26. Gēolmōnðes
(Edlǣded of 26 Gēolmōnaþ)
Þis geƿrit hæfþ ƿordcƿide on Nīƿenglisce. |
26 Gēolmōnaþ is se 360a dæg (361a in hlīepgēarum) þæs gēares in þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc. Þǣr sind 5 dagas mā.
Stǣrlice gemynddagas | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- 1481 - Battle of Westbroek - Holland forhīenþ heras Utrechte
- 1606 - Lir Cyning weard gefremed æt Iacobes Cyninges hired
- 1620 - Elizabethe Bathorye māndǣdas afund man
- 1620 - Pilgrim Fader land æt staþe þe weard New Plymouth on Massachusetts
- 1776 - Americisc Onwendung Gūþ: Bretwere afliemed man æt Trenton feohte
- 1790 - Hloðwig XVI Francena Cyning giiefþ his public assent to Civil Constitution of the Clergy during the French Revolution
- 1792 - Hloðwiges XVI Francena Cyninges endmeste ordæl aginneð in Paris
- 1793 - Geisberg Beadu - Frenciscas forhīenaþ Ēastrīcas
- 1793 - Friþrice Hloþwig Preussena Æþeling onweddod Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
- 1806 - Battle of Pultusk - indecisive battle of Napoleon wiþ Russe
- 1812 - Delaware and Chesapeake blockaded during the War of 1812
- 1825 - The Erie Canal opens
- 1861 - Confederate diplomatic envoys James Mason and John Slidell are freed by the Geānlǣht Rīcu leodweard, þȳ heading off a possible wig between the þā Geānlǣht Rīcu and Britisc
- 1862 - 38 starving and angry Dakota men sindon ahangedon forðæm ðe hie hæfdon geslean hwite menn in a brief rebellion
- 1898 - Marie and Pierre Curie announce the isolation of radium
- 1908 - Jack Johnson wierþ þone ǣrost African American heavyweight boxing champion by defeating Tommy Burns in Sydney, Australia
- 1916 - Joseph Joffre is made Marshal of France
- 1925 - Communist Party of India founded
- 1925 - Turkey adopts Gregorian Calendar
- 1931 - Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity was founded
- 1933 - The Nissan Motor Company was organized in Tocio on Iapan
- 1933 - FM radio is patented
- 1944 - Se pleg The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams was first publicly performed.
- 1944 - Americanisc þrēat adrīfaþ Þēodsc þrēat æt Bastogne
- 1945 - CFP franc and CFA franc are created
- 1946 - Flamingo Hotel opens in Las Vegas
- 1947 - 26 ynce of snawfeall in 16 stundum in New York City
- 1948 - Cardinal Mindszenty arrested on Ungerlande
- 1966 - The first Kwanzaa is celebrated by Maulana Karenga, the chair of Black Studies at California State University, Long Beach
- 1973 - Comet Kohoutek reaches perihelion but is not such a display as expected
- 1973 - Soyuz 13 lands
- 1974 - Salyut 4 launched
- 1975 - Tupolev Tu-144 goes into service in Sofiet Gesamnung
- 1979 - Sofiet Special forces troops take over presidential palace in Cabul on Afghanum
- 1980 - Aeroflot puts the Ilyushin Il-86 into service.
- 1982 - TIME magazine's Man of the Year was for the first time given to a non-human; a computer
- 1984 - Princess Astrid of Belgium beweddaþ Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este
- 1986 - The first long-running American television soap opera, Search for Tomorrow, airs its final episode after thirty-five years on the air
- 1988 - Start of the Nanjing Anti-African protests
- 1991 - Supreme Soviet meets and formally dissolves the USSR
- 1996 - JonBenēt Ramsey, a six-year-old beauty queen, was found murdered in her family's basement in Boulder, Colorado
- 1996 - United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification goes into force
- 1998 - Irac announced its intention to fire upon US and British warplanes that patrol the northern and southern "no-fly zones"
- 1998 - Severe gales over Īrland, northern Englaland, and southern Scotland. Widespread disruption, widespread power outages in Northern Īreland and southern Scotland
- 1999 - On the 26-28th, Francland and countries to east hit by severe storms and rain. Over 100 people were killed, and the storm caused extensive damage to property and trees and the Frencisc national power grid.
- 2002 - Se Frencisc Raelian scientist Brigitte Boisselier says Clonaid has delivered the first of a supposed five clone babies through cāserlic section
- 2003 - Micel eorþstyren devastates Bam, ceaster on suðeast Persealand, with up to 43,300 killed, and 90,000 homeless; the citadel of Arg-ē Bam destroyed.
- 2004 - A Micel eorþstyren and ensuing tsunami causes devastation in Taprabane, Indealande, Indonesie, Thailande, Malaysie, The Maldive Īege and many other areas around the rim of þæs Indiscan Garsecges. The death toll is currently estimated at around 160,000. Officials say the true toll may never be known, due to rapid burials.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- 1194 - Frederick II, Cāsere þæs Hālgan Rōmāniscan Rīces (d. 1250)
- 1532 - Guilielmus Xylander, Þēodisc classical scholar (d. 1576)
- 1536 - the Confucian scholar Yi I (Yulgok) of Joseon (d. 1584)
- 1716 - Thomas Gray, poet and letter-writer (d. 1771)
- 1735 - Prince Josias of Coburg, Holy Roman Empire general (d. 1815)
- 1751 - Clement Mary Hofbauer, Redemptorist missionary (d. 1820)
- 1780 - Mary Fairfax Somerville, Britisc mathematician (d. 1872)
- 1791 - Charles Babbage, English mathematician and inventor of computing machines (d. 1871)
- 1819 - E. D. E. N. Southworth, US novelist (d. 1899)
- 1822 - Dion Boucicault, Irish actor and playwright (d. 1890)
- 1837 - George Dewey, Admiral in the United States Navy (d. 1917)
- 1853 - Renē Bazin, French novelist (d. 1932)
- 1883 - Maurice Utrillo, painter (d. 1955)
- 1891 - Henry Miller, wrītere (d. 1980)
- 1893 - Mao Zedong, Chinese military leader and politician (d. 1976)
- 1903 - Elisha Cook Jr., actor (d. 1995)
- 1914 - Richard Widmark, actor
- 1921 - Steve Allen, actor, comedian, composer, author (d. 2000)
- 1927 - Alan King, comedian, actor (d. 2004)
- 1940 - Phil Spector, music producer
- 1942 - Gray Davis, former Governor of California
- 1945 - John Walsh, talk show host, television presenter
- 1947 - Carlton Fisk, Baseball Hall of Famer
- 1949 - Josē Ramos Horta, East Timorean Human Rights activist
- 1954 - Ozzie Smith, Baseball Hall of Famer
- 1956 - David Sedaris, essayist
- 1971 - Jared Leto, actor
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- 268 - Pāpa Dionysius
- 418 - Pāpa Zosimus
- 1458 - Arthur III, the Justicier, Duke of Brittany
- 1530 - Babur, first of the Mogul dynasty (b. 1483?)
- 1624 - Simon Marius, Þēodisc astronomer
- 1771 - Claude Adrien Helvētius, Frencisc philosopher
- 1869 - Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille, Frencisc physiologist (b. 1797)
- 1890 - Heinrich Schliemann, Þēodisc archaeologist (b. 1822)
- 1909 - Frederic Remington, artist (b. 1861)
- 1963 - Gorgeous George, professional wrestler, television personality
- 1972 - Harry S. Truman, 33a Foresittend þāra Geānlǣhtan Underrīca (b. 1884)
- 1973 - Harold B. Lee, foresittend þǣre Cirican Iesus Cristes Nīehstra Sancta, (b. 1899)
- 1974 - Jack Benny, comedian (b. 1894)
- 1977 - Howard Hawks, film director, writer (b. 1896)
- 1985 - Dian Fossey, anthropologist (b. 1932)
- 1986 - Elsa Lanchester, actress (b. 1902)
- 1999 - Curtis Mayfield, musician (b. 1942)
- 2000 - Jason Robards, actor (b. 1922)
- 2001 - Nigel Hawthorne, actor (b. 1929)
- 2002 - Herb Ritts, celebrity photographer (b. 1952)
- 2002 - Armand Zildjian, cymbal manufacturer
- 2003 - Sir Alan Bates, Britisc actor
- 2003 - Hope Lange, television actress
- 2004 - Reggie White, American football player (b. 1961)
- 2004 - Sir Angus Ogilvy, husband of HRH Princess Alexandra of Kent (b. 1928)
- 2004 - Dr. Marianne Heiberg, Oslo accords mediator (b. 1945)
Symbeldagas and observances
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]26 Gēolmōnaþ is folclic symbeldæg in manigum Westernum landum (ac ne in þǣm Geānlǣhtum Underrīcum.
- Boxing Dæg in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Cȳnerīce, Canadan, and Australian.
- Se ǣrosta dæg Crīstesmæssan in Westernum Crīstendōme.
- Sanctes Stephenes Dæg, folclic symbeldæg in þǣm Cynewīse Īrlandes and Czech Republic
- Ǣrost dæg Kwanzaan
- Symbeldæg Sanctes Stephenes (in þǣre westernan Crīstenan cirican), symbeldæg in Croatian.
- Selfdōmdæg in Slofenian
- Mandala Pooja at Sabarimala in Kerala, India
Other annual occurrences
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Period of Ursids meteor shower ends
- Wrenboys celebrate Wren in Ireland
- First day of Junkanoo street parade in the Bahamas (the second day is on the Nīwe Gēares Dæg)
25 Gēolmōnaþ - 27 Gēolmōnaþ - 26 Blōtmōnaþ - 26 Æfterra Gēola -- Getalu ealra daga
Æfterra Gēola | Solmōnað | Hrēðmōnað | Ēastermōnað | Þrimilcemōnað | Sēarmōnað | Mǣdmōnað | Wēodmōnað | Hāligmōnað | Winterfylleð | Blōtmōnað | Gēolmōnað |