
(micro-)是國際單位制詞頭,指10-6,即一百萬分之一,符號是希臘字母 µ (mu)。[1]它的語源是希臘語 μικρός (mikrós)。在只能用拉丁字母表達的情況下,國際單位制曾允許用字母u代替[2][3],比如um代替µm。在一些特定的場合,比如藥房微克經常記作mcg[4],然而這種記法並不符合標準。


中國��陸名称 臺灣名称 英语名称 符号 1000m 10n 十进制 启用时间[n 1]
昆(昆它) quetta Q 100010 1030 1000000000000000000000000000000 2022
容(容那) ronna R 10009 1027 1000000000000000000000000000 2022
尧(尧它) yotta Y 10008 1024 1000000000000000000000000 1991
泽(泽它) zetta Z 10007 1021 1000000000000000000000 1991
艾(艾可萨) exa E 10006 1018 1000000000000000000 1975
拍(拍它) peta P 10005 1015 1000000000000000 1975
太(太拉) tera T 10004 1012 1000000000000 1960
吉(吉咖) giga G 10003 109 1000000000 1960
百萬 mega M 10002 106 1000000 1873
kilo k 10001 103 1000 1795
hecto h 10002/3 102 100 1795
deca da 10001/3 101 10 1795
10000 100 1
deci d 1000−1/3 10-1 0.1 1795
centi c 1000−2/3 10-2 0.01 1795
milli m 1000-1 10-3 0.001 1795
micro µ 1000-2 10-6 0.000001 1873
纳(纳诺) nano n 1000-3 10-9 0.000000001 1960
皮(皮可) pico p 1000-4 10-12 0.000000000001 1960
飞(飞母托) femto f 1000-5 10-15 0.000000000000001 1964
阿(阿托) atto a 1000-6 10-18 0.000000000000000001 1964
仄(仄普托) zepto z 1000-7 10-21 0.000000000000000000001 1991
幺(幺科托) yocto y 1000-8 10-24 0.000000000000000000000001 1991
柔(柔托) ronto r 1000-9 10-27 0.000000000000000000000000001 2022
亏(亏科托) quecto q 1000-10 10-30 0.000000000000000000000000000001 2022
  1. ^ 1795年引进的国际单位制包含6个词头。1873年随厘米-克-秒制引进mega和micro。其余的时间以國際度量衡大會的决议为准。




  1. ^ International Bureau of Weights and Measures, SI Brochure: The International System of Units (SI) (PDF) 9th, 2019-05-20, ISBN 978-92-822-2272-0 
  2. ^ ISO 2955-1974: Information processing - Representations of SI and other units for use in systems with limited character sets 1st. 1974. 
  3. ^ Table 2. ISO 2955-1983: lnformation processing - Representations of SI and other units for use in systems with limited character sets (PDF) 2nd. 1983-05-15 [2016-12-14]. 
  4. ^ ISMP List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations: Abbreviations for Doses/Measurement Units. Recommendations. Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). 2021-02-05 [2022-12-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-24). Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations: μg […] Intended Meaning: Microgram […] Misinterpretation: Mistaken as mg […] Best Practice: Use mcg […]