This category is for all articles relating to the Earth Kingdom.
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All items (364)
- Ba Sing Se
- Ba Sing Se airship
- Ba Sing Se University
- Ba Sing Se Zoo
- Bacui berry
- Badgermole
- Banyan-grove tree
- Beetle-headed merchants
- Beifong family
- Beifong Metalbending Academy
- Biplane
- Bison rustlers
- Bison whistle
- Blasting jelly
- Blue jay
- Boar
- Boar-q-pine
- Brainwashing
- Buzzard wasp
- Earth Empire factory
- Earth Empire reeducation camps
- Earth Empire tank
- Earth Kingdom collaborators
- Earth Kingdom ferry
- Earth Kingdom Royal Library
- Earth Kingdom Royal Palace
- Earth Kingdom supply truck
- Earth Monarch
- Earth Queen's Temple
- Earth Rumble
- Earthbender rebellions
- Earthbending ball
- Earthbending training
- Earthbending-powered tank
- Earthen Fire Refinery
- East and West Lakes
- Eastern Sea
- Eclipse glasses
- Eel hound
- Egg custard tart
- Elbow leech
- Elephant koi
- Elephant mandrill
- Elephant rat
- Fall of Zaofu
- Fancy Lady Day Spa
- Farming village
- Farming village hospital
- Fire ferret
- Fire Nation barricade
- Fire Nation circus
- Fire Nation colonial village
- Fire Nation colonies
- Firefly
- Firelight Fountain
- Firework
- First Airbending Regiment
- Five-Seven-Five Society
- Flower shop
- Flying boar
- Flying dolphin fish
- Flying fishopotamus
- Flying Wolfbat
- Foggy Swamp
- Foggy Swamp Tribe
- Formation of the Earth Empire
- Fox antelope
- Freedom Fighters
- Frog squirrel
- Full Moon Bay
- Gaipan
- Gan Jin
- Gan Jin-Zhang conflict
- Gaoling
- Gaoling Crisis
- Gemsbok bull
- General Fong's fortress
- Giant fly
- Giant rhinoceros beetle
- Gilacorn
- Glider
- Goat dog
- Goat gorilla
- Gombo's barbarians
- Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se
- Grandma Lokai's Earth Orphanage
- Great Divide