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Threat Index: Class 2e - Environmental
»⠀Non-Entity Hazards

User:Thr Sntchr/level715.css


Level 11.11 is a sub-level in-between Level 11 and Level 12, possibly sheltering resemblances from The Poolrooms.

Lost Within Flooding

Lost Within Flooding

An image of an underpass in Level 11.11, taken on an exploration.

Lost Within Flooding


As a resemblance to its parent level, a vast modern city, commonly known as Delmopan—covering a massive area of 518.5 km², is the common setting of Level 11.11. The level is characterized by its derelict, dilapidated buildings and overgrowth of plants. One of the Level's unique features implies that the deepest parts of the city are consistently submerged as a consequence of the regular event known as "The Flood." The city comprises various districts, including a business, two residential, an industrial, and several smaller neighborhood districts. In addition to Delmopan, there are also further suburban areas and major cities that live at this level. Despite the signs of plant overgrowth, the city is conversely modern, with all the amenities and facilities that one would expect from a large metropolis, albeit most of them have since stopped working.

One of the major challenges faced by those traversing Level 11.11 is the deteriorating and collapsing prevalent structures throughout the area. Due to design flaws and the absence of human contact, a significant portion of the Level's buildings are in a state of disrepair. The unsafe architecture and fragile building materials used in constructing each structure create a highly hazardous environment for navigation within the Level. Moreover, to the structural hazards, there is also a special type of thorny vine that adds to the already difficult navigation and travel. The vines are perceived to impetus injuries to those in a hurry to find a hiding spot at the beginning of "The Flood."

Exiting Delmopan—the main city of Level 11.11, will lead one to a hot, tropical beach surrounding the whole metropolis, indicating, therefore, that the city is situated on an island. The beach itself is waterlogged, and the sand appears to be wet and heavy. The beach is dotted with many umbrellas with holes and cracked chairs, and there are plenty of buckets and shovels available for use, although a handful of the sandcastles that were formerly built on the beach are now in ruins. Despite this, the beach still brings a tranquil atmosphere, with waves softly hitting the shore. Supplies and resources, including Almond Water, might be found scattered throughout the Level, which can be useful for sustaining life in this environment. The beach, however, doesn't contain Almond Water as its primary liquid.

Level 11.11 is known for its consistent cloudy or rainy weather. The liquid of the rain can manifest in various ways that include, albeit not limited to tap water, wastewater, groundwater, lake water, deionized distilled water, and even a liquefied form of Chromium. There have been suspects and accounts of Chromium turning into hail during certain weather conditions, usually inducing severe damage to Delmopan. Due to the presence of bacteria and parasites in the liquids, it's advisable to avoid flooded and deeper regions.

Weather Update!
Threat Index: Class 5e - Environmental
»⠀Numerous Non-Entity Hazards

Our radars have detected something terrible coming this way, anyone who's [sic] in this level; SEEK SHELTER!

The Flood


I did this...


The most dangerous hazard in Level 11.11 is known as "The Flood," occurring once a week, consistently. This event is characterized by powerful perilous wind. The speed can reach up to 1,000 mph (1,615 km/h), accompanied by an exceptionally high storm surge reaching up to 170 feet (50 m). Consequently, the city is often left devastated and wrecked in the aftermath of such occurrences.

Initially, the sky begins to rumble frequently. After approximately 20 minutes, the intense rainfall transforms into a severe thunderstorm, often accompanied by multiple small tornadoes forming within the city. As the event progresses, the wind speed rapidly increases from the average storm wind speed to inhumane speeds of up to 1,000 mph (1,615 km/h). These powerful winds can even blow away chunks of buildings and spread sand spanning the Level. It's worth noting that all damage caused by the event gets rapidly repaired before the next sunrise.

During "The Flood", panicking isn't an option. The thorny bushes that spread across the Level can cause severe incisions, making it crucial to stay safe. The only option is to seek shelter in waterproof bunkers, as buildings can collapse, flying debris can injure passersby, and the wind can even blow folks away. Additionally, the flood itself is composed of a moderately corrosive liquid that spreads throughout the level, causing further danger to those not in a safe shelter.


Object 44-A[]

The water surrounding Level 11.11 has been confirmed to be a variant of Cashew Water—regardless of its safety and is known widely as "Cashmond Water." Major differences include the absence of all forms of health problems when consumed, and skin contact no longer results in the searing extreme feeling, now instead replaced with an itchy feeling apt rehabilitation by using Almond Water.


There are currently no known entities living here stemming from the nature of the level.

Colonies and Outposts[]

D.E.E.P. Cash-Dew[]

The D.E.E.P. Cash-Dew is a small, strategically placed facility operated by the Department of Exploration and Environmental Preservation (D.E.E.P.). This outpost serves as both a resource hub, a waypoint for wanderers navigating and a production center for D.E.E.P. Cashew Waters.

Despite Level 11.11's ability to sustain communities, no other establishments have yet been either attempted or made heretofore.

Entrances and Exits[]


There are only one known entrance to Level 11.11.

  • Noclipping through a vine in Level 11 will lead here.


There is only one known exit from Level 11.11.

  • Surviving "The flood" will lead one back to Level 11.

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Concept and Main Author: Snatcher
Additional Ideas and Co-Author: GeometryDasherWiki (now known as PlutoniumonInternet)
Inspiration from "A dream of Snatcher."
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