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![]() Hello and welcome to the Ao no Exorcist Wiki. There are very few policies which apply across all of Wikia; the ones that do can be found at their Policy Category. In addition to these policies, there have been policies and guidelines that have been developed on the Ao no Exorcist Wiki to further our goal of creating an informative Ao no Exorcist database. Our policies apply to all editors. We at the Ao no Exorcist Wiki strive to create a welcoming and fun environment for those who are civil and assume good faith in others, seek consensus in discussions, and work towards the goal of creating an increasingly comprehensive database about everything in the Ao no Exorcist Universe. Policies need to be approached with common sense; adhere to the spirit rather than the lettering of the rules, and be prepared to break the rules on the rare occasion when they conflict with the goal of improving the wiki.
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The layout of articles is, for the most part, standardized on the Ao no Exorcist Wiki.
Headings should have the first letter of every word capitalized, with the exception of prepositions (i.e. "of" or "in").
All character pages, if applicable, should begin with a meaningful quote by the character that showcases his/her personality. It should then have a 1-3 sentence general description of the character; the following headings should be used in this order, if applicable to the character. If section are not applicable at the time of article creation, then skip the section and add it in the appropriate place at a later date, should the character display the necessary requirements:
- Appearance
- Personality
- History (if applicable)
- Synopsis
- Meister and Abilities (if applicable)
- Equipment (if applicable)
- Appearances in Other Media (if applicable)
- Triva (if applicable)
- Quotes
- Battles & Events
- References
- Navigation
Ability pages should have the type of ability (if applicable), its user(s), and the following headings after a brief description:
- Description
- Techniques
- References
- Navigation
Technique pages should have their profile image set to 190px for images and 200px for gifs. The beginning of the page should start with a brief description of the technique (unnamed and/or anime-only), the name of the parent ability and the following headings:
- Description
- Special Features (if applicable)
- References
- Navigation
Fight pages should have its participants in the introductory description and the following headings should be used in order:
- Prologue
- Battle
- Aftermath
- References
- Navigation
The definition of a fight is one in which two or more characters, from the time of initiation to the end, engage in serious physical combat with one another in present time, and in some cases, past time. They must be serious contests; petty brawls, training sessions, brief skirmishes and situations created for the sole purpose of comedic effect are not considered to be fights.
Events follow a similar setup to fights, and should have the arc that the event takes place in after the name; the following headings should be used in order:
- Prologue
- Event Name
- Aftermath
- References
- Navigation
If you consider something to be an event and it isn't listed on chapter or episode page, please contact Wrath022.
Chapter pages should have a short (generally 1-3 sentences) summary of the chapter (without a heading) and the following headings should be used in order.
- Summary
- Characters in Order of Appearance
- Demons in Order of Appearance (see below)
- Battles & Events
- Meister, Weapons and Abilities used
- Meister used (must be included; if none used, put "none")
- Weapons used (must be included; if none used, put "none")
- Abilities used
- Techniques used (must be included; if none used, put "none")
- Items used
- Navigation
Note: In the "Demons in Order of Appearance" section, you are to put generic Demons, such as Goblin or Ghoul. Familiars such as Behemoth, Kuro and Ucchusma are considered to be characters due to their involvement in the plot, and are not to be put under this section. Characters that are Demons, such as Mephisto Pheles, Amaimon and Rin Okumura are, under no circumstances, to be put in the "Demons in Order of Appearance" section.
Chapter pages should have a short (generally 1-3 sentences) summary of the chapter (without a heading) and the following headings should be used in order.
- Summary
- Characters in Order of Appearance
- Demons in Order of Appearance (see below)
- Battles & Events
- Weapons, Techniques and Abilities used
- Weapons used (must be included; if none used, put "none")
- Techniques used (must be included; if none used, put "none")
- Abilities used (must be included; if none used, put "none")
- Items used
- Manga & Anime Differences (if applicable)
- Navigation
Note: In the "Demons in Order of Appearance" section, you are to put generic Demons, such as Goblin or Ghoul. Familiars such as Behemoth, Kuro and Ucchusma are considered to be characters due to their involvement in the plot, and are not to be put under this section. Characters that are Demons, such as Mephisto Pheles, Amaimon and Rin Okumura are, under no circumstances, to be put in the "Demons in Order of Appearance" section.
Arc pages should have a short summary of the arc (without a heading) and the following headings should be used in order:
- Summary
- Manga & Anime Differences
- Trivia
- Battles & Events
- References
- Arc Navigation
Location pages should have a short summary of the location and the following headings should be used in order:
- Description
- Location
- Design (if applicable)
- Exterior Design (if applicable)
- Interior Design (if applicable)
- Notable Events (if applicable)
- Locations (if applicable)
- Trivia (if applicable)
- References
- Navigation
Organization pages should have a brief description of the organization and the following headings should be used in order.
- Location (if known)
- History (if applicable)
- Strength
- Goal (if applicable)
- Members
- Major Battles (if applicable)
- Trivia (if applicable)
- References
- Navigation
Pages for generic Demons should have a short summary of the Demon species; the following headings should be used in order:
- Description
- Abilities
- Trivia (if applicable)
- References
- Navigation