Browse publications from December 1, 2012
- Miscellaneous
- Astronomy:
- Automobiles:
- Business, general:
- Hobbies and crafts:
- Home and garden:
- Home furnishings industry:
- Personal finance:
- Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries:
- Sports, sporting goods and toys industry:
- Business and Industry
- Advertising, marketing, public relations:
- Aerospace and defense industries:
- Agricultural industry:
- Architecture and design industries:
- Banking, finance and accounting:
- ABA Bank Marketing,
- Accounting Historians Journal,
- California CPA,
- CPA Client Bulletin,
- Economic Trends,
- eFinanse,
- Federal Reserve Bulletin,
- Financial Executive,
- Financial Management (UK),
- Government Finance Review,
- Journal of Accountancy,
- Mortgage Banking,
- Strategic Finance,
- The CPA Journal,
- The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin,
- The Tax Adviser;
- Biotechnology industry:
- Business:
- ABA Bank Marketing,
- African Business,
- aiCIO,
- Air Cargo World, International ed.,
- Airports International,
- Alaska Business Monthly,
- Atlantic Economic Journal,
- Australian Bulletin of Labour,
- Best's Review,
- Black Enterprise,
- British Plastics & Rubber,
- Buildings,
- Business and Economic Horizons,
- Business: Theory and Practice,
- California CPA,
- Career Development Quarterly,
- Caribbean Update,
- Coatings World,
- ColoradoBiz,
- Comparative Economic Studies,
- Concrete Products,
- Customer,
- Database and Network Journal,
- Defense Transportation Journal,
- Economic Indicators,
- Economic Trends,
- Editor & Publisher,
- EE-Evaluation Engineering,
- Emerging Food R&D Report,
- Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England),
- Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England),
- Federal Reserve Bulletin,
- Financial Executive,
- Financial Management (UK),
- Franchising World,
- Frozen & Chilled Foods,
- Government Finance Review,
- Grocery Headquarters,
- Guns & Ammo,
- Hardware Retailing,
- Hazardous Waste Superfund Alert,
- Health Management Technology,
- Health Services Research,
- HFN Home Furnishings News,
- Household & Personal Products Industry,
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England),
- International Journal of Business and Management Science,
- Journal of Accountancy,
- Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management,
- Logistics Management (Highlands Ranch, Co.),
- Management Research and Practice,
- Mechanical Engineering-CIME,
- Medical Laboratory Observer,
- Modern Casting,
- Modern Materials Handling,
- Monthly Energy Review,
- Monthly Labor Review,
- Mortgage Banking,
- National Defense,
- Natural Gas Monthly,
- Nonwovens Industry,
- Northern Ontario Business,
- Nutraceuticals World,
- Petroleum Supply Monthly,
- Pipeline & Gas Journal,
- Plastics Technology,
- Policy & Practice,
- PPI Detailed Report,
- (Press Releases),
- Printed Circuit Design & Fab,
- Progressive Grocer,
- Research and Practice in Human Resource Management,
- Revista de Ciencias da Administracao,
- Risk Management,
- Rock Products,
- Rubber World,
- Shooting Industry,
- Solid Waste Report,
- Strategic Finance,
- Success,
- Supply Chain Management Review,
- Survey of Current Business,
- Swiss News,
- Tea & Coffee Trade Journal,
- The CPA Journal,
- The Journal (Newcastle, England),
- The Middle East,
- The NBER Digest,
- The Non-profit Times,
- The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin,
- The Swedish Economy,
- The Tax Adviser,
- Transplant News,
- Underground Construction,
- Units,
- Utah Business,
- Wines & Vines,
- Wood & Wood Products;
- Business, international:
- ACN Newswire,
- African Business,
- Airports International,
- AmCham Egypt Tenders Alert Service (TAS),
- ArmInfo - Business Bulletin,
- Australian Bulletin of Labour,
- Business Today,
- ClickPress,
- Concrete Products,
- Economic Bulletin (Korea),
- Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England),
- Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England),
- Financial Management (UK),
- Frozen & Chilled Foods,
- Gulf Industry,
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England),
- Macedonian Business Monthly,
- Money Today (New Delhi, India),
- New African,
- Northern Ontario Business,
- Printed Circuit Design & Fab,
- Scientia Magna,
- Swiss News,
- The Journal (Newcastle, England),
- The Middle East,
- The Swedish Economy;
- Business, regional:
- Chemicals, plastics and rubber:
- Computers and office automation:
- Construction and materials industries:
- Engineering and manufacturing:
- British Plastics & Rubber,
- EE-Evaluation Engineering,
- Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika,
- Engineering Structures and Technologies,
- Environmental Engineering,
- Estonian Journal of Engineering,
- Farm Collector,
- Ingenieria y Competividad,
- International Journal of Simulation Modelling,
- Journal of Architecture and Urbanism,
- Journal of Civil Engineering and Management,
- LD+A Magazine,
- Material Handling Product News,
- Mechanical Engineering-CIME,
- Modern Materials Handling,
- Polymer Engineering and Science,
- Printed Circuit Design & Fab,
- Professional Engineering Magazine,
- Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental,
- Revista Tecnica,
- The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering;
- Environmental services industry:
- Fashion, accessories and textiles:
- Food and beverage industries:
- Forest products industry:
- Health care industry:
- Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing,
- Clinical Psychiatry News,
- Community Practitioner,
- Health Management Technology,
- Health Services Research,
- Healthcare Informatics,
- Hospital Law's Regan Report,
- Internal Medicine News,
- Iowa Nurse Reporter,
- Journal of Neuroscience Nursing,
- Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand,
- Medical Laboratory Observer,
- Pediatric News,
- The Lamp,
- Transplant News;
- Human resources and labor relations:
- Insurance:
- Metals, metalworking and machinery:
- Petroleum, energy and mining:
- Publishing industry:
- Real estate industry:
- Retail industry:
- Sport, sporting goods and toys industry:
- Transportation industry:
- Air Cargo World, International ed.,
- Airports International,
- Aviation,
- Defense Transportation Journal,
- Logistics Management (Highlands Ranch, Co.),
- PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly,
- The Journal of Transport History,
- Transport;
- Communications
- Mass communications:
- News, opinion and commentary:
- 7 Days (Dubai, United Arab Emirates),
- Agency Tunis Afrique Press,
- Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia),
- Arutz Sheva/Israel National News Opinions (Beit El, Israel),
- Asian News International,
- Aswat al-Iraq (Erbil, Iraq),
- Bahrain News Agency,
- Balochistan Times (Baluchistan Province, Pakistan),
- Birmingham Mail (England),
- ClickPress,
- Contemporary Review,
- Coventry Evening Telegraph (England),
- Cyprus Mail (Cyprus),
- Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL),
- Daily News Egypt (Egypt),
- Daily Post (Conwy, Wales),
- Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland),
- Dar Al Hayat, International ed. (Beirut, Lebanon),
- Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan),
- Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England),
- Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England),
- FARS News Agency,
- Gulf Daily News (Manama, Bahrain),
- Gulf Times (Doha, Qatar),
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England),
- Investigate HERS,
- Investigate HIS,
- Jordan News Agency (Petra),
- Kuwait News Agency (KUNA),
- Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England),
- Macedonian Business Monthly,
- Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin,
- Mail Today (New Delhi, India),
- Moj News Agency (Tehran, Iran),
- National News Agency Lebanon (NNA),
- Oman News Agency,
- Pajhwok Afghan News (Kabul, Afghanistan),
- Palestine News Agency (WAFA) (Gaza, Palestine),
- Palestine News Network (West Bank, Palestine),
- Philippines Daily Inquirer (Makati City, Philippines),
- Qatar Tribune (Doha, Qatar),
- Saudi Press Agency (SPA),
- Sofia News Agency,
- South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales),
- Sudan Tribune (Sudan),
- Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA),
- The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine),
- The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon),
- The Frontier Star (Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan),
- The Journal (Newcastle, England),
- The Middle East,
- The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan),
- The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR),
- Times of Oman (Muscat, Oman),
- TradeArabia (Manama, Bahrain),
- USA Today (Magazine),
- Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales),
- World and I,
- Yemen News Agency (SABA);
- Telecommunications industry:
- Entertainment/The Arts
- Arts and entertainment industries:
- Arts, visual and performing:
- Music:
- General Interest/Informational
- Consumer news, advice, product reviews:
- General interest:
- 7 Days (Dubai, United Arab Emirates),
- Agency Tunis Afrique Press,
- Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia),
- Arutz Sheva/Israel National News Opinions (Beit El, Israel),
- Asian News International,
- Aswat al-Iraq (Erbil, Iraq),
- Bahrain News Agency,
- Balochistan Times (Baluchistan Province, Pakistan),
- Birmingham Mail (England),
- Ceramics Art & Perception,
- Coventry Evening Telegraph (England),
- Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL),
- Daily News Egypt (Egypt),
- Daily Post (Conwy, Wales),
- Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland),
- Daily the Pak Banker (Lahore, Pakistan),
- Dar Al Hayat, International ed. (Beirut, Lebanon),
- Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan),
- Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England),
- Girls' Life,
- Gulf Daily News (Manama, Bahrain),
- Gulf News (United Arab Emirates),
- Gulf Times (Doha, Qatar),
- Investigate HERS,
- Investigate HIS,
- Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science,
- Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England),
- Macedonian Business Monthly,
- Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin,
- Mail Today (New Delhi, India),
- Moj News Agency (Tehran, Iran),
- New African,
- Oman News Agency,
- Pajhwok Afghan News (Kabul, Afghanistan),
- Palestine News Agency (WAFA) (Gaza, Palestine),
- Palestine News Network (West Bank, Palestine),
- Philippines Daily Inquirer (Makati City, Philippines),
- Presbyterian Record,
- Qatar Tribune (Doha, Qatar),
- Sarasota Magazine,
- Sofia News Agency,
- South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales),
- Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA),
- The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon),
- The Frontier Star (Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan),
- The Mirror (London, England),
- The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan),
- The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR),
- Times of Oman (Muscat, Oman),
- TradeArabia (Manama, Bahrain),
- USA Today (Magazine),
- Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales),
- World and I,
- Yemen News Agency (SABA);
- Zoology and wildlife conservation:
- Health
- Food/cooking/nutrition:
- Health, general:
- Acta Biomedica Brasiliensia,
- Adicciones,
- African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development,
- African Journal of Reproductive Health,
- Anales de Hidrologia Medica,
- Applied Radiology,
- Archives of Neuropsychiatry,
- Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine,
- Asian Journal of Sports Medicine (AsJSM),
- Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing,
- Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine,
- British Journal of Medical Practitioners,
- Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ),
- Ciencia & Saude Coletiva,
- Clinical Psychiatry News,
- Community Practitioner,
- Demetra: Food, Nutrition & Health,
- Dog Watch,
- Duke Medicine Health News,
- Ear, Nose and Throat Journal,
- Emerging Infectious Diseases,
- Enfermagem Uerj,
- Environmental Health Perspectives,
- Ergonomics SA,
- European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry,
- Families, Systems & Health,
- Family Practice News,
- Focus on Healthy Aging,
- Healthy Years,
- Heart Advisor,
- Internal Medicine News,
- International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health,
- Iowa Nurse Reporter,
- Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education,
- Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery,
- Journal of Environmental Health,
- Journal of Exercise Physiology Online,
- Journal of Family Practice,
- Journal of Psychoactive Drugs,
- Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,
- Journal of Surgical Case Reports,
- Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society,
- Journal of Vector Borne Diseases,
- Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness,
- Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand,
- Leprosy Review,
- Life Extension,
- Medicina Sportiva,
- Men's Health Advisor,
- Nurses' Paycheck,
- Nursing Law's Regan Report,
- OB GYN News,
- OBG Management,
- Original Internist,
- Pediatric News,
- PN - Paraplegia News,
- Progress in Health Sciences,
- Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal,
- Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica,
- South African Journal of Psychiatry,
- South African Journal of Radiology,
- South African Journal of Sports Medicine,
- South African Medical Journal,
- The Advocate (American Mental Health Counselors Association),
- The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi),
- The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation,
- The Lamp,
- Townsend Letter,
- Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
- Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
- Turkish Journal of Rheumatology,
- Turkish Journal of Urology,
- Turkish Pediatrics Archive,
- Women's Health Advisor,
- Women's Health Letter;
- Psychology and mental health:
- Australasian Journal of Early Childhood,
- Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana,
- Best Practices in Mental Health,
- Clinical Psychiatry News,
- Current Psychiatry,
- East Asian Archives of Psychiatry,
- Families, Systems & Health,
- Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education,
- Journal of Sport Behavior,
- Mind, Mood & Memory,
- North American Journal of Psychology,
- PN - Paraplegia News,
- Professional School Counseling,
- Psicologica,
- Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatria,
- Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry,
- Spanish Journal of Psychology;
- Humanities
- History:
- Humanities, general:
- Literature, writing, book reviews:
- Philosophy and religion:
- Anglican Journal,
- Catholic Insight,
- Church & State,
- COACTIVITY: Philology, Educology,
- Critica,
- Cross Currents,
- Currents in Theology and Mission,
- Interciencia,
- Ius Canonicum,
- Journal for the Study of Antisemitism,
- Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith,
- Philosophy in Review,
- Presbyterian Record,
- Reason,
- Scripta Theologica,
- The Ecumenical Review,
- The Review of Metaphysics,
- Themata. Revista de Filosofia,
- Theological Studies,
- U.S. Catholic;
- Women's issues/gender studies:
- Law/Government/Politics
- Government:
- Ahfad Journal,
- Cadernos Argentina Brasil,
- Canadian Public Administration,
- Church & State,
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs,
- EMS World,
- Federal Reserve Bulletin,
- Government Finance Review,
- New African,
- Policy & Practice,
- Presidential Studies Quarterly,
- State Legislatures,
- State Magazine;
- International relations:
- Law:
- Alaska Law Review,
- Army Lawyer,
- Art Antiquity & Law,
- Corrections Today,
- Direito da Cidade,
- Duke Law Journal,
- Firehouse Magazine,
- Florida Bar Journal,
- Florida Bar News,
- Fordham Urban Law Journal,
- Hospital Law's Regan Report,
- Journal of Accountancy,
- Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy,
- McGill Law Journal,
- Melbourne University Law Review,
- Michigan Law Review,
- Notre Dame Law Review,
- Nursing Law's Regan Report,
- Quaestio Iuris,
- Review of Constitutional Studies,
- Revista da Faculdade de Direito,
- Scientia Magna,
- South African Journal of Bioethics and Law,
- The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,
- The Journal Jurisprudence,
- University of Pennsylvania Law Review,
- University of Queensland Law Journal,
- Washington University Law Review,
- Yale Law Journal;
- Recreation and Leisure
- Sports and fitness:
- African Hunter Magazine,
- Bowhunter,
- Gun Dog,
- Journal of Sport Behavior,
- North American Whitetail,
- Offshore Yachting,
- Petersen's Bowhunting,
- Petersen's Hunting,
- Sport Marketing Quarterly,
- The Biz of Baseball,
- Thrasher,
- Wildfowl;
- Travel, recreation and leisure:
- Science and Technology
- Biological sciences:
- Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences,
- Darwiniana,
- Florida Entomologist,
- Investigacion Clinica,
- Journal of Shellfish Research,
- Mastozoologia Neotropical,
- Revista de Biologia Tropical,
- Revista peruana de biologia,
- Southwestern Naturalist,
- The Biological Bulletin,
- The Botanical Review,
- Wildlife Biology;
- Chemistry:
- Computers and Internet:
- Earth sciences:
- Economics:
- APS Diplomat Recorder,
- BBJToday,
- Caribbean Update,
- Comparative Economic Studies,
- Economic Indicators,
- Economics, Management, and Financial Markets,
- Franchising World,
- Irish Economic and Social History,
- Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science,
- Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management,
- Research and Practice in Human Resource Management,
- Social and Economic Studies,
- Survey of Current Business,
- Technological and Economic Development of Economy,
- The European Journal of Comparative Economics,
- WIDER Angle;
- Electronics:
- Environmental issues:
- Geography:
- High technology industry:
- Library and information science:
- Mathematics:
- Military and naval science:
- Science and technology, general:
- Acta Biomedica Brasiliensia,
- Bulletin (Southern California Academy of Sciences),
- Children's Technology and Engineering,
- Communications of the IIMA,
- Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences,
- Evolution of Science and Technology,
- Holography News,
- Ingenieria y Competividad,
- International Journal of Emerging Sciences,
- Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science,
- MedUNAB,
- Monthly Climatic Data for the World,
- Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith,
- Polymer Engineering and Science,
- Psicologica,
- Ra'e Ga,
- Revista Tecnica,
- Science - Future of Lithuania,
- Science News,
- Technology and Engineering Teacher;
- Social Sciences
- Anthropology, archeology, folklore:
- Education:
- American Music Teacher,
- Arts & Activities,
- Australasian Journal of Early Childhood,
- Australian Journal of Environmental Education,
- Canadian Journal of Education,
- Children's Technology and Engineering,
- College Student Journal,
- Cross Currents,
- Curriculum Review,
- Distance Learning,
- District Administration,
- ERIC: Reports,
- Estudios sobre Educacion,
- Health Educator,
- International Journal of Multicultural Education,
- Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research,
- North American Journal of Psychology,
- Phi Delta Kappan,
- Revista Brasileira de Pos-Graduacao,
- T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education),
- Teacher Librarian,
- Teaching Science,
- Technology and Engineering Teacher,
- The Exceptional Parent,
- University Business;
- Ethnic, cultural, racial issues:
- Family and marriage:
- Languages and linguistics:
- Political science:
- Ahfad Journal,
- APS Diplomat Recorder,
- CEU Political Science Journal,
- Contemporary Southeast Asia,
- Investigate HERS,
- Investigate HIS,
- New Criterion,
- Policy Review,
- Presidential Studies Quarterly,
- Reason,
- Revista de Stiinte Politice,
- The American Conservative,
- The Progressive;
- Regional focus/area studies:
- Social sciences, general:
- AEI Paper & Studies,
- China: An International Journal,
- Chronicles,
- Em Pauta,
- Interciencia,
- Israel: A Social Report,
- Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education,
- Journal of Pan African Studies,
- Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue,
- Kadin/Woman 2000,
- PN - Paraplegia News,
- Revista de Estudios Sociales,
- Revista Empresa y Humanismo,
- Sister Namibia,
- Social and Economic Studies,
- Studia Europaea,
- Trames;
- Sociology and social work:
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