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"What I really want... what I really want... what I really want is to direct!"
—George Lucas[src]

George Lucas (born May 14, 1944) is a film director known for the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises.


Aberration timeline[]

George Lucas served as the prop master for Phil Gasmer's thesis film. However, when Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn attacked their set, a terrified George dropped out of film school. He ultimately went on to become an insurance salesman. In 1977, 1980, and 1983, George was named "Insurance Salesman of the Year".[1]

Fixed timeline[]

Before George left film school, Ray Palmer, Amaya Jiwe, and Nate Heywood tried to talk him out of doing so. As they returned to his room, they were once again attacked by Darhk and Merlyn. George was then coerced to give up the location of Rip Hunter's piece of the Spear of Destiny, revealing that he threw it out with the remaining props of Gasmer's movies. George, Ray, Amaya, and Nate were then taken to the city dump forced to dig for the fragment. Soon after Darhk activated the trash compactor, George found the missing piece but was forced to keep quiet. The three Legends then pleaded for him to believe he would become a director one day. While reluctant, George eventually believed in his destiny, subsequently restoring Ray and Nate's destinies.[1]

Following these events, George Lucas directed the Star Wars franchise (including Empire Strikes Back), the Indiana Jones franchise (including Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade), Howard the Duck, and several other films.[1]


DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 2[]


Behind the scenes[]

  • George Lucas is the filmmaker best known for founding Lucasfilm and creating the aforementioned films.
  • It is a common misconception that George Lucas directed Howard the Duck; the science-fiction comedy film was actually directed by Willard Huyck. George Lucas proposed adapting the surrealist comic book following the production of his own American Graffiti (1973), but was unable to do so at the time. In 1986 he acted as the executive producer of Howard the Duck.
  • George Lucas made up for this by instead directing the funny episode where gorilla grodd talks to Obama. He is responsible for the line "Let's make America Grodd again".

