provoke him into a fight.

The next day, Marty notices that a photo he took of the Doc's gravestone has changed... now the tombstone is blank. Doc points out that the tombstone may be blank, but since it's still actually present, either one of them could be dead on Monday. Marty tells Doc that he will leave with him in the DeLorean on Monday, but "if Buford Tannen comes looking for trouble, he's gonna get it." Doc warns him that he shouldn't get mad every time someone calls him a name because that what causes him to "get into that accident in the future" referring to the Rolls-Royce incident that ruined Marty's life. Marty is curious at what Doc means, but the Doc does not tell because "it could make things worse". Marty tries again, and asks, "Doc, what is wrong with my future?" but his friend just answers "Marty, we all do things that affect the course of our lives. You gotta do what you gotta do, and I gotta do... what I gotta do".

Later that night, as they place the DeLoreon onto the railway tracks, Doc tells Marty that he wants to stay with Clara in 1885 because he is in love with her. Marty talks him out of it reminding him he's a man of science and that his name could still end up on the tombstone. Marty suggests that Clara come with them, but Doc rejects the idea and sadly notes that travelling through time is too painful. Going to Clara's house, Doc angers Clara by telling her that he is a scientist from 1985 and that he has a time machine. Clara thinks Doc is making fun of her and lying, so she slaps and rejects him. While Clara starts weeping, a heartbroken Doc goes to the Palace Saloon to get drunk. The next day, Marty finds Doc still at the bar, but fully sober as he hasn't yet drunk his first glass of whiskey. However, when Doc downs the whiskey before the pair leave, he immediately collapses in a drunken coma ("There's a guy who can't hold his liquor" remarks the bartender). Marty tends to the unconscious scientist and revives him just in time to escape from Buford. Marty is alarmed to see the name "Clint Eastwood" appear on the gravestone in the photo as Buford taunts him. As Buford prepares to shoot Doc, Marty steps out into the street and Buford apparently shoots him dead. However, Marty is able to defeat Tannen with a trick the real Clint Eastwood once used - concealing a protective metal plate beneath his poncho; and ultimately punches him into a wheelbarrow full of manure. The sheriffs come to arrest him, and when asked if he has anything to say, Buford spits out manure, and dazedly mumbles "I hate manure!" Marty looks at the photo of the tombstone, which was broken in half during his fight with Buford, just in time to see it vanish completely from the picture. With both their lives now safe, Doc and Marty set off to "borrow" the locomotive.

Meanwhile, Clara prepares to leave town but then hears from a traveling salesman just how upset Doc is that he hurt her. Clara stops the train and returns to his workshop, finding the model that Doc prepared to illustrate his plan to push the DeLorean, and realizes that he was indeed telling the truth. She quickly leaves to catch him.

Doc and Marty, disguised as robbers, hold up the train. When the driver asks if it is a hijack, Marty and Doc look at each other, and Doc answers, "It's a science experiment!" Marty then throws the switch to send the locomotive onto the spur that leads to the ravine, and Doc orders the driver to detatch the train from the coaches. In order to get the engine up to 88 m.p.h., Doc intends to use special Presto logs of his own invention to burn the fire at a terrific temperature and thus push the locomotive far above its maximum speed. This will ultimately destroy the locomotive itself, but will do the trick. They then carefully place the train behind the DeLorean, now fitted with steel rims for wheels enabling it to travel on rails, before starting it up. The train begins to push the DeLorean, and Doc throws the logs into the firebox while Marty monitoring the speed in the car. Neither notices Clara catch up and board the train.


Marty holds out his hoverboard for Doc to catch with his feet.

Doc carefully climbs across the outside of the train as it steadily builds up speed, but just before he begins the perilous transfer to the car, Clara blows the train's whistle. Doc is surprised, but delighted as Clara declares her love for him. As it's now too late to slow the train down in time before they hit the ravine, Doc encourages Clara to climb out to the DeLorean, so that they can take her back to the future too. Before Clara can reach them, however, the train releases an explosion as the final log ignites, causing Doc to lose his footing and Clara to hang precariously as the train sharply speeds up. Fortunately, Marty is able to slip Doc the hoverboard he took back with him from 2015. Doc uses this to rescue Clara just in time, but with no time to get them aboard, Marty is forced to go back to the future alone. As the DeLorean hits 88 m.p.h. and successfully disappears into the future, the train flies off of the bridge, crashing into the valley, and is destroyed in a spectacular explosion.

Back in 1985[]


Marty escapes from the DeLorean before its destruction.

Upon arriving back to October 27, 1985 at Eastwood Ravine (named after Marty's pseudonym), the DeLorean returns to the present. As the car rides along the rails, Marty gets several strange looks from onlookers but is too relieved to be back to worry. A few seconds after the DeLorean finally stops, Marty suddenly hears a loud horn and sees a massive freight train heading towards him. He barely has time to escape from the car before the train plows through and completely demolishes it. Marty notes that Doc's wishes have been fulfilled and the time machine has been destroyed, but is saddened as it means Doc is still trapped in 1885 and Marty will never see him again.

Marty then reunites with his girlfriend Jennifer and his family (as well as Biff) at home - in relief that everything had returned to the now-normal 1985 after the events of Back to the Future Part II. On their way to the wreckage in Marty's truck, Marty runs into Needles and his gang, who challenges him to a speed race at a traffic light. Jennifer tries to persuade Marty not to accept it, but when Needles calls Marty a "chicken", Marty shifts the truck into gear and looks like he is going to take the challenge. However, a few seconds later he escapes the challenge by shifting the truck into reverse gear, his experiences having made him realize he doesn't care what a jerk like Needles thinks of him; he then discovers, with horror, that if he had gone on with the race, he would have hit a Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud. Jennifer is reminded of how she had overheard in 2015 Marty's mother and daughter talking about how Marty was sued by the driver and, because he injured his hand in the accident, he gave up his dream of being a rock star. She looks at the fax she kept of Marty McFly's firing in 2015 as the words "YOU'RE FIRED!!!" fade away, causing her to exclaim "It erased!"


The new time machine, in the form of a steam locomotive.

Marty and Jennifer return to the DeLorean's wreckage site. Lamenting that he would never see Doc again, Marty is surprised as the railroad crossing lights activate without a train in sight. Just then, Marty and Jennifer are blown off their feet by the arrival of a new time machine, operated by none other than Doc himself. The new machine is fashioned in the form of a modified 1880s-era locomotive, which apparently runs on steam with the flux capacitor located on the front. Doc is now married to Clara, and they have two sons, Jules and Verne (named after Clara and Doc's favourite author, Jules Verne). He gives Marty a gift... the framed photo that the two took in front of the clock, with the inscription "To Marty, Partner in Time. September 5th, 1885" Jennifer asks about the fax, and Doc assures her that the future isn't set in stone but whatever they make of it... and tells them to make it a good one. Marty asks Doc if he's going back to the future, but Doc tells him that he's already been there. In proof of this statement, the train lifts off of the track and turns around in midair, much like the DeLorean did in Part I. With Marty and Jennifer waving goodbye to Doc and his family, the train accelerates toward the viewer and vanishes into another time, thus bringing the trilogy to an end.

Release and recognitions[]

The movie grossed US$23 million in its first weekend of US release and $87.6 million altogether in US box office receipts – $243 million worldwide.

In 2002, the movie won a Saturn Award for Best Music for Alan Silvestri and a Best Supporting Actor award for Thomas F. Wilson. In 2003, it received AOL Movies DVD Premiere Award for Best Special Edition of the Year, an award based on consumer online voting.

On December 17, 2002, Universal Studios released Back to the Future Part III in a boxed set with the first two films on DVD and VHS which did extremely well. In the DVD widescreen edition there was a minor framing flaw that Universal has since corrected, available in sets manufactured after February 21, 2003.

The three films were re-released in 2009 individually on Blu-ray and DVD.

Cast and crew[]



Thomas F. Wilson as Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen


Mary Steenburgen as Clara Clayton



Coming off major success in the 1980s, Universal entered the 1990s with a revision to their opening logo, starting in May of 1990 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Universal as a functioning studio, all the way to 1997 after MCA, Inc. was sold and rebranded as Universal Studios, Inc.

Back to the Future Part III working title Three

Back to the Future Part III clapperboard showing the working title Three.

According to the DVD audio commentary, Bob Gale had originally suggested that the studio should use the Universal logo from the 80s so that all three films would be consistent. But Universal executives wanted to use the 1990 logo, because they thought that Back to the Future Part III would be the studio's biggest film of 1990.


Back To The Future: Part III is the second movie in the trilogy to feature a major-label band on its soundtrack. Southern rockers ZZ Top contributed "Doubleback" from their 1990 album Recycler to the soundtrack, and the trio even have a cameo appearance during the town's festival scene as the band. (They are not credited as themselves in the movie, although their trademark appearance does not change for their roles.) The subsequent video for "Doubleback" also uses clips from the movie. This video is featured on the 2002 DVD release of the Back To The Future trilogy. This is also enhanced soundtrack for the movie.


  • Back to the Future Part III was possibly shot under the working title "Three". This was most likely done to try to lessen the amount of publicity.[1]
  • This was the only time in the franchise in which Doc and Marty switch catchphrases.
  • In the beginning of the movie, 1955 Doc Brown learns what happens to 1985 Doc Brown that causes 1985 Doc Brown to be sent to 1885. 1955 Doc Brown should then be able to retain this knowledge until 1985 to avoid the accident, just as he used knowledge of the future to wear a bulletproof vest during the first time travel experiment in the first installment of the series. However, it should be noted that when he first hears of his 1985 self being sent to 1885, he is initially receptive to the idea. Also, after someone has time traveled their memories would be the ones from the original timeline before they time traveled, even if they changed the timeline (Marty's memory doesn't change in the first movie), so Doc from 1985 wouldn't have the modified 1955 Doc's memory. Another way of looking at it is that the Doc that first creates the time machine does not know to wear a bullet proof vest until Marty goes back to tell his Doc's younger self. Also, the Doc that first creates the time machine has no knowledge of Marty from the past until Marty goes back and then returns. So, the Doc that is in the DeLorean that gets hit by lightning sending it back to 1885 doesn't know to watch out for the lightning because Marty hasn't told his older self yet. 1955 Doc is well aware of paradoxes and even later admits that "It sounds like a wonderful way to spend my retirement years" implying that he would let it happen anyway. Also knowing that Marty went back to save him adds to this theory.
  • In 1955, while fixing the time circuits, Doc sneers and remarks, "No wonder this circuit failed; it says 'Made in Japan'." Marty replies, "What do you mean, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan." His remark is based on the reputation of Japanese products that, until the "Golden '60s economic miracle", the products were often cheap and poorly made. By the 1970s (and even today), Japan has become one of the world leaders in technology.
  • Doc tells Marty that his family, the Von Brauns, arrived in the United States in 1908, but changed their name to Brown as a result of World War I. Wernher Von Braun was a German scientist who is responsible for the design for the infamous V2 Rocket of the second World War, as well as assisting the Americans in their race to space in the 1950s.
  • At the Pohatchee Drive-In Theater, Doc asks Marty who Clint Eastwood is. Marty looks at the poster next to him and says, "That's right; you haven't heard of him yet." The poster is for Revenge of the Creature and Tarantula, which were two of Clint Eastwood's first movies. Eastwood was not offended at having his name used in this film, and was reportedly rather amused at the notion.
  • Despite the thriving business of drive-in theaters in the 50's (with over 4,000 in operation by 1958) and the use of real drive-ins in other movies (such as Grease and Ski Party), the Pohatchee Drive-In featured in Part III was only propped specifically for the movie. Built in the open plains of Monument Valley, Utah, it was immediately torn down after completion of the film.
  • When Marty arrives in 1885 and rips the fuel line of the DeLorean, causing all of the fuel to leak out, fans often criticize the film for failing to have Marty siphon gas out of the other version of the car - the one that is still buried in the mine and which Marty will one day unearth (and from his point of view, already has) in 1955. However, it is unlikely that this car has any gas in it; when storing a car for long periods of time, one drains out all the fluids (including gasoline), and Doc would surely have done this before burying the car in the mine (this is borne out by a line of dialogue from 1955 Doc, after the DeLorean is unearthed from the mine. He says "I put gas in the tank" - thus, there must not have been any gas in the car when it was buried in the mine). Also, Marty would not want to risk damaging the other DeLorean because it would leave him with no car to use in 1955, creating a paradox.
  • While shooting the stunt where Marty is being hanged by Tannen and his gang, Fox offered to try the stunt without using a box to stand on. He then miscalculated where his hand would slip between the rope and his neck, actually hanging himself, causing him to pass out.
  • Gasoline, while not commonly available at gas stations in 1885, would still have been relatively easy to come by, as it was collected and burnt as a nearly useless waste byproduct of petroleum processing to obtain lamp oil and kerosene, which were more valuable. However, with the time restraint placed by Doc's impending death, it may have been impossible to travel to an oil processing plant and return in time, and Doc and Marty tried alternatives to gasoline which destroyed the engine.
  • Doc says during the movie that Marty and he could use the DeLorean on ice to make it past 88 mph, but ice wouldn't appear until winter. However, after Buford Tannen is put in jail, they could have waited as long as they want, but the argument of the movie was that the train was the last and only hope.
  • A scene with Buford Tannen killing Marshall Strickland was filmed but not included in the movie, though it was retained in the novelization (and later as a bonus scene in the 2002 DVD release). Therefore, there was no explanation in the actual film why it was not Marshall Strickland who arrested Tannen at the end of the film. Because of the loss of this scene, this is probably why Tannen is charged with robbing the Pine City stage on-screen (the line being simply redubbed in post-production), rather than with the murder of Marshall Strickland as in the book.
  • We are told in the middle of the film that, because Doc and Marty saved Clara from falling in the ravine, the ravine won't be named after her in 1985, thus changing the future. At the end of the film where Marty goes back to 1985 on the railway on the DeLorean, as he passes the railway crossings, the path is named "Eastwood Ravine", named after Marty's 1885 alias, Clint Eastwood.
  • When Doc and Marty discover Doc's 1885 gravestone in 1955, it reads "Erected in Eternal Memory by his Beloved Clara". This initially appears to be a continuity error by the producers (because Doc saves Clara from falling into the ravine), but because Marty had not gone to 1885 initially, Doc was around to pick up Clara from the train station, and she never fell in this first altered timeline. In the second altered timeline, Marty's knowledge of the tombstone made Doc decide not to pick up Clara at the train station (believing that it would prevent a love infatuation) and instead he focused on fixing the DeLorean. Since Doc didn't pick her up, Clara's events started to resume similar to the original timeline up until Doc saved her.
  • The clothes that Doc wears in the final scene in the movie were modeled after Professor Marvel/the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz.
  • Before Marty takes the repaired DeLorean back to 1885, if one looks closely, you can see the "Last time departed" reads sometime in October. This makes little sense given the context of Part 2. The last time departed should read November 12, 1955, since the DeLorean went from there to January 1, 1885, before being buried for 70 years in the Delgado Mine.  One explanation might be that the lightning strike further messed up the electronics for the time display, which had been malfunctioning before the lightning hit.
  • Unlike parts I and II where the composition for "The Clocktower" and "Burn the Book" is played near the end of the movie, the composition here is played early in the beginning, when Marty is ready to go back to 1885.
  • Speaking of which, Lea Thompson's character is not in silhouette when she comforts Marty after passing out, unlike the first two movies. This was done possibly because everyone would have seen it coming.
  • The train station and setting of 1885 Hill Valley by the railway/railroad tracks of Jamestown, are now non existant due to a wildfire that destroyed the setting shortly after Back To The Future Part 3 was filmed.
  • The film series apparently takes place in the same universe as the 2014 film 'A Million Ways to Die in The West', when a scene showed Doc Brown trying to hide the DeLorean from the main character, Albert Stark (the 2014 comedy, however, was set in 1882 and Christopher Lloyd's cameo appearance was one of the many jokes within the film).

Video and computer games[]

LJN released an NES game called Back to the Future II & III, a sequel to their game based on the first movie. An arcade Back to the Future Part III game was also released that would eventually be ported to several home video game systems, including the Sega Genesis.


By type
Characters Creatures Events Locations
Organizations and titles Vehicles Weapons and technology Miscellanea





Organizations and titles


Weapons and technology


See also[]

FutureQuote has a collection of quotes related to Back to the Future Part III.



  1. Back to the Future: The Complete Trilogy featurettes

External links[]

These links were last verified September 16, 2008

v - e - d
Films: Back to the FutureBack to the Future Part IIBack to the Future Part IIIBack in Time

Music: Back to the FutureBack to the Future Part IIIThe Back to the Future Trilogy (soundtrack)
Video games: Back to the Future (1985 computer game)Back to the Future (video game)Back to the Future Part IIBack to the Future Part IIIBack to the Future Part II & IIIUniversal Studios Theme Park AdventureBack to the Future: The GameLEGO Dimensions
Other media: Back to the Future: The RideBack to the Future: The Animated SeriesBack to the Future (musical)Back to the Future: The Pinball

Marty McFlyEmmett BrownBiff Tannen
DeLorean time machineHill ValleyHoverboardNike MAG