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The Fon Slot Chamber (フォンスロットチャンバー Fonsurottochanbaa?), shortened to FSC, is a system of arte enhancement in Tales of the Abyss.


Fon Slot Chambers can be attached to artes to enhance their effects. Each arte can only be equipped with one Fon Slot Chamber at a time. The chance of the FSC effect occurring increases every 20 uses of the arte with the chamber equipped, to a guaranteed effect after 100 uses. There are four types of chambers, each with its own broad category of effect:

  • Carmine (カーマイン?) increases the potency of artes, such as the damage dealt, HP healed, or the amount by which stats are increased.
  • Cobalt (コバルト?) increases the effect of artes, such as the ability of the arte to blow away or lift enemies, or the duration of effects. For many offensive spells, it reduces the time the caster is immobile.
  • Grass (グラス?) has supportive effects, such as decreasing the TP cost of artes. It can also add additional effects to the artes, such as curing Poison for First Aid, enabling the ability to steal items, or healing the user.
  • Sunlight (サンライト?) allows the arte to use even incomplete FOF Circles to perform an FOF Change. This effect only applies to the primary arte's element, e.g. Fire, Wind, Water, or Earth; Light and Dark FOF Circles are still required to be fully completed to be used.
