Xenoblade Wiki
For other uses, see Blade.
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The future doesn't belong to you!

For those who have not completed games in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, this page contains spoilers regarding the plot. Discretion is advised.

Blades (Japanese: ブレイド, Bureido) are a race in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country.


Blades are weaponized life forms linked to a Driver who creates and summons them by resonating with a Core Crystal. Blades endow their Driver with powers and a weapon. Each Blade plays a different role, owning different stats and an elemental type, such as fire for Pyra, and providing a distinct set of Blade Arts and support abilities depending on its weapon. By searching for and collecting Blades, the player chooses to attach and selects Blade companions and the kind of role desired.[1]


Drivers and Blades relationship

They are several classifications of Blades depending on the Drivers and Blades relationship and their type. Blades can be recruited into the party through different means, depending on their rarity: Common, Rare and Legendary. The uniquely named Legendary Blades, such as Pyra and Dromarch, are mainly recruited through the story progression and are linked to a unique Driver. Rare Blades, such as Boreas, are created from Common, Rare, Legendary or specific Core Crystals and can be linked to any Driver in the party. The randomized Common Blades are created from Common, Rare or Legendary Core Crystals through resonance. The Special Blades have story importance, are the signature Blades of their respective Drivers, and have a unique weapon (except for Dromarch and Aegaeon, who use Twin Rings and Chroma Katana respectively). While most of them are Legendary Blades, those of Torna members are Rare Blades. There are artificial Blades, who are not awakened from a Core Crystal like natural Blades but built using an Ether Furnace to give them Blade-like abilities; Examples include Poppi, Lila, and Ino. They are controlled by characters who are not real Drivers, but the resultant duos function very similarly to normal Blade/Driver groups. There are Flesh Eaters, Blades who have been fused with human cells, granting them unique abilities and the ability to avoid returning to their Core Crystals. Some Blades are powerful enough to function as independent enemies even in the absence of their Drivers.

While Blades are technically immortal, being able to recover from any injury, they return to their Core Crystal when their Driver dies. Furthermore, if their Core Crystal was to be fragmented, their healing capabilities would be severely reduced. If a Blade's Core Crystal is destroyed, the Blade dies.


Pyra, the Blade linked to Rex

When a Blade returns to its Core Crystal, the data contained within it, including its memories, is passed to the cores of the Trinity Processor, which processes it then returns it to the core so that it can be resonated again, resulting in continuously evolving Blades. After a Blade has returned to its Core Crystal enough times, which may span centuries, it becomes a Titan which will serve as a home for other living beings while producing new Core Crystals, thus completing the cycle.


Each Blade is associated with an element, and any Blade Arts they use are of that element. In battle, some enemies may exhibit a weakness to a particular element, evidenced by an icon of that element displayed in their target frame. Elements and their opposite counterparts play a key role in Blade Combos and Chain Attacks. Light is the only element that is exclusive to Legendary and Rare Blades, all other elements can also appear on random Common Blades. The eight elements, paired by opposites, are:


Blade Roles[]

Different Blade roles enable different fighting styles. The combination of currently equipped Blades' roles determines a Driver's class.

Unleashes powerful Arts.
Heals allies while attacking.
Takes aggro to defend allies.

List of Blades[]

Special and Legendary Blades[]

Driver Blade Role Stat Modifier Given Weapon Element
Rex Pyra Attacker Strength 10% Aegis Sword
Attacker Ether 10%
Attacker Dexterity 15%
Healer Max HP 15% Catalyst Scimitar
Nia Dromarch Healer Ether 10% Twin Rings
Tora ※1 Poppi α (artificial) Tank ※2 Max HP ※2 Drill Shield

then various ※2
Tank ※2 Agility ※2 Mech Arms

then various ※2
Attacker ※2 Strength ※2 Variable Saber

then various ※2
Vandham Roc Attacker Dexterity 15% Dual Scythes
Mòrag Brighid Tank Agility 15% Whipswords
Tank Agility 15% Chroma Katana
Zeke Pandoria Attacker Strength 10% Big Bang Edge
Niall Aegaeon Tank Agility 15% Chroma Katana
Malos Sever ※3 Tank Strength 15% Sword Tonfa
Akhos Obrona ※3 Attacker Agility 20% Brilliant Twinblades
Patroka Perdido ※3 Attacker Strength 10% Decimation Cannon
Mikhail Cressidus ※3 Tank Max HP 20% Rockrending Gauntlets
Dughall Dolmes ※4 Spiked Hammer
※1 Tora is not a Driver but he controls Poppi α, Poppi QT, Poppi QTπ as artificial Blades.
※2 Poppi's element, role, and stat modifier can be changed by upgrading it via Poppiswap.
※3 All of these Blades are identified as Rare Blades.
※4 Dolmes is not obtainable nor usable.

Rare Blades[]

Some can be obtained through the main quests or by doing side quests, but most rare blades are random rewards of Common, Rare or Legendary Core Crystals.

Blade Role Stat Modifier Given Weapon Element Acquisition
Godfrey Tank Max HP 15% Shield Hammer
Wulfric Attacker Strength 15% Megalance
Beastly Core Crystal
Perceval Tank Agility 10% Chroma Katana
Vale Attacker Ether 15% Megalance
Agate Attacker Dexterity 10% Greataxe
Gorg Attacker Max HP 15% Greataxe
Boreas Healer Max HP 15% Bitball
Dagas Attacker Strength 5%
then 10% ※1
Kasandra Tank Max HP 15% Shield Hammer
Lucky Core Crystal
Praxis Attacker Dexterity 10% Megalance
Crystal Clear
Theory Tank Agility 15% Chroma Katana
Blade-Sharp Memory
Perun Attacker Dexterity 10% Megalance
Kora Healer Ether 10% Knuckle Claws
Azami Attacker Ether 15% Ether Cannon
Ursula Healer Agility 10% Knuckle Claws
Newt Tank Max HP 20% Chroma Katana
Nim Healer Dexterity 10% Knuckle Claws
Sheba Attacker Ether 15% Ether Cannon
Inherited Core Crystal
Vess Healer Max HP 10% Bitball
Adenine Healer Dexterity 15% Knuckle Claws
Electra Tank Max HP 15% Shield Hammer
Zenobia Attacker Strength 15% Greataxe
Finch Tank Agility 15% Shield Hammer
Floren Healer Ether 10% Bitball
KOS-MOS Attacker Ether 20% Ether Cannon
Herald Attacker Strength 15% Ether Cannon
Sealed Core Crystal
Dahlia Healer Dexterity 10% Bitball
T-elos ※2 Attacker Strength 15% Greataxe
Poppibuster (artificial) ※3 Tank Agility 15% Shield Hammer
DLC, Shiny New Power
Shulk ※4 Attacker Ether 20% Monado
DLC, Challenge Battle Mode
Fiora ※4 Healer Strength 15% Knives
DLC, Challenge Battle Mode
Crossette ※5 Healer Ether 20% Bitball
DLC, Ebullient Core Crystal
Corvin ※6 Tank Agility 20% Uchigatana
DLC, Divine Core Crystal
Elma ※7 Attacker Ether 20% Dual Swords
DLC, Challenge Battle Mode
※1 Dagas's Affinity Chart and stats change after his Blade quest.
※2 T-elos can be obtained in version 1.4.0 or later after clearing the game's main story. If a new regular or New Game Plus playthrough is started over a cleared save file, she can be obtained without needing to finish the game again. She is obtained randomly from Core Crystals, but the rate of awakening her is much higher than any other rare Blade.
※3 Poppibuster can be obtained in version 1.4.0 or later after completing the Blade Quest Shiny New Power.
※4 Shulk and Fiora are introduced in Challenge Battle Mode in version 1.5.0. They are initially restricted to the Land of Challenge but can be taken into Alrest once the Alrest Linkring is obtained after completing the Challenge Battle Dino Drama.
※5 Crossette can be obtained in version 1.5.1 or later with New Rare Blade Pack 2 from the Expansion Pass. Collecting A Firecracker of a Gal unlocks the ability to get the Ebullient Core Crystal.
※6 Corvin can be obtained in version 1.5.2 or later with New Rare Blade Pack 3 from the Expansion Pass. Collecting A Boy of Two Swords unlocks the ability to get the Divine Core Crystal.
※7 Elma is introduced in Challenge Battle Mode in version 1.5.2. In order to obtain her, the Challenge Battle Otherworldly Fighter must be completed. She is initially restricted to the Land of Challenge but can be taken into Alrest once the Alrest Link Relay is obtained after completing the Challenge Battle Elma: Redux.

New Game Plus[]

After finishing the game in version 1.3.0 or later, New Game Plus will be available. This mode unlocks seven Blades, all of which are members of Torna in the main story.

Blade Role Stat Modifier Given Weapon Element Acquisition
Akhos Healer Ether 15% Calamity Scythe
Patroka Attacker Strength 15% Cobra Bardiche
Mikhail Tank Agility 15% Infinity Fans
Talk at Megaflote Base
in Land of Morytha after he falls out of battle in Chapter 9
Obrona Attacker Agility 20% Brilliant Twinblades
Sever Tank Strength 15% Sword Tonfa
Perdido Attacker Strength 10% Decimation Cannon
Cressidus Tank Max HP 20% Rockrending Gauntlets

Common Blades[]


Rex selecting a Common Blade named Kirim

Common Blades are created from Core Crystals. Their name, weapon and element, except Light, are determined randomly. Stats are determined semi-randomly, with the base auto-attack, guard rate, and critical rate determined purely from the Blade's weapon and appearance (see below). Their preferred Pouch Items are also chosen at random, and may consist of one category, two categories, or two categories and a specific item. Common Blades also have certain exclusive abilities that Rare Blades cannot obtain, such as "Orb Master", Luck modifiers, modifiers reaching between 21% and 24%, and certain Field Skills.

The Unnamed Core Crystal received from Gramps is a special case: it is guaranteed to produce a common Blade with Knuckle Claws and Wind element. In New Game Plus, when Gramps gives the Unnamed Core Crystal to the player again, the same blade is "awakened" (and it will even mention that it's happy to aid the player again upon awakening). The blade will have the same stats, affinity level, skills and abilities from the previous playthrough.


They have a similar global appearance, dark gray skin with blue glowing eyes and lines on the body, and a round core crystal on the chest (or head, if the blade is of the animal kind). Common Blades come in one of four basic models: "male humanoid", "female humanoid", "brute" and "animal". Each basic model has several head variations, differing in the type of horns or ears; humanoid and brute models each have four head variants, while animal models have only two.


The possible appearances of an obtained Common Blade


The Specials of a Common Blade depend on their model and weapon type. Each Common Blade has 1-3 Battle Skills chosen at random. Each Common Blade has the Element Mastery skill related to their own element, as well as 0-2 random gathering or Merc Group skills.

Releasing Blades[]

The player can release most of the Blades in their party (although it is not possible to release Special Blades, and several other Blades, like the first random Blade Rex bonds with). Releasing yields certain resources to the player, usually boosters corresponding to the Blade's element. The quantity and type of items received upon release is determined by the Strength of Blade. If player releases a Rare Blade, it is possible to get this Blade again randomly from a Core Crystal, even if said Blade was initially obtained through a unique Core Crystal (e.g. Vess or Wulfric). If a Rare Blade is released and then obtained again through a Core Crystal, their Affinity Chart will still be as it was before they were released.

Blade Affinity Chart
Key Tier 1
Key Tier 2
Key Tier 3
Key Tier 4
Key Tier 5
One Crown 1◆ 1◆ and 1❖ 1◆ and 1❖ 2◆ and 1❖ 2◆ and 1❖ 3◆ and 2❖
Two Crowns 1◆ and 1❖ 2◆ and 1❖ 2◆ and 2❖ 3◆ and 2❖ 3◆ and 3❖ 4◆ and 3❖
Three Crowns 2◆ and 1❖ 2◆ and 2❖ 3◆ and 2❖ 3◆ and 3❖ 4◆ and 4❖ 5◆ and 5❖
Four Crowns 2◆ and 2❖ 3◆ and 2❖ 3◆ and 3❖ 4◆ and 4❖ 5◆ and 5❖ Overdrive Protocol
Five Crowns 3◆ and 2❖ 3◆ and 3❖ 4◆ and 3❖ 5◆ and 4❖ 6◆ and 6❖ 8◆ and 7❖
◆ = Number of Boosters received. The Booster corresponds to the Element of the released Blade.
❖ = Number of Boosters received. The Booster received is random.

Aside of items, releasing can also be used as a way to free unused or weak Blades, as there is a limit to how many the party can bond with in total. This capacity can be increased through increasing the Merc Level and completing the game.

Common Blade Slot Capacity
Number Requirements
24 Capacity at start of game.
+24 Merc Level 1 achieved.
+24 Merc Level 2 achieved.
+24 Merc Level 3 achieved.
+24 Merc Level 4 achieved.
+24 Merc Level 5 achieved.
+48 Game completed.
Total = 192

Button Challenge[]

When a Blade draws a special move, the "Button Challenge" (Japanese: ボタンチャレンジ, Botan charenji) will be displayed on the screen. By pressing the button with good timing, the damage will rise. If it succeeds, a narrator (actor: Kentarō Tone) will compliment the player.


Main article: Poppiswap


Poppi is an Artificial Blade and has her own mechanics related to her Poppiswap ability. As such, she has customizable features including adjusting her elemental affinity, role, and skills.

Core Crystal state[]

Blades come either lying in a dormant state inside a Core Crystal or awakened in their personified form. By holding a Core Crystal, it resonates with the person and tries to take shape. If this person has a certain aptitude, the Blade awakens and makes the person a Driver. Those who do not have the aptitude are simply knocked unconscious and are incapable of forming a Blade, with the possibility of death in some cases. Drivers for the most part are bound to one Blade for their entire life, however it is possible for Drivers to awaken more than one Blade at a time. Blades fight alongside their Drivers and lends their weapon for them to use in battle. Blades can be attacked, but any injury they sustain are healed quickly.

They are dependent on their Driver to retain their form. If their Driver dies under any circumstance, the Blades instantly revert back into their Core Crystal in a dormant state, shown by the Core taking on a dull black color rather than the normal blue glow. After some time, the Core will glow again and can be reawakened. Upon reawakening the Blade loses all memories of their past lives but retains their personality. Additionally, their Core Crystal, which appears normally on their chest, are another vulnerable point. If they are attacked there and their core crystal shatters, they permanently die and cannot be reawakened. However, a Driver of a Blade that has been killed is not affected.

List of Blade enemies[]

Main article: Blade (enemy)

Xenoblade Chronicles 3[]

In Xenoblade Chronicles 3, many Agnians have many Blade-like qualities like Sena. Additionally, Nia reappears as the Queen of Agnus. At some point, the Artificial Blade Ino was created, and appears in the Expansion Pass.


  • Rex, Tora, and Mòrag are the only playable Drivers that have more than one special Blade: Rex having Pyra, Mythra, Roc, and Nia in Blade form; Tora having Poppi α, Poppi QT, and Poppi QTπ; Mòrag having Brighid and Aegaeon.
  • In the English localization of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, nearly all Blades speak with North American accents. By contrast, most of the game's non-Blade cultures (the Indoline and Urayans being noticeable exceptions) speak with accents of English native to the British Isles. This is slightly ironic given that Skye Bennett, the English actress for Pyra and Mythra, speaks in an American accent for both despite being British herself. There are some exceptions to this - Dromarch and Nia are voiced with English and Welsh accents - while Mikhail, who is a human Blade Eater, has a North American accent.
  • In an interview with Tetsuya Takahashi, director of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, it was stated that Blades were originally going to look like Ultraman, but they were shrunk because it would not be possible to show something forty meters tall on screen.[2] [3]


Xenoblade Chronicles 2[]

Rare Blades[]

Common Blades[]

Torna ~ The Golden Country[]

Xenoblade Chronicles 3[]

Future Redeemed[]



  1. 2017-06-13, Tetsuya Takahashi about Xenoblade Chronicles 2. IGN, accessed on 2017-06-13
  2. 2017-11-30, Tetsuya Takahashi about development, inspiration, setting, etc. of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. 4gamer, accessed on 2021-04-06
  3. 2017-12-30, 4gamer's interview relayed in English. Nintendo Everything, accessed on 2021-04-06