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Larēodo, Texas

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Larēodo on Texas.


Land  Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America
Underrice Texas
Gestaðelod 1755
Brego Victor Trevino
• gerim

265.689884 km², 234.026363 km²
Hiehþu 137 m
• buend

255,205 buenda
Sprecungrim 956
Webstede Webstede
Logo Wikimedia Commons Larēodo Commons
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Larēodo (Niwenglisc: Laredo) is a burg on þē G.R. ricū æf Texas ond scirburg of Webbsċīr, on þæt norþēasīde of the Grœndā ēa on Sūþtexas, acros fram Nīwelarēodo, Tǣmawlēpas, Mexico. Gestaðelod on 1755, Larēodo grōwe fram a þorp tō sēo heafodburg of þæs scortlifod Grœndā seo Cynewīse to se micelmǣst inland port on se Mexicanisc riculīne. Laredo's gȳconōmēg is fyrstfeld based on interricum dǣlungs wīþ Mexico, and as a micel hubbe for þrī landes of faren: land, rahl, and lyftlād. Se burg is on þæt sūðerne end of I-35, hwīc fǣstenes macian Nōrðmexicō þurh Interricum 35 as a micel pāþ for dǣlungs þurhut se G.R. Hit hæfeþ feower interricum brycges and an rahlwǣg brycg.

100 mæstenbyrig on Geanedan Ricu America
NiƿeoforƿicburgEnġelasburgCicēaHūsestūnFēonixBroþorlufeburhSanct AnþonīgeburgDællasSanct DidacusburgĒastūnburhIǣxcūnbyrgSanct IosepburgWeorþwīcColumbusCeorletteIndigabyrgSanct FrancisburgSīatlDenafordOclaceasterGnascburgGenġefordHƿæsingatunMǣdƿeburgBotƿulfstūnPortlondLuisburgMemfisDēotfordBealdimōrMylenƿicÆlbūrcerrceTūsōnAsċetrēoƿHālgþingstedeTabulehyllCǣnsasburgÆtlandaColoradespryngsŌmahhaRaleahFirginiestrondLangstrondMīamigǢclandMinneceasterTulseBæceresfeldTampaHƿīciteÆlfrēdingtūnEostrabyrgNiƿēorlēanasClēafalandAnahāmHānolūluHeanricsunuStocctūnĒasċoraLeaxingatūnCrisbodburhOrlandoĪrfineSinsignātigSanctanneNiƿeƿeorcheHālgapaulusPyttesburhGrœnesburhLincolnDūnholmPleynoAncoredageCēsarēaceasterSanct HloðwigesburgCandyllerNorðmǣdweburgĒamfullegesihtBūfalōGīlbeorhtHrēnōMædisunuǷyrhtƿægnƿīcTolēodoLubbecSanctes PetresburgLarēodoIrfungCeosapēacGlenndælǷinestānsǣlhamForrotenhēgGærlandBōisēNorþfolcPort HālgaluciaSpocāneRīċemundFrēomuntHuntanesfyll
Cities ranked by United States Census Bureau population estimates for July 1, 2022.