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Bysen:Cyþþubox Ira tun/Writ

Fram Wikipǣdian

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[adihtan fruman]
{{Cyþþubox Ira tun
| nama             =
| scyttisc         =
| scotta-englisc   =
| scild biliþ      =
| fana biliþ       =
| cwide            =
| tun biliþ        =
| tun biliþ writ   =
| mappa biliþ      =
| irisc bæceringmet =
| underrice        =
| scir             =
| witenagemotstol  =
| scirburg         =
| wægnrun          =
| feorrspreca forerim =
| ærendþegnungburg =
| ærendrun         =
| eardgemet        =
| heanes           =
| census gear      =
| mennscipe        =
| webb             =
Scyttisc: Gaillimh
Scild -
Cwide: Laudatio Ejus Manet In Seculum Seculi
"Praise remains for ever"
Īrisc bæceringmet
Underrīce: Connacht
Scīr: Galwægscīr
Witenagemōtstōl: Galway West
Feorrspreca forerīm: 091
Ærendþegnung læppa: G
Eardgemēt: 1,837 km²

Mennscipe (2002)

{{Cyþþubox Ira tun
| nama        = Galwæg
| scyttisc    = Gaillimh
| scild biliþ = Galway crest.png
| cwide       = Laudatio Ejus Manet In Seculum Seculi <br> "Praise remains for ever"
| tun biliþ = Shop Street, Galway.jpg
| mappa biliþ = Ireland map County Galway.png
| underrice   = Connacht
| scir        = [[Galwægscīr]]
| eardgemet   = 1,837 km²
| irisc bæceringmet = M300256
| witenagemotstol = Galway West
| ærendrun = G
| feorrspreca forerim = 091
| mennscipe  = 72,729
| tunes mennscipe = 72,414
| census gear = 2002
| mennscipe   = 65,832
| webbe       = www.galwaycity.ie

Tunas, Ðorp, and swa forð

[adihtan fruman]
Scyttisc: Béal an Átha
Scild -
Īrisc bæceringmet
Underrīce: Munster
Scīr: Mageoscīr
Hēanes: 7 m

Mennscipe (2002)

{{Cyþþubox Ira tun
| nama        = Ballina
| scyttisc    = Béal an Átha
| scild biliþ = Ballina crest.png
| cwide       = 
| mappa biliþ  = Ireland map County Mayo Magnified.png
| irisc bæceringmet = G240192
| underrice   = Munster
| scir        = [[Mageoscīr]]
| eardgemet   = 
| heanes      = 7 m
| census gear = 2002
| mennscipe = 9,478
| webbe       = 


[adihtan fruman]
