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Articles from Women's Health Advisor (December 1, 2012)

1-10 out of 10 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
Ask Dr. Etingin. Interview 463
FDA approves new form of osteoporosis medication. 118
Fyi: news from the society for women's health research. 242
Gut feeling: bacteria are good. Etingin, Orli R. 383
Hypnosis may help cool off hot flashes. 154
Manage low vision with adaptive aids and compensatory strategies: utilize the many resources, devices and services available to help you stay safe, active and independent. 655
Many women should take aspirin for cardiovascular protection: regular aspirin use helps prevent a second heart attack or stroke but increases bleeding risks. Weigh the pros and cons of aspirin use with your doctor. 624
Protect your health by getting enough vitamin D this winter: if you're over age 60, have your level checked; if you're deficient in vitamin D, boost your intake. 1058
Screening tests for ovarian cancer not recommended for women at average risk: USPSTF says tests don't reduce number of deaths, so it's crucial that you identify and report symptoms. 798
Timing of hormone therapy may affect Alzheimer's risk. 151

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