Ace Attorney Wiki
Ace Attorney Wiki

A contract was a piece of evidence in Apollo Justice's investigation into the murder of Manov Mistree, and is between Roger Retinz and Trucy Wright regarding the terms and conditions agreed to by their respective parties for the "Trucy in Gramarye-Land" magic show.

Among its clauses was one that described the liability of Wright's party for three million dollars in compensation should the show be canceled. This became important after Wright's fellow performer was seemingly killed during one of her magic tricks, which put the Wright Anything Agency into danger of immediate foreclosure.

In truth, Wright had been conned into signing the contract via a clipboard rigged with carbon paper. This, as well as her innocence in the victim's killing, were established at her trial, which rendered the contract void.


Part 1[]

Article 1: The first party will pay all expenses for the magic show. The second party will confer all program broadcasting rights to the first party.
Article 2: If, through the fault of the second party, the show must be cancelled in part or in full, the second party will pay three million dollars as compensation to the first party.

Part 2[]
