Represents father (Q7565) Data type Item Template parameter |parents=
in w:Template:Infobox person Domain human (Q5) , sibling group (Q16979650) , fictional character (Q95074) , mythical character (Q4271324) , animal (Q729) , character that may or may not be fictional (Q21070598) , deity (Q178885) , archaic human (Q284851) , hypothetical person (Q75855169) , fictional human formerly considered to be historical (Q64520857) , prosopographical phantom (Q64643615) , human whose existence is disputed (Q21070568) , legendary figure (Q13002315) , personification (Q207174) , animalisation (Q2135501) , group of fictional characters (Q14514600) , stillborn child (Q2345820) or individual (Q795052) Allowed values person (Q215627) / fictional character (Q95074) / mythical character (Q4271324) :male (Q6581097) / male organism (Q44148)
(note: this should be moved to the property statements)Example Jane Fonda (Q41142) → Henry Fonda (Q19155) Sveinn Björnsson (Q207206) → Björn Jónsson (Q879667) Indira Gandhi (Q1149) → Jawaharlal Nehru (Q1047) Eros (Q121973) → Ares (Q40901) Zephyrus (Q467515) daughter of Adrian II (Q22348311) → Adrian II (Q173995) Michael Douglas (Q119798) → Kirk Douglas (Q104027) Robot and gadget jobs DeltaBot does the following jobs :
The consistency check gadget (see code ) checks if the linked objects are linking back to the analyzed page as child (asymmetric reciprocal relations), but does currently not discover if father or mother links are missing from the analyzed page to objects that are linking to it as child.Tracking: same no label (Q42533250) Tracking: usage Category:Pages using Wikidata property P22 (Q22913739) <complementary property> mother (P25) See also relative (P1038) , godparent (P1290) , stepparent (P3448) Lists
Proposal discussion Proposal discussion Current uses Total 1,099,292 distinct values ratio Main statement 1,097,859 99.9% of uses 628,538 1.7 Qualifier 1,410 0.1% of uses Reference 23 <0.1% of uses
Search for values
create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here ]
Property “sex or gender (P21) : male (Q6581097) , male organism (Q44148) , trans man (Q2449503) , cisgender man (Q15145778) , trans woman (Q1052281) , intersex person (Q104717073) , non-binary person (Q69990794) ” declared by target items of “father (P22) ” : If [item A] has this property with value [item B], [item B] is required to have property “
sex or gender (P21) :
male (Q6581097) ,
male organism (Q44148) ,
trans man (Q2449503) ,
cisgender man (Q15145778) ,
trans woman (Q1052281) ,
intersex person (Q104717073) ,
non-binary person (Q69990794) ”. (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P22#Target required claim P21 , SPARQL
Type “human (Q5) , sibling group (Q16979650) , fictional character (Q95074) , mythical character (Q4271324) , animal (Q729) , character that may or may not be fictional (Q21070598) , deity (Q178885) , archaic human (Q284851) , hypothetical person (Q75855169) , fictional human formerly considered to be historical (Q64520857) , prosopographical phantom (Q64643615) , human whose existence is disputed (Q21070568) , legendary figure (Q13002315) , personification (Q207174) , animalisation (Q2135501) , group of fictional characters (Q14514600) , stillborn child (Q2345820) , individual (Q795052) ” : item must contain property “
instance of (P31) ,
subclass of (P279) ” with classes “
human (Q5) ,
sibling group (Q16979650) ,
fictional character (Q95074) ,
mythical character (Q4271324) ,
animal (Q729) ,
character that may or may not be fictional (Q21070598) ,
deity (Q178885) ,
archaic human (Q284851) ,
hypothetical person (Q75855169) ,
fictional human formerly considered to be historical (Q64520857) ,
prosopographical phantom (Q64643615) ,
human whose existence is disputed (Q21070568) ,
legendary figure (Q13002315) ,
personification (Q207174) ,
animalisation (Q2135501) ,
group of fictional characters (Q14514600) ,
stillborn child (Q2345820) ,
individual (Q795052) ” or their subclasses (defined using
subclass of (P279) ). (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . Known exceptions: Divine twins (Q4089480) List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P22#Type Q5, Q16979650, Q95074, Q4271324, Q729, Q21070598, Q178885, Q284851, Q75855169, Q64520857, Q64643615, Q21070568, Q13002315, Q207174, Q2135501, Q14514600, Q2345820, Q795052 , SPARQL
Value type “person (Q215627) , fictional character (Q95074) , mythical character (Q4271324) , animal (Q729) , character that may or may not be fictional (Q21070598) , human whose existence is disputed (Q21070568) , legendary figure (Q13002315) , individual (Q795052) ” : This property should use items as value that contain property “
instance of (P31) ,
subclass of (P279) ”. On these, the value for
instance of (P31) ,
subclass of (P279) should be an item that uses
subclass of (P279) with value
person (Q215627) ,
fictional character (Q95074) ,
mythical character (Q4271324) ,
animal (Q729) ,
character that may or may not be fictional (Q21070598) ,
human whose existence is disputed (Q21070568) ,
legendary figure (Q13002315) ,
individual (Q795052) (or a subclass thereof). (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P22#Value type Q215627, Q95074, Q4271324, Q729, Q21070598, Q21070568, Q13002315, Q795052 , SPARQL
Qualifiers “kinship to subject (P1039) , nature of statement (P5102) , sourcing circumstances (P1480) , statement supported by (P3680) , statement disputed by (P1310) , reason for deprecated rank (P2241) , reason for preferred rank (P7452) , object of statement has role (P3831) , object named as (P1932) , end time (P582) , start time (P580) , approved by (P790) , latest start date (P8555) , earliest date (P1319) , earliest end date (P8554) , latest date (P1326) , subject has role (P2868) , has cause (P828) , end cause (P1534) , series ordinal (P1545) , statement is regarded as spoiler for (P7528) ” : this property should be used only with the listed qualifiers. (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . Known exceptions: Eros (Q121973) List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P22#allowed qualifiers , SPARQL
Single best value : this property generally contains a single value. If there are several, one would have preferred rank (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . Known exceptions: Q302 , Q7203 , Q8666 , Q9324 , Q128267 , Q718210 , Q1265711 , Q1279924 , Q6790050 , Q7166519 , Q10941912 , Q165938 , Q2307 , Q33477 , Q35500 , Q58779 , Q62024 , Q77822 , Q128576 , Q121973 , Q498007 , Q15933921 , Q486308 , Q983266 , Q503057 List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P22#single best value , SPARQL
This property is being used by:
cs:Šablona:Infobox - hudební umělec , cs:Šablona:Infobox - osoba , cs:Šablona:Infobox Politik , cs:Šablona:Infobox - rabín , cs:Šablona:Infobox - spisovatel , cs:Šablona:Infobox - umělec , cs:Šablona:Infobox - herec , cs:Šablona:Infobox - osoba 2 , cs:Šablona:Infobox - panovník , cs:Šablona:Infobox - politik , cs:Šablona:Infobox - křesťanský vůdce , cs:Šablona:Infobox - fotbalista , cs:Šablona:Infobox - youtuber , cs:Šablona:Infobox - známé zvíře , cs:Šablona:Infobox - ekonom , cs:Šablona:Infobox - vojenský velitel , cs:Šablona:Infobox - vědec , cs:Šablona:Infobox - hokejista , cs:Šablona:Infobox - sportovec , cs:Šablona:Infobox - šipkař , cs:Šablona:Předkové5 , cs:Šablona:Infobox - orientační běžec , cs:Šablona:Infobox - rychlobruslař , cs:Šablona:Infobox - atlet , cs:Šablona:Infobox - cyklista , cs:Šablona:Infobox - lyžař , cs:Šablona:Infobox - lyžař/pískoviště , cs:Šablona:Infobox - Twitch streamer , cs:Šablona:Infobox - basketbalista , cs:Šablona:Infobox - světec , cs:Šablona:Infobox - model , cs:Šablona:Infobox - filosof , cs:Šablona:Infobox - pornohvězda
es:Plantilla:Ficha de autoridad , es:Plantilla:Ficha de autoridad/zona de pruebas , es:Plantilla:Ficha de líder religioso , es:Plantilla:Ficha de santo , es:Plantilla:Ficha de santo/zona de pruebas , es:Plantilla:Ficha de criminal , es:Plantilla:Ficha de líder cristiano , es:Plantilla:Wikidata Infobox , es:Plantilla:Ficha de militar
la:Formula:Capsa hominis Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa papae Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa principis Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa hominis Vicidatorum
ru:Шаблон:Персона/Ислам , ru:Шаблон:Государственный деятель/Личные данные , ru:Шаблон:Убийца , ru:Шаблон:Модельер , ru:Шаблон:Политик
ru:Шаблон:Император Китая , ru:Шаблон:Пират
ru:Шаблон:Мифологический персонаж
ru:Шаблон:Актёр кабуки , ru:Шаблон:Депутат кнессета , ru:Шаблон:Миллиардер , ru:Шаблон:Общественный деятель , ru:Шаблон:Самурай
av:Шаблон:ГІадан/Ислам , av:Халип:ГІадан/Ислам , av:Халип:ГӀадан/Ислам
ba:Ҡалып:Государственный деятель/Личные данные , ba:Ҡалып:Самурай , ba:Ҡалып:Шәхес/Ислам
be-x-old:Шаблён:Пісьменьнік , be-x-old:Шаблён:Палітык , be-x-old:Шаблён:Асоба , be-x-old:Шаблён:Герарх , be-x-old:Шаблён:Манарх , be-x-old:Шаблён:Папа рымскі , be-x-old:Шаблён:Шляхціч , be-x-old:Шаблён:Злачынец , be-x-old:Шаблён:Міліцыянэр
be:Шаблон:Асоба , be:Шаблон:Вучоны , be:Шаблон:Дзяржаўны дзеяч/Асабовыя дадзеныя , be:Шаблон:Кінематаграфіст , be:Шаблон:Пісьменнік , be:Шаблон:Тэатральны дзеяч , be:Шаблон:Архітэктар , be:Шаблон:Філосаф , be:Шаблон:Ваенны дзеяч , be:Шаблон:Мастак , be:Шаблон:Майстар баявых мастацтваў , be:Шаблон:Мадэльер , be:Шаблон:Музыкант , be:Шаблон:Святы , be:Шаблон:Дзяржаўны дзеяч/Асабовыя звесткі
ce:Кеп:Адам/Ислам , ce:Кеп:Пачхьалкхан гӀуллакххо/Хаамаш
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th:แม่แบบ:กล่องข้อมูลบุคคล วิกิสนเทศ
tt:Калып:Галим , tt:Калып:Шәхес , tt:Калып:Дәүләт эшлеклесе , tt:Калып:Ğalim , tt:Калып:Taxobox
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gn:Tembiecharã:Ficha de líder religioso
kaa:Úlgi:Maǵqutı tulǵa
ln:Modèle:Infobox Gymnaste
igl:Éwn malábó:Bio
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Duke Huai of Qin (Q553786) 's father's father's father's father's father appears to be Duke Huai of Qin (Q553786) himself, according to the items. Presumably, this is an error. Would it be possible to add a constraint to this property so that situations like this are easier to identify? --Yair rand (talk ) 09:34, 15 January 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
I've proposed merging this with mother (P25) . Please leave comments at Wikidata:Requests for comment/Merging relationship properties . Andrew Gray (talk ) 20:55, 24 August 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Can a property be added for grandfather? Ping me back. Cheers! {{u|Checkingfax }} {Talk }
11:22, 13 January 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
Such a property would be actively harmful, in my opinion, for workload and therefore data consistency reasons. The grandfather is easily queried, using appropriate queries. --Srittau (talk ) 16:21, 13 January 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
I reduced the number of examples to two: one for a real persons and one for a fictional person. We don't need multiple examples that all just say the same thing. --Srittau (talk ) 20:31, 2 February 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
Maybe someone could also add a racehorse, so we have all three allowed types as examples. --Srittau (talk ) 20:32, 2 February 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
More samples are generally better, unless they all illustrate the same. The Icelandic one was has the advantage of illustrating patronymic naming. Maybe we could add one with several fathers as well. --- Jura 07:59, 3 February 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
In this case all examples illustrated the same. This property does not need to "illustrate patronymic naming" or any naming convention, because this is not a Wikipedia article about naming conventions. --Srittau (talk ) 13:35, 3 February 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
Normally a property has just one use, so all sample are somehow the same. I think we should have some obvious samples (as the Jane Fonda one to mid-aged Americans) and some less obvious ones. I think your limitation to the Apollo sample is problematic. Why didn't you choose Q4649 as father? --- Jura 13:44, 3 February 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
There are many examples of people that have several fathers, including
those persons that have been adopted, or after their mother divorced and were remarried with a man that became also legally a new father: date qualifiers could disambiguate these cases that are not errors, but one is generally the "genetic" father, the others are "adopting fathers".
in real life today with homosexual male parents (they are "co-fathers"): a qualifier could indicate that fact "co-father".
for persons whose father is not known precisely but is cited differently according to old historical sources: a qualifier could state this "uncertain" fact but another qualifier should indicate the source.
or because of mythological reasons: originally these were real persons, but later they gained the rank of god/goddess or children of god/goddess with a mythological or religious father (e.g. with J.C), these are not the same kinds of "fathers".
or because of another mythological reason: gods/goddesses also have different mythological fathers depending on traditions (e.g. Greek and Roman gods), or because mythology allows them to be born several times.
In summary we should have some qualifiers (for uncertain sources), but it would be preferable to have some other classes (not derived classes) for "adopting father", "co-father", "mythological or religious father", and allow those people to have instances of several of these classes (but still only one instance of the "father" class), except if there's an "uncertain" qualifier
As those properties are inversible, these would also require the distinction of (natural) "child" with "adopted child" and "co-child" (even if by law in many countries they have now the same rights as natural children), and with "religious or mythological child" (all of them possibly with an "uncertain/probable" qualifier, possibly completed with another qualifier giving at least one source, such as "according to: <Person name>", or the tradition of this fatherhood assertion, such as "according to: Roman mythology", "according to: Greek mythology").
All the remaining conflicts on "single value" would need to be solved by reclassing the father types, and adding enough disambiguating properties.
All this about fathers, is also true for mothers (and their own children), or with brothers/sisters. and other family ranks. Verdy p (talk ) 02:56, 4 April 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
And there are similar exceptions about sex gender (transgender people can change their sex during life and still have (natural or adopted) children: are they "fathers" or "mothers" ?
We'll have soon really too many exceptions to these familial relation constraints: we won't be able to list them all as exceptions, except by creating specific classes for these special cases. Verdy p (talk ) 03:09, 4 April 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
The alias "child of" leads to property suggestions frequently suggesting "father" instead of child (P40) when typing "child". Thus I changed the alias to "is child of". It's a known issue, but apparently the devs can't solve it. --- Jura 08:06, 21 May 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
How does it reflect the fact that the father of a person is not precisely known? For example, it hesitates between two or more candidates. --Romulanus (talk ) 09:01, 22 May 2017 (UTC) [ reply ]
I get the following error message (contemporary restraint): “The entities Mechtild of Nassau and Adolf of Nassau should be contemporary to be linked through father, but the latest end value of Adolf of Nassau is 2 July 1298 and the earliest start value of Mechtild of Nassau is 13. century.” I don't understand this constraint. Since when is 2 July 1298 no longer in the 13th century? Regards, --Royalty & Nassau Expert (talk ) 15:58, 9 February 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
The same is happening on unknown daughter of Záviš of Falkenstein (Q85123987) , not to mention that sometimes people may be born even after the deaths of their fathers --Adrijaned (talk ) 13:14, 21 February 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
See David Clegg-Hill, 9th Viscount Hill (Q75974919) for an example of the latter: "...the latest end value of Frederic Raymond Clegg-Hill is 13 April 1945 and the earliest start value of Peter Clegg-Hill, 9th Viscount Hill is 17 October 1945." Acre Smew (talk ) 08:02, 29 January 2022 (UTC) [ reply ]