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No translation missing for en!
return {
-- typical entry structure:
-- message: the translatewiki message to use
-- planned: set to true to say that the datatype is not yet available
planned = {
ar = 'غير متوفر حالياً',
bg = 'все още недостъпен',
bn = 'এখনো উপলব্ধ নয়',
ca = 'encara no disponible',
cs = 'zatím nedostupný',
de = 'noch nicht verfügbar',
el = 'μη διαθέσιμο ακόμη',
en = 'not available yet',
eo = 'ankoraŭ ne disponebla',
es = 'disponible próximamente',
fr = 'pas encore disponible',
fy = 'noch net beskikber',
he = 'לא זמין עדיין',
hu = 'még nem elérhető',
it = 'non ancora disponibile',
ja = 'まだ利用できません',
ko = '아직 사용할 수 없음',
lt = 'dar nėra',
mk = 'сè уште недостапно',
nb = 'ikke tilgjengelig enda',
nl = 'nog niet beschikbaar',
nn = 'ikkje tilgjengeleg enno',
pa = 'ਹਾਲੀਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਦਾ ਏ',
pl = 'jeszcze nie dostępny',
pnb = 'حالیہ نہیں لبھدا اے',
pt = 'ainda não disponível',
['pt-br'] = 'ainda não disponível',
ru = 'ещё не доступен',
sl = 'ni še na voljo',
sr = 'још није доступно',
sv = 'inte tillgängligt ännu',
uk = 'ще не доступно',
ur = 'ابھی تک دستیاب نہیں',
vi = 'chưa có sẵn',
['zh-hans'] = '尚不可用',
['zh-hant'] = '尚不可用',
unrecognized = {
ar = 'نوع البيانات غير سليم وغير موجود في ( [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
bg = 'невалиден тип на данните (няма в [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
bn = 'অকার্যকর উপাত্তের ধরণ ([[Module:i18n/datatype]]-এ নেই)',
ca = 'tipus de dades invàlid (no disponible a [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
cs = 'neplatný datový typ (není v [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
de = 'unbekannter Datentyp (nicht in [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
el = 'αδόκιμος τύπος δεδομένων (δεν υπάρχει στο [[Module:i18n/datatype]]',
en = 'invalid datatype (not in [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
eo = 'malvalida datumtipo (ne en [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
es = 'tipo de dato inválido (no disponible en [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
fr = 'type de donnée invalide (non reconnu par [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
fy = 'ûnjildich datatype (net yn [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
he = 'סוג נתונים שגוי (לא תחת [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
hu = 'hibás adattípus (nem szerepel a [[Module:i18n/datatype]] lapon)',
it = 'tipo di data non è presente tra quelli disponibili ([[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
ja = '不正なデータ型 ([[Module:I18n/datatype]]に無い)',
ko = '잘못된 데이터 종류입니다 ([[Module:i18n/datatype]]에 들어있지 않음)',
lt = 'neteisingas duomenų tipas (nėra [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
mk = 'неважечки податочен тип (не е во [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
nb = 'ugyldig datatype (finnes ikke i [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
nl = 'ongeldig datatype (niet in [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
nn = 'ugild datatype (ikkje i [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
pl = 'niewłaściwy typ danych (nie w [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
pt = 'tipo de dado inválido (não consta em [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
['pt-br'] = 'tipo de dado inválido (não consta em [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
ru = 'неизвестный тип данных (нет в [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
sl = 'neveljaven podatkovni tip (ni v [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
sr = 'врста податка није наведена. ([[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
sv = 'ogiltig datatyp (finns ej i [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
uk = 'невідомий тип даних (відсутній в [[Module:I18n/datatype]])',
ur = 'غیر معتبر ڈیٹا ٹائپ (غیر موجود [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
vi = 'kiểu dữ liệu không hợp lệ (không có trong [[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
['zh-hans'] = '无效的数据类型(未于[[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
['zh-hant'] = '無效的資料形態 (不存在於[[Module:i18n/datatype]])',
keys = { --table of redirects
commonsMedia = 'commonsMedia',
['entity-schema'] = 'entity-schema',
['external-id'] = 'external-id',
['geo-shape'] = 'geo-shape',
['globe-coordinate'] = 'globe-coordinate',
['math'] = 'math',
monolingualtext = 'monolingualtext',
multilingualtext = 'multilingualtext',
number = 'number',
quantity = 'quantity',
['string'] = 'string',
['tabular-data'] = 'tabular-data',
['time'] = 'time',
url = 'url',
['wikibase-item'] = 'wikibase-item',
['wikibase-property'] = 'wikibase-property',
['wikibase-lexeme'] = 'wikibase-lexeme',
['wikibase-form'] = 'wikibase-form',
['wikibase-sense'] = 'wikibase-sense',
-- redirects
['commons file'] = 'commonsMedia',
commonsfile = 'commonsMedia',
commonsmedia = 'commonsMedia',
coordinate = 'globe-coordinate',
coordinates = 'globe-coordinate',
count = 'number',
date = 'time',
datevalue = 'time',
entityschema = 'entity-schema',
entitySchema = 'entity-schema',
Entityschema = 'entity-schema',
['ext-id'] = 'external-id',
['xid'] = 'external-id',
['externalid'] = 'external-id',
['external id'] = 'external-id',
['external identifier'] = 'external-id',
['identifier'] = 'external-id',
['id'] = 'external-id',
form = 'wikibase-form',
forms = 'wikibase-form',
formula = 'math',
['geo-coordinate'] = 'globe-coordinate',
['geographic coordinate'] = 'globe-coordinate',
['geographic coordinates'] = 'globe-coordinate',
geoshape = 'geo-shape',
geoshapes = 'geo-shape',
geoshapevalue = 'geo-shape',
int = 'number',
integer = 'number',
iri = 'url',
irivalue = 'url',
item = 'wikibase-item',
items = 'wikibase-item',
['mathematical expression'] = 'math',
['celestial'] = 'Celestial coordinates',
['celestial coordinates'] = 'Celestial coordinates',
['calculated'] = 'Calculated property',
['Calculated property'] = 'Calculated property',
['calculated property'] = 'Calculated property',
['Commons data'] = 'geo-shape',
['commons data'] = 'geo-shape',
['Commons-data'] = 'geo-shape',
['Commons-geoshape'] = 'geo-shape',
['Commons dataset'] = 'geo-shape',
lexeme = 'wikibase-lexeme',
lexemes = 'wikibase-lexeme',
media = 'commonsMedia',
mediavalue = 'commonsMedia',
['media file'] = 'commonsMedia',
['monolangtext'] = 'monolingualtext',
['monolingual string'] = 'monolingualtext',
['monolingual text'] = 'monolingualtext',
['monolingual-text'] = 'monolingualtext',
['monolingualtextvalue'] = 'monolingualtext',
multilangtext = 'multilingualtext',
['multilingual string'] = 'multilingualtext',
['multilingual text'] = 'multilingualtext',
['multilingual-text'] = 'multilingualtext',
['multilingualtextvalue'] = 'multilingualtext',
['musical notation'] = 'musical-notation',
['musical-notation'] = 'musical-notation',
notation = 'musical-notation',
notes = 'musical-notation',
['number with units'] = 'quantity',
numbers = 'number',
['positive integer'] = 'number',
properties = 'wikibase-property',
property = 'wikibase-property',
propertyvalue = 'wikibase-property',
quantity = 'quantity',
quantityvalue = 'quantity',
['range of numbers'] = 'number',
score = 'musical-notation',
['shape-expression'] = 'entity-schema',
['shape expression'] = 'entity-schema',
ShEx = 'entity-schema',
shex = 'entity-schema',
sense = 'wikibase-sense',
senses = 'wikibase-sense',
stringvalue = 'string',
tabular = 'tabular-data',
tabulardata = 'tabular-data',
['tabular data'] = 'tabular-data',
text = 'string',
timevalue = 'time',
uri = 'url',
urivalue = 'url',
urlvalue = 'url',
value = 'number',
wikibaseform = 'wikibase-form',
wikibaseitem = 'wikibase-item',
wikibaselexeme = 'wikibase-lexeme',
wikibaseproperty = 'wikibase-property',
wikibasesense = 'wikibase-sense',
['commonsMedia'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-commonsMedia',
['entity-schema'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-entity-schema',
['external-id'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-external-id',
['geo-shape'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-geo-shape',
['globe-coordinate'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-globe-coordinate',
['math'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-math',
['monolingualtext'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-monolingualtext',
['multilingualtext'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-multilingualtext',
planned = true -- meaning not yet available
['musical-notation'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-musical-notation',
['Celestial coordinates'] = {
message = 'celestial coordinates',
planned = true
['Calculated property'] = {
message = 'calculated property',
planned = true
['number'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-number',
planned = true
['quantity'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-quantity',
['string'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-string',
['tabular-data'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-tabular-data',
['time'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-time',
['url'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-url',
['wikibase-item'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-wikibase-item', -- => no need for local translation, translated through translatewiki
['wikibase-lexeme'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-wikibase-lexeme',
['wikibase-form'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-wikibase-form',
['wikibase-sense'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-wikibase-sense',
['wikibase-property'] = {
message = 'datatypes-type-wikibase-property',