Eurasisc bleohcrāwe
Sēo bleohcrāƿe (Garrulus glandarius) is sangfugol þǣre cnēorise hræfna (Corvidae).
Hēo ƿunaþ geond Europe, sumum dǣlum norðernre Affrice and þæs Nēan Ēastan and ēac on brādum landscipe Asie. Hēo brōdaþ on missenlicum þynnum, boldsetedum ƿealdum, ac on middelre Europe hire līciaþ missenlice and lēafige ƿealda. Þā hēo ett sind sƿīðe missenlice; on Summere ett hēo oftost dēor, and on Ƿintere ett hē oftost ƿyrta. Fōre þǣm Ƿintere hēo geseteþ maniga ǣc hnyt on horde, and manig ōðru cynn hnuta.
Þæt mǣste dǣl bleohcrāƿena sind Sūþeuropisca and Ƿesteuropisca; þæt mǣste dǣl Mideuropiscra and Norþeuropiscra bleohcrāƿena sind hƿīlum būenda; þæs synderlīce þā norðernan bleohcrāƿan forlǣtaþ heora briddas in þǣre Ƿintertīde.