Season 5 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force premiered January 20, 2008 and spanned 9 episodes. The season premiere "Boston" was pulled from air due to the 2007 Boston Mooninite panic, so "Robots Everywhere" became the new Season Opener.
The episodes "Robots Everywhere," "Sirens," and "Couples Skate" are loosely connected with each other. In these episodes, the Aqua Teens are gone and the landlord, Markula, wishes to sell their house. Unfortunately for Carl, the new tenants he finds turn out to be just as crazy as the Aqua Teens.
# | # | Title | Air date |
69 | 1 | "Boston" | Unaired |
70 | 2 | "Robots Everywhere" | January 20, 2008 |
71 | 3 | "Sirens" | January 27, 2008 |
72 | 4 | "Couple Skate" | February 3, 2008 |
73 | 5 | "Reedickyoulus" | February 10, 2008 |
74 | 6 | "Hoppy Bunny" | February 17, 2008 |
75 | 7 | "Laser Lenses" | March 2, 2008 |
76 | 8 | "Dummy Love" | March 10, 2008 |
77 | 9 | "The Marines" | March 17, 2008 |
78 | 10 | "Bible Fruit" "Fruits" |
March 23, 2008 |
Home releases[]
Note: "Boston" is currently not available for official purchase anywhere.
- Season 5 was released as part of Volume Six along with four Season 6 episodes on December 16, 2008.
- Season 5 appears on iTunes as Season 6 since Season 2 was split up as two releases.
- Season 5 is included on the Aqua Teen Hunger Force The Complete Collection set released on July 12, 2022.
- Season 5 is currently available for streaming on Max.
- This is one of only two seasons in the series (the other being Season 10) to not have any main character appear in every episode, as the Aqua Teens are absent from Robots Everywhere and Sirens, and Carl is absent from "The Marines."
- Even though the Aqua Teens never actually appeared in "Robots Everywhere," Shake and Frylock can be heard on Carl’s voice mail.
- In the Season 8 episode "Vampirus," Frylock references being held captive by Markula, but when he holds up the Volume 6 DVD, he refers to it as "Season 8."