We prove it by strong induction on .
The case follows from Lemma 4.1. Suppose the claim holds for all trees with at most internal nodes and let have internal nodes.
Let , where and are trees with fewer than internal nodes (see Lemma 2.1).
Let and with and .
For simplicity of notation, let for . Hence, by Theorem 3.3.
The facets of are isomorphic to facets of the form and by Lemma 2.4.
By Lemma 2.3 and the induction hypothesis, the facets of for are
for with ,
for and in the neighborhood of in , and
We focus on the facets of the form . By symmetry, the same reasoning holds for the facets .
Case 1: Consider sets of the form for . First, let . Then,
which is isomorphic to . Note that
Since and are skew linear spaces, we have the free join .
By induction hypothesis, is a facet of () if and only if , for . Hence,
with equality if and only if . So is a facet of if and only if .
Next, let such that . Assume that , so . We have
which is isomorphic to . Fix two leaves such that , that is, . Note that . Hence, we have the free join . We show that . Indeed, consider any two leaves such that . Without loss of generality, suppose that , , and (permute the roles of and if needed).
Since , there exists a leaf such that . We need to consider two cases. If , then and . If , then there exists a leaf such that , so
We have seen that every vertex of lies in , so . Therefore, , so is a facet of .
Case 2: Consider sets of the form where and . We have
which is isomorphic to if , and to if .
Suppose that , the same reasoning applies to the other case. Fix two leaves such that , so there exist such that .
Note that .
Hence, we have the free join . We show that . Indeed, consider any two leaves such that . Pick a leaf such that , so . For the same leaf , we also have , so
This implies that . Therefore, , so is a facet of .
Case 3: Consider sets of the form . We have that
is included in , so it is not a new facet of .