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Adventure Time Wiki

Adventure Time: Distant Lands is a streaming television series consisting of 4 hour-long specials based on the American animated television series Adventure Time created by Pendleton Ward and produced by Frederator Studios. The first special titled "BMO" premiered on HBO Max on June 25, 2020, and was released on DVD and Blu-Ray on March 10, 2022.


C’mon grab your friends for a special return to the Land of Ooo and beyond with Adventure Time: Distant Lands. Based on the animated series Adventure Time by show creator Pendleton Ward and executive producer Adam Muto, these four specials explore the unseen corners of the world with both familiar and exciting brand-new characters.


Title card Episode # Title Airdate
BMOTitleCard 1 BMO June 25, 2020
ObsidianTitleCard 2 Obsidian November 19, 2020
TogetherAgainTitleCard3 3 Together Again May 20, 2021
WizardCityTC 4 Wizard City September 2, 2021


Main Characters[]

Returning Characters[]

New Characters[]


  • Prior to the official announcement on October 24, 2019, the special was kept secret and the project was referred to with the name of a non-existent show, Rumble Jaw. The faux name was made by Kate Tsang.[1][2]
  • The first sneak peek for the series, including the intro and a short clip from "BMO" was shown on April 5, 2020, during the end of the Adventure Time 10th anniversary live stream held by Olivia Olson.
  • The song "Monster" as well as key art from "Obsidian" were first shown on July 24, 2020 during the digital Adventure Time: Distant Lands San Diego Comic-Con Panel.[3]
  • In the series original poster, Finn is wearing what appears to be a combination of the clothes he wore in his old age and his clothes when he was at his prime, most likely to prevent spoilers.
  • Adam Muto was inspired to create the Distant Lands specials towards the end of the original series after having success with miniseries such as Stakes and Islands.[4]
  • Despite marketing material claiming each episode of the series is an hour long, they actually only run for about 45 minutes each (or 4 times the length of a regular Adventure Time episode) in order to comply with standard network guidelines.
  • Outside of the USA, Distant Lands airs on HBO Nordic, though only "BMO" has been released there.
    • Meanwhile, on South East Asia, only "Obsidian" is omitted due to obvious lesbian reasons. The timeframe on where it supposed to air in the International Women's Month marathon is replaced with episodes focusing on their relationship.

DVD Releases[]

Adventure Time: Distant Lands[]

Main article: Adventure Time: Distant Lands (Home Media Release)

Adventure Time: Distant Lands is set to be released on March 8, 2022 in the United States on DVD and Blu-ray.


Adventure Time Distant Lands poster BMOTitleCard P2
The full image gallery for Adventure Time: Distant Lands may be viewed at Adventure Time: Distant Lands/Gallery.

Key Art[]


Production Art[]


