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Missile Sword (ToD PSX)

Missile Sword as it appears in Tales of Destiny (PSX).

Demon Fang (魔神剣 Majinken?, "Demon God Sword"), also localized as Missile Sword, Missile Blow and Sonic Blade, alternatively Demon Fist (魔神拳 Majinken?, "Demon God Fist") and Demon Dog (魔神犬 Majinken?, "Demon God Dog"), is a classic arte of the Tales series. This basic technique is usually one of the first artes that a character learns or starts with, and most main protagonist characters throughout the Tales series have the capability to use this arte.

Arte Description and History[]

Sonic Blade (ToE)

Sonic Blade as it appears in Tales of Eternia.

When the Demon Fang arte is used, the character launches a ground projectile towards a target. This arte is useful for melee characters who need to stay away from enemies temporarily and damage them from a distance, while waiting for healing or support from an ally. However, this arte can travel only along the ground, with the exception of the games that use any form of the Aerial Linear Motion Battle System, causing it to miss any flying or jumping targets. In Tales of Symphonia, all forms of Demon Fang have the added effect to bring up enemies that have been knocked down, as well as being able to instantly guard break enemies if used from the side or behind an enemy. Despite its name, the wave launched is normally of non-elemental damage as opposed to being darkness as implied. Also, despite being ground-based, there do exist versions that can be used in midair, where the wave travels straightforward.

Demon Fang has three main variants, corresponding with the kanji for "sword" ( ken?) for characters who use their weapon to create the projectile, "fist" ( ken?) for characters who use their fist to create the same projectile force, and "dog" ( ken?) for the canine user Repede in Tales of Vesperia. All forms of this arte are pronounced as "Majinken" in Japanese. The current official English naming convention follows the same pattern with "Demon Fang", "Demon Fist", and "Demon Dog".

Demon Fang (TotA)

Demon Fang as it appears in Tales of the Abyss.

The Demon Fang arte first appeared in Tales of Phantasia, as the first arte Cress Albane learns. In the Tales of Fandom Gaiden bonus DVD, Cress says that Demon Fang is a "basic technique of Albane style fencing".[1] This becomes a point of contention for Kyle Dunamis, as the only character in the Gaiden who lacks the ability to use Demon Fang, when it is suggested that one can be a "true hero" only if they can use Demon Fang. In the original Tales of Destiny, localized as Missile Sword, Leon Magnus's Majinken is similar to what Stahn Aileron and he himself can use while in the party, despite being localized as Missile Blow when he uses it as an opponent. During later battles against him, however, Leon's Missile Blow releases two waves of energy, which is eventually developed in future games as another arte called Double Demon Fang.

In Tales of Rebirth, Majinken is not a normally learned arte. To use this arte, Veigue Lungberg requires the Majin no Tamashii accessory to be equipped in order to convert his Zehhyoujin arte to Majinken. This requirement is referenced in the sidequest to obtain this arte for Veigue in Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2, where Celsius takes Veigue to the end of the Prison Gate Cave in order for him to learn this arte and successfully perform it.

Demon Fist (TotA)

Demon Fist as it appears in Tales of the Abyss.

In Tales of the Tempest and the remake versions of Tales of Destiny, the arte can be used twice immediately to extend it into Double Demon Fang.

In Tales of the Abyss, Guy Cecil's Demon Fang can be used within a complete Fire or Light FOF to transform into Infernal Torrent. Luke fon Fabre and Asch cannot do the same with their shared Demon Fist, which Luke learns through a sidequest involving finding and buying books of his style, the Albert-style.

Demon Fang (ToI)

Majinken used by Spada Belforma in Tales of Innocence.

In Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Emil Castagnier performs a full clockwise spin before stepping forward with his right leg, and swinging his weapon up-rightward. He can equip the support skill Tenebrae to turn his Demon Fang from a non-elemental projectile into a Dark-elemental melee slash. In the original Tales of Hearts, in addition to being available to Kunzite as a normally learned arte, Stahn Aileron can be summoned during battle through the Connect Command panel, to perform his own version of the arte, before chaining in Rekkuuzan as he vanishes. In Tales of Hearts R, this arte is used both by Kunzite and Kor Meteor who learns the arte in a event after returning home.

In Tales of Graces ƒ, Asbel Lhant has both Demon Fang and Demon Fist in his artes list. However, his version of Demon Fist is different in that he punches the ground where he stands and emits a shockwave around him in a small circle. He can only use Demon Fist when his sword is sheathed after any CC2 Assault Arte by continuously holding the Assault Artes button and Demon Fang when his sword is unsheathed. Additionally, if he executes Demon Fang twice, he will perform an extended animation, where he will conjure a second projectile from his left side. In Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X, Mel's variant of Demon Fist is a Dark-elemental aerial projectile instead of on the ground.

In Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2, Jude Mathis can, with the appropriate skills and conditions, either extend Demon Fist into Double Demon Fist or alter it into Wind Blade. Alvin's variant of Demon Fang can alter into Fierce Demon Fang when he has a charge. Gaius's variant of Demon Fang, however, is colored red, and much stronger than anyone else's, covering a larger area and leaving a longer trail in the ground. Despite not having Double Demon Fang himself, Gaius receives an extended animation, similar to Asbel's, where he conjures a second projectile from his left side. This can be achieved in Tales of Xillia 2, when the Second Artes skill is equipped and the Artes button is held down.

In Tales of Zestiria, Demon Fang is a hidden arte. The Super Star Trio in Tales of Zestiria draws its moveset from Jude, and Demon Fist is one of the artes all members share, as a hidden arte.

In Tales of Crestoria, Kanata Hjuger uses Demon Fang, similarly to his teacher, Cress. After acquiring his Blood Sin, this arte is replaced with Rending Bite and Feint-form Strike, making it a rare instance of a character permanently losing access to an arte. In Tales of the Rays, he can use it again with his Blood Sin in battle.

In the files of Tales of Berseria, there is a Japanese voice clip, and an unpolished animation of Velvet Crowe using this arte, at least before the Advent. However, she does not have access to this arte in the final version of the game.

Majinken (ToBreaker)

Majinken used by Mika in Tales of Breaker.

Appearances (Demon Fang)[]

Demon Fang (ToV)

Demon Fang as it appears in Tales of Vesperia.

Original Titles

Majinken (ToC)

Majinken as it appears in Tales of Commons.

Demon Fang (ToG)

Demon Fang as it appears in Tales of Graces ƒ.

Crossover Titles

Majinken (ToW)

Majinken as it appears in Tales of Wahrheit.

Other Titles




Appearances (Demon Fist)[]

Demon Fist (ToG)

Demon Fist as it appears in Tales of Graces ƒ.

Original Titles

Demon Fist (ToX)

Demon Fist as it appears in Tales of Xillia.

Crossover Titles



Appearances (Demon Dog)[]

Demon Dog (ToV)

Demon Dog as it appears in Tales of Vesperia.

Original Titles

Crossover Titles

Fan-Translated Names[]

Demon Fang[]

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Demon Fang (ToCrestoria) Kanata

Demon Fang used by Kanata Hjuger in Tales of Crestoria.

Tales of Phantasia (SFC)[]

Japanese Description: 剣圧を飛ばして敵を攻撃する

Tales of Destiny (PSX)[]

Japanese Description: 剣圧の飛び道具。剣の間合いの外から攻撃できる
Localized Description: "A projectile created by air pressure from a sword swing."

Tales of Phantasia (PSX)[]

Japanese Description: 剣圧を飛ばして遠距離の敵を攻撃する技
Romanized Description: Ken'atsu wo tobashite enkyori no teki wo kougeki suru waza
Translated Description (DeJap Translations): "Fires a bolt of energy along the ground at the enemy."[5]

Tales of Eternia[]

Japanese Description: 斬りの剣圧による、地を這う真空波。剣の間合いの外から攻撃できる特技
Localized Description: "Attack the enemy with sonic ripples. An effective skill for mid-range attack."

Tales of Phantasia (GBA)[]

Japanese Description: 剣圧を飛ばして敵を攻撃する技
Romanized Description: Ken'atsu wo tobashite teki wo kougeki suru
Localized Description: "Attack enemy by firing sword force."[6]

Tales of Symphonia[]

Japanese Description: 斬撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技
Localized Description: "Lv. 1 Sp. Attack: attack with a powerful shockwave (attack is linkable)."

Tales of Rebirth[]

Japanese Description: 斬撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技。

Japanese Quote: 好きにはさせん!
Translated Quote: "I won't let you do as you please!"[7]

Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3[]

Japanese Description: 地を這う衝撃波を放つ
Translated Description: "Fired a ground crawling shock wave."
Translated Description (Kajitani-Eizan): "Fires a shock wave."

Tales of Breaker[]

Japanese Description: 剣圧を飛ばして敵を攻撃する

Tales of Legendia[]

Demon Fang[]

Japanese Description: 地を這う衝撃波を放つ特技。
Localized Description: "Base: Unleash a powerful shockwave along the ground."

Demon Fist[]

Japanese Description: 地を這う衝撃波を放つ特技。
Localized Description: "Base: Unleash a powerful shockwave across the ground."

Tales of Commons[]

Japanese Description: 剣圧を飛ばして敵を攻撃する

Tales of the Abyss[]

Demon Fang[]

Japanese Description: 斬撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技。
Localized Description: "Base: Unleash a powerful shockwave along the ground."

Demon Fist[]

Japanese Description: 拳撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技。

Tales of Wahrheit[]

Japanese Description: 刻問を飛ばして、敵を攻撃する

Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut[]

User: Stahn Aileron
Japanese Description: 剣圧による斬撃の飛び道具を繰り出す剣技。様々な行動との連携が可能。
Translated Description (Life Bottle Productions): "Release a cutting shockwave along the ground. Can be linked to various actions."

Alternate Japanese Quote: そこだ!
Alternate Romanized Quote: Sokoda!
Alternate Translated Quote: "There!"

User: Leon Magnus
Japanese Description: 剣圧による斬撃の飛び道具を繰り出す剣技。離れた間合いから攻撃できる。
Translated Description (Life Bottle Productions): "Release a cutting shockwave along the ground. Can attack from a distance."

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology[]

Demon Fang[]

'Localized Description: "Base: Release a cutting shockwave along the ground."

User: Kratos Aurion
Japanese Quote: 散れ!
Localized Quote: "Begone!"

Demon Fist[]

Localized Description: "Base: Release a crushing shockwave along the ground."

User: Senel Coolidge
Japanese Quote: 食らえ!
Localized Quote: "Take this!"

Tales of Innocence[]

Japanese Description: 斬撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World[]

Japanese Description: 斬撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技。特技は通常攻撃から連携が可能
Localized Description: "Base: Release a cutting shockwave along the ground. Base arte can be connected from a regular attack."

Tales of Vesperia[]

Demon Fang[]

Japanese Description: 斬撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技。
Localized Description: "Base Arte: Release a cutting shockwave along the ground."

Demon Dog[]

Japanese Description: 小太刀を引き抜く瞬間に 地を這う衝撃波を発生させる特技
Localized Description: "Base Arte: Send a sonic wave with your blade."

Tales of Hearts[]

User: Kunzite
Japanese Description: 己の一振りで衝撃波を飛ばす遠距離技。

Alternate Japanese Quote: 遅いッ!

User: Stahn Aileron
Japanese Description: テイルズ オブ デスティニーから参戦!スタンが魔神剣で援護!

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2[]

Demon Fang[]

Japanese Description: 斬撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技

Demon Fist[]

Japanese Description: 拳撃を飛ばして敵を攻撃する特技

Tales of VS[]

Demon Fang[]

User: Leon Magnus
Japanese Quote: 食らえ!

User: Kratos Aurion
Japanese Quote: 受けろ!

User: Caius Qualls
Japanese Quote: 当たれ!

Demon Fist[]

User: Senel Coolidge
Japanese Quote: いけ!

Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X[]

Demon Fang[]

Japanese Description: 剣を一気に振りぬくことで直線上に剣圧を飛ばす剣技

Tales of Graces[]

Demon Fang[]

Japanese Description: 剣圧による衝撃波を放ち 離れた敵にもダメージを与える。
Localized Description: "A wave of crushing force released from Asbel's blade that can damage even distant foes."

Alternate Japanese Quote: そこかっ!
Alternate Localized Quote: "Gotcha!"

Demon Fist[]

Japanese Description (PS3): CC2のA技中にO押し続けで発動。拳を強く叩きつけ、周囲に衝撃波を放つ。
Localized Description: "A force-emitting fist strike that can be triggered by holding X during a 2-CC A-Arte."

Japanese Quote: 撃ち抜く!

Alternate Japanese Quote: そこかっ!
Alternate Localized Quote: "Gotcha!"

Tales of Xillia[]

Demon Fang[]

User: Alvin
Japanese Description: 地を這う斬撃をとばして攻撃する。チャージ時は敵を叩きつける剛・魔神剣に変化
Localized Description: "A pulsating shock wave that rushes across the field. When charged, becomes the enemy-pounding Fierce Demon Fang arte."

Alternate Japanese Quote: くらいな!

User: Wingul
Japanese Quote: ビイスティンディ!
Translated Quote: "Booster!"

Unused Localized Quote: "Demon Fist!"

Demon Fist[]

Japanese Description: 地を這う衝撃波を飛ばして攻撃する武身技。離れた敵を攻撃できる。敵の近くで出すと2ヒットする。
Localized Description: "A shock wave that rushes forward to hit distant foes once or hit nearby foes twice."

Alternate Japanese Quote: 当たれ!
Alternate Localized Quote: "Hit!"

Tales of Innocence R[]

Japanese Description: 武器を瞬時に振り抜くことで 地を這う衝撃波を放ち敵を攻撃する特技

Tales of Hearts R[]

Alternate Japanese Quote: そこだッ!

User: Kor Meteor
Japanese Description: 剣から���を這う衝撃波を飛ばす技

User: Kunzite
Japanese Description: 己の一振りで衝撃波を飛ばす遠距離技
Localized Description: "Sends a shockwave racing across the battlefield with the flick of a tentacle."

Tales of Xillia 2[]

Demon Fang[]

User: Ludger Will Kresnik
Japanese Description: 地を這う衝撃波を飛ばして攻撃する武身技。離れた敵を攻撃できる。剣も当てると2ヒット。
Localized Description: "Send shockwaves to attack at a distance. The sword slash can also count as a hit."

User: Gaius
Japanese Description: 地を這う衝撃波を飛ばして攻撃する武身技。離れた敵を攻撃できる。剣も当てると2ヒット。
Localized Description: "Gaius lets loose sword blasts at his foe. The sword slash can also hit, for greater damage!"

Demon Fist[]

Japanese Description: 地を這う斬撃をとばして攻撃する。チャージ時は敵を叩きつける剛・魔神剣に変化
Localized Description: "A shock wave that rushes forward to hit distant foes once or hit nearby foes twice."

Tales of Zestiria[]

User: Alisha Diphda
Japanese Description: 剣圧による飛び道具を放つ。本来剣での技だが 才能があれば槍で繰り出すことも可能。
Localized Description: "Fires off a projectile with the force of the lance's blade. Though traditionally a sword arte, a lance-wielder with enough talent can invoke it as well."

Alternate Japanese Quote: 魔神の剣閃!
Alternate Romanized Quote: Majin no Kensen!
Alternate Localized Quote: "Fangs surround you!"

User: Sergei
Japanese Quote: そこだぁ!
Localized Quote: "I have you!"

Tales of the Rays[]

Demon Fang[]

Japanese Description: 剣圧による飛び道具を放つ
Localized Description: "A projectile attack unleashed by the force of a sword."

Demon Fist[]

Japanese Description: 拳圧による飛び道具を放つ
Localized Description: "A projectile attack unleashed by the force of a fist."

Demon Dog[]

Japanese Description: 犬圧による飛び道具を放つ
Localized Description: "A projectile attack unleashed by the force of a canine."

Tales of Arise[]

Japanese Description: 地を這う衝撃波を放つ特技
Localized Description: "Fires a shockwave that runs along the ground."

Last Cloudia[]

Localized Description: "Frontal, long-range Fire combo attack."

Notes and References[]

  1. Tales of Fandom Gaiden - Part 1 - Subbed YouTube (2006) Retrieved on 2008-03-03.
  2. YouTube subtitles (Episode 1)
  3. 3.0 3.1 YouTube subtitles
  4. Crunchyroll subtitles
  5. Tales of Phantasia (SNES) FAQ/Walkthrough Part 2/2 by JPuga GameFAQs (2001-07-15) Retrieved on 2009-07-01.
  6. Tales of Phantasia (GBA) FAQ/Walkthrough by sonicfreak77 GameFAQs (2007) Retrieved on 2008-03-07.
  7. Tales of Rebirth Skills and Ougi Exhibition: Veigue by lanyn YouTube (02-24-2008) Retrieved on 2009-12-12.
