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This article is about the red ladybug with black spots. For the black ladybug with red spots exclusive to Animal Crossing, see Ladybug.

Spotted ladybug Gallery

The spotted ladybug is a small, black and red bug that appears throughout spring and summer. They are abundant and worth 200 bells. Ladybugs crawl on any flower, appearing as a red spot.

They will fly away if you approach them too fast, walk into, pick up or dig up the flower they are present on. Their buzzing sound when they fly is shared with smaller bugs such as the walking stick and cockroach.

Donation to the museum[]

As with all other fish and bugs in the Animal Crossing series, the ladybug can be donated to the museum by talking to Blathers the curator, who will also give information upon donation.

In Animal Crossing[]

Blathers, the curator of the museum, says the following when it is handed to him for donation:

"Ladybugs are one insect I thought might appeal to me. Then I made the grievous error of touching one. This vile fluid appeared from someplace and... Oh, it was everywhere! Blech! Utterly appalling!"

The spotted ladybug can be found nestled among the flowers in the center of the bug room after donation.

In Wild World[]

When donated, this is what Blathers says:

"I've heard it said that ladybugs are "so cute!" Sadly, I must disagree. I touched one once, and this vile yellow fluid... Blech! I shan't discuss it... Hoo.. If that's "cute," then I weep for the world!"

After donation the ladybug appears in the museum's first bug room, on the left side, on the flowers between the palm trees.

In City Folk[]

The following information is what Blathers says to the player upon donation of the ladybug:

"Mad as it sounds, I find a lone ladybug quite fetching... But they tend to cluster in cold weather. If you were to flip over a rock in winter, you might see the underside crawling with them... Such vileness! Bleeeech! The very thought gives me the quivers!"

After donation, the ladybug can be found sitting on a flower on the lower terrace of the bug room.

In New Leaf[]

In New Leaf an information board in the bug exhibit will list information about this bug.

"Despite the name, not all ladybugs are 'ladies.' There are also male ladybugs. Though you'll see different ladybugs with different numbers of spots, they don't get more as they age. Ladybugs eat insects harmful to crops. A few species eat the leaves of crops, but most are beneficial. They're tough against the cold, but during winter they stay in groups under dry leaves for warmth."

After donation, the ladybug can be found sitting on the red flower on the right side in the first room of the bug exhibit.

In New Horizons[]

In New Horizons, upon donation or selecting "Tell me more about this!", Blathers the curator will say (with abhorrence):

"Yes. Yes. Ladybugs are quite beloved thanks to their tiny round shape and adorable spots. To that I say BAH! The fact of the matter is, some have stripes instead of spots. And SOME have no markings at all! No, I shall never understand why it is said that when a ladybug lands on'll have good luck. I shall only have a fainting spell."

Capture quotes[]

"I caught a seven-spotted ladybug! It's red! And small! And so cute!!!" —Animal Crossing
"I caught a ladybug! So lovely, so petite!" —Wild World
"I caught a ladybug! S-so small! S-so cute!" —City Folk
"I caught a ladybug! Or is this one a man?" —New Leaf
"I caught a ladybug! Sorry to disturb you, ma'am." —New Horizons
Japanese Quotes

「ナナホシテントウをつかまえた! ブ口―チみたいで 力ワイイ!」 —Animal Forest e+

"I got a ladybug! It's so cute, and looks like a brooch!" (translation)

Encyclopedia Information[]

Wild World[]

Encyclopedia Information
Spotted ladybug (Wild World) "They survive the cold winter by forming clusters, which look like small ornaments."
Size 8 mm
Time All day
Season Spring-summer
Icon Spotted ladybug (Wild World icon)

City Folk[]

Encyclopedia Information
Spotted Ladybug (City Folk)
"Also called ladybirds or lady beetles, these help gardens by controlling pests."
Size About 8 mm
Time Morning-Dusk
Season Spring

New Leaf[]

Encyclopedia Information
"I caught a ladybug! Or is this one a man?"
Size 6.7 mm
Time Morning-Evening
Season Spring

New Horizons[]

Encyclopedia Information
"I caught a ladybug! Sorry to disturb you, ma'am."
Current Active Hours 8am to 5pm
Months active (north) March to June and October
Months active (south) September to December and April

Further Information[]


The seven-spot ladybug.

There are roughly 5,000 species of ladybug, Coccinellidae, worldwide. Unknown to many, ladybugs are a type of beetle. The ladybug represented in the Animal Crossing series series is Coccinella septempunctata, the Seven-spot ladybug. It lives almost anywhere where there are aphids, its main prey, to eat. Ladybugs are considered by many to be beneficial to plants due to their eating habits- aphids themselves eat plants, so by introducing ladybugs, plants can be protected. The seven-spot itself was introduced to North America in this manner.

The yellow fluid that Blathers refers to in Animal Crossing and Wild World is called reflex blood and has an unpleasant odor which keeps predators at bay if the warning colors do not suffice.

Ladybugs can lay several dozen eggs, which hatch after a period of three to four days. A number of infertile eggs are also released by ladybugs in order to provide food for their young - when food is scarce, the number of infertile eggs is much greater than the number of fertile ones.

In other languages[]

Spotted ladybug
Language Name Translation
Japan Japanese ナナホシテントウ (Nanahoshitentou) -
France French Coccinelle -
Spain Spanish Mariquita -
Germany German Marienkäfer -
Italy Italian Coccinella -
The Netherlands Dutch Lieveheersbeestje -
Portugal Portuguese Joaninha -
Russia Russian Божья коровка (Boj'ya korovka) -
China Chinese 瓢虫/瓢蟲 (piáochóng) -
South Korea Korean (') -

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Agrias butterflyAntAtlas mothBagwormBanded dragonflyBeeBell cricketBlue weevil beetleBrown cicadaCairns birdwingCentipedeChestnut tiger butterflyCicada shellCitrus long-horned beetleCockroachCoconut crabCommon butterflyCommon bluebottleCrabCricketCyclommatus stagDamselflyDarner dragonflyDiving beetleDrone beetleDung beetleEarth-boring dung beetleEmerald cicadaEmperor butterflyEvening cicadaFireflyFleaFlyFruit beetleGiant blue swallowtailGiant cicadaGiant stagGiant stag beetleGiant water bugGiraffe stagGolden stagGoliath beetleGrasshopperGreat purple emperorGreen hairstreakGreen stag beetleHermit crabHorned atlasHorned dynastidHorned elephantHorned herculesHoneybeeHouse centipedeJewel beetleLadybugLantern flyLong locustLongan lanternflyLuna mothMadagascan sunset mothMan-faced stink bugMantisMigratory locustMiyama stagMole cricketMonarch butterflyMosquitoMothMountain stag beetleOak Silk MothOrchid mantisPaper kite butterflyPeacock butterflyPetaltail dragonflyPill bugPine cricketPondskaterPurple stag beetlePurple swallowtailQueen Alexandra's birdwingRainbow stagRajah Brooke's birdwingRed dragonflyRice grasshopperRobust cicadaRosalia batesi beetleSaw stagScarab beetleScorpionSnailSnapping beetleSpiderSpoon-winged lacewingSpotted ladybugStinkbugStresemanni swallowtailTarantulaThree-horned stagTiger beetleTiger butterflyTropical fritillaryViolin beetleWalker cicadaWalking stickWalking leafWaspWestern herculesWharf roachWhite-tailed skimmerWindmill butterflyYellow butterfly