
User talk:WikiCantona/archive



HenryLi 2006年12月6日 (三) 18:40 (UTC)



整返好。雖然唔知點解,我抄一次,睇一次,存一次咁就無事。唔知係咪有啲碼嘅問題。 HenryLi 2006年12月13日 (三) 03:06 (UTC)



你同HillgentlemanTalk:燒嘢食唔記得打四條蛇簽名,唔知邊個同邊過傾緊。HenryLi 2006年12月13日 (三) 03:12 (UTC)



有人將燒嘢食拎咗過國語維基百科,點知被人問有無權威證據。重話網上揾唔到云云。---Hillgentleman 2006年12月17日 (日) 03:18 (UTC)

zh:港式燒烤--Hillgentleman 2006年12月17日 (日) 03:31 (UTC)



搬完之後,記得將所有相關redirection改返正啊。HenryLi 2007年1月4日 (四) 23:58 (UTC)

  • no problem, 改篇文先。



封人正式叫block (ban 好似勁好多)-呢度無乜程序喎好似。警告下渠,可subst 塊 template:test3template:test4, 好似咁{{subst:test4}}--~~~~;如果嚴重緊急嘅大鑊嘢可試 電郵/irc 個管理亨利或者先知人等等或者揾 執行員(steward)。---Hillgentleman | 2007年1月24日 (三) 12:05 (UTC)

明唔明?你可睇吓 Wikipedia:要譯成粵語嘅文章 & template:需譯--Hillgentleman | 2007年1月24日 (三) 12:15 (UTC)

  • 老友,明未呀?明就拎走個模。--Hillgentleman | 2007年1月28日 (日) 12:15 (UTC)
    • thank you, 掂。



老友,其實218188366所為屬玩野,未算嚴重。可參攷:en:template:test2, en:template:test1. ----Hillgentleman | 2007年2月1日 (四) 08:29 (UTC)

指唔係唔得,但指d錯既野就唔岩啦。flamelai在Wikipedia:管理人員任免記錄/RockLi所提到既,係有錯漏的,例如有關香港維基媒體基金會籌備委員會第十次會議會議記錄都未出,所以唔應該再周圍copy,誤導大眾。--encyclopedist (對話頁) 2007年2月11日 (日) 18:29 (UTC)


可否去SC96 討論頁建議渠做emergency sysop. 渠而家一直喺度打破壞。--Hillgentleman | ---2007年02月14號 (星期三), 格林尼治標準 14點06分18秒


  • 遲下,搞掂曬手頭嘢,可以試譯en:objectivity (science)en:paradigm(範式),en:exemplar。中文維基百科未有。--Hillgentleman | ---2007年02月14號 (星期三), 格林尼治標準 20點52分59秒
  • 你唔識渠,無證據唔好話渠有乜奸計。或者渠習慣講嘢過火同拉埋的唔拉更嘢。應該叫渠客觀、禮貌同提醒渠睇五大支柱。--Hillgentleman | ---2007年02月15號 (星期四), 格林尼治標準 09點54分37秒
  • 但你認為係乜,似乎無關討論喎。辯論中,唔離題係最最重要嘅。--Hillgentleman | ---2007年02月15號 (星期四), 格林尼治標準 10點20分50秒



謝謝您的歡迎,不過打廣東話真的很難。 --Chaplin 2007年2月15日 (四) 13:27 (UTC)



老友,百科文一般盡量避免指向 Wikipedia: 空間名,以避循環參攷。但連去本字或者都有用,但至少應指明係 wikipedia:廣東話本字。可以考慮:有朝一日要出版維基百科,啲討論頁同 Wikipedia: 頁唔屬百科範圍,亦唔多受NOR, NPOV 之類政策管,唔會跟住出版。---Hillgentleman | , 二千七年三月三號(星期六), 格林尼治標準 04點17分57秒

  • 有人唔中意inter-namespace redirect,但我(自己)覺得呢下無傷大雅,而且有用。畢竟我地重摸索緊廣東話正字。或者遞日搬wikipedia:廣東話本字去維基學府研究,過咁上下時日,有番咁上下多人參與,有專業嘅嚴慬,或者可變做可靠來源。---Hillgentleman | , 二千七年三月三號(星期六), 格林尼治標準 17點47分15秒
  • 另,靜靜講,好多時咁樣 啲字會令我心跳加速。(好似假設左對方唔識揸重點,要咁指出)。我寫嘢通常都盡量避免。如果要用,我寧用咁樣;有啲人唔中意,話斜體中文未必每種 browser 都好睇,但無人話睇唔到。
  • 換句話講,唔講廢話,就每字都重要。聽高僧講道,慢慢來,唔使拍檯拍凳,大家都聽實。-----Hillgentleman | , 二千七年三月三號(星期六), 格林尼治標準 18點02分38秒



如果開日期嘅文,順手加返interwiki link。咁方便大家參考。HenryLi 2007年3月9日 (五) 05:08 (UTC)



最緊要大家認為用「搞清楚」方便就 ok 喇。Roy2005 2007年3月9日 (五) 17:38 (UTC)

今期 wikizine (64)


簡東拿,今期 wikizine (64) [1]

=== Media ===

[According to Wikipedia] - The English language Wikipedia article about the US
town "Sioux Falls" is printed in a local publication of that town. This is what
Wikipedia is all about, giving people information they can use freely. However,
people of Sioux Falls where not charmed with the article's description of their
town as a "dirty little town" and "full of drunks".
=== Did you know ... ===

... that it is possible for non-sysop to semi-protect a page?

This method is based on last week's "did you know" about protecting unborn
articles (see link below). If you "transclude" pages you would like to protect
(including them as templates) on a page that is semi-protected with the
'cascading protection' option enabled, they will be automatically protected
from edits by non-sysops.

---Hillgentleman | , 二千七年三月十五號(星期四), 格林尼治標準 03點08分19秒



WikiCantona兄你好呀,響呢幾個月內閣下都對粵語維基百科都作出咗唔少嘅貢獻,都得到咗唔少響粵語維基百科維護唔少嘅經驗。想問一吓閣下有冇興趣做粵語維基百科嘅管理員呢?因為現時響粵語維基百科度,有管理員權限而又活躍嘅都只得兩三位。多幾位管理員對維護同埋對修補破壞係一件好事嚟嘅。--Shinjiman 2007年3月20日 (二) 04:48 (UTC)

我已經幫手開咗呢一版喇,各位嘅用戶可以響嗰一版度表達意見。--Shinjiman 2007年3月22日 (四) 15:48 (UTC)
恭喜你已經成功申請做管理員。響運用管理員權限嗰陣,請睇睇響管理員嘅介紹,同埋睇睇Wikipedia:管理員閱讀一覽(重整緊),如果管理員之間有嘢問嗰陣,可以利用Wikipedia:管理員留言板同各位管理員發表。最後祝編輯愉快! --Shinjiman 2007年4月5日 (四) 13:24 (UTC)



請睇:http://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:%E5%BC%95%E6%96%B0%E8%81%9E&action=edit 我當時懶,就咁用的中文字代替。第日會加番英文;暫時請你跟呢度Template:引新聞/解嘅註解譯住先。對唔住。送個{{Subst:氹氹轉菊花園|東|南|西|北|中}}畀你,你唔鍾意可以削咗渠。---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年三月二十四號(星期六), 格林尼治標準 14點07分57秒

  • 不如你整埋渠,將啲{{{中文參數}}}改做{{{english parameter|{{{中文參數}}}}}}

同埋 {{{中文參數|}}}-->{{{english parameter|{{{中文參數|}}}}}} ---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年三月二十四號(星期六), 格林尼治標準 19點21分05秒



Hello :)

You can get the bot from here. if you follow the instructions, you will be able to run it quite easily..I will add the Cantonese wikipedia to my to my list too :). (alnokta)

  • 明白。留低英文。而 template:啤牌 入面啲參量係{{{1}}}、{{{2}}}、{{{3}}},唔分英中。---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年三月二十九號(星期四), 格林尼治標準 13點46分09秒
  • 多謝你的 ISBN。呢度唔易揾中文書。第日有機會就去睇。---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年三月三十號(星期五), ��林尼治標準 21點48分29秒
  • 簡東拿,注意別字。(一致 ?、乜(水/誰?))遲的再傾。---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年四月七號(星期六), 格林尼治標準 17點00分05秒
  • That is right. The purpose is only to reduce the boring task. We do not consider we have an article until we have digested it. And machine translation's contribution to digestion is 0%.

What I am thinking now is this: first convert single characters then revert the over-convertion then revert the over-over-convertion, I imagine that, after this, just check the diff, it would be easy to spot any error and correct it manually.

THEN the actual digestion begins!

P.S. I often think that the difference between National Speech and Wide East Speech comes from the tones: in national speech the lack of tonality forces many words to have similar sounds, and, in order to distinguish them clearly, and regional variations of pronounciations not being helpful, people started to lengthen their phrases and their sentences. PSS 若你惗到有乜,可直接改user:hillgentleman1嘅轉,反轉,反反轉。反反反轉。。 ---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年四月九號(星期一), 格林尼治標準 00點18分35秒

  • 有。* :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年四月十一號(星期三), 格林尼治標準 20點11分28秒




NPOV 嘅原意係包容:

Wikipedia is first and foremost a general encyclopedia, and a general encyclopedia is a representation of the sum total of human knowledge, at some level of generality. But what really is "human knowledge"? Without first attempting to give a definition, we can acknowledge that there is considerable disagreement about cases; on any topic about which there are competing theories, each theory represents a different view of what the truth is, and to the extent to which it contradicts other theories, its adherents believe that the other views are false, and therefore not knowledge (on any account of knowledge according to which what is known must be, at least, true).

There are many people, with a wide range of opinions on many different topics, who are working on Wikipedia articles. We need do no more than observe this, than to see that we are faced with a problem: there is disagreement about what is true, and thus what constitutes knowledge, in any particular controversy. Given that Wikipedia is a collaborative effort, how can we solve the problem of endless "edit wars" in which one person asserts that p, whereupon the next person changes the text so that it asserts that not-p?


至於唔係廣東話:當渠無到就得;亦可以用<!-- ---> 來收埋,好似咁。* :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年四月十五號(星期日), 格林尼治標準 00點20分45秒

日-->號 : )

  • Thanks.  :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年四月二十四號(星期二), 格林尼治標準 08點55分10秒



m:ParserFunctions. {{#if:|String|empty}} {{#if:nonemptystring|string|empty}} ---> empty string

  • :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月三號(星期四), 格林尼治標準 09點29分09秒

Dong Nin Gum Yat


Foon Ying


可用 Template:好歡迎 (talk, backlinks, edit)

/ (Template:歡迎你 (talk, backlinks, edit)





我地發展緊用字嘅一套指引Wikipedia:廣東話本字,你可參攷同埋畀意見。希望你鍾意來呢度寫嘢。* :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月十六號(星期三), 格林尼治標準 05點57分41秒。唔使留低{{PAGENAME}}咁難睇(:?)

  • :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月十二號(星期六), 格林尼治標準 01點36分49秒

Answers: 1. Check it yourself: {{subst:welcome}}-->

2. Check it yourself: special:whatlinkshere/template:好歡迎. You may use {{subst:wc}} -->


  • 唔想太張揚,但斷估來搞搞震嘅都無乜邊個係高人。可以自動護/解一日,但要每日有人睇頁WP:SALT來啓動。
  • :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月十六號(星期三), 格林尼治標準 05點57分41秒

Mobile telephone: Perhaps we can move it to the userpage. It may be helpful for encyclopaedic editing. It is not obviously violating any copyright.* :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月十七號(星期四), 格林尼治標準 11點15分41秒

  • The examples you gave were fine. However, this one is not. It is more than offensive. It advocates violence. Read en:WP:USERNAME#Offensive usernames line 4 again. * :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月十八號(星期五), 格林尼治標準 01點06分01秒
  • In english wikipedia, many unsuitable usernames are blocked on sight. Also in English wikiversity - one example was en:v:user:Osama Bin Laden. This is harmless and the best option because the user has not contributed any edit and it is easier than username change. If the name is certainly inappropriate, it should not be used.* :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月十八號(星期五), 格林尼治標準 07點57分55秒
  • :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月二十五號(星期五), 格林尼治標準 20點13分00秒

『唔該,加返啲資料嘅來源,維基百科唔係 forum,講嘢要有跟據。』


Biography of living person en:WP:LIVING


1. 無相干嘅字面問題:呢度



2. en:WP:LIVING - 有好多時無傷大雅嘅,留住等查證唔係大問題,但生人就唔得。因為唔正當嘅文字會傷到人。所以唔可有絲毫懷疑。[8],[9]* :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年五月三十號(星期三), 格林尼治標準 06點53分15秒

  • Target - Thank you. I missed that. I have not time yet to learn how to hack the multiple character conversion.* :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年六月四號(星期一), 格林尼治標準 22點51分48秒

A discussion is needed

  • Your message at 20070610172201 * :)---Hillgentleman | , 二零零七年六月十號(星期日), 格林尼治標準 09點33分24秒



照睇返字典序就好清楚。裏面提到陳廷敬。我會建議改成redirect,唔係快速刪除。HenryLi 2007年6月12號 (二) 08:57 (UTC)[回覆]

響第五版,「康熙五年閏三月十九日.日講官起居注翰林院侍講學士加五級臣陳邦彥奉敕敬書」,響第六版,康熙四十九年三月初九日.上喻南書房侍值大學士陳廷敬等」。好明顯係康熙年間嘅事,所以成書肯定係康熙年間。至於點流行民間,又係另一回事。所以建議redirection。 HenryLi 2007年6月13號 (三) 06:32 (UTC)[回覆]

I have replied. Here is for you. -Wait a week and see. Or change the variables {{{底線}}} yourself to a nearer time (or to 0)Hillgentleman | 2007年6月15號 (五) 04:48 (UTC)[回覆]

When you add a thread, tis better to add a summarising section title, or else your comment will not show up in the Table Of Content.Hillgentleman | 2007年6月15號 (五) 06:13 (UTC)[回覆]

  • you need to remind people too. Again can you remove my last edits (double one) and add the 目 character there. Thanks.

Thank you and questions


崇正中學解得封未?Hillgentleman | 2007年6月18號 (一) 04:51 (UTC)[回覆]

Could you please write a stub http://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auckland_Grammar_School - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auckland_Grammar_School? Only 2-5 sentences enough. Please. --Per Angusta 2007年6月18號 (一) 10:00 (UTC)[回覆]

Thankyou so much WikiCantona for your excellent translation help!
I am very very Grateful.
May you and Cantonese Wikipedia prosper!

I have uploaded the image into Wikimedia Commons already. --Per Angusta 2007年6月18號 (一) 22:02 (UTC)[回覆]



你第二句答返你第一句。你第三句:你可以自己整。Hillgentleman | 2007年6月21號 (四) 05:57 (UTC)[回覆]

Thank you, but there is already an optional message in template:translation, which should stay put until it is copyedited.Hillgentleman | 2007年6月22號 (五) 01:21 (UTC)[回覆]

維基百科 中文版 + 粵語版 黑幕網特 您好!!


請問您地國際班黑幕收倒中共﹐香港政府 同 香港D黑商 幾多錢呀? 咁好賺益下我呀﹐好唔好呀? 又有黑幕黎封所人地D意見啦﹐LEE度果然係大陸網特+香港黑商 天下。 真係佩服!! 佩服!!


無奈, 冇人唔畀你, 唔好側埋一邊Hillgentleman | 2007年6月22號 (五) 15:50 (UTC)[回覆]

Your comments


On your comments on Wikipedia:回應常見批評:

燒嘢食 cannot be used in the Chinese Wikipedia while other trivialized concept zh:香港燒烤文化 is replaced because the character 嘢 is not standard Chinese and "make it more universal (less regional)" (while zh:唰羊肉 is allowed).

I did not follow the entire story; the issue was trivial. Since our article 燒嘢食 was barely started when somebody took it, it was a stub, and it had no chance to develop into a balanced article, as in en:WP:CSB. In fact, the first sentence of 燒嘢食 is universal. Only the subsequent details are regional. Some people wrongly, and I repeat, wrongly believe that we cannot present regional point of views. Nonsense. These people don't understand m:NPOV. What we should do is to balance the various (major, if there are too many) points of views to achieve NPOV. Hillgentleman | 2007年6月25號 (一) 10:20 (UTC)[回覆]

Whether the regional point of view is presented or not, NPOV is not the point here. The article in Chinese cannot (/ought not) be called 燒嘢食 is the point. Some (Hong Kong) people think 燒嘢食 cannot be written because it is Cantonese, First, it is called 港式燒烤 then this title. While 唰羊肉 is perfectly regional food but can be written without being challenge. Why is that? Why should both are regional food style? one needed to remove from its original name and the other is acceptable?--WikiCantona 2007年6月25號 (一) 14:50 (UTC)[回覆]
Of course not. Again! The article corresponding to 燒嘢食 is zh:燒烤, which is a standard Chinese term, which everybody understands. Cantonese words are part of the Chinese family. On top of your example, 胡同, as I remember, is an Manchurian word; and Manchurian is en:Altaic, and is not even part of the Chinese language family. And of course 巴士 is english. Again, that somebody nicked some content from 燒嘢食 and wrote another article, doesn't imply that the new article corresponds to the article here.Hillgentleman | 2007年6月25號 (一) 14:57 (UTC)[回覆]

Neutral terms


你搞掂template:countdown未?Hillgentleman | 2007年7月5號 (四) 01:09 (UTC)[回覆]





謹訂於2007年7月14日 (星期六)下午三時

敬備茶點 恭候光臨 懇賜花籃


2007年7月9號 (一) 00:09 (UTC)~敬約


已更新嘅 DYK 查詢 2007年7月12日頭版你知唔知?專欄已經換畫咗喇。你新寫篇文章「新世界七大奇蹟」獲選亮相,真係恭喜晒!如果你日後見到得意益智嘅新文章,請您喺「你知唔知?」對話頁度推舉。夾埋呢篇,您總共有1篇文章喺呢欄度亮過相。

好多謝閣下嘅貢獻。--Shinjiman 2007年7月12號 (四) 05:52 (UTC)[回覆]

唔好意思,睇過模對話版,因為個留言冇簽名同註明開文者,先有呢個問題;而家收番個通知。--Shinjiman 2007年7月12號 (四) 06:15 (UTC)[回覆]

List all new article


記住nothanks 個suspected copyviolation嘅編者


你唔記得開版權頁。 我開咗

負責檢查呢篇文嘅維基人喺加入侵權信息之後,請喺Wikipedia:版權問題今日嘅審查部份加上 *{{subst:article-cv|嚴嵩}} 自 [http://forum.pchome.com.tw/forum/post.php?mode=item&type=1&board=art_festival&subject=6089&read=1]--~~~~ , 之後到貢獻者嘅對話頁加上以下有關侵犯版權嘅信息 {{subst:nothanks|嚴嵩}} --~~~~ 。

  • -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年七月二十八號(星期六)格林尼治 05時46分25秒。



Thankyou very much WikiCantona for your Brilliant help and effort!

May you be Blessed and may Cantonese wikipedia Prosper!

Kind regards --Jason Lee 2007年7月30號 (一) 04:40 (UTC)[回覆]



家下未有指引。之不過,準則當然係廣東音貼近原音,原意係當地音,而唔係英文譯音。HenryLi 2007年8月2號 (四) 00:47 (UTC)[回覆]


I don't understand your comment here[14]. "Commercial nature" is not a sin by itself; an "official" site maintained by the actor herself could be informative and encyclopaedic, and would most likely be better than just "another fan site". Can you be more specific in that particular action?* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年八月十號(星期五)格林尼治 01點38分38秒。

That was not an offical site maintained by actor herself but a site to promote AV disc featured the actress in question (and online sale feature). That is what I called "commercial". The author himself may use it as reference for her disc in the article. I replaced it with a site with all info of the discs she featured in without the selling feature. en:WP:EL#Links_normally_to_be_avoided--WikiCantona 2007年8月10號 (五) 01:52 (UTC)[回覆]

廿一候選者中 (style, 太國語)


It is not 國語. 國語 folks will say 在二十一個候選者當中. In fact it is closer to 文言.

It is perfectly reasonable to have a more condensed written form in ANY language, including cantonese.  At the end of the day, sound and sight are different senses.  Speech and writing are different media.  The requirement are different.  It has nothing to do with 國語。

As a general rule, Cantonese wikipedia articles should be tighter than Kwok Yue Wikipedia articles, because Cantonese is condenser than Kwok Yue. Adding excess 助語詞 takes one in the opposite direction.

  • -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年八月十九號(星期日)格林尼治 04點58分15秒。

  • My friend, you have conflated two ideas:
  1. Use less words to clearly present an idea, a point, a fact → (presentation)
  2. Use less words to say the same thing in a sentense → (style).
  • We are talking about the second one in this case. From a personal experience of editing, I tends to agree with you that Cantonese articles is more "condense" than that written in Gwok Yue. e.g. We use more single word than double. e.g. "翻譯" → "譯"; "修改" → "改". It is not necessarily so if Cantonese element is to preserve.
  • When a sentense is written, I choose more Cantonese style - based largely on everyday speech. For example, the "時" and "嗰陣" is sometime interchangable, I always choose the latter for being more Cantonese. However, most of time, it's just not Cantonese at all to use "時". 『廿一候選者中』is totally uncantonese, more closed to the "standard Chinese" written form. 『廿一候選者之中』is okay (the Ji makes a different),『喺廿一候選名單裏面』is bettter. 『者』I have no idea how Cantonese this is, I avoid it.
  • Some people think Cantonese wiki is unnecessary because the "standard" written form (標準中文) is used in Chinese wiki and that the standard written form is not Gwok Yue, they will never say Gwok Yue Wiki. However, we all know the standard written form is more a puppet of Gwok Yue, formal words always comes from Gwok Yue. This is very dangerous line to walk if writing in a "compact style" sometimes is indistinguishable with "standard written form", 『廿一候選者中』is in standard written form, for this reason and this reason alone 『喺廿一候選名單裏面』should be chosen.
  • Traditionally, there is no such thing as pure Cantonese written language, Written form is either referring to the Standard Chinese or Classical Chinese. The truest base of written Cantonese is speech. Away from speech too much is just like writing in the Standard Chinese with Cantonese vocabulary and some Cantonese sentence arrangement. I don't know that is the direction we should go. Yuet Classical Chinese might be the answer if a true written form (very different than speech) is to develop....
  • Finally, please don't let that "efficiency" creepping into writing for sake of "Cantonese wikipedia articles should be tighter than Kwok Yue Wikipedia articles." Clear, and precise is good, Cantonese comes with "style" is good too. I enjoy that freedom. Don't get me wrong, I think how you cleaned up some article (use less word to write the same article) is good. I do think some style do no harm.
In a nutshell: Don't change for the sake of compactness, styles and Cantoneseness must be considered. 

Re: Suspected sockpuppets on User:Jimmylai0312


The user Jimmylai0312A does not exists on the user list.[15] So you have incorrect suspection for the user account which does not have any sockpuppets. Please, assume good faith. --Shinjiman 2007年8月20號 (一) 13:37 (UTC)[回覆]

It's apporiate for moving a page from a non existent user account to a subpage, however in this wiki, the users accounts cannot be deleted in this wiki. What you have deleted, it's only a user page (a page in User: namespace) which does not belong to any user account, the contents of the page was created by Jimmylai0312 (User account Jimmylai0312A does not exists in this wiki.[16][17]) This means there's only a user account called Jimmylai0312 and there's no account at this wiki called Jimmylai0312A. --Shinjiman 2007年8月20號 (一) 19:15 (UTC)[回覆]
At this moment, all deleted contributions can be viewed by account with sysop previlleges, by Special:Deletedcontributions, also sysops can view or restore the contents what sysops are deleted recently. --Shinjiman 2007年8月20號 (一) 19:18 (UTC)[回覆]
……用中文講可能會易明啲。你搬頁係可以嘅,但係就冇證據證明到Jimmylai0312響度玩緊襪公仔,因為用戶戶口Jimmylai0312A響呢個wiki度重未存在,所以佢寫入去嘅User:Jimmylai0312A,響而家來講,只係一個無頁主,響User空間名度嘅一版。噉樣講希望你可以明白。有戶口未必一定要有用戶頁;有用戶頁未必一定有戶口,切記。--Shinjiman 2007年8月20號 (一) 19:34 (UTC)[回覆]
It is possible to create a page in the User namespace even if the user account does not exists on the wiki. To know whether the user account exists in the wiki, open up the user page assocciated to the user, then check that whether the "User contributions / Logs / Block user / Email user" links exists in the toolbox or not. --Shinjiman 2007年8月21號 (二) 06:24 (UTC)[回覆]
I think it is not the strange behaviour. the user page can also check that the user is exists in this wiki or not. In the English and Chinese wikis, anonymous editors cannot create a page in those wikis, can resolve some problems, however it cannot prevented when a register user created a page for another user page in the user namespace. --Shinjiman 2007年8月22號 (三) 01:08 (UTC)[回覆]
  • It is not a problem at all. It is just part of the simplicity and freedom of mediawiki. * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年八月二十二號(星期三)格林尼治 03點58分28秒。


已更新嘅 DYK 查詢 頭版你知唔知?專欄已經換咗畫咗喇。響2007年8月27日,你推薦篇文「盜版黨」獲選亮相,真係恭喜晒!如果你再見到有得意益智嘅新文章,請您去「你知唔知?」對話頁推舉。

好多謝閣下嘅貢獻提名。下次提名嗰陣記住要簽名,否則提名將唔會被考慮。--Shinjiman 2007年8月27號 (一) 08:30 (UTC)[回覆]

因為先前嘅提名無簽名,睇提名記錄頁,係閣下提名嘅,噉就以為篇文都係你開嘅。建議下次提名嗰陣,如果開文嘅另有其人,就可以響嗰版提埋。呢個都係更加方便噉去做更新嘅工作。--Shinjiman 2007年8月27號 (一) 08:45 (UTC)[回覆]
If an article is a collective effort, they can also consider as part of the author. However this also needs to mention that at the nomination page to let the updater know what's hapopening to that article. --Shinjiman 2007年8月27號 (一) 09:43 (UTC)[回覆]

Re: Range blocks for 221.12[4567].0.0/16


For those blocked IP ranges, you can see the contributions for,,,,, et al. For those IPs above, they are checked they are coming from the same ISP (HGC).[18] Hence a IP range block is used to prevent further vandalism. --Shinjiman 2007年8月27號 (一) 09:43 (UTC)[回覆]


已更新嘅 DYK 查詢 頭版你知唔知?專欄已經換咗畫咗喇。響2007年8月28日,你推薦篇文「蓬金鐵」獲選亮相,真係恭喜晒!如果你再見到有得意益智嘅新文章,請您去「你知唔知?」對話頁推舉。

好多謝閣下嘅提名,另外要留意一吓嘅,就係響DYK度都要係五日內嘅新文,或者係五日內擴充過嘅新文,詳情請睇Template talk:你知唔知。--Shinjiman 2007年8月28號 (二) 17:54 (UTC)[回覆]

Remove references


Why did you remove the references here[19]?* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年九月二號(星期日)格林尼治 08點55分47秒。

Sorry, my mistake, I have not read the entire pages in thinking that the {{cn}} is removed for no reason, reserved the page in one click.--WikiCantona 2007年9月2號 (日) 09:52 (UTC)[回覆]

Do you feel the pain in not being able to use mw:extension:StringFunctions?




公證行應該係surveyor,不過英文嗰面無呢個解釋。有啲工好似measuring sworn同tally都同呢樣有關。HenryLi 2007年9月15號 (六) 17:34 (UTC)[回覆]



我都唔知叫乜,可能老人家先知,姑且叫蛆啦。HenryLi 2007年9月16號 (日) 01:53 (UTC)[回覆]


已更新嘅 DYK 查詢 2007年9月17日頭版你知唔知?專欄已經換畫咗喇。你新寫篇文章「雷迪」獲選亮相,真係恭喜晒!如果你日後見到得意益智嘅新文章,請您喺「你知唔知?」對話頁度推舉。夾埋呢篇,您總共有1篇文章喺呢欄度亮過相。
已更新嘅 DYK 查詢 頭版你知唔知?專欄已經換咗畫咗喇。響2007年9月17日,你推薦篇文「海豚音」獲選亮相,真係恭喜晒!如果你再見到有得意益智嘅新文章,請您去「你知唔知?」對話頁推舉。
已更新嘅 DYK 查詢 頭版你知唔知?專欄已經換咗畫咗喇。響2007年9月17日,你推薦篇文「煎堆」獲選亮相,真係恭喜晒!如果你再見到有得意益智嘅新文章,請您去「你知唔知?」對話頁推舉。

好多謝閣下嘅貢獻。--Shinjiman 2007年9月17號 (一) 03:48 (UTC)[回覆]



都幾得意。澳門同香港都有唔少廣東話同番話對譯古書,不迥唔係個個都可掂到。HenryLi 2007年9月19號 (三) 07:18 (UTC)[回覆]

Please help with template 中文數字


I can't figure out on Subst




please carefully check the differences oftemplate:中文數字template:中文數目template:中文數位。It appears that your naming at zh-classical:template:中文數字 would lead to much confusion in the future.* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年九月二十一號(星期五)格林尼治 01點44分22秒。

fixed.--WikiCantona 2007年9月21號 (五) 02:20 (UTC)[回覆]


kick 手難題個 kick 字點寫?

  • -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月十五號(星期一)格林尼治 03點20分31秒。

re: 手扼 或 手鈪


我諗金字邊 "手鈪" 會似樣啲 - Hardys 2007年10月15號 (一) 10:16 (UTC)[回覆]

金字邊都唔一定係指金屬,而手字邊個扼係動詞,金字邊個鈪仲未查到意思,暫時用住先 - Hardys 2007年10月15號 (一) 10:49 (UTC)[回覆]

當年今日 template and mainpage



到底你想要邊個link? 有用嘅 link 我全部保留曬。 wikipedia:當年今日/10月個link 係 "今個月"意思清楚過"舊文"好多。portal:時人時事嘅link係頭頂。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月二十一號(星期日)格林尼治 15點51分17秒。

你而家咁 當年今日出咗2個一模一樣嘅links.


你而家咁 當年今日出咗2個一模一樣嘅links. 一個頭頂,一個地下。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月二十一號(星期日)格林尼治 15點53分25秒。



重有,頭版係畀讀者嘅大門;一欄出咗兩個「當年今日」links,一個係文章namespace,一個係wikipedia namespace,肯定頭暈;要方便編者,可以響第度,例如社區大堂、管理員布告版。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月二十一號(星期日)格林尼治 15點57分12秒。

wikipedia:當年今日/當年今日完全兩樣嘢。畀一般讀者睇嘅係main namespace 嘅當年今日;而wikipedia namespace 嘅,只關編者事;若讀者睇到就會亂曬龍。



畀一般讀者睇嘅係main namespace 嘅當年今日;而wikipedia namespace 嘅,只關編者事;若讀者睇到就會亂曬龍。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月二十一號(星期日)格林尼治 16點02分24秒。

"當年今日"大前日嘅link真係有用? 我就寧可要聽日


"當年今日"大前日嘅link,對你真係有用過當年聽日嘅link? 我就寧可要聽日,編同讀都好。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月二十一號(星期日)格林尼治 16點23分18秒。

一句講曬,我取消過嘅頭版link,係得維基新聞(英|中) 同埋訃聞。


一句講曬,我取消過嘅頭版link,係得維基新聞(英|中) 同埋訃聞。 維基新聞關連太細,而且其實樓下有;訃聞太唔常用,要嘅,都應該響portal時人時事度轉過去。其他links我全部保留。老友,你自己話啲link有用,但我已經問咗你好幾次到底你要邊條拎。你唔答,我唔知你想點。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月二十一號(星期日)格林尼治 16點33分44秒。



已經答咗。HenryLi 2007年10月24號 (三) 22:39 (UTC)[回覆]

Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP)

Dear WikiCantona,
Could you provide help creating a zh-yue. entry on the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño ?
Thank you!
Please see:
All the best WikiCantona!
ChestHeavy 2007年10月26號 (五) 18:59 (UTC)[回覆]

direct deposit


Do you know with certainty that "direct deposit" is 匯錢? I have always thought 匯錢=電匯=money wiring, in which the bank charges $$$ ; Are they the same?

  • -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月二十七號(星期六)格林尼治 07點16分37秒。

to get a list of your contributions


re; 當年今日


最多話馬丁路德係宗教改革關鍵人物,但話"佢嘅宗教改革"好似唔多妥,可以話:「483年:德國神學學者馬丁路德出世,佢係宗教改革關鍵人物,亦導致基督教分裂。」其實我都唔知點寫好 - Hardys 2007年11月10號 (六) 11:24 (UTC)[回覆]


已更新嘅 DYK 查詢 頭版你知唔知?專欄已經換咗畫咗喇。響2007年11月24日,你推薦篇文「大鐘樓」獲選亮相,真係恭喜晒!如果你再見到有得意益智嘅新文章之事實,請您去「你知唔知?」對話頁推舉。

好多謝閣下嘅提名。唔好意思,要咁遲先睇到有呢個項目,更新來遲咗小小。 --Shinjiman 2007年11月24號 (六) 14:51 (UTC)[回覆]

re: 票


要慢慢查,英文en:Category:Elections大把嘢抄考,不過一個人寫唔得咁多,真係要慢慢搞,而且又有其他文想寫,耐心啲啦,或者你又試吓喺en:Category:Elections搵啲文譯吓啦 - Hardys 2007年12月5號 (三) 09:58 (UTC)[回覆]



響提報侵權文嗰陣響文頁度貼,即係加入新侵權版嗰陣(響WP:CP最尾嗰一行嘅拎)就噉保存開版,然後再響『列新嘅侵權文章』撳一下開新版,再將個{{subst:article-cv|侵權文}}貼上去就可以㗎喇,唔使直接響嗰日嘅侵權頁度貼上去。 :) Shinjiman 2007年12月6號 (四) 14:10 (UTC)[回覆]



請問呢篇文章: en:List of streets and roads in Hong Kong 響粵語維基度有無對應嘅? 多謝!!
森理世さん 2008年1月3號 (四) 23:29 (UTC)[回覆]

interesting power balance in Wikimedia Foundation


After Erik Moller (user:eloquence) got himself a job of deputy director for the foundation (reporting to Sue Gardner, who is an outsider to wikimedia foundation), and made the lead developper brion vibber report to him, the board duely elected a core developper Domaz Mituzas (user:midom) to trusteeship. * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零八年二月二十四號(星期日)格林尼治 02點55分32秒。

I didn't pay much attention to the situation in the Foundation. Thanks for the info. It is good to know some names.
I have been busy minding my own things - haven't contributed much these days, and hoping I can do more. Later. --WikiCantona 2008年2月25號 (一) 02:54 (UTC)[回覆]



呢度已經有伊利沙伯二世,咁伊麗莎白二世係咪應該重定向之後先至保護呢?-- 2008年5月22號 (四) 06:29 (UTC)[回覆]



可能是你冒認我XD--Dragoon17c 2008��6月8號 (日) 08:53 (UTC)[回覆]



想問如果我寫完一個文章之後,我自己洗唔洗簽名?內容係講一個city。同埋係邊到邊個SITE有講關於簽名既野?Mhkconnie 2008年6月10號 (二) 01:23 (UTC) Thanks。[回覆]

回:Javascript for conversion


你可以參攷下:User:Sl/wiki/tradsim.jsUser:Sl/wiki/utoolbox.js同埋User:Sl/wiki/hks2u.js。重有,User:Sl/monobook.jsHenryLi 2008年6月11號 (三) 17:46 (UTC)[回覆]

Please copyedit.



  • -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零八年六月二十二號(星期日)格林尼治 16點01分21秒。



关于你嘅问题, 我在我嘅讨论页提供咗详细回答. Penkyamp


Hello. Maybe addOnloadHook function is not defined in your Wikipedia? Marc Mongenet 2008年7月9號 (三) 01:17 (UTC)[回覆]


  • -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零八年七月十七號(星期四)格林尼治 08點19分15秒。

Teochew Wikipedia


Good Morning WikiCantona,

The Request for the creation of Teochew Wikipedia has been created here. Your support would be appreciated very much. Thankyou. --Jason Lee 2008年7月24號 (四) 23:55 (UTC)[回覆]

Thank you

Thank you for your support for the future Teochew Wikipedia

--Jason Lee 2008年7月26號 (六) 04:47 (UTC)[回覆]