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Astaroth FB





The King of Rot (腐の王 Kusa no Ō)




Male Male




175 cm (5'9") (Minor Form)


63 kg (139 lbs.) (Minor Form)


15 October

Hair Color

Pale Purple

Eye Color


Blood Type


Professional Status


Exorcist Information

Demon King

Personal Status



Satan (Father)
Amaimon (Brother)
Azazel (Sibling)
Beelzebub (Sibling)
Egyn (Sister)
Iblis (Sister)
Lucifer (Brother)
Mephisto Pheles (Brother)
Rin Okumura (Half-Brother)
Yukio Okumura (Half-Brother)

Manga Debut

Chapter 1 (Unnamed)
Chapter 107

Anime Debut

Episode 1

Japanese Voice

Kentarō Itō

English Voice

Derek Stephen Prince

Astaroth Images

Astaroth (アスタロト Asutaroto), also known as The King of Rot (腐の王 Kusa no Ō), is one of the Eight Demon Kings.


Astaroth looks like a possessed human wearing a dark suit. He covers his head with a paper bag, from which mushrooms are sprouting from the top and the mouth. That mask makes it impossible to know how old his body is. Years later, when appearing in the modern day, he no longer seems to have a human vessel, instead merely appearing as a large patch of demonic mushrooms, one of which having four eyes.[1]When exerting his rot powers, this patch of mushrooms could grow in size and sprout Astaroth's signature goat-like spiral horns.[2]

Whilst possessing Reiji Shiratori, he possessed the same appearance with goat-like spiral horns, longer and sharper black nails, canine-like teeth, red bloodshot eyes, a demonic tail and a longer tongue. In this form, he possesses a fatal verse which can disperse him.

"Evil is in their hearts, 'Oh Lord,
Give them according to their works, and according to the wickedness of their endeavors,
Give them after the work of their hands, render onto them to their reward.
Thou shalt destroy them and shall not build them up.
Blessed be the Lord.
The Lord is my helper, and my protector.
Thou shalt perish!"

It appears to be a variant on Psalm 28[3] starting on 28:3. While it does exorcise the demon in the manga[4], it only serves as a temporary reprieve in the anime, as the demon quickly retakes his hold on Shiratori.[5]

In his larger form, his appearance becomes much like a stereotypical Demon (with goat like characteristics like having rounded horns and standing on two goat-like lower limbs). He becomes bigger, his skin turns a dark red/brown colour, possesses claws, his horns become much bigger, his eyes turn completely red, dark markings around his eyes, forehead, cheeks and neck, and his teeth become battered. This form only appears in the anime. This form has a separate fatal verse from the minor form.

"O Lord, bind a millstone around its neck so that it shall never again rise from the depths of the Leviathan!

Chain it in darkness eternal, where it will not hear nor see!"

This one appears to be taken from Matthew 18:5-7. Even when enacted though, other precautions must be made afterward to ensure that Reiji Shiratori does not become possessed again.[6]


A true demon, he is extremely violent and sadistic, being willing to bully and hit his companions and threatening to badly injure a defenseless Rin.

However, he is much more controlled when discussing Satan, whom he loyally serves and worships, calling him "Lord Satan" (English dub) or "Satan-sama" (Japanese Dub). Discovering Rin's flames makes him effectuate a full-blown change of behavior towards the teen, whom he starts to call "young lord" and treat with reverence, as befits the son of Gehenna's god.


Exorcist Cram School Enrollment arc[]

Possessing the student Reiji Shiratori, the demon appears to Rin and goads the young man into a fight. His companions (who are unaware of Reiji's possession) immobilize and suppress Rin. Despite his companions’ uneasiness, the Demon-possessed boy draws a knife and threatens to mutilate Rin's face.

Demon and Rin

The demon tries to persuade Rin to come to Gehenna

Fearing for his life, Rin subconsciously releases an aura of blue flames for the first time, proving to the Demon that he was the son of Satan whom he sought. However, before he is able to bring the son of Satan back to Gehenna, Father Fujimoto appears and swiftly defeats the Demon via a chant, thus freeing Reiji from the possession.

In the anime, the Demon introduces himself as Astaroth, the King of Rot. After his quick defeat at the hands of Rin’s foster father, the demon manages to repossess the body of Reiji, leading to a second engagement, this time inside the church. Despite the use of his "major" form, the second battle also fails to go in his favour. After a brief skirmish with the Paladin, Rin and several other Exorcist that resided in the church, he is once again banished from Reiji Shiratori’s body.

Blue Night Remembrance arc[]

Being on Lucifer's side, Astaroth works for Illuminati, though the extent of his contribution is unknown. When Satan arrives to Section 13, Astaroth is waiting at Lucifer's side with Iblis and Egyn. During the month long battle between the exorcists and Section 13, it is implied Astaroth fought off against the exorcists to protect Satan's resting place.

Of One Cloth arc[]

Astaroth arrives with his other siblings to support Lucifer during Satan's revival in Assiah.[7]

Powers & Abilities[]

He is a powerful Demon capable of possessing humans. Being the Demon King of Rot, he has control over all Rot demons, including Coal Tars, Ghouls, and demonic mushrooms.

Even without a human vessel, he could unleash a powerful rotting curse in his mushroom form that could instantly kill exorcists wearing anti-demon armor.[2] In the anime he has shown extreme power and durability by being run over by a truck, surviving, and punching the driver against a wall. His mushroom form is obliterated by Satan only to possess a new vessel moments later.[8]


  • Astaroth, in Demonology, is a Demon of the First Hierarchy, who seduces by means of laziness, vanity, and rationalized philosophies.
  • In the anime, the demon that possesses Reiji Shiratori introduces himself as Astaroth, while he is not identified as such until over 130 chapters later in the manga.



  1. Blue Exorcist Manga: Chapter 129, Page 18
  2. 2.0 2.1 Blue Exorcist Manga: Chapter 134, Page 9-10
  3. Psalm 28
  4. Ao no Exorcist Manga: Chapter 1, page 29
  5. Ao no Exorcist Anime: Episode 2
  6. Ao no Exorcist Anime: Episode 2
  7. Blue Exorcist Manga: Chapter 129, Page 16
  8. Blue Exorcist Manga: Chapter 134, Page 17-18


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