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Angry Birds: Captain Badburger is a Fantasy novel released in 2015. The book stares Stella and Chuck attempting to escape their forced recruitment to the undead crew of the titular Captain Badburger.


Stella and Chuck have been kidnapped by the evil zombie pirate, Captain Badburger!


Chapter 1: The Boat of Doom[]

On a particularly stormy night, an old lighthouse keeper named Rickets is keeping watch of the sea. Rickets' attention is soon turned to an old rowing boat moving by itself through the water, and he recognizes it as "his" boat. He exposits to himself that if the boat comes for you, you're doomed. The boat passes him by, however, and sets on a course for Piggy Island.

The story then shifts it's attention to Stella and Chuck, who are spending their off-time on the beach. Chuck is trying his hardest to be impressive, but to no avail. Chuck comments that he would be so much more impressive if he was able to show off his prowess as a captain. A lone rowboat conveniently washes up, and Stella insists that they get in and paddle around. Chuck is put off by the old boat and protests against it, but Stella goads him into paddling it. Unfortunately for the two, the direction Chuck rows in seems to have no effect on where the boat goes, and they become lost at sea.

Chapter 2: Pirates![]

Chuck and Stella, realizing that they're stuck in the middle of the ocean, begin calling for help. They soon see a large object begin to appear out from the distance. Chuck initially mistakes it for an island, but the object soon reveals itself to be a ship.

While Chuck is initially happy about coming across the ship, their position is made far less favorable once they meet the owner. Captain Badburger reveals himself, explaining that he sends his rowboat out to fetch him new crewmates. The Captain is able to force the two into joining his crew, and they are welcomed aboard with the help of Justin, Badburger's pet sea serpent.

Chapter 3: Rotten Jobs[]

While Stella and Chuck are being abducted by Badburger, Matilda begins to get worried about their safety back at the nest. Red and Bomb reassure her, saying that the likely just set up camp somewhere else, but Matilda remains worried.

Back on the Saucy Pickle, Chuck and Stella are given their first task. Chuck is told to clean Justin's teeth, which he accomplishes in under a second, while Stella is given the job of feeding Crossbones. While Crossbones initially wants to eat Stella's eyeballs, She is able to appease him by giving him one of the Captain's pickled unions. Captain Badburger, likely disappointed that Chuck and Stella survived the jobs he gave them, orders them to tend to Crusher, a giant octopus he kidnapped that the crew has been holding in the ship for years. He tells them that if they survive this, then they can really join his crew.

All the way back in Pig City, a Minion Pig, in a panic, reports to King Pig that Captain Badburger, who is apparently the most feared pirate across the seven seas, has been spotted alarmingly close to Piggy Island. The overconfident King tells the Minion that he has Badburger completely under his control, and walks away laughing to himself.

Chapter 4: Brian[]

When Stella and Chuck enter Chrusher's holding space, they hear a voice asking them if they think what they're doing is funny. Upon further inquiry, the two discover the voice to be Crusher (Who's real name is actually Brian), complaining about Badburger sending down waiters without food. Brian expresses a general disinterest in eating the birds, as the last living creature he ate alive called him a series of rude names. Stella suggests that, instead of killing each other, she and Chuck do something to cheer Brian up. Stella soon locates a crate of pickled herring and gives it to Brian, who is thankful for the meal.

The birds and Brian begin to have pleasant chat. This ends when Captain Badburger walks in on the group, more than surprised to find Chuck and Stella still alive. He brings the two up to deck and says there's more to them than meets the eye. Chuck assumes this to mean that he'll let them go, but the Captain swiftly corrects him in response to this belief. He claims Chuck and Stella are “natural born pirates”, and thus has no intention of letting them go, instead making them stay on his boat to do painstaking and cruel work for the rest of their lives.

Chapter 5: Captain Bigbeard[]

Later in the day, a ship is spotted approaching the Saucy Pickle. Captain Badburger explains that the incoming ship is owned by Captain Bigbeard, a pirate he met a couple weeks back, and tells his crew to prepare to greet him. Chuck assumes that the ships are meeting for a pirate battle, but is relieved to see that the two pirates are friends with each other. The ships' crews begin to party, but the celebration is cut off when Badburger and Bigbeard gather everyone around to share their plan. They reveal to the audience, including Chuck and Stella, that they intend to steal The Flock's Eggs to ransom off to King Pig.

Back at the nest, the birds take notice of the two ghost ships passing by the island. Matilda, still worried about Chuck and Stella and made warry about pirates by Mighty Eagle's stories, says that evil forces are in play. Red is unconcerned about Stella and Chuck, but is worried about the ships, agreeing with Matilda that something rotten is bound for the island.

Chapter 6: Hide and Seek[]

While Chuck and Stella are cleaning up after the pirate party, they overhear Captain Badburger and Captain Bigbeard preparing to discus their plan in the captain's quarters. The two birds sneak in, bribing Crossbones with another onion, and the two hide in a treasure chest that Chuck had emptied out.

Chapter 7: A Chest Full Of Spies[]

The pair of Captains walk into the captains quarters and begin discussing their plan, with Stella and Chuck listening from their hiding spot. Bigbeard becomes noticeably nervous when Badburger begins voicing his hatred for King Pig. The pirates begin studying the map. Badburger's crew plan to create a diversion while Bigbeard sneaks up from behind to steal the eggs. When Bigbeard asks how many men Badburger has, the undead pirate reveals that the crew he travels with is only his skeleton crew. Captain Badburger has far more manpower than he travels with, and that he plans on sailing to Skull Island to procure a secret weapon.

Chapter 8: The Forty Fangs[]

Back in Pig Palace, King Pig's bubble bath is interrupted by the royal messenger, who brings news from their spy. The message reassures the bathing boar that his plan is going perfectly, and that the "booty" will soon be his. The King is satisfied with this report, and asks the messenger what he thinks the best way to cook eggs is.

The Saucy Pickle is on route to Skull Island, west of Piggy Island. The two birds are cleaning the deck, musing over what role Skull Island plays in stealing their eggs. Badburger appears, telling Chuck to clean Justin. The barnacles and shellfish scatter across the deck, giving Stella an idea. The duo collect the shellfish in a barrel and bring it to Brian, who eats it up happily.

The ship begins to approach Skull Island, which is surrounded by the Forty Fangs, a ring of sharp reefs surrounding the island. When Stella asks how they're going to get past them, Badburger explains that there's a chart that details a very specific route through the water, avoiding the fangs. Unfortunately, he lost the chart years ago, so he's just going forward and hoping for the best. This poor excuse for a strategy goes unfavorably, causing the ship to strike at least one of the fangs.

Chapter 9: The Cursed Island[]

In spite of it's damage, Badburger's ship manages to jam itself onto shore. Stella worries about Brian's well being after the crash, but finds that he's unharmed and mopey as ever. Chuck and Stella accompany Badburger and his crew to Sleepers Cave. The Captain explains that long ago, a gang of pirates came to Skull Island to burry some treasure, but killed each other in an attempt to keep it to themselves. The island was cursed, and the undead pirates were sealed in their tomb forever.

Once they arrive at the tomb, the Captain presses a control switch in the cave, unsealing the tomb. A series of ghastly-looking skeleton pigs rise from the tomb, and begin taking orders from Badburger. The group return to the Saucy Pickle, and begin sailing for Piggy Island.

Chapter 10: Night Of The Great Attack[]

The duo of birds are looking over at the approaching Piggy Island, trying to think of a way to warn the birds about the oncoming attack. Stella comes up with the idea of bribing Crossbones into sending The Flock a message. Chuck gathers a barrel of pickled unions, and they give Crossbones a warning to give the birds.

When the Saucy Pickle arrives at shore, Badburger orders his normal crew to stay behind, and sends the skeleton warriors out to the dirty work. What he didn't expect was for all of the skeletons to pile onto one boat to reach the island, a detail that Stella plans to use to their advantage. Chuck fetches a barrel of gunpowder, and the duo descend into Brian's domain. When the two relay the situation to the octopus, he is livid that the other members of the "cruise" get to go sightseeing. Stella plays up his anger, and blows a hole on the Saucy Pickle.

Chapter 11: Brian Gets Angry[]

The Explosion from the Saucy Pickle awakens The Flock. They are initially confused, but understand what's happening once Crossbones arrives with Stella's warning. The birds prepare for combat, just in time to meet Badburger, who was sneaking up the mountain they were perched on.

Down in the bay, Brian is reeking havoc on the skeleton warriors Badburger brought along. Angered by his poor treatment during his "cruise", the aggravated octopus launches the skeletons across the horizon, never to be seen again.

Back at the bird encampment, Badburger soon notices the lack of skeleton warriors backing his advance. This doesn't bother the zombie pirate, however, as he assumes his normal crew will be more than enough to stomp out the birds. He orders them to charge, and Red orders Bomb to watch their back last minute. This comes into conflict with Crossbones' message, as he's telling Bomb to turn around as Bomb is already turned around. The ensuing confusion gives Bigbeard enough time to sneak up behind the birds, steal the eggs, and make off with them into the night.

Chapter 12: Captain Bigbeard's Secret[]

Chuck and Stella are sailing away from the Saucy Pickle, enjoying the sight of Brian hurling the undead into parts unknown. When considering their next move, Stella notices Bigbeard's ship, anchored close to the Saucy Pickle. She decides that there's something off about him, and decides to investigate. Luckily for them, the pig himself, along with four of his henchmen, approach the docked ship with their eggs. The captain takes off his beard, revealing himself to be an ordinary Foreman Pig. The fictious Pirate and his men load the eggs aboard the Harry Marry and set sail.

While they prepare to leave, Captain Badburger comes limping down the shore, being singlehandedly clobbered Red. When he attempts to communicate with the bogus Bigbeard, he attempts to give Badburger the slip, and gets his ship moving. Badburger, infuriated by the betrayal, summons Justin. He orders the sea serpent to chase after the ship, with Chuck and Stella latching onto his tail. The beast quickly catches up with the Harry Marry, leaving Bigbeard stammering for an excuse for his attempted escape.

Stella crawls up Justin's back, and asks him to do her a favor. Justin, thankful for the two birds cleaning jobs, agrees. While Bigbeard is trying to talk his way out of Badburger's wrath, Justin blasts water onto the deck, blowing the Foreman's disguise away. Badburger tells his crew to prepare the plank.

During the chaos, Stella asks Justin to take her and Chuck home with the eggs, saying that they wouldn't want the pirates to fight over the treasure. Justin, disliking loud fights, agrees. Once back on the island, Chuck expresses excitement at the idea of Justin eating the pigs, but Justin informs him that he's a vegetarian, and only pretends to eat people to keep up his fearsome image. In reality, he simply relocates his "victims" to the nearest island.

When they return to The Flock, Chuck is immediately jumped by The Blues. Stella assumes it's because they're still dressed like pirates, but The Blues reveal that they just wanted an excuse to jump on Chuck. The story ends with the birds holding a party in honor of Stella and Chuck's rescue of the eggs, with Chuck recounting their story over an open fire.





  • The Saucy Pickle
  • The Hairy Mary
  • The Eggs



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