"Frog Seasons: Winter" is the fourth short episode that is part of the seventh season of Adventure Time. It is the fourth short of the short series Frog Seasons.
Finn and Jake stalk a frog to see what happens when it puts on its crown.
Finn and Jake are climbing a mountain to follow the Frog Carrying Crown in the Ice Kingdom when they are suddenly stopped by Ice King. Ice King first threatens them but then tells them that he was joking and that he just wanted to talk. He then proceeds to tell Finn and Jake about his activities and chatters away which annoys them. Finn looks at an aerial view of Ooo and decides that they should ditch the frog to do something better.
Ice King tries to make them stay but they carry on climbing down the mountain. As soon as they leave, the Frog Carrying Crown puts on its crown and turns into Life. Life then pours out green juice from her hands which melts a huge snow block from the mountain, then turning it into a big green hill with blooming flowers and trees. Life then disappears right before Ice King who is stunned and amazed.
Major Characters[]
Minor Characters[]
- The Frog Carrying Crown turns out to be Life in this short.