

هاشم صفي الدين
 黎巴嫩南黎巴嫩省德爾卡農恩納赫英语Deir Qanoun En Nahr
逝世2024年10月3日(2024歲—10—03)(59—60歲) X
国籍 黎巴嫩

哈希姆·薩菲丁(阿拉伯语:هاشم صفي الدين‎,羅馬化Hashim Safi Al Din; 1964年—2024年10月3日[1]),是一名黎巴嫩什葉派教士,為什葉派武裝政治組織真主黨成員[2][3]。他是真主黨前總書記哈桑·納斯魯拉的表弟[4],曾領導真主黨執行委員會,並且被美國列為全球特別指定恐怖分子[5][6]。在纳斯鲁拉遭以色列军队暗杀前,薩菲丁通常被視為真主黨內的「二號人物」[7]。2017年,薩菲丁被美國國務院正式列為恐怖分子[8]



薩菲丁於1964年出生於南黎巴嫩省德爾卡農恩納赫英语Deir Qanoun En Nahr,家族為當地的什葉派名門[8]。他是哈桑·納斯魯拉的表弟[9],而他的兄弟阿卜杜拉·薩菲丁則是真主黨駐伊朗的代表[8],根據卡桑德拉計劃的結論,阿卜杜拉負責監督武器、現金、商業產品和毒品的走私網絡,以及洗錢和為伊朗秘密核計劃和彈道導彈計劃採購零部件和技術[10][11][12]











2024年9月27日,哈桑·納斯魯拉在以色列空軍空襲中被擊斃後,薩菲丁於9月29日代理真主黨總書記事務[28]沙地阿拉伯新聞媒體阿拉伯衛星電視台Al Hadath報道稱,薩菲丁已被正式指定為他的繼任者,但真主黨透過Telegram否認這一點[29]



2024年10月4日,以色列使用碉堡剋星炸彈黎巴嫩貝魯特發動多次空擊,目標是薩菲丁。Al Hadath報導其已在空襲中被擊斃。沙地阿拉伯媒體宣稱以色列已證實這一消息,但《耶路撒冷郵報》尚未證實沙地阿拉伯的報道。而黎巴嫩武裝部隊消息人士向阿拉伯語天空新聞台透露,薩菲丁在空襲倖存的機會「幾乎為零」[30][31]。真主党方面表示,薩菲丁暫時失聯。[32]10月8日,以色列总理和国防部长暗示薩菲丁已死。[33]兩星期後,以軍宣稱已找到他的遺體,[34],而真主黨也在一天之後證實其死訊。[35]






  1. ^ Israel confirms killing Hashem Safieddine, potential successor of slain Hezbollah chief Nasrallah. Arab News. 2024-10-22 [2024-10-23] (英语). 
  2. ^ Nadeen Ebrahim. Who is Hashem Safieddine, rumored to be the next Hezbollah chief?. CNN. 2024-10-04 [2024-10-05] (英语). 
  3. ^ Nadeen Ebrahim. Israeli strike on Beirut targets senior Hezbollah official Hashem Safieddine, Axios reporter says. Reuters. 2024-10-04 [2024-10-05] (英语). 
  4. ^ Lebanon: Hezbollah's Rising Star. Stratfor. 2009-11-17 [2013-03-15] (英语). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 David A. Daoud. State Department Blacklists Hashem Saffiedine. Foundation for Defense of Democracies. 2017-06-04. (原始内容存档于2017-06-06) (英语). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 State Department Terrorist Designations of Hashem Safieddine and Muhammad al-Isawi. United States Department of State. 2017-05-19. (原始内容存档于2017-06-06) (英语). 
  7. ^ Tal Beeri. Hashem Safi al-Din – Head of Hezbollah's Executive Council (and Hassan Nasrallah's Designated Successor?). Alma Research and Education Center. 2022-06-08 [2023-01-15] (英语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Senior Hezbollah figure Hashem Safi al-Din publicly stated Hezbollah participates in the campaign in south Syria. Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center. 2018-07-29 (英语). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Ahmad Rafat. A Marriage of Convenience Bolsters Iran's Mideast Presence. Kayhan Life. 2020-07-07 [2020-07-07]. 
  10. ^ The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook. POLITICO. [2024-09-30] (英语). 
  11. ^ Abdallah Safi-Al-Din. Counter Extremism Project. [2024-09-30] (英语). 
  12. ^ Treasury Targets Key Hizballah Financing Network and Iranian Conduit. U.S. Department of the Treasury. 2024-09-20 [2024-09-30] (英语). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Sayyed Nasrallah re-elected for another term. The Weekly Middle East Reporter. 2009-12-05 [2013-03-24] (英语). 
  14. ^ David A. Daoud. State Department Blacklists Hashem Saffiedine. Foundation for Defense of Democracies. 2017-06-04. (原始内容存档于2017-06-06) (英语). 
  15. ^ Reports on the son of the senior official of Hezbollah being a spy have been denied. nournews. [2024-09-29] (英语). 
  16. ^ Barry Rubin (编). Guide to Islamist Movements. New York; London: M.E. Sharpe. 2010: 329. ISBN 978-0-7656-1747-7 (英语). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Shmuel Bar. Lebanese Hizballah – Political, Ideological and Organizational Highlights (PDF). Center for Complex Operations. 2006-10-29 [2013-02-07]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-09-21) (英语). 
  18. ^ IRGC-Hezbollah Captagon Ring Compromised by War Over Profits. Middle East Transparent. 2012-04-27 [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-21). 
  19. ^ Shmuel Bar. Lebanese Hizballah – Political, Ideological and Organizational Highlights (PDF). National Defense University. 2006-10-29. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2017-06-06) (英语). 
  20. ^ Ahmad Nizar Hamzeh. In The Path of Hizbullah. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. 2004: 45. ISBN 978-0-8156-3053-1 (英语). 
  21. ^ Hezbollah (part I) (PDF). Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center. 2003-07 [2013-02-07] (英语). 
  22. ^ Dominique Avon; Anaïs-Trissa Khatchadourian; Jane Marie Todd. Hezbollah: A History of the "Party of God". Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press. 2012: 215. ISBN 978-0-674-06752-3 (英语). 
  23. ^ John Davison. Mark Potter , 编. Hezbollah calls U.S. administration 'mentally impeded' during Trump Saudi visit. 2017-05-21 [2019-08-17]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-17) (英语). Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, president of the Iran-backed Shi'ite group's executive council, said Washington would not be able to do any real harm to Hezbollah. 
  24. ^ Dudi Cohen. Nasrallah replacement chosen. Ynetnews. 2008-10-13 [2013-02-07] (英语). 
  25. ^ Kuwaiti daily reports extension of Nasrallah mandate. Now Lebanon. 2008-11-01 [2013-03-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-06). 
  26. ^ Shimon Shapira. Has Hizbullah Changed? (PDF). Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center. 2009-12-17 [2013-02-07]. 
  27. ^ Larbi Sadiki. Hezbollah and the Arab revolution. Al Jazeera English. 2011-06-21 [2013-02-07] (英语). 
  28. ^ العربية: اختيار هاشم صفي الدين أمينا عاما لحزب الله. أمد للإعلام. 2024-09-29 [2024-09-29] (阿拉伯语). 
  29. ^ Hezbollah denies choosing Hashem Safieddine as Nasrallah replacement. Jerusalem Post, Reuters. 2024-09-29 (英语). 
  30. ^ 黎巴嫩真主黨高級領導人薩菲丁據報於以軍攻擊中身亡 - RTHK. news.rthk.hk. [2024-10-05] (中文(臺灣)). 
  31. ^ MAYA GUR ARIEH. Hashem Safieddine presumed killed in Israeli strike in Beirut - report. jpost. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-05] (英语). 
  32. ^ Ravid, Barak. Israel targets potential Hezbollah successor in Beirut airstrike. Axios. 2024-10-03 [2024-10-06]. 
  33. ^ 领袖接班人失联4天被指已死亡 真主党高层:支持停火. e南洋. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09] (中文). 
  34. ^ Ari, Lior Ben. IDF confirms Nasrallah's designated successor dead. Ynetnews. 2024-10-22 [2024-10-22] (英语). 
  35. ^ Hezbollah confirms that top official Hashem Safieddine, expected to be group's next leader, killed in Israeli airstrike. Yahoo News. 2024-10-23 [2024-10-23] (美国英语). 
  36. ^ Tens of thousands join mass funeral for slain Hezbollah leader Nasrallah. cnn (英语). 
  37. ^ Tens of thousands attend funeral of late Hezbollah leader Nasrallah 5 months after his killing. apnews (英语). 
  38. ^ Zeina Karam; Bassem Mroue. Militant or poet? US sanctions Hezbollah leader's son. Associated Press (Beirut). 2018-11-15 [2022-03-03] (英语). 

