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Tracking wildpet Pet Battle System


  • Passive ability: Humanoids recover 4% of their maximum health if they dealt damage this round.
  • Takes 150% damage from UndeadUndead abilities
  • Takes 67% damage from CritterCritter abilities
  • Deals 150% damage to DragonkinDragonkin companions
  • Deals 67% damage to BeastBeast companions


  • Companions with Can battle can battle.
  • Companions with Cannot battle can't battle.
  • Companions with Can be caged can be traded.
  • Companions with Cannot be caged can't be traded.


Expac Name Battles Trades Drop
8Battle for Azeroth Adventurous HoplingIconSmall Virmen Adventurous Hopling Can battle Can be caged Island Expedition
5Mists of Pandaria Anubisath IdolIconSmall Anubisath Anubisath Idol Can battle Can be caged Twin Emperors
5Mists of Pandaria Ashleaf SpritelingIconSmall WaterSprite Ashleaf Spriteling Can battle Can be caged Leafmender
5Mists of Pandaria BonkersIconSmall Hozen Bonkers Can battle Can be caged Timeless Chests of Master Kukuru
8Battle for Azeroth Coldlight SurfrunnerIconSmall DeepSeaMurloc Coldlight Surfrunner Can battle Can be caged Island Expedition
5Mists of Pandaria Corefire ImpIconSmall Grell Corefire Imp Can battle Can be caged Magmadar
8Battle for Azeroth Cursed Dune WatcherIconSmall UldumWatcher Cursed Dune Watcher Can battle Can be caged Inv faction 83 uldumaccord [Uldum Accord Supplies]
5Mists of Pandaria Dandelion FrolickerIconSmall MountainSprite Dandelion Frolicker Can battle Can be caged Scary Sprite
1WoW Icon update Father Winter's HelperIconSmall Gnome Male Father Winter's Helper Can battle Can be caged Inv holiday christmas present 01 [Gaily Wrapped Present]
5Mists of Pandaria Fiendish ImpIconSmall Imp Fiendish Imp Can battle Can be caged Terestian Illhoof
9Shadowlands Gilded DarknightIconSmall MawGuardSmall Gilded Darknight Can battle Can be caged Adamant Vaults
6Warlords of Draenor GrumplingIconSmall PandariaYeti Grumpling Can battle Can be caged Snow Mound
5Mists of Pandaria Harbinger of FlameIconSmall Flamewaker Harbinger of Flame Can battle Can be caged Sulfuron Harbinger
8Battle for Azeroth K'uddlyK'uddly K'uddly Can battle Can be caged The Forgotten
5Mists of Pandaria Lil' Bad WolfIconSmall Worgen Lil' Bad Wolf Can battle Can be caged The Big Bad Wolf
9Shadowlands Lost FeatherlingIconSmall BabySteward Lost Featherling Can battle Can be caged Zone drop in Bastion
9Shadowlands Mawsworn MinionIconSmall MawGuardSmall Mawsworn Minion Can battle Can be caged Kel'Thuzad
8Battle for Azeroth MurgleIconSmall Murloc Baby2 Murgle Can battle Can be caged King Gakula
7Legion Rebellious ImpIconSmall Imp Rebellious Imp Can battle Can be caged Mother Rosula
9Shadowlands RookIconSmall MawGuardSmall Rook Can battle Can be caged 70 inscription vantus rune suramar [Mysterious Gift from Ve'nari]
5Mists of Pandaria Rotten Little HelperIconSmall LeperGnome Male Rotten Little Helper Can battle Can be caged Inv holiday christmas present 01 [Stolen Present]
6Warlords of Draenor Sister of TemptationIconSmall Sayaad Female Sister of Temptation Can battle Can be caged Mother Shahraz
8Battle for Azeroth Slimy DarkhunterIconSmall DeepSeaMurloc Slimy Darkhunter Can battle Can be caged Slimy Cocoon
7Legion Snobold RuntIconSmall Snobold Snobold Runt Can battle Can be caged Icehowl
1WoW Icon update TerkyIconSmall Murloc Baby Terky Can battle Cannot be caged Inv egg 03 [White Murloc Egg]
8Battle for Azeroth Thistlebrush BudIconSmall WaterSprite Thistlebrush Bud Can battle Can be caged Island Expedition
7Legion Thistleleaf AdventurerIconSmall ForestSprite Thistleleaf Adventurer Can battle Can be caged Inv legion cache dreamweavers [Dreamweaver Provisions]
9Shadowlands Trapped StonefiendIconSmall Stoneborn Minion Trapped Stonefiend Can battle Can be caged Bleakwood Chest
7Legion UunaIconSmall Draenei Girl Uuna Cannot battle Cannot be caged The Many-Faced Devourer
8Battle for Azeroth Void-Scarred AnubisathIconSmall Anubisath Void-Scarred Anubisath Can battle Can be caged Ra-den
1WoW Icon update Winter's Little HelperIconSmall Gnome Female Winter's Little Helper Can battle Can be caged Inv holiday christmas present 01 [Gaily Wrapped Present]
6Warlords of Draenor Wretched ServantIconSmall Wretched Wretched Servant Can battle Can be caged Eredar Twins
8Battle for Azeroth Zanj'ir PokerIconSmall Naga Baby Zanj'ir Poker Can battle Can be caged Queen Azshara


Expac Name Battles Trades Quest
3Wrath-Logo-Small Argent GruntlingIconSmall Orc Boy Argent Gruntling Cannot battle Cannot be caged H [25-30] A Champion Rises
3Wrath-Logo-Small Argent SquireIconSmall Human Boy Argent Squire Cannot battle Cannot be caged A [25-30] A Champion Rises
3Wrath-Logo-Small Curious Oracle HatchlingIconSmall Gorloc Curious Oracle Hatchling Can battle Cannot be caged N [10-70] Back To The Orphanage
3Wrath-Logo-Small Curious Wolvar PupIconSmall Wolvar Curious Wolvar Pup Can battle Cannot be caged N [10-70] Back To The Orphanage
9Shadowlands DalIconSmall Stoneborn Minion Dal Can battle Cannot be caged N [60WQ] A Stolen Stone Fiend
9Shadowlands Dredger ButlerIconSmall Dredger Dredger Butler Can battle Cannot be caged N [60] Dredging up an Assistant
9Shadowlands GlimrIconSmall Murloc Baby2 Glimr Can battle Cannot be caged N [1-70G] Guardian of the Smallest
9Shadowlands GurglIconSmall Murloc Baby Gurgl Can battle Cannot be caged N [1-70] Gurgl and the Bandit


Expac Name Battles Trades Vendor
9Shadowlands Court MessengerIconSmall Stoneborn Minion Court Messenger Can battle Can be caged Mistress Mihaela
6Warlords of Draenor CrusherIconSmall Goren Crusher Can battle Can be caged Trader Araanda, Trader Darakk
4Cataclysm Guild HeraldIconSmall Human Male Guild Herald Cannot battle Cannot be caged Guild vendors
4Cataclysm Guild HeraldIconSmall Orc Male Guild Herald Cannot battle Cannot be caged Guild vendors
4Cataclysm Guild PageIconSmall Human Male Guild Page Cannot battle Cannot be caged Guild vendors
4Cataclysm Guild PageIconSmall Orc Male Guild Page Cannot battle Cannot be caged Guild vendors
1WoW Icon update PeddlefeetIconSmall Goblin Male Peddlefeet Can battle Can be caged Lovely Merchant
8Battle for Azeroth Ranishu RuntIconSmall Ranishu Ranishu Runt Can battle Can be caged Jenoh, Dodger
9Shadowlands RuffleIconSmall BabySteward Ruffle Can battle Can be caged Adjutant Galos
9Shadowlands Steward FeatherlingIconSmall BabySteward Steward Featherling Can battle Can be caged Zeleskos
7Legion Sunborne Val'kyrIconSmall Valkier Sunborne Val'kyr Can battle Can be caged Valdemar Stormseeker
7Legion Tylarr GronndenIconSmall Gronnling Tylarr Gronnden Can battle Can be caged Quackenbush, Paul North


Expac Name Battles Trades Profession
6Warlords of Draenor Ore EaterIconSmall Goren Ore Eater Can battle Can be caged Warlords of Draenor mining
7Legion Wyrmy TunkinsIconSmall Wyrmtongue Wyrmy Tunkins Can battle Can be caged Legion archaeology

Pet Battle[]

Expac Name Battles Trades Zone
5Mists of Pandaria Flayer YounglingIconSmall RockFlayer Flayer Youngling Can battle Cannot be caged Hellfire Peninsula
7Legion Globe YetiIconSmall Yeti Globe Yeti Can battle Cannot be caged Ironforge, Orgrimmar (Only during Feast of Winter Veil)
5Mists of Pandaria Harpy YounglingIconSmall Harpy Harpy Youngling Can battle Cannot be caged Northern Barrens
5Mists of Pandaria Kun-Lai RuntIconSmall PandariaYeti Kun-Lai Runt Can battle Cannot be caged Kun-Lai Summit
5Mists of Pandaria Qiraji GuardlingIconSmall Qiraji Female Qiraji Guardling Can battle Cannot be caged Silithus (Season: Summer)
5Mists of Pandaria Sporeling SproutIconSmall Sporeling Sporeling Sprout Can battle Cannot be caged Zangarmarsh
7Legion SquirkyIconSmall Murloc Baby2 Squirky Can battle Cannot be caged Azsuna
5Mists of Pandaria Stunted YetiIconSmall Yeti Stunted Yeti Can battle Cannot be caged Feralas


Expac Name Battles Trades Achievement
7Legion Alliance EnthusiastIconSmall Wyrmtongue Alliance Enthusiast Can battle Cannot be caged Achievement legionpvptier1 [First Step into a Larger World]
7Legion Dutiful GruntlingIconSmall Orc Boy Dutiful Gruntling Cannot battle Cannot be caged Achievement legionpvp2tier3 [Slayin' to Seven]
7Legion Dutiful SquireIconSmall Human Boy Dutiful Squire Cannot battle Cannot be caged Achievement legionpvp2tier3 [Slayin' to Seven]
5Mists of Pandaria Feral VermlingIconSmall Virmen Feral Vermling Can battle Cannot be caged Inv box petcarrier 01 [Going to Need More Leashes]
6Warlords of Draenor HogsIconSmall Gnoll Hogs Can battle Cannot be caged Inv misc head gnoll 01 [That's Whack!]
5Mists of Pandaria HoplingIconSmall Virmen Hopling Can battle Cannot be caged Achievement brewery 1 [Ling-Ting's Herbal Journey]
7Legion Horde FanaticIconSmall Wyrmtongue Horde Fanatic Can battle Cannot be caged Achievement legionpvptier1 [First Step into a Larger World]
8Battle for Azeroth KelpfinIconSmall Naga Baby Kelpfin Can battle Cannot be caged Spell shaman staticshock [Team Aquashock]
9Shadowlands Lightless TormentorIconSmall MawGuardSmall Lightless Tormentor Can battle Cannot be caged Inv inscription darkmooncard indomitable [The Jailer's Gauntlet: Layer 1]
9Shadowlands Mord'al EveningstarIconSmall MawGuardSmall Mord'al Eveningstar Can battle Cannot be caged Spell broker orb [Many, Many Things]
9Shadowlands Spriggan TricksterIconSmall Spriggan Spriggan Trickster Can battle Cannot be caged Spell holy turnundead [Family Exorcist]
9Shadowlands Winterleaf SprigganIconSmall Spriggan Winterleaf Spriggan Can battle Cannot be caged Inv pet batpetrevendreth red [Abhorrent Adversaries of the Afterlife]


Expac Name Battles Trades Promotion
6Warlords of Draenor Baby WinstonBaby Winston Baby Winston Can battle Cannot be caged Overwatch Origins Edition or Collector's Edition
4Cataclysm DeathyDeathy Deathy Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2010
8Battle for Azeroth FinduinDeathy Finduin Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2019
8Battle for Azeroth GillvanasDeathy Gillvanas Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2019
6Warlords of Draenor GrommlocGrommloc Grommloc Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2014
3Wrath-Logo-Small GruntyGrunty Grunty Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2009
2Bc icon GurkyGurkyIconSmall Murloc Baby Gurky Can battle Cannot be caged EU Fansite Promotion
7Legion Knight-Captain MurkyKnight-Captain Murky Knight-Captain Murky Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2016
7Legion Legionnaire MurkyLegionnaire Murky Legionnaire Murky Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2016
2Bc icon LurkyIconSmall Murloc Baby Lurky Can battle Cannot be caged The Burning Crusade Collector's Edition (EU only)
2Bc icon Mini TyraelMini Tyrael Mini Tyrael Can battle Cannot be caged Blizzard Worldwide Invitational 2008
4Cataclysm MurkabloMurkablo Murkablo Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2011
5Mists of Pandaria MurkalotIconSmall Murloc Baby Murkalot Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2013
6Warlords of Draenor MurkidanIconSmall MurlocDemonHunter Murkidan Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2015
3Wrath-Logo-Small Murkimus the GladiatorIconSmall Murloc Baby Murkimus the Gladiator Can battle Cannot be caged Arena Tournament 2009
1WoW Icon update MurkyIconSmall Murloc Baby Murky Can battle Cannot be caged BlizzCon 2005
5Mists of Pandaria Treasure GoblinTreasure Goblin Treasure Goblin Can battle Cannot be caged Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition


Expac Name Battles Trades TCG set
4Cataclysm Gregarious GrellIconSmall Grell Gregarious Grell Can battle Can be caged Crown of the Heavens Shop[]

Expac Name Battles Trades
4Cataclysm Moonkin HatchlingMoonkin HatchlingMoonkin Hatchling Moonkin Hatchling Can battle Cannot be caged
3Wrath-Logo-Small Pandaren MonkPandaren Monk Pandaren Monk Can battle Cannot be caged
8Battle for Azeroth WhomperWhomper Whomper Can battle Cannot be caged
