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I  Ig  Im  Ing  Inz  Irv  Ish  It  Iz 

ing up when Mike Walters REPORTING "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Ing, Claire Townsend; Zhang, Guangxing; Dillard, Adrienne; Yoshimura, Sheryl R.; Hughes, Claire; Pal "Journal of Diabetes Research"
Ing, Edsel "AMAA Journal"
Ing, Kantha Phavi "International Trade Forum"
Ing, Marsha; Shih, Jeffrey C. "Middle Grades Research Journal"
Ing, Phang; Hsin-Yin, Lin; Tze-Yin, Lim "Asian Journal of Business Research"
Ing, Tiffanie "Canadian Children's Book News"
Ing, Victor "South Asian Post"
Ing, Victor "The Filipino Post"
Ing, Victor; Gill, Preet "South Asian Post"
Ing, Victor; Gill, Preet "The Filipino Post"
Ing-wen, Tsai "New Zealand International Review"
Ing; Habil; Peldschus, F. "Journal of Civil Engineering and Management"
Inga Beale "City AM Online"
Inga Smith "The Conversation (New Zealand Edition)"
Inga, Esteban; Inga, Juan; Hincapié, Roberto "Sensors"
Inga, Gladys "OBG Management"
Inga, Rosalina; Vivas, Dan; Palermo, Pedro; Mendoza, Julio; Lazo, Fanny; Yarleque, Armando "Revista peruana de biologia"
Ingabire, C.; Mshenga, M.P.; Langat, K.; Bigler, C.; Musoni, A.; Butare, L.; Birachi, E. "African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development"
Ingabire, Prossie Merab; Semitala, Fred; Kamya, Moses R.; Nakanjako, Damalie "AIDS Research and Treatment"
Ingal, Rachel; Khan, Nayab "State Magazine"
Ingala Gomez, Emma "Themata. Revista de Filosofia"
Ingala, Dominique G. K.; Pillay, Nelendran; Pillay, Aritha "Sensors"
Ingaldi, Manuela; Ulewicz, Robert "Sustainability"
Ingale, Gayatri Udaysinh; Kwon, Hyun-Min; Jeong, Soohwa; Park, Dongho; Kim, Whidong; Bang, Byeingrye "Energies"
Ingale, S.; Goyal, Pankaj; Mohaniya, Prakhar; Patil, Rakesh; Singh, Siddharth "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Ingale, Satish R.; Shrivastava, S.K. "International Journal of Applied Chemistry"
Ingale, Shantanu "Nonwovens Industry"
Ingale, Suryakant Yashwant; Shah, Prashant Popatlal; Reddy, Raghunandan Reddy Bheem; Sheta, Pulkit D "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Ingale, Suryakant Yashwant; Shah, Prashant Popatlal; Yadav, Pratik Kamalaprasad; Tatiya, Harshada Di "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Ingale, Suryakant Yashwant; Yadav, Pratik; Mishra, Lekha; Sukumaran, Akhila "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Ingall, Marjorie "Tablet Magazine"
Ingall, Marjorie; Forman, Gayle "Tablet Magazine"
Ingall, Marjorie; Oppenheimer, Mark "Tablet Magazine"
Ingallina, Cinzia; Di Matteo, Giacomo; Spano, Mattia; Acciaro, Erica; Campiglia, Enio; Mannina, Luis "Molecules (Basel)"
Ingallinella, S.; Campanelli, M.; Antonelli, A.; Arcudi, C.; Bellato, V.; Divizia, A.; Franceschilli "Gastroenterology Research and Practice"
Ingalls, Aubrey "Infantry Magazine"
Ingalls, Charlie "Esprit de Corps"
Ingalls, Cheryl; Brickman, Jeffrey L. "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Ingalls, James; Kolhatkar, Sonali "Foreign Policy in Focus"
Ingalls, John James "The Objective Standard"
Ingalls, Kelly "Construction & Demolition Recycling"
Ingalls, Kim "Farm Collector"
Ingalls, Kimberly "Michigan History Magazine"
Ingalls, Linda "State Magazine"
Ingalls, Matthew B. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Ingalls, Sam "Thrasher"
Ingalls, Vicki "Quarterly Review of Distance Education"
Ingalsbe, Torri "Guns Magazine"
Ingalsbee, Timothy "Fire"
Inganas, Mats; Byding, Sara; Eckersten, Ann; Eriksson, Solveig; Hultman, Tomas; Jorsback, Anneli; Lo "Clinical Chemistry"
Inganas, Mats; Derand, Helene; Eckersten, Ann; Ekstrand, Gunnar; Honerud, Ann-Kristin; Jesson, Geral "Clinical Chemistry"
Ingangi, Vincenzo; De Chiara, Annarosaria; Ferrara, Gerardo; Gallo, Michele; Catapano, Antonio; Fazi "Cells"
Ingano, Adam "Teaching History: A Journal of Methods"
Ingano, Terrance "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Ingano, Terrance "Worcester Telegram & Gazette"
Ingaramo, Michela; Cammerino, Anna Rita Bernadette; Rizzi, Vincenzo; Gioiosa, Maurizio; Monteleone, "Sustainability"
Ingard, Cecilia; Sjölund, Maria; Trygged, Sven "Social Sciences"
Ingardia, Richard "The Review of Metaphysics"
Ingari, Frank "Health Management Technology"
Ingavélez-Guerra, Paola; Robles-Bykbaev, Vladimir; Teixeira, António; Otón-Tortosa, Salvador; Hilera "Sustainability"
Ingawale, Shirish M.; Krishnan, Deepak G.; Goswami, Tarun "Lubricants"
Ingber, Clifford J. "Security Management"
Ingber, Craig "Real Estate Weekly"
Ingber, Craig G. "Real Estate Weekly"
Ingber, David "Tablet Magazine"
Ingber, Donald E. "The Biological Bulletin"
Ingber, Jeffrey F. "Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review"
Ingber, Jonathan S. "Florida Bar Journal"
Ingber, Josie "Sunset"
Ingber, Melvin J. "Health Care Financing Review"
Ingbretson, Paul "The New American"
Inge van Lotringen "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Inge, Anabel "The Middle East"
Inge, Joseph R.; Findley, Eric A. "Joint Force Quarterly"
Inge, Katherine J.; Bogenschutz, Matthew D.; Erickson, Doug; Graham, Carolyn W.; Wehman, Paul; Sewar "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Inge, Katherine J.; Cimera, Rob E.; Rumrill, Phillip D., Jr.; Revell, William G. "The Journal of Rehabilitation"
Inge, Katie "Franchising World"
INGE, M. THOMAS "World Literature Today"
Inge, M. Thomas "Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature"
Inge, M. Thomas "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Inge, M. Thomas "Nathaniel Hawthorne Review"
Inge, Nick "Army Communicator"
Ingeborg van Lotringen "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Ingebretsen, Ed "Theological Studies"
Ingebretsen, Kelly "Mississippi Magazine"
Ingebretsen, Mark "Agri Marketing"
Ingebretson, Mark "Agri Marketing"
Ingec, Sebnem Kandil "ERIC: Reports"
Ingegneri, Mariarosaria; Smeriglio, Antonella; Rando, Rossana; Gervasi, Teresa; Tamburello, Maria Pi "Nutrients"
Ingelbeen, Brecht; De Weggheleire, Anja; Van Herp, Michel; van Griensven, Johan "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Ingelbeen, Brecht; Hendrickx, David; Miwanda, Berthe; van der Sande, Marianne A.B.; Mossoko, Mathias "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Ingelevic-Citak, Milena "Polish Political Science Yearbook"
Ingelfinger, J.R.; Kalantar-Zadeh, K.; Schaefer, F. "Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research"
Ingelfinger, Julie R. "Internal Medicine News"
Ingelfinger, Julie R. "Family Practice News"
Ingelfinger, Julie R.; Kalantar-Zadeh, Kamyar; Schaefer, Franz "Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology"
Ingeli, Rastislav; Gašparík, Jozef; Paulovicová, Lucia "Sustainability"
Ingels, Darin "Townsend Letter"
Ingels, Jack "Landscaping Principles and Practices, 6th ed."
Ingels, Jack E. "Ornamental Horticulture, Science, Operations & Management, 3rd ed."
Ingels, Jack E. "Landscaping Principles and Practices, 6th ed."
Ingels, John Spencer; Fitzpatrick, Sean Joseph; Rhodius, Alison "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Ingels, John Spencer; Misra, Ranjita; Stewart, Jonathan; Lucke-Wold, Brandon; Shawley-Brzoska, Saman "Journal of Diabetes Research"
Ingels, Steven J. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Burns, Laura J.; Charleston, Stephanie; Chen, Xianglei; Cataldi, Emily Forrest "Education Statistics Quarterly"
Ingels, Steven J.; Burns, Laura J.; Charleston, Stephanie; Chen, Xianglei; Cataldi, Emily Forrest; O "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Curtin, Thomas R.; Kaufman, Phillip; Alt, Martha Naomi; Chen, Xianglei; Owings, J "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Dalton, Ben W.; LoGerfo, Laura "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Dalton, Ben; Holder, Tommy E., Jr.; Lauff, Erich; Burns, Laura J. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Glennie, Elizabeth; Lauff, Erich; Wirt, John G. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Herget, Deborah; Pratt, Daniel J.; Dever, Jill; Copello, Elizabeth; Leinwand, Ste "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Planty, Michael; Bozick, Robert; Owings, Jeffrey A. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Pratt, Daniel J.; Rogers, James E.; Siegel, Peter H.; Stutts, Ellen S. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingels, Steven J.; Scott, Leslie A.; Owings, Jeffrey A. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingelse, Kathy "Nevada RNformation"
Ingelson-Filpula, W. Aline; Breedon, Sarah A.; Storey, Kenneth B. "Cells"
Ingelson-Filpula, W. Aline; Storey, Kenneth B. "Metabolites"
Ingelsson, Erik; Knowles, Joshua W. "Clinical Chemistry"
Ingemansson, Mary "Forum for World Literature Studies"
Ingenbleek, Yves "Nutrients"
Ingene, Charles A. "Southern Economic Journal"
Ingene, Charles A.; Parry, Mark E. "Journal of Retailing"
Ingenerf, Maria; Kiesl, Sophia; Winkelmann, Michael; Auernhammer, Christoph J.; Rübenthaler, Johanne "Biomedicines"
Ingenfeld, Eva "Arctic"
Ingenhoff, Diana; Segev, Elad; Chariatte, Jerome "International journal of communication (Online)"
Ingensand, Jens; Golay, Francois "URISA Journal"
Ingente, Regina "Arrows For Change"
Ingenthron, Robin "Recycling Today"
Inger, Kerry "The Tax Adviser"
Ingerflom, Claudio Sergio Nun "Kritika"
Ingerham, Laura "Quarterly Review of Distance Education"
Ingerpuu, Nele; Nurkse, Kristiina; Vellak, Kai "Estonian Journal of Ecology"
Ingerpuu-Rummel, Eva "Trames"
Ingersoll, Christina "Financial Executive"
Ingersoll, Cynthia "ERIC: Reports"
Ingersoll, Earl "D.H. Lawrence Review"
Ingersoll, Earl G. "Style"
Ingersoll, Earl G. "Intertexts"
Ingersoll, Earl G. "Studies in the Humanities"
Ingersoll, Earl G. "D.H. Lawrence Review"
Ingersoll, Gail L.; Eberhard, Dianne "Nursing Economics"
Ingersoll, Gail L.; Wagner, Lois; Merck, Sonna Ehrlich; Kirsch, Janet C.; Hepworth, Joseph T.; Willi "Nursing Economics"
Ingersoll, Gail L.; Witzel, Patricia A.; Berry, Cynthia; Qualls, Brandon "Nursing Economics"
Ingersoll, Jared "Indiana Slavic Studies"
Ingersoll, Jenn "Vegetarian Journal"
Ingersoll, John D. "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Ingersoll, John G. "Microorganisms"
Ingersoll, John G. "Economies"
Ingersoll, Julie "Church History"
Ingersoll, Louise "International Employment Relations Review"
Ingersoll, Louise "International Journal of Employment Studies"
Ingersoll, R. Elliott "Counseling and Values"
INGERSOLL, R. ELLIOTT "Counselor Education and Supervision"
Ingersoll, R. Elliott "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Ingersoll, R. Elliott; Bauer, Ann L. "Professional School Counseling"
Ingersoll, R. Elliott; Bauer, Ann; Burns, Laura "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Ingersoll, R. Elliott; Cook-Greuter, Susanne R. "Counseling and Values"
Ingersoll, Richard "ERIC: Reports"
Ingersoll, Richard M. "Phi Delta Kappan"
Ingersoll, Richard M. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingersoll, Richard M., Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingersoll, Richard M.; May, Henry "Phi Delta Kappan"
Ingersoll, Richard M.; May, Henry "ERIC: Reports"
Ingersoll, Richard; May, Henry "ERIC: Reports"
Ingersoll, Richard; Merrill, Lisa "ERIC: Reports"
Ingersoll, Robert G. "Free Inquiry"
Ingersoll, Robert Green "Free Inquiry"
Ingersoll, Thomas N. "The Historian"
Ingersoll, Virginia Hill; Adams, Guy B. "Organization Studies"
Ingersoll-Dayton, Berit; Schroepfer, Tracy; Pryce, Julia; Waarala, Carol "Social Work"
Ingerson, Tara "ERIC: Reports"
Ingesson, Tony "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
INGGIT "The President Post (Jakarta, Indonesia)"
Inggriani, Sri; Sulay, Callistus Bruce Henfry; Octavius, Gilbert Sterling "Reports"
Ingham, April "Tok Blong Pasifik"
Ingham, Bernard "Parliamentary Affairs"
INGHAM, CHRIS "Arena Magazine"
Ingham, Christopher "Journal of Perioperative Practice"
Ingham, David "The Mirror (London, England)"
Ingham, Donald; Lorona, Noe "Army Communicator"
Ingham, Elaine "Synthesis/Regeneration"
Ingham, Fishing John "The People (London, England)"
Ingham, Gwen "Teacher Librarian"
Ingham, Hilary; Ingham, Mike "Comparative Economic Studies"
Ingham, Jacqueline "Languages"
INGHAM, JOHN "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Ingham, John "The People (London, England)"
Ingham, John N. "Business History Review"
Ingham, John N. "Nine"
Ingham, Kathlene "Printed Circuit Design & Fab"
Ingham, Kenneth "African Affairs"
Ingham, Louisa; Marshall, Bridget "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Ingham, Mary Beth "The Review of Metaphysics"
Ingham, Michael "Anglican Journal"
Ingham, Michael; Ingham, Richard "Shakespeare Studies"
Ingham, Mike "Shakespeare Studies"
Ingham, Norman W. "Kritika"
Ingham, Rachel "Green Places"
Ingham, Richard "Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: international review of English Studies"
Ingham, Robert J.; Loubich Facundo, Farynna; Dong, Jianing "Pathogens"
Ingham, Roger "Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health"
Ingham, Roger "Conscience"
Ingham, Roger "Reproductive Health Matters"
Ingham, Sean; Wiens, David "Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy"
Ingham, Stephen A. "Sportscience"
Ingham, Zita "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Ingham-Broomfield, Becky "The Lamp"
Ingham-Broomfield, Becky "Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing"
Ingham-Broomfield, Rebecca "Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing"
Ingham-Broomfield, Rebecca "Becky" "Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing"
Inghilleri, Leonardo "Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing"
Inghram, Glen "The Western Journal of Black Studies"
Ingida, Milkessa; Bedane, Gurmesa; Adugna, Firanbon; Nigusu, Degefa; Hussen, Mohammed; Sime, Chala H "International Journal of Analytical Chemistry"
Ingielewicz, Anna; Rychlik, Piotr; Sieminski, Mariusz "Journal of Personalized Medicine"
Ingielewicz, Anna; Szymczak, Robert K. "Pharmaceutics"
Ingieton, Robyn "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Ingiliz, P.; Benhamou, Y. "Journal of HIV Therapy"
INGILS LYON "The Press and Journal (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Ingimarsdóttir, Anna Sigrún; Egilson, Snæfrídur Thóra "Social Sciences"
Ingimundarson, Valur "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Ingiriis, Mohamed Haji "Journal of International Women's Studies"
Ingkachotivanich, Narusorn; Wongpakaran, Tinakon; Wongpakaran, Nahathai; Oon-Arom, Awirut; Karawekpa "Healthcare"
Inglada-Pérez, Lucía; Gil, Sandra González y "Mathematics"
Inglangasu, Roy "Anglican Journal"
Inglangasuk, Roy "Anglican Journal"
Ingle, Bob "Nieman Reports"
Ingle, Charles "The Family Handyman"
Ingle, D.; Owen. P.; Jones, L.; Perry, Sampson; Cassidy. S.; Middaugh, J.P. "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Ingle, Derrick M. "CHIPS"
Ingle, Derrick M. "All Hands"
Ingle, Derrik M. "Naval Aviation News"
Ingle, Douglas A. "Best's Review"
Ingle, Erin A.; Shrestha, Priyanka; Seth, Aparna; Lalika, Mathias S.; Azie, Jacinta I.; Patel, Rena "Viruses"
Ingle, Gary L. "American Music Teacher"
Ingle, H. Larry "The Historian"
Ingle, John "Airman"
Ingle, John "Contract Management"
Ingle, Karen "National Right to Life News"
Ingle, Krishnananda; Moharil, Mangesh; Gahukar, Santosh; Jadhav, Praveen; Ghorade, Rameshwar; Thakur "Agriculture"
Ingle, Mark "Transformation"
Ingle, Palash Yuvraj; Kim, Young-Gab "Sensors"
Ingle, Palash Yuvraj; Kim, Young-Gab "Systems"
Ingle, Palash Yuvraj; Kim, Yujun; Kim, Young-Gab "Systems"
Ingle, Phillip "Engineering Designer"
Ingle, Pradnya K.; Karishma, Attarkar; Rathod, Virendra K. "Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management"
Ingle, Raghaveena; Babu, P. Raja; Sagar, S. Vidya; Malgikar, Suryakanth "Indian Journal of Dental Advancements"
Ingle, Rahul G.; Fang, Wei-Jie "Pharmaceutics"
Ingle, Ronald "South African Medical Journal"
Ingle, Ronald F. "South African Medical Journal"
Ingle, Ruchita; Bhatnagar, Saheba; Ghosh, Bidisha; Gill, Laurence; Regan, Shane; Connolly, John; Sau "Remote Sensing"
Ingle, S.Y.; Shah, Prashant; Karande, Priyanka "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Ingle, Saul "All Hands"
Ingle, Schuyler "Sunset"
Ingle, Sean "Journal of International Affairs"
Ingle, Suzanne M.; May, Margaret; Uebel, Kerry; Timmerman, Venessa; Kotze, Eduan; Bachmann, Max; Ste "South African Medical Journal"
Ingle, Yolanda Rodriguez "ERIC: Reports"
Ingle, Zachary "Post Script"
Ingle, Zachary "Film & History"
Ingle, Zachary "Journal of Religion and Film"
Ingleby, Bruce; Pauley, Patricia; Kats, Alexander; Ator, Jeff; Keyser, Dennis; Doerenbecher, Alexis; "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Ingledew, Francis; Jordan, Jim; Pettigrew, Robert; Chandu, G.M. "The American Prospect"
Ingledue, Vickie F.; Mounsey, Anne "Journal of Family Practice"
Inglehart, Caitlin "Conservation Matters"
Inglehart, Ronald "International Journal of Comparative Sociology"
Inglehart, Ronald F. "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Inglehart, Ronald F.; Borinskaya, Svetlana; Cotter, Anna; Harro, Jaanus; Inglehart, Ronald C.; Ponar "Journal of Research in Gender Studies"
Inglehart, Ronald; Baker, Wayne E. "The Futurist"
Inglehart, Ronald; Catterberg, Gabriela "International Journal of Comparative Sociology"
Ingles Lyon "The Press and Journal (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Ingles, Candido J.; Aparisi, David; Delgado, Beatriz; Torregrosa, Maria S.; Garcia-Fernandez, Jose M "Psicothema"
Ingles, Candido J.; Delgado, Beatriz; Garcia-Fernandez, Jose M.; Ruiz-Esteban, Cecilia; Diaz-Herrero "Spanish Journal of Psychology"
Ingles, Candido J.; Garcia-Fernandez, Jose M.; Ruiz-Esteban, Cecilia; Delgado, Beatriz; Martinez-Mon "Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia"
Ingles, Candido J.; Piqueras, Jose A.; Garcia-Fernandez, Jose M.; Garcia-Lopez, Luis J.; Delgado, Be "Psicothema"
Ingles, Candido J.; Rodriguez-Marin, Jesus; Gonzalez-Pienda, Julio Antonio "Psicothema"
Ingles, Candido J.; Torregrosa, Maria S.; Hidalgo, Maria D.; Nunez, Jose C.; Castejon, Juan L.; Garc "Spanish Journal of Psychology"
Ingles, Candido J.; Torregrosa, Maria S.; Rodriguez-Marin, Jesus; del Castillo, Jose A. Garcia; Gazq "Adicciones"
Ingles, Jack E. "Ornamental Horticulture, Science, Operations & Management, 3rd ed."
Inglês, Magali; Vasconcelos e Cruz, Joana; Mano Azul, Ana; Polido, Mário; Delgado, António H. S. "Polymers"
Inglesby, Roisin "Apollo"
Inglesby, Thomas V. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Inglese, Anthony "Kutafin University Law Review"
Inglese, Dominick "ERIC: Reports"
Inglese, Marianna; Ferrante, Matteo; Boccato, Tommaso; Conti, Allegra; Pistolese, Chiara A.; Buonomo "Journal of Personalized Medicine"
Inglese, Mario "Italica"
Inglese, Mario "Annali d'Italianistica"
Inglese, Michele "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Inglesfield, Robert "Victorian Poetry"
Inglesi-Lotz, Roula "The Conversation (Africa Edition)"
Inglesi-Lotz, Roula; Gupta, Rangan "International Journal of Strategic Property Management"
Ingleson, John "Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania"
Ingleton, Robyn "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Inglett, George E. "Agricultural Research"
Ingley, Germaine; Earley, Louise "Adoption & Fostering"
Ingley, Gwen Smith "Corrections Today"
Ingley, Gwyn Smith "Corrections Today"
Ingley, Gwyn Smith; Cochran, Maureen E. "Corrections Today"
Ingley, Gwyn Smith; Howard, Joe S. "Corrections Today"
Ingley, Kathleen "The Masthead"
Ingley, Spencer J. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Ingley, Stephen "Corrections Today"
Inglez-Dias, Aline; Ribeiro, Jose Mendes; Bastos, Francisco I.; Page, Kimberly "Ciencia & Saude Coletiva"
Inglezakis, Vassilis J.; Rapp, Donald; Razis, Panos; Zorpas, Antonis A. "Sustainability"
Inglima, Tom "IFR"
Inglis Lyon "The Press and Journal (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Inglis, Alan; Parnell, Andrew C.; Subramani, Natarajan; Doohan, Fiona M. "Toxins"
Inglis, Alister "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Inglis, Ben "Aviation Safety"
Inglis, Bob "Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum"
Inglis, Brian Andrew "Religions"
Inglis, Callum M.; Manzano, Richard A.; Kirk, Ryan M.; Sharma, Manab; Stewart, Madeleine D.; Watson, "Molecules (Basel)"
Inglis, Emily N.; Holzmueller, Eric J.; Ruffner, Charles M.; Groninger, John W. "Forests"
Inglis, Fred "The Nation"
Inglis, Glenn "Presbyterian Record"
Inglis, Holly "The Presbyterian Outlook"
Inglis, Jeff "The Conversation (US Edition)"
Inglis, John "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Inglis, John C. "Chris" "Strategic Studies Quarterly"
Inglis, Joshua M.; Barbara, Jeffrey A.; Juneja, Rajiv; Milton, Caroline; Passaris, George; Li, Jorda "Case Reports in Nephrology"
Inglis, Ken; Young, Gregor "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Inglis, Kerri A. "The Historian"
Inglis, Kirsten "English Studies in Canada"
Inglis, Kirsten A. "Early Theatre"
Inglis, Laura K.; Edwards, Robert A. "Microorganisms"
Inglis, Loretta; Cray, David "Australian Journal of Career Development"
Inglis, Luke "Presbyterian Record"
Inglis, Matthew; Simpson, Adrian "ERIC: Reports"
Inglis, Michael "Sky & Telescope"
Inglis, Michaela; Caldwell, Will "Australian Mathematics Teacher"
Inglis, Mike "Journal of the British Astronomical Association"
Inglis, Mike "Sky & Telescope"
Inglis, Nathanael L. "Mennonite Quarterly Review"
Inglis, Patrick "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Inglis, Paul; Bird, Stephen P. "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Inglis, Robin "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Inglis, Timothy J.J.; Sousa, Anastacio Q. "The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases"
Inglis, Timothy J.J.; Spittle, Chantal; Carmichael, Hilary; Downes, Jaala; Chiari, Marilina; McQueen "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Inglish, Timothy "The New American"
Ingman, Benjamin C. "Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue"
Ingman, Benjamin C.; Lohmiller, Katie; Cutforth, Nick; Borley, Laura; Belansky, Elaine S. "Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue"
Ingman, Benjamin C.; McConnell, Christy "Journal of Character Education"
Ingman, Heather "Yearbook of English Studies"
Ingmarsson, Lisa "Conservation Matters"
Ingo, Christina; Tuuf, Jessica; Björklund-Sänkiaho, Margareta "Energies"
Ingoe, Helen; Italia, Kristine; Gilliland, Luke; Kang, Hean Wu; Karel, Mirek; Maharaj, Jashint; Cutb "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Ingoglia, Charles "Behavioral Healthcare"
Ingoglia, Charles; Rosenberg, Linda "Behavioral Healthcare"
Ingold, Danny J. "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Ingold, Danny J.; Dooley, James L. "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Ingold, Danny J.; Worshtall, Charlotte; Yost, Rick "The Ohio Journal of Science"
Ingold, Dennis; Bobylev, Mikhail M. "Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science"
Ingold, Don D.; CaraDonna, Paul J.; Dooley, James L.; Ingold, Danny J.; Iler, Amy M. "Southwestern Naturalist"
Ingold, J.L. "The Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences"
Ingold, Jeanette "Children's Digest"
Ingold, Tim "Philological Quarterly"
Ingold, Tim "Arctic"
Ingoldsby Whitesides, Hilary "Utah Business"
Ingoldsby, Hilary "Utah Business"
Ingole, K.V.; Deshmukh, Durgesh; Watmore, Sonika "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Ingole, Rahul S.; Rajagopal, Rajesh; Mukhan, Orynbassar; Kim, Sung-Soo; Ryu, Kwang-Sun "Molecules (Basel)"
Ingole, Vikram S.; Kshirsagar, Ujwala A.; Singh, Vikash; Yadav, Manish Varun; Krishna, Bipin; Kumar, "Computation"
Ingolfsdottir, K.; Gudmundsdottir, G.F.; Ogmundsdottir, H.M.; Paulus, K.; Haraldsdottir, S.; Kristin "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Ingolfsson, Eyjolfur Gestur "Art Culinaire"
Ingraham, Allan T.; Sidak, J. Gregory "Virginia Tax Review"
Ingraham, Andrew "Franchising World"
Ingraham, Andrew; Fearn, Kenneth; Paz, Michael Thomas; Younger, Victor; Rogers, Sean Edmund; Cheng, "Consortium Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management"
Ingraham, Barton L. "Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology"
Ingraham, Brian "Orthopedic Design & Technology"
Ingraham, Edward C. "Washington Monthly"
Ingraham, Jane "Sunset"
Ingraham, Jane H. "The New American"
Ingraham, Jane; Marcos, San "Sunset"
Ingraham, John "Wines & Vines"
Ingraham, John L. "Wines & Vines"
Ingraham, Keri D. "AEI Paper & Studies"
Ingraham, Natalie; Duong, Kelly; Hann, Lena R. "Social Sciences"
Ingraham, Nicholas E.; Schneider, Brenton; Alpern, Jonathan D. "Case Reports in Infectious Diseases"
Ingraham, Patricia W. "ILR Review"
Ingraham, Patricia W. "Public Administration Review"
Ingraham, Patricia W. "Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory"
Ingraham, Patricia W.; Thompson, James R.; Eisenberg, Elliot F. "Public Administration Review"
Ingraham, Patricia Wallace; Selden, Sally Coleman; Moynihan, Donald P. "Public Administration Review"
Ingraham, Sandy "ERIC: Reports"
Ingraham, Tony "Legacy Magazine"
Ingrain, Bruce "Grit"
Ingrain, Haroro J.; Whiteside, Craig; Winter, Charlie "CTC Sentinel"
Ingraldi, Alison L.; Allen, Tim; Tinghitella, Joseph N.; Merritt, William C.; Becker, Timothy; Tabor "Bioengineering"
Ingraldi, Alison L.; Audet, Robert G.; Tabor, Aaron J. "Journal of Functional Biomaterials"
Ingram "FLASH"
Ingram, A.L.; Ball, A.D.; Parker, A.R.; Deparis, O.; Boulenguez, J.; Berthier, S. "The Journal of Arachnology"
Ingram, Adam "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Ingram, Alan; Richardson, Brynn E. "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Ingram, Albert L. "Association Management"
INGRAM, ALLAN "Yearbook of English Studies"
Ingram, Allan "The Modern Language Review"
Ingram, Amy E.; Lewis, Marianne W.; Barton, Sid; Gartner, William B. "Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice"
Ingram, Amy L. "Romance Notes"
Ingram, Amy L. "Philological Quarterly"
Ingram, Ann Merrill "Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers"
Ingram, Annelle Mercer "Mississippi Magazine"
Ingram, Annie Merrill "symploke"
Ingram, B. Lynn; Malamud-Roam, Frances "Wines & Vines"
Ingram, Bob "Progressive Grocer"
Ingram, Bob "Gourmet Retailer"
Ingram, Bob; Major, Meg "Progressive Grocer"
Ingram, Bonnie "Mother Earth News"
Ingram, Bradford B. "Defense Counsel Journal"
Ingram, Bruce "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
INGRAM, BRUCE "Bowhunter"
Ingram, Bruce "North American Whitetail"
Ingram, Bruce "Petersen's Hunting"
Ingram, Bruce "Mother Earth News"
Ingram, Bruce "Grit"
Ingram, Bruce; Ingram, Elaine "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Ingram, Bruce; Ingram, Elaine "Grit"
Ingram, By Nick; Martin, Jeff; Press, Heather Hollingsworth Associated "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Ingram, Caprecia; Payne, James E. "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Ingram, Carol; Lawrence, Angie; Pou, Margaret "ERIC: Reports"
Ingram, Charlotte Felicity; Bellairs, Gregory Ralph Martin "South African Medical Journal"
Ingram, Chris "Gun Dog"
Ingram, Chris "Petersen's Hunting"
Ingram, Christina; Wytsma-Fisher, Kathryn; Parker, Kristen; Raugust, Shauna; Mustata, Stefan "CANNT Journal"
Ingram, Claudia "Twentieth Century Literature"
Ingram, Cory J. "Families, Systems & Health"
Ingram, Cory J.; O'Brien-Gonzales, Ann; Main, Deborah S.; Barley, Gwyn; Westfall, John M. "Journal of Family Practice"
Ingram, D.R.; Miller, D.L.; Baldwin, C.A. "Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery"
Ingram, Darren "Worldwide Computer Products News"
Ingram, Darren "Internet Business News"
Ingram, Darren "M2 Best Books"
Ingram, Darren "Notes"
Ingram, Darren "Telecomworldwire"
Ingram, Darren (reviewer) "Internet Business News"
Ingram, Dave "IFR"
Ingram, David "Combat Edge"
Ingram, David "Risk Management"
Ingram, David "The Review of Metaphysics"
Ingram, David "Esprit de Corps"
Ingram, David Lee "IFR"
Ingram, David Lee "The Aviation Consumer"
Ingram, David; Crook, Tonya "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Ingram, Deborah D.; Bengeri, Shilpa "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Ingram, Deborah D.; Parker, Jennifer D.; Schenker, Nathaniel; Weed, James A.; Hamilton, Brady; Arias "ERIC: Reports"
Ingram, Denicha "Taboo"
Ingram, Dennis L. "Bowhunter"
Ingram, Derek "African Business"
Ingram, Doug "Mining Magazine"
Ingram, Emily "Journal of International Affairs"
Ingram, Erin; Hill, Trish Wonch; Harshbarger, Dena; Keshwani, Jenny "Education Sciences"
Ingram, Evan C.; Peterson, Douglas L.; Fox, Adam G. "Fishery Bulletin"
Ingram, Gail "Atlanta Review"
Ingram, George; Wils, Annababette; Carrol, Bidemi; Townsend, Felicity "ERIC: Reports"
Ingram, Germaine "Dance Magazine"
Ingram, Glenn, Jr. "New Life Journal"
INGRAM, GORDON BRENT "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Ingram, Grace "History Today"
Ingram, Gregory K. "Kenya - Sexually Transmitted Infections Project"
Ingram, Gregory K. "Chad - Population and AIDS Control Project"
Ingram, Gwynne "Combat Edge"
Ingram, Haroro J.; Whiteside, Craig; Winter, Charlie "CTC Sentinel"
Ingram, Helen "Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory"
Ingram, Henry "Opera Canada"
Ingram, Hilary "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Ingram, J.R.; Rhodes, J.; Evans, B.K.; Thomas, G.A.O. "Gastroenterology Research and Practice"
Ingram, Jay "Science News"
Ingram, Jay "Alternatives Journal"
Ingram, Jay; Cangemi, Joseph "Education"
Ingram, Jay; Cangemi, Joseph "College Student Journal"
Ingram, Jennifer "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Ingram, Jenny; Johnson, Debbie "Community Practitioner"
Ingram, Jenny; Potter, Barbara "Community Practitioner"
Ingram, Jerry "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Ingram, Jerry "OB GYN News"
Ingram, Jerry "Internal Medicine News"
Ingram, Jerry "Family Practice News"
Ingram, Jill "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Ingram, Jill Phillips "Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature"
Ingram, John A. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Ingram, John Dwight "UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy"
Ingram, John; Kenny, Roger M. "Directors & Boards"
Ingram, John; Lee, Jeffrey; Valentin, Christian "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Ingram, Jonathan "The New American"
Ingram, Judith "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Ingram, K. W.; Conley, C.; McDonald, S.; Parker, V.; Rivers, J. "ERIC: Reports"
Ingram, Katherine "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Ingram, Kathleen W.; Haynes, Linda L.; Davidson-Shivers, Gayle V.; Irvin, Richard "ERIC: Reports"
Ingram, Kathleen W.; Haynes, Linda L.; Davidson-Shivers, Gayle V.; Irvin, Richard "College Student Journal"
Ingram, Kathleen W.; Jackson, M. Katherine "ERIC: Reports"
Ingram, Kathy "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Ingram, Ken "All Hands"
Ingram, Krista K.; Hopkinson, Charles S.; Bowman, Katherine; Garritt, Robert; Vallino, Joe "The Biological Bulletin"
Ingram, L.N., III "Florida Bar News"
Ingram, Leonard L., Jr.; Tarlton, Kimberly "Forest Products Journal"
Ingram, Marilyn "Arthritis Today"
Ingram, Marilyn W. "Arthritis Today"
Ingram, Mary "Presbyterian Record"
Ingram, Mary A. "Ebony"
Ingram, Mauri "BBJToday"
Ingram, Melissa L.; Sorensen, Tyson J.; Wamick, Brian K.; Lawyer, Rebecca G. "Journal of Agricultural Education"
Ingram, Michael N.; Hill, Sean M. "Public Works"
Ingram, Michael N.; Hill, Sean M.; Fenerty, Paul J. "Public Works"
Ingram, Mrill "GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society"
Ingram, Nicola; Abou-Saleh, Radwa H.; Race, Amanda D.; Loadman, Paul M.; Bushby, Richard J.; Evans, "Pharmaceutics"
Ingram, Niki T. "Risk Management"
Ingram, Nora L. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Ingram, Patreese; Jones, Walter Terrell "College Student Journal"
Ingram, Patricia Gail Box "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Ingram, Patrick "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Ingram, Paul "Contemporary Review"
Ingram, Paul "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Ingram, Paul O. "Cross Currents"
Ingram, Paul O. "Journal of Ecumenical Studies"
Ingram, Paul; Baum, Joel A.C. "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Ingram, Paul; Inman, Crist "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Ingram, Paul; Simons, Tal "Administrative Science Quarterly"
Ingram, Paula; Hebron, Robert "Real Estate Weekly"
Ingram, Peter; Metcalf, David; Wadsworth, Jonathan "ILR Review"
Ingram, R. "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Ingram, Rachel "Citizen Airman"
Ingram, Rachel N. "Citizen Airman"
Ingram, Racquel Richardson; Kautz, Donald D. "MedSurg Nursing"
Ingram, Richard T. "Directors & Boards"
Ingram, Robert G. "Claremont Review of Books"
Ingram, Robert W.; Lunsford, Dale L. "Journal of Information Systems"
Ingram, Sarah; Alexander, Tiffany "CHIPS"
Ingram, Shannon; Lyon, Simon; Toth, Elaine; Adams, Carly; Aoki, Darren J. "Alberta History"
Ingram, Shirley "Phi Delta Kappan"
Ingram, Stephen "Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy"
Ingram, Stephen; Jansen, Steven; Schenk, H. Jochen "Nanomaterials"
Ingram, Steve "Thrasher"
Ingram, Susan "Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature"
Ingram, Tammy L. "The Historian"
Ingram, Terry "Presbyterian Record"
Ingram, Thomas N. "Review of Business"
Ingram, Tim; Hull, Terry; Goodman, Travis "Journal of Environmental Health"
Ingram, Timothy I. "Journal of Environmental Health"
Ingram, Tom "CHIPS"
Ingram, Tom "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Ingram, Tomasz; Bratnicka-Mysliwiec, Katarzyna; Krasnicka, Teresa; Steinerowska-Streb, Izabella "Sustainability"
Ingram, Tony; Ayres, Jamie "M2 Best Books"
Ingram, Trey; Ancona, Chandler; Dobbins, Elizabeth "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Ingram, V.; Werf, E. Van Der; Kikulwe, E.; Wesseler, J.H.H. "International Forestry Review"
Ingram, Valencia H. "Distance Learning"
Ingram, Valorie L. "The Tax Adviser"
Ingram, Verina "International Forestry Review"
Ingram, Vincent Carlos Sherell "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Ingram, Will "Presbyterian Record"
Ingram, Will; Memon, Fayyaz Ali "Water"
Ingram, Will; Ruttan, Matthew "Presbyterian Record"
Ingram, William "Early Theatre"
Ingram, William A. "Shakespeare Studies"
Ingram, William A. "The Modern Language Review"
Ingram-Main, Rhonda; Kiechle, Frederick L. "Medical Laboratory Observer"
IngramJasonPhotoS:Ali Gravesby:Compiled "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Ingrams, Elizabeth "Contemporary Review"
Ingrao, Adam J.; Carpenter, Craig Wesley; Deming, Kristopher; Lotspeich-Yadao, Michael; Tolbert, Cha "Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm and Resource Issues (Online)"
Ingrao, Carl "Shooting Industry"
Ingrao, Mark; Arnold, Rachel; Solomon, Irica; Horn, Patrick; Haislip, Scot; Cook, Shelly; Thomas, Ch "Units"
Ingrasciotta, Ylenia; Vitturi, Giacomo; Trifirò, Gianluca "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Ingrassia, Brian M.; Sieck, Zoe Anne "The Historian"
Ingrassia, Catherine "Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal"
Ingrassia, Catherine "Notes and Queries"
Ingrassia, Emanuele; Nasello, Carmelo; Ciraolo, Giuseppe "Water"
Ingrassia, Joseph "Financial Executive"
Ingrassia, Lawrence "BookPage"
Ingrassia, Lorenzo Paolo; Spadoni, Sara; Ferrotti, Gilda; Virgili, Amedeo; Canestrari, Francesco "Materials"
Ingrassia, Marzia; Altamore, Luca; Bellia, Claudio; Grasso, Giuseppe Lo; Silva, Paula; Bacarella, Si "Sustainability"
Ingrassia, Marzia; Altamore, Luca; Columba, Pietro; Raffermati, Sara; Lo Grasso, Giuseppe; Bacarella "Foods"
Ingrassia, Michela; Conte, Aida Maria; Perinelli, Cristina; Aldega, Luca; Di Bella, Letizia; Mazzoni "Minerals (Basel)"
Ingrassia, Michela; Pierdomenico, Martina; Casalbore, Daniele; Falese, Francesco Giuseppe; Chiocci, "Diversity"
Ingrez, Isa B. D.; Ferreira, Paula C. N.; Gameiro, Davide; Duarte, Belmiro P. M. "Polymers"
Ingrid "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Ingrid Bragagnolo, Regina; de Souza Lago, Mara Coelho; Rifiotis, Theophilos "Revista Estudo Feministas"
Ingrid Leman Stefanovic "Environments"
Ingrid Seward "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INGRID SEWARD "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
INGRID SEWARD Author of Prince Philip Revealed, A Man of His Century, and editor-in-chief of Majesty "The Mirror (London, England)"
INGRID SEWARD Author of Prince Philip Revealed, A Man of His Century, and editor-in-chief of Majesty "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INGRID SEWARD Editor in Chief of Majesty magazine "The Mirror (London, England)"
Ingrid Seward EDITOR IN CHIEF, MAJESTY MAGAZINE "The People (London, England)"
Ingrid Seward Editor of Majesty magazine "The People (London, England)"
INGRID SEWARD Editor-in-chief , Majesty magazine "The Mirror (London, England)"
INGRID SEWARD Editor-in-chief , Majesty magazine "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
ingrid seward Editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine "The Mirror (London, England)"
ingrid seward Editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INGRID SEWARD Editor-in-Chief, Majesty Magazine "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Ingrid Seward Majesty magazine Editor-in-Chief "The People (London, England)"
Ingrid Seward ROYAL BIOGRAPHER VE "The People (London, England)"
Ingrid Van Wees and John Tanzer "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
INGRID WAGNER "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Ingrisano, Rachele; Tosato, Edoardo; Trost, Paolo; Gurrieri, Libero; Sparla, Francesca "Plants"
Ingrisch, Sigfrid "Journal of Orthoptera Research"
Ingrisch, Sigfrid; Heller, Klaus-Gerhard "Journal of Orthoptera Research"
Ingrisch, Sigfrid; Riede, Klaus; Beccaloni, George "Journal of Orthoptera Research"
Ingriselli, Elizabeth "Yale Law Journal"
Ingruber, Julia; Dudas, Jozsef; Sprung, Susanne; Lungu, Bianca; Mungenast, Felicitas "Biomedicines"
Ingrum, Adrienne "Black Issues Book Review"
Ingrum, Laura "ISNA Bulletin"
Ingrungruengluet, Pattarachat; Wang, Dingfu; Li, Xin; Yang, Cheng; Waiprib, Yaowapha; Li, Chunxia "Pharmaceutics"
Ings, Simon "History Today"
Ingswersen, Niels "World Literature Today"
Ingthorsson, Saevar; Traustadottir, Gunnhildur Asta; Gudjonsson, Thorarinn "Cancers"
Inguaggiato, E.; Sgandurra, G.; Perazza, S.; Guzzetta, A.; Cioni, G. "Neural Plasticity"
Inguagiato, Bobby "Bowhunter"
Inguagiato, Jim "Armed Forces Comptroller"
Inguagiato, Robert "Physician Executive"
Inguagiato, Robert J. "Physician Executive"
Inguanez, Lara; Zhu, Xianglu; de Oliveira Mallia, Jefferson; Tiwari, Brijesh K.; Valdramidis, Vasili "Sustainability"
Inguglia, Cristiano; Ingoglia, Sonia; Leale, Ignazio; Iannello, Nicolò Maria; Gennaro, Antonino; Man "Healthcare"
Inguglia, Elena S.; Song, Zuo; Kerry, Joseph P.; O’Sullivan, Maurice G.; Hamill, Ruth M. "Foods"
Ingulstad, Mats; Lixinski, Lucas "World History Bulletin"
Ingunza, Jubitza Franciskovic "Lecturas de Economia"
Ingusci, Emanuela; Ciavolino, Enrico; Signore, Fulvio; Zito, Margherita; Russo, Vincenzo; Ghislieri, "Social Sciences"
Inguscio, Bianca Maria Serena; Rossi, Dario; Giliberto, Giovanna; Vozzi, Alessia; Borghini, Gianluca "Brain Sciences"
Inguscio, Chiara Rita; Lacavalla, Maria Assunta; Cisterna, Barbara; Zancanaro, Carlo; Malatesta, Man "Cells"
Ingustu, Daiana-Georgiana; Pavel, Bogdan; Paltineanu, Silvia-Ioana; Mihai, Diana-Irene; Cotorogea-Si "Medicina"
Ingvaldson, Bernis "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Ingvarsdottir, Kristin "Trames"
Ingvarson, Lawrence "Teaching Science"
Ingvarsson, Einar T.; Hanley, Gregory P.; Welter, Katherine M. "Education & Treatment of Children"
Ingvarsson, Einar T.; Morris, Edward K. "The Psychological Record"
Ingvarsson, Par K. "Evolution"
Ingvarsson, Par K.; Olsson, Katarina; Ericson, Lars "Evolution"
Ingvarsson, Sara; Nilsen, Per; Hasson, Henna "International Journal of Health Policy and Management"
Ingwani, Thomas; Chaukura, Nhamo; Mamba, Bhekie B.; Nkambule, Thabo T. I.; Gilmore, Adam M. "Molecules (Basel)"
Ingwe, Richard; Inyang, Benjamin; Ering, Simon; Adalikwu, Rose "Management Research and Practice"
Ingwer, Carmela "Cross Currents"
Ingwersen, Faith "World Literature Today"
Ingwersen, Niels "World Literature Today"
Ingwerson, Donald W. "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Inhalen, Dennis T.; Heckler, Brian "Directors & Boards"
Inho Cho; Changsu Kong "Animal Bioscience"
Inhofe, James "National Right to Life News"
Inhojf, Marcel; Inhoff, Marcel "World Literature Today"
Inholz, Katharina; Bader, Ulrika; Mundt, Sarah; Basler, Michael "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inhorn, Marcia C. "The Journal of Men's Studies"
Inhorn, Marcia C. "YaleGlobal Online"
Inhuber, Vivienne; Windisch, Wilhelm; Kleigrewe, Karin; Meng, Chen; Bächler, Benedikt; Gigl, Michael "Metabolites"
Inhyeok Choi; Dongyoup Kwak "Remote Sensing"
Ini, Gilead "Sojourners Magazine"
Ini, Gilead "Midstream"
Ini, Gilead; Wagner, Don "Sojourners"
Ini’, Corrado; Vasile, Tiziana; Foti, Pietro Valerio; Timpanaro, Concetta; Castiglione, Davide Giuse "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
INIBA, GLENN "Hawaii Business"
Iniesta Garcia, Carlos "GESTOS: Revista de teoria y practica del teatro hispanicos (Spanish)"
Iniesta García, Carlos "GESTOS: Revista de teoria y practica del teatro hispanicos (Spanish)"
Iniesta, Alejandro Veas; Lopez-Lopez, Jose Antonio; Corbi, Raquel Gilar; Perez, Pablo Minano; Costa, "Psicothema"
Iniesta, Carmen; Olazagoitia, José Luis; Vinolas, Jordi; Gros, Jaime "Machines"
Iniesta, Carmen; Vinolas, Jordi; Prieto, Federico; Olazagoitia, Jose Luis; Soliverdi, Luis "Applied Sciences"
Iniesta, Margarita; Vasconcelos, Viviane; Sanz, Mariano; Herrera, David "Antibiotics"
Iniesta-López, Eduardo; Hernández-Fernández, Adrián; Garrido, Yolanda; Ieropoulos, Ioannis A.; Herná "Fermentation"
Iniesta-López, Eduardo; Hernández-Fernández, Adrián; Martínez-López, Ángel; Garrido, Yolanda; de los "Gels"
Iniesta-Navalon, Carles; Gascon-Canovas, Juan Jose; Gama, Zenewton Andre da Silva; Sanchez-Ruiz, Jos "Ciencia & Saude Coletiva"
Inigo Carrera, Nicolas "Espacio Abierto: Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociologia"
Iñigo, Beñat; Colinas-Armijo, Natalia; López de Lacalle, Luis Norberto; Aguirre, Gorka "Sensors"
Inigo, Jessica "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Inigo, Jesus; Arce, Araceli; Palenque, Elia; de Viedma, Dario Garcia; Chaves, Fernando "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Íñigo-Catalina, Lucía; Linillos-Pradillo, Beatriz; Schlumpf, Margret; Lichtensteiger, Walter; Parede "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Iñigo-Labairu, Javier; Dersch, Jürgen; Hirsch, Tobias; Giuliano, Stefano; Loevenich, Matthias; Córdo "Energies"
Iñigo-Labairu, Javier; Dersch, Jürgen; Schomaker, Luca "Energies"
Iniguez Berrozpe, Lara "Zephyrus"
Iniguez Rojas, Luiza "Ra'e Ga"
Iniguez, Andres; Macaya, Carlos; Alfonso, Fernando; Hernandez, Rosana; Goicolea, Javier; Ribera, Jos "Age and Ageing"
Iniguez, Carmen; Esplugues, Ana; Sunyer, Jordi; Basterrechea, Mikel; Fernandez-Somoano, Ana; Costa, "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Iniguez, Guillermo; Arriaga, Francisco; Barrett, J. David; Esteban, Miguel "Forest Products Journal"
Iñiguez-Lomeli, Francisco Javier; Franco-Ortiz, Edgar Eliseo; Gonzalez-Acosta, Ana Maria Silvia; Gar "Algorithms"
Iniguez-Luna, Maria Isabel; Suarez-Medellin, Jorge A.; Vidal-Limon, Abraham "AGROProductividad"
Iñiguez-Moreno, Maricarmen; González-González, Reyna Berenice; Flores-Contreras, Elda A.; Araújo, Ra "Foods"
Iniguez-Rueda, Lupicinio; Martinez-Martinez, Luz Maria; Munoz-Justicia, Juan Manuel; Penaranda-Coler "Spanish Journal of Psychology"
Inikori, Joseph E. "Business History Review"
Inions, Noela J. "Health Law Review"
INITIAL HOPES Run Wild Fred is this year's only 'R' horse BY STEPHEN WHITE "The Mirror (London, England)"
Iniya, Abinaya M.; C., Thiruvenkataesan "Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences"
Inizan, Catherine C.; Cajimat, Maria N.B.; Milazzo, Mary Louise; Barragan-Gomez, Artemio; Bradley, R "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Injam, Nishanth "BookPage"
Injamum-Ul-Hoque, Md.; Imran, Muhammad; Zainurin, Nazree; Shaffique, Shifa; Kang, Sang-Mo; Ahsan, S. "Sustainability"
Injejikian, Hasmig "Fontes Artis Musicae"
Injeti, Gnanavelu; Joshi, Maithili; Taksande, Amar; Meshram, Revat "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Injeti, Gurrappa "JCT Research"
Injeti, Satish Kumar; Kumar, M. Prema; Brahmanandam, K. "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research"
Injeyan, H. Stephen; Connell, Gaelan; Foster, Katelyn; Kopansky-Giles, Deborah; Sovak, Guy; Tibbles, "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Injeyan, Maud; Bidault, Valeska; Bacchetta, Justine; Bertholet-Thomas, Aurélia "Nutrients"
Inji Al-Bukhari "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
INJI ALBUKHARI "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Inji Albukhari & Rayana Alqubali "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
INJI ALBUKHARIJana Salloum "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Injoque-Ricle, Irena; Barreyro, Juan Pablo; Calero, Alejandra; Burin, Debora I. "Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana"
Injoque-Ricle, Irene; Barreyro, Juan Pablo; Calero, Alejandra; Burin, Debora Ines "Spanish Journal of Psychology"
Injorhor, Preeyaporn; Inphonlek, Supharat; Ruksakulpiwat, Yupaporn; Ruksakulpiwat, Chaiwat "Polymers"
Injorhor, Preeyaporn; Trongsatitkul, Tatiya; Wittayakun, Jatuporn; Ruksakulpiwat, Chaiwat; Ruksakulp "Polymers"
Injrou, Sami "International Journal of Differential Equations"
Injrou, Sami; Karroum, Ramez; Deeb, Nadia "International Journal of Differential Equations"
Injured, ELWAY: "The Mirror (London, England)"
Inkarbaieva, Olha; Kolesnikov, Denys; Kovalchuk, Danyil; Pavlikov, Volodymyr; Ponomaryov, Volodymyr; "Mathematics"
Inkaya, Bahar Vardar; Karadag, Ezgi "Journal of Education and Research in Nursing"
Inkaya, Eda Nur; Barlas, Nurhayat "Journal of Clinical Practice and Research"
Inkaya, Eda Nur; Kilic, Nilufer Coskun; Barlas, Nurhayat "European Journal of Biology"
Inkelas, Karen Kurotsuchi "Journal of Higher Education"
Inkelas, Moira "Health Services Research"
Inkelas, Moira; Halfon, Neal "ERIC: Reports"
Inkelas, Sharon "Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences"
Inkelas, Sharon; Zoll, Cheryl "Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences"
INKELES, ALEX "International Journal of Comparative Sociology"
Inkeles, Alex; Leiderman, Herbert "International Journal of Comparative Sociology"
Inkeles, Doreen "Florida Bar Journal"
Inkelis, Sarah M.; Hasler, Brant P.; Baker, Fiona C. "Alcohol Research: Current Reviews"
Inkelmann, Maria Andreia; Leite dos Anjos, Bruno; Kommers, Glaucia Denise; Almeida Fighera, Rafael; "Ciencia Rural"
Inkenbrandt, Paul C.; Doss, Paul K.; Pickett, Thomas J.; Brown, Robert J. "Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science"
Inkham, Chaiartid; Wichapeng, Weerasak; Panjama, Kanokwan; Ruamrungsri, Soraya "Horticulturae"
Inkila, Jaana; Flinck, Aune; Luukkaala, Tiina; Astedt-Kurki, Paivi; Paavilainen, Eija "Nursing Research and Practice"
Inklaar, Robert; de Guevara, Juan Fernandez; Maudos, Joaquin "National Institute Economic Review"
Inklaar, Robert; Wang, J. Christina "Monthly Labor Review"
Inklaar, Robert; Woltjer, Pieter "International Productivity Monitor"
Inklaar, Robert; Woltjer, Pieter; Albarran, Daniel Gallardo "International Productivity Monitor"
Inkle, Miriam Garf "Canadian Dimension"
Inkoo Kang The Washington Post "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Inkoo Kang The Washington Post Summer is still the season when TV viewers can catch up on the shows "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Inkotte, Jonas; Bomfim, Barbara; Rosa, Márcio Gonçalves da; Valadão, Marco Bruno Xavier; Gatto, Alci "Sustainability"
Inkotte, Jonas; Martins, Rosana Carvalho Cristo; Scardua, Fernando Paiva; Pereira, Reginaldo Sergio "Ciencia Florestal"
Inkpen, Dani "Mythlore"
Inkpin, Kristofor; Daunt, Matthew "British Journal of Medical Practitioners"
Inkret, Jezerka; Zupanc, Tomaž; Zupanic Pajnic, Irena "Genes"
Inkret, Suzana; Ćurlin, Marija; Smokrovic, Kristina; Kalcec, Nikolina; Peranic, Nikolina; Malta "Materials"
Inks, Allen "The Aviation Consumer"
Inks, Robert "Southwest Review"
Inksetter, Cherie "Presbyterian Record"
Inksetter, Cherie "The Presbyterian Outlook"
Inkson, Kerr; Amundson, Norman E. "Journal of Employment Counseling"
Inkson, Kerr; Arthur, Michael B.; Pringle, Judith; Barry, Sean "Journal of World Business"
Inkster, Fran "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
Inkster, James "PN - Paraplegia News"
Inkster, Rene "Anglican Journal"
Inkster, Tim; Lexchin, Joel "Literary Review of Canada"
Inkumbi, Martin "Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia)"
Inkwell, Edward "The Mirror (London, England)"
Inlakesh, Robert "The Palestine Chronicle (Mountlake Terrace, WA)"
Inlander, Charles B. "USA Today (Magazine)"
Inlander, Charles B. "Internal Medicine News"
Inlander, Charles B. "Family Practice News"
Inlander, Charles B. "Mother Jones"
Inlander, Charles B. "Social Policy"
Inlaung, Kevalin; Chotamonsak, Chakrit; Macatangay, Ronald; Surapipith, Vanisa "Toxics"
Inloes, Amina "Religions"
Inlow, Allen R, "Journal of Property Management"
Inma, Chutarat "Singapore Management Review"
Inman, Amanda Paige "Southwest Review"
Inman, Arpana G.; Yeh, Christine J.; Madan-Bahel, Anvita; Nath, Shivani "Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development"
Inman, Billie Andrew "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Inman, Brant A. "Duke Medicine Health News"
Inman, Carla "Oregon Business"
Inman, Christpher "PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly"
Inman, Dean P.; Loge, Ken; Leavens,John "Communications of the ACM"
Inman, Derek "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Inman, Diane M.; Jacobson, Therese M.; Maxson, Pamela M.; Wang, Huey; Lohse, Christine M. "Urologic Nursing"
Inman, Duane; Marlow, Leslie "Education"
Inman, Duane; Marlow, Leslie; Barron, Bennie "Reading Improvement"
Inman, Emilia N. "Sustainability"
Inman, Erin "Prosecutor, Journal of the National District Attorneys Association"
Inman, Hope "Plastics Engineering"
Inman, James; Jones, Kevin; Thompson, Kevin "Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology"
Inman, Jodi "Mother Earth News"
Inman, John W. "Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World"
Inman, Joyce O. "ERIC: Reports"
Inman, Joyce Olewski "Writing Program Administration"
Inman, Kris "Arts & Activities"
Inman, Kymberly "Long-Term Living"
Inman, Lila L. "William and Mary Law Review"
Inman, Lorinda "Iowa Nurse Reporter"
Inman, Mark Lee "Financial Management (UK)"
Inman, Mark; Lyon, Andrew W.; Lyon, Oliver A.S.; Lyon, Martha E. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Inman, Mary; Witvliet, Charlotte VanOyen "Journal of Psychology and Christianity"
Inman, Mason "Science News"
Inman, Mason "World Watch"
Inman, Michele H. "Albany Law Review"
Inman, Patricia "Vitae Scholasticae"
Inman, Patricia L. "ERIC: Reports"
Inman, Patricia; Trott, Charles E. "ERIC: Reports"
Inman, Robert M.; Packila, Mark L. "The American Midland Naturalist"
Inman, Robert P. "The Historian"
Inman, Ron "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Inman, Sandra L. "Nursing Education Perspectives"
Inman, Steve "Public Works"
Inman, Victoria L.; Leggett, Keith E. A. "Drones"
Inman, Wayne R. "Corrections Today"
Inman, Wendelyn H.; Theriot, Rosemary; Heaston, Alexis "Journal of the National Society of Allied Health"
Inman-Puckett, Jo Ellen "MedSurg Nursing" "Global Voices"
Inmon, Shawn "California Bookwatch"
Inmon, W.H. "Communications of the ACM"
Inn, Caguas Hampton "Caribbean Update"
Inn, Joelle Tan Hwee; Xinrong, Nicole Han; Victoria, Leong Shi Ying; Rachel, Teo Wei Ling; Kuek, Chr "Journal of Asian Medical Student Association"
Inn, Yong Woo; Sukhadia, Ashish M.; Whitte, William M. "Polymer Engineering and Science" "Iran Daily (Tehran, Iran)"
INNA GORDIIENKO "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
INNA VARENYSIA AND SAM MEDNICK "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
INNA VARENYTSIA and E. EDUARDO CASTILLO Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
INNA VARENYTSIA Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Inna, Rogatchi; Rogatchi, Michael "The Baltic Times (Riga, Latvia)"
Inna, Suma; Manaqib, Muhammad; Samudra, Vika Dwi; Erhandi, Ruly "Journal of Applied Mathematics"
Inna, Suma; Saito, Hirokazu "Mathematics"
Inna, Treetossatep; Krajangta, Nantawan; Rakmanee, Thanasak "Polymers"
Innaiah, Narisetti "Free Inquiry"
Innal, Deniz "Aquatic Sciences and Engineering"
Innal, Deniz; Guzel, Evsen Yavuz; Dilek, Omer Gurkan; Kamanli, Seyit Ali "Aquatic Sciences and Engineering"
Innal, Deniz; Stavrescu-Bedivan, Mala; Ozturk, Mehmet Oguz; Ozmen, Ozlem "Aquatic Sciences and Engineering"
Innamma, Narathon; Kaeoket, Kampon "Animals (Basel)"
Innamorati, Marco; Balsamo, Michela; Fairfield, Beth; Fabbricatore, Mariantonietta; Tamburello, Anto "Depression Research and Treatment"
Innamorati, Stefano "Mathematics"
Innamuri, Raviteja; UK, Sudhir Nayak; Shenoi, Shrutakirthi D. "Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists"
Innanen, Veikko T.; Groom, Barbara M.; de Campos, Flavia M. "Clinical Chemistry"
Innasimutthu, Anthony Leslie; Siddhi, Sandeep Shivananada; Rao, Gopala Krishna Balappa "The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi)"
Innaurato, Albert "The Wilson Quarterly"
Inneci, Tugba; Badem, Hasan "Bioengineering"
Innelli, Pasquale; Lopizzo, Teresa; Paternò, Giovanni; Bruno, Noemi; Radice, Rosa Paola; Bertini, Pi "Diagnostics"
Innerarity, Carmen "Estudios sobre Educacion"
Innerarity, Carmen; Giansante, Antonello Canzano "Religions"
Innerarity, Carmen; Perez-Agote, Jose M.; Lasanta-Palacios, Maria "International journal of communication (Online)"
Innerarity, Daniel "Themata. Revista de Filosofia"
Innerarity, Faith; Risden, Colette Roberts "Social and Economic Studies"
Innerhofer, Nicole; Rajsic, Sasa; Ronzani, Marco; Breitkopf, Robert; Gollmann Tepeköylü, Can; Velik- "Diagnostics"
INNERST, CAROL "Washington Monthly"
Innes Auchterlonie "The Press and Journal (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
INNES SMITH "The Press and Journal (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Innes, Alexandria "Social Sciences"
Innes, Anh L.; Martinez, Andres; Gao, Xiaoming; Dinh, Nhi; Hoang, Gia Linh; Nguyen, Thi Bich Phuong; "Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease"
Innes, Ashley "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
INNES, C. L. "Yearbook of English Studies"
Innes, Charlotte "U.S. Catholic"
Innes, Charlotte "The Nation"
Innes, Chris "Corrections Today"
Innes, Christopher "Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film"
Innes, Christopher A. "Corrections Today"
Innes, Christopher A.; Carroll, Sherry "Corrections Today"
Innes, Christopher.A. "Corrections Today"
Innes, David C. "Religions"
Innes, Erik; Morris, Jonathan "Employee Relations (Emerald Group Publishing)"
Innes, Eva "Opera Canada"
Innes, Gabriel K.; Nachman, Keeve E.; Abraham, Alison G.; Casey, Joan A.; Patton, Andrew N.; Price, "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Innes, Gabriel K.; Schmitz, Bradley W.; Brierley, Paul E.; Guzman, Juan; Prasek, Sarah M.; Ruedas, M "Viruses"
Innes, Heather J. "LawNow"
Innes, J. Bruce "Nursing Homes"
Innes, James B.; Blackford, Jeffrey J. "Forests"
Innes, James Robert "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Innes, Joanna "Journal of Social History"
Innes, John "International Forestry Review"
Innes, John; Norris, Gweneth "Financial Management (UK)"
Innes, Kerry "Health Information Management Journal"
Innes, Kim E.; Selfe, Terry Kit "Journal of Diabetes Research"
Innes, Kim E.; Selfe, Terry Kit; Kandati, Sahiti; Wen, Sijin; Huysmans, Zenzi "Evidence - Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine"
Innes, Lyn "The Modern Language Review"
Innes, Martin "British Journal of Criminology"
Innes, Mary Embleton "For A Change"
Innes, Matthew "Past & Present"
Innes, Matthew "The Journal of Theological Studies"
Innes, Paul "Notes and Queries"
Innes, Peter "New York State Conservationist"
Innes, Richard G. "Phi Delta Kappan"
Innes, Robert "Southern Economic Journal"
Innes, Robert Alexander "The American Indian Quarterly"
Innes, Robert; Gallagher, Michael Aaron; Fullerton, James J. "Sky & Telescope"
Innes, Robert; Mitra, Arnab "Economic Inquiry"
Innes, Roland "Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia)"
Innes, S.; Schaaf, H.S.; Cotton, M.F. "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Innes, Sandy "African Fisherman"
Innes, Sim "Scottish Language"
Innes, Stanley I.; Stomski, Norman; Leboeuf-Yde, Charlotte; Walker, Bruce F. "Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association"
Innes, Steve; Cotton, Mark; Venter, Francois "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Innes, Steve; Levin, Leon; Cotton, Mark "Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine"
Innes, Sue "Scottish Studies Review"
Innes, William "Canadian Manager"
Innes, William I. "Tax Executive"
Innes-Parker, Catherine "Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: international review of English Studies"
Innes-Parker, Catherine "The Historian"
Inness, Norman "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Innets, Bhurichaya; Thongsom, Sunisa; Petsri, Korrakod; Racha, Satapat; Yokoya, Masashi; Moriue, Soh "Molecules (Basel)"
Innett, Caroline "M A R G I N: life & letters in early Australia"
Innis, Charles "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Innis, Charles J.; Graham, Katherine M.; Mott, Cody R.; Hart, Kristen M.; Roche, David; Cherkiss, Mi "Animals (Basel)"
Innis, Jane K. "Suffolk Journal of Trial & Appellate Advocacy"
Innis, Michael D. "Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons"
Innis, Niger "New York Times Upfront"
Innis, Sally; Ghahramani, Negar; Rana, Nahyan; McDougall, Scott; Evans, Stephen G.; Take, W. Andy; K "Resources"
Innis-Jimenez, Michael "Mennonite Quarterly Review"
Inniss, James "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Inniss, Lolita Buckner "Washington University Law Review"
Inniss, Lolita Buckner "Columbia Journal of Gender and Law"
Inniss, Marcus "Optometry Today"
Inniss, Troy; Payne, James E. "Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science"
Innmann, Moritz M.; Lunz, Andre; Fröhlich, Larissa; Bruckner, Thomas; Merle, Christian; Reiner, Tobi "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
INNOCENT NDAWULA and DARREN ALLAN KYEYUNE "Daily Monitor, Uganda (Kampala, Uganda)"
Innocent, Christopher "History Today"
Innocent, Ester; Joseph, Cosam C.; Gikonyo, Nicholus K.; Moshi, Mainen J.; Nkunya, Mayunga H.H.; Has "Journal of Vector Borne Diseases"
Innocent, Jasmine; Sutherland, Duncan; Moinuddin, Khalid "Fire"
Innocent, Malou "The Cato Journal"
Innocent, Sherin; Padikasan, Indra Arulselvi "Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology"
Innocente, Chiara; Nonis, Francesca; Lo Faro, Antonio; Ruggieri, Rossella; Ulrich, Luca; Vezzetti, E "Applied Sciences"
Innocente, Leo "Esprit de Corps"
Innocente, Rachel "New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Innocenti, Alberto; Musco, Francesco "Sustainability"
Innocenti, Alessandro; Labory, Sandrine "The European Journal of Comparative Economics"
Innocenti, Bernardo; Bori, Edoardo; Pianigiani, Silvia "Bioengineering"
Innocenti, Beth "Argumentation and Advocacy"
Innocenti, Federica; Di Persio, Sara; Taggi, Marilena; Maggio, Roberta; Lardo, Pina; Toscano, Vincen "Cancers"
Innocenti, G.; Vegeto, E.; Dall'Acqua, S.; Ciana, P.; Giorgetti, M.; Agradi, E.; Sozzi, A.; Fico, G. "Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy & Phytopharmacology"
Innocenti, Idanna; Fresa, Alberto; Tomasso, Annamaria; Tarnani, Michela; De Padua, Laura; Benintende "Cancers"
Innocenti, Lorenzo; Ortenzi, Valerio; Scarpitta, Rosa; Montemurro, Nicola; Pasqualetti, Francesco; A "Genes"
Innocenti, Marco; Mori, Francesco; Pedrini, Francesca Alice; Salmaso, Luca; Gennaro, Andrea; Sassu, "Cancers"
Innocenti, Matteo; Perilli, Alessio; Santarelli, Gabriele; Carluccio, Niccolò; Zjalic, Doris; Acquad "Climate"
Innocenti, Niccolò; Corradino, Nicoletta; Restelli, Francesco; Cojazzi, Vittoria Maria Luisa; Mazzap "Medicina"
Innocenti, Silvia; Quintero Balbas, Diego; Galeotti, Monica; Cagnini, Andrea; Porcinai, Simone; Stri "Minerals (Basel)"
Innocenti, Tiziano; Ristori, Diego "Scienza Riabilitativa"
Innocenzi, Michele; Casale, Paolo; Alfarone, Andrea; Ravaziol, Michele; Cattarino, Susanna; Grande, "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Innocenzi, Plinio "Materials"
Innoceta, Anna Maria; Olivucci, Giulia; Parmeggiani, Giulia; Scarano, Emanuela; Pragliola, Antonella "Genes"
Innominato, Pasquale F.; Cailliez, Valérie; Allard, Marc-Antoine; Lopez-Ben, Santiago; Ferrero, Ales "Cancers"
Innosensia, Ni Luh Putu Citra; Suputra, I Putu Wirya; Wirya, Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta; Narisawa, Ka "Agronomy"
INNOVATION by Dick Winchester "The Press and Journal (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
INNOVATION by Mark Lammey "The Press and Journal (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Inns, Stephen J.; Chen, Amanda; Myint, Helen; Lilic, Priyanka; Ovenden, Crispin; Su, Heidi Y.; Hall, "Nutrients"
Inns, Stephen; Su, Heidi; Chen, Amanda; Ovenden, Crispin; Alcantara, Joy; Lilic, Priyanka; Myint, He "Nutrients"
Innurak, Orachat; Onchang, Rattapon; Bohuwech, Dirakrit; Pongkiatkul, Prapat "Atmosphere"
Innusa, Brianne N.; Burney, Owen T.; Jacobs, Douglass F. "Forests"
Inô, Claudiney Felipe Almeida; Pereira Filho, José Morais; de Oliveira, Roberto Matheus Tavares; de "Animals (Basel)"
Ino, Hiroyasu; Nakazawa, Eisuke "Pharmacy"
Ino, Kosuke; Konno, An; Utagawa, Yoshinobu; Kanno, Taiyo; Iwase, Kazuyuki; Abe, Hiroya; Shiku, Hitos "Micromachines"
Ino, Masazumi; Ono, Eiichi; Shimizu, Yo; Omasa, Kenji "Sensors"
Ino, Takahito; Yoshida, Kota; Matsutani, Hiroki; Fujino, Takeshi "Sensors"
Ino, Takumi; Samukawa, Mina; Ishida, Tomoya; Wada, Naofumi; Koshino, Yuta; Kasahara, Satoshi; Tohyam "Journal of Sports Science and Medicine"
Ino, Takumi; Samukawa, Mina; Ishida, Tomoya; Wada, Naofumi; Koshino, Yuta; Kasahara, Satoshi; Tohyam "Sensors"
Inoan, Daniela; Marian, Daniela "Axioms"
Inoan, Daniela; Marian, Daniela "Mathematics"
Inocencio, Antonio "Nursing Homes"
Inocencio, Emilia Silva; Buarque, Filipe Smith; Ferreira, Luiz F.R.; Soares, Cleide M.F.; Lima, Alva "Sustainability"
Inocencio, Leonardo Campos; Veronez, Mauricio Roberto; Tognoli, Francisco Manoel Wohnrath; de Souza, "The Scientific World Journal"
Inocencio, Luana; Reboucas, Davi "Periferia"
Inocian, Ergie P.; Ignacio, Ejay H.; Pandaan, Isabelita N.; Reynaldo, Rhea Faye D. Felicilda "MedSurg Nursing"
Inocian, Ergie P.; Kenneally, Maria; Dionaldo, Maria Liza Visbal; Reynaldo, Rhea Faye Felicilda "MedSurg Nursing"
Inocian, Ergie P.; Patterson, Kathryn; Reynaldo, Rhea Faye D. Felicilda "MedSurg Nursing"
Inocian, Ergie P.; Reynaldo, Rhea Faye D. Felicilda; Dillon, Deborah; Ignacio, Ejay H. "MedSurg Nursing"
Inogés, Marc; Arboix, Adrià; García-Eroles, Luís; Sánchez-López, María José "Medicina"
Inoguchi, Junji "International Journal of Emerging Sciences"
Inoguchi, Takashi "Ethics & International Affairs"
Inogwabini, Bila-Isia "Endangered Species Update"
Inogwabini, Bila-Isia; Ilambu, Omari "Endangered Species Update"
Inogwabini, Bila-Isia; Ilambu, Omari; Gbanzi, Mbayma Atalia; Germain, Zasy Ngisako "Endangered Species Update"
Inohiza, Takeyuki "The Baseball Research Journal"
Inojosa, Hernan; Schriefer, Dirk; Atta, Yassin; Dillenseger, Anja; Proschmann, Undine; Schleußner, K "Vaccines"
Inoki, Kazuya; Yamada, Masayoshi; Kuwabara, Hiroki; Takamaru, Hiroyuki; Sekiguchi, Masau; Sakamoto, "Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology"
Inokuma, S.; Onishi, K.; Kijima, Y.; Natada, R.; Matsubara, E.; Asashima, H.; Nakachi, S.; Wakabayas "Anales de Hidrologia Medica"
Inokuma, Shigeko; Kijima, Yasuo "International Journal of Vascular Medicine"
Inomata, Kiyoshi "Journal of Property Management"
Inomata, Soichiro; Yoshimura, Takaaki; Tang, Minghui; Ichikawa, Shota; Sugimori, Hiroyuki "Sensors"
Inomata, Soichiro; Yoshimura, Takaaki; Tang, Minghui; Ichikawa, Shota; Sugimori, Hiroyuki "Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease"
Inongo-Vi-Makome "Afro-Hispanic Review"
Inooka, Tatsuo; Yanagihara, Ryuji; Miyamoto, Kazuhito; Murata, Taichi; Ninomiya, Hiroshi "ASHRAE Transactions"
Inosemcio, Bruce A., Jr.; Musbach, Randy A. "Trial"
Inoshita, Ann "Bamboo Ridge, Journal of Hawai'i Literature and Arts"
Inoshita, Ann; Kono, Juliet S.; Passion, Christy; Toyama, Jean Yamasaki "Bamboo Ridge, Journal of Hawai'i Literature and Arts"
Inoshita, Hiroyuki; Asaoka, Daisuke; Matsuno, Kei; Yanagisawa, Naotake; Suzuki, Yusuke; Miyauchi, Ka "Nutrients"
Inostroza, Diego; Leyva-Parra, Luis; Yañez, Osvaldo; Cooksy, Andrew L.; Thimmakondu, Venkatesan S.; "Chemistry"
Inostroza, Diego; Leyva-Parra, Luis; Yañez, Osvaldo; Solar-Encinas, José; Vásquez-Espinal, Alejandro "Atoms"
Inostroza, Felipe; Parra-Tsunekawa, Isao; Ruiz-del-Solar, Javier "Sensors"
Inostroza, J.; Boza, S.; Hernandez, R. "Spanish Journal of Rural Development"
Inostroza, Karla; Bravo, Silvana; Larama, Giovanni; Saenz, Camila; Sepulveda, Nestor "Animals (Basel)"
Inostroza, Karla; Larama, Giovanni; Díaz-Matus de la Parra, Mario; Bravo, Silvana; Rodríguez, Romina "Animals (Basel)"
Inostroza, Luis "EURE-Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales"
Inostroza, Manuel; Moune, Séverine; Moretti, Roberto; Robert, Vincent; Bonifacie, Magali; Chilin-Eus "Geosciences"
Inostroza, Maria Gabriela Pizarro; Gonzalez, Francisco Javier Navas; Landi, Vincenzo; Jurado, Jose M "Animals (Basel)"
Inostroza, Maria-Jesus; Perez-Villalobos, Cristhian; Tabalí, Pia "Education Sciences"
Inostroza, Pedro A.; Carmona, Eric; Arrhenius, Åsa; Krauss, Martin; Brack, Werner; Backhaus, Thomas "Data"
Inostroza-Osses, Mauricio A.; López-Santos, Oswaldo; Aldana-Rodríguez, Yeison A.; Forero, Manuel G. "Mathematics"
Inotai, Andras "Revista de Economia Mundial (Magazine of World Economy (ies)"
Inotai, Andras; Csanadi, Marcell; Petrova, Guenka; Dimitrova, Maria; Bochenek, Tomasz; Tesar, Tomas; "BioMed Research International"
Inotsuka, Ryo; Udono, Miyako; Yamatsu, Atsushi; Kim, Mujo; Katakura, Yoshinori "Nutrients"
Inott, T. Anneika M. "Duke Law & Technology Review"
Inoua, Sabiou M.; Smith, Vernon L. "Independent Review"
Inoue, Akihiro; Ohnishi, Takanori; Nishikawa, Masahiro; Ohtsuka, Yoshihiro; Kusakabe, Kosuke; Yano, "Cancers"
Inoue, Akihiro; Ohnishi, Takanori; Nishikawa, Masahiro; Watanabe, Hideaki; Kusakabe, Kosuke; Taniwak "Biomedicines"
Inoue, Akira "Japan Academy Proceedings Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences"
Inoue, Asao B. "Writing Program Administration"
Inoue, Asao B.; Poe, Mya "Composition Studies"
Inoue, Bruna Kaori Namba; Paludetto, Laura Vidoto; Monteiro, Naara Gabriela; Batista, Fábio Roberto "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inoue, Chihiro; Miki, Yasuhiro; Suzuki, Takashi "Cancers"
Inoue, Cristina Yumie Aoki; Moreira, Paula Franco "Revista Brasileira de Politica"
Inoue, Cristina; Tickner, Arlene Beth "Revista Brasileira de Politica"
Inoue, Daisuke; Hiroshima, Naoto; Nakamura, So; Ishizawa, Hidehiro; Ike, Michihiko "Microorganisms"
Inoue, Daisuke; Kabata, Tamon; Kajino, Yoshitomo; Taga, Tadashi; Yamamoto, Takashi; Takagi, Tomoharu "Case Reports in Orthopedics"
Inoue, Daisuke; Yamashita, Ayari; To, Hideto "Pharmaceutics"
Inoue, Erika; Minatozaki, Shiyo; Shimizu, Sachi; Miyamoto, Sayaka; Jo, Misato; Ni, Junjun; Tozaki-Sa "Cells"
Inoue, Gen; Ohtaki, Yuhei; Satoh, Kazue; Odanaka, Yuki; Katoh, Akihito; Suzuki, Keisuke; Tomita, Yos "Biomedicines"
Inoue, Go; Chen, Xuefei; Shimada, Yasushi "Crystals"
Inoue, Haruki; Aimono, Eriko; Kasuga, Akiyoshi; Tanaka, Haruto; Iwasaki, Aika; Saya, Hideyuki; Arima "Biomedicines"
Inoue, Hiroshi "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences"
Inoue, Ikuo; Takenaka, Yasuhiro; Kin, Yoshitora; Yamazaki, Satoshi; Ikegami, Yuichi; Saito, Daigo; S "Case Reports in Hematology"
Inoue, Juliana; Silva, Miguel; Fofana, Bakary; Sanogo, Kassim; Martensson, Andreas; Sagara, Issaka; "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Inoue, Jun; Sato, Kazutoshi "Drones"
Inoue, Jun; Ueno, Yoshiyuki; Shimosegawa, Tooru "Indian Journal of Medical Research"
Inoue, K.; Oda, T.; Yanagisawa, R.; Tamura, H.; Ohno, N.; Adachi, Y.; Ishibashi, K.; Yoshikawa, T. "Mediators of Inflammation"
Inoue, Kai; Maruyama, Soichi; Kabeya, Hidenori; Hagiya, Keiko; Izumi, Yasuhito; Une, Yumi; Yoshikawa "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Inoue, Kayoko; Harada, Kouji; Takenaka, Katsunobu; Uehara, Shigeki; Kono, Makoto; Shimizu, Takashi; "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Inoue, Kazuhide "Japan Academy Proceedings Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences"
Inoue, Kazuo "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Inoue, Kazuya; Shima, Taiki; Takahashi, Madoka; Lee, Steve K.; Ohtsuki, Tomu; Kumano, Hiroaki "The Psychological Record"
Inoue, Keita; Kinoshita, Mao; Muranishi, Kentaro; Ohara, Junya; Sudo, Kazuki; Kawaguchi, Ken; Shimiz "Vaccines"
Inoue, Kelly Cristina; Misue Matsuda, Laura; Augusto de Melo, Willian; Yassuko Murassaki, Ana Claudi "Investigacion y Educacion en Enfermeria"
Inoue, Kelly Cristina; Versa, Gelena Lucineia Gomes da Silva; Matsuda, Laura Misue "Investigacion y Educacion en Enfermeria"
Inoue, Ken-ichiro; Takano, Hirohisa "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Inoue, Ken-ichiro; Takano, Hirohisa; Yanagisawa, Rie; Hirano, Seishiro; Sakurai, Miho; Shimada, Akin "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Inoue, Ken; Yoshida, Naohisa; Kobayashi, Reo; Tomita, Yuri; Hashimoto, Hikaru; Sugino, Satoshi; Hiro "Gastroenterology Research and Practice"
Inoue, Koichi; Okada, Fumio; Ito, Rie; Kato, Shizue; Sasaki, Seiko; Nakajima, Sonomi; Uno, Akiko; Sa "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Inoue, Koji; Waite, J. Herbert; Matsuoka, Makoto; Odo, Satoshi; Harayama, Shigeaki "The Biological Bulletin"
Inoue, Koki; Ogake, Shuichiro; Kobayashi, Kazuma; Tomura, Toyoaki; Mitsui, Satoshi; Satake, Toshifum "Electronics (Basel)"
Inoue, Kosuke; Ritz, Beate; Andersen, Stine Linding; Ramlau-Hansen, Cecilia Host; Hoyer, Birgit Bjer "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Inoue, Kota "Tamkang Review"
Inoue, Kunio "Business Asia"
Inoue, Kyoko; Suzuki, Yasuyuki; Yajima, Shigehiro; Shimozawa, Nobuyuki; Orii, Tadao; Kondo, Naomi "Clinical Chemistry"
Inoue, Lais V. B.; Domingues, Caio E. C.; Gregorc, Aleš; Silva-Zacarin, Elaine C. M.; Malaspina, Osm "Toxics"
Inoue, Makoto; Nakano, Satoshi; Harada, Hirofumi; Miyamura, Yoshiji; Gao, Bing; Kangawa, Yoshihiro; "International Journal of Photoenergy"
Inoue, Makoto; Suzuki, Hideaki; Meno, Kohji; Liu, Shan; Korenaga, Tatsumi; Uchida, Kazuhiko "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inoue, Masafumi; Barkham, Timothy; Leo, Yee-Sin; Chan, Kwai-Peng; Chow, Angela; Wong, Christopher W. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Inoue, Masaki "Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology"
Inoue, Masamichi "Southeast Review of Asian Studies"
Inoue, Masayasu "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Inoue, Masayuki "Japan Academy Proceedings Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences"
Inoue, Mayumo "Tamkang Review"
Inoue, Megumi; Li, Meng-Hao; Hashemi, Mahdi; Yu, Yang; Jonnalagadda, Jahnavi; Kulkarni, Rajendra; Ke "Healthcare"
Inoue, Michiko; O'Gorman, Lyndal; Davis, Julie "Australian Journal of Environmental Education"
Inoue, Mizuho; Miyazaki, Masaya; Oya, Soichi "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Inoue, Nao; Tsuge, Keisuke; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Oikawa, Akira; Nagao, Koji "Metabolites"
Inoue, Naohide "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Inoue, Nobutaka; Okamura, Tomonori; Kokubo, Yoshihiro; Fujita, Yoshiko; Sato, Yuko; Nakanishi, Mamor "Clinical Chemistry"
Inoue, Nodoka; Shimada, Masaki "Animals (Basel)"
Inoue, Rikako; Hosomi, Koji; Park, Jonguk; Sakaue, Haruka; Yumioka, Hitomi; Kamitani, Hiroko; Kinuga "Nutrients"
Inoue, Ritsuko; Nishimune, Hiroshi "Cells"
Inoue, S.; Kawaguchi, M.; Furuya, H. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Inoue, S.; Tanaka, Y.; Kawaguchi, M.; Furuya, H. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Înoue, Sachiko "Children"
Inoue, Sakae "Rubber World"
Inoue, Sakiko Nishikawa Yasumichi; Hori, Yuka; Miyajima, Chiharu; Morishita, Daisuke; Ohoka, Nobumic "Antioxidants"
Inoue, Satoko; Ayedoun, Emmanuel; Takenouchi, Hiroshi; Tokumaru, Masataka "Multimodal Technologies and Interaction"
Inoue, Shinya "The Biological Bulletin"
Inoue, Shinya; Goda, Makoto "The Biological Bulletin"
Inoue, Shinya; Inoue, Ted "The Biological Bulletin"
Inoue, Shinya; Inoue, Theodore D. "The Biological Bulletin"
Inoue, Shinya; Takata, Takanobu; Nakazawa, Yusuke; Nakamura, Yuka; Guo, Xin; Yamada, Sohsuke; Ishiga "Nutrients"
Inoue, Sho; Inahashi, Yuki; Itakura, Makoto; Inoue, Gen; Muneshige, Kyoko; Hirose, Tomoyasu; Iwatsuk "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inoue, Shogo; Ikeda, Kenichiro; Kobayashi, Kanao; Kajiwara, Mitsuru; Teishima, Jun; Matsubara, Akio "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Inoue, Shogo; Kajiwara, Mitsuru; Teishima, Jun; Matsubara, Akio "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Inoue, Shogo; Shiina, Hiroaki; Arichi, Naoko; Mitsui, Yozo; Hiraoka, Takeo; Wake, Koji; Sumura, Masa "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Inoue, Shogo; Shiina, Hiroaki; Mitsui, Yozo; Yasumoto, Hiroaki; Matsubara, Akio; Igawa, Mikio "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Inoue, Silvia Regina Viodres; Maia, Thais Laudares Soares "Interface: Comunicacao Saude Educacao"
Inoue, Susumu; Khan, Isra'a; Mushtaq, Rao; Carson, Dawn; Saah, Elna; Onwuzurike, Nkechi "Leukemia Research and Treatment"
Inoue, Suzuyo; Fukada, Kenta; Hayashi, Katsuyoshi; Seyama, Michiko "Biosensors"
Inoue, Tadahisa; Naitoh, Itaru "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Inoue, Tadanobu; Hara, Yuka; Nakazato, Koji "Biomimetics"
Inoue, Tadanobu; Oka, Shin-ichiro; Hiroto, Takanobu "Journal of Marine Science and Engineering"
Inoue, Takahiro; Sekito, Sho; Kageyama, Takumi; Sugino, Yusuke; Sasaki, Takeshi "Cancers"
Inoue, Takako; Yagi, Shintaro; Tanaka, Yasuhito "Viruses"
Inoue, Takeshi; Kubota, Makoto; Marumo, Keishi "Case Reports in Orthopedics"
Inoue, Takuma; Oya, Yutaka; Koyanagi, Jun; Sakai, Takenobu "Polymers"
Inoue, Takuro; Yoshida, Kazutaka; Sasaki, Erika; Aizawa, Koichi; Kamioka, Hiroharu "Nutrients"
Inoue, Tatsuro; Maeda, Keisuke; Nagano, Ayano; Shimizu, Akio; Ueshima, Junko; Murotani, Kenta; Sato, "Nutrients"
Inoue, Tatsuro; Ueshima, Junko; Kawase, Fumiya; Kobayashi, Haruko; Nagano, Ayano; Murotani, Kenta; S "Nutrients"
Inoue, Tomo'o; Ueno, Haruki "ERIC: Reports"
Inoue, Tomoko; Sera, Fusako; Nishimura, Shunsuke; Nakamoto, Kei; Tsukamoto, Yasumasa; Mizote, Isamu; "Case Reports in Cardiology"
Inoue, Tsutomu; Kozawa, Eito; Ishikawa, Masahiro; Okada, Hirokazu "Nutrients"
Inoue, Wakana; Kimura, Yuta; Okamoto, Shion; Nogimori, Takuto; Sakaguchi-Mikami, Akane; Yamamoto, Ta "Viruses"
Inoue, Yoji; Oka, Shinichi; Yokoyama, Seiji; Hasegawa, Koichi; Mahlich, Jörg; Schaede, Ulrike; Habuk "Healthcare"
Inoue, Yoshiaki; Izumi, Yotaro; Sakaki, Kenjiro; Abe, Keiko; Oka, Teruaki; Tamaru, Jun-Ichi; Sugiyam "Case Reports in Medicine"
Inoue, Yukiko "ERIC: Reports"
Inoue, Yusuke "Tomography"
Inoue, Yusuke; Itoh, Hiroyasu; Hata, Hirofumi; Miyatake, Hiroki; Mitsui, Kohei; Uehara, Shunichi; Ma "Tomography"
Inoue, Yusuke; Itoh, Hiroyasu; Miyatake, Hiroki; Hata, Hirofumi; Sasa, Ryosuke; Shiibashi, Nao; Mits "Tomography"
Inoue, Yusuke; Itoh, Hiroyasu; Nagahara, Kazunori; Hata, Hirofumi; Mitsui, Kohei "Tomography"
Inoue, Yusuke; Itoh, Hiroyasu; Shiibashi, Nao; Sasa, Ryosuke; Mitsui, Kohei "Tomography"
Inoue, Yusuke; Mori, Masahiro; Itoh, Hiroyasu; Mitsui, Kohei; Miyatake, Hiroki; Yamane, Takuro; Hata "Tomography"
Inoue, Yusuke; Muto, Kaori "The Hastings Center Report"
Inoue, Yutaka; Cormanes, Lianne; Yoshimura, Kana; Sano, Aiko; Hori, Yumiko; Suzuki, Ryuichiro; Kanam "Foods"
Inoue, Yutaka; Kitani, Yukari; Osakabe, Satoshi; Yamamoto, Yukitoshi; Murata, Isamu; Kanamoto, Ikuo "Nutrients"
Inoue, Yutaka; Mitsumori, Akiho; Shinohara, Itsuka; Narumi, Sachie; Murata, Isamu; Kanamoto, Ikuo "Journal of Pharmaceutics"
Inoue, Yutaka; Narumi, Sachie; Mitsumori, Akiho; Murata, Isamu; Kanamoto, Ikuo "Journal of Pharmaceutics"
Inoue, Yutaka; Niiyama, Daichi; Murata, Isamu; Kanamoto, Ikuo "International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry"
Inoue, Yutaka; Ueda, Sae; Tanikawa, Takashi; Sano, Aiko; Suzuki, Ryuichiro; Todo, Hiroaki; Higuchi, "Foods"
Inoue-Smith, Yukiko "Journal of International Women's Studies"
INOUYE, BRENDA "Alternatives Journal"
INOUYE, BRENDA; KENNEDY, RYAN "Alternatives Journal"
Inouye, Charles Shiro "Post Script"
Inouye, Charles Shiro "The Nation"
Inouye, David "Ecology"
Inouye, Keika; Barham, Elizabeth Joan; Pedrazzani, Elisete Silva; Pavarini, Sofia Cristina Iost "Psicologia: Reflexao & Critica"
Inouye, Martha; Macias, Meghan; Boz, Tugba; Lee, Min Jung; Hammack, Rebekah; Iveland, Ashley; Johans "Education Sciences"
Inouye, Richard S.; Tilman, David "Ecology"
Inouye, Wendy; Oltean, Hanna N.; McMillan, Michelle; Schnitzler, Hanna; Lipton, Beth; Peterson, John "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Inoyatov, Amrillo; Abdurakhmanov, Mamur; Sharopov, Sanjar; Azimov, Mukhamajon "Medical and Health Science Journal"
Inozemtcev, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Epikhin, Sergey Dmitrievich "Materials"
Inozemtsev, Vladimir; Sergunova, Viktoria; Vorobjeva, Nina; Kozlova, Elena; Sherstyukova, Ekaterina; "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inozemtsev, Vladislav "The Baltic Times (Riga, Latvia)"
Inozu, Julide "Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal"
Inpan, Ratchanon; Sakuludomkan, Chotiwit; Na Takuathung, Mingkwan; Koonrungsesomboon, Nut "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inpankaew, Tawin; Schar, Fabian; Dalsgaard, Anders; Khieu, Virak; Chimnoi, Wissanuwat; Chhoun, Chamn "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
INPARNER SHIP "Manchester Evening News (Manchester, United Kingdom)"
Inphonlek, Supharat; Bureewong, Namthip; Jarukumjorn, Kasama; Chumsamrong, Pranee; Ruksakulpiwat, Ch "Polymers"
Inphonlek, Supharat; Jarukumjorn, Kasama; Chumsamrong, Pranee; Ruksakulpiwat, Chaiwat; Ruksakulpiwat "Polymers"
Inphonlek, Supharat; Kotchapradit, Supawat; Marungsri, Boonruang; Ruksakulpiwat, Yupaporn; Ruksakulp "Polymers"
Inphonlek, Supharat; Ruksakulpiwat, Chaiwat; Ruksakulpiwat, Yupaporn "Polymers"
Inpradit, Worawat; Jamjod, Sansanee; Prom-u-thai, Chanakan; Pusadee, Tonapha "Agronomy"
Inprasit, Thitirat; Pukkao, Jarinphorn; Lertlaksameephan, Nattanee; Chuenchom, Araya; Motina, Kanjan "International Journal of Polymer Science"
Inquirer Staff "Philippines Daily Inquirer (Makati City, Philippines)"
Inquiry, Steward'S "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INS "Khaleej Times (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)"
Insabella, Mary; Fogle, Ty "ERIC: Reports"
Insaf Ali Bangwar "Pakistan Today (Lahore, Pakistan)"
Insaf Ali Bangwar "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
Insaf Ali Bangwar "Daily Times"
INSAF ALI BANGWAR - Kandhkot "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
Insaf Ali Bangwar-Kandhkot "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
INSAF ALI BANGWAR-Kandhkot "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
INSAF ALI BANGWAR-Kandhkot, Sindh "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
INSAF ALI-Kandhkot, Sindh "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
Insaf Brohi "Flare"
INSAF BROHI, MEHAR - Dadu "The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan)"
INSAF BROHI-Hyderabad "Pakistan Today (Lahore, Pakistan)"
Insaf Brohi-Hyderabad "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
INSAF BROHI-Hyderabad "The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan)"
INSAF BROHI-Hyderabad. "The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Insalaco, Mike "Alaska Business Monthly"
Insalaco, Mikel "Alaska Business Monthly"
INSALL, Report ROGER "The People (London, England)"
Insall, Roger "The People (London, England)"
Insall, Roger; Marshall, Sharon "The People (London, England)"
Insall, Roger; Panton, Lucy "The People (London, England)"
Insall, Roger; Qualtrough, Stuart "The People (London, England)"
Insall, Roger; Rousewell, Dean "The People (London, England)"
Insana, David; Rappaport, Carey M. "International Journal of Antennas and Propagation"
Insana, Lina "Italica"
Insana, Lina "Annali d'Italianistica"
Insana, Ron "Variety"
Insaurralde, Carlos C.; Blasch, Erik "Aerospace"
Insausti, Gabriel "International Journal of English Studies"
Insawake, Kittisak; Songserm, Thaweesak; Songserm, Ornprapun; Theapparat, Yongyuth; Adeyemi, Kazeem "Animals (Basel)"
Insch, Elspeth V. "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Insch, Gary S. "Management International Review"
Insch, Gary S.; Miller, Stewart R. "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Insch, Gary S.; Steensma, H. Kevin "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Insch, Miss Elspeth "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Inscho, Frederick R.; Durfee, Mary H. "Publius"
Insco, James B. "Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law"
Inscoe, John C. "The Historian"
Insearch, John Scahill "Parergon"
Insel, Barbara "Business Economics"
Insel, Kimberly; Lyon, Corey "Journal of Family Practice"
Insel, Thomas "MIT Technology Review"
Inselbuch, Elihu "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Inselsbacher, Erich; Peticzka, Robert "Soil Research"
Insenser, María Rosa; Nattero-Chávez, Lía; Luque-Ramírez, Manuel; Quiñones, Sara de Lope; Quintero-T "Metabolites"
Inseo Hong; Jin Yu; Seung Jae Hwang; Kwack, Yurina "Horticulturae"
Inserra, Albert; Bossert, Kenneth R. "Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table"
Inserra, Anne; Conway, Maureen; Rodat, John "ERIC: Reports"
Inserra, Daniele; Hu, Wei; Wen, Guangjun "International Journal of Antennas and Propagation"
Inserra, Jonah "Surface"
Insfrán Ortiz, Amado; Rey Benayas, José María; Cayuela, Luis "Forests"
Inshal Rao "Pakistan Today (Lahore, Pakistan)"
INSHARAH GHOURI-Karachi "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
Inshi, Saad; Chowdhury, Rasel; Ould-Slimane, Hakima; Talhi, Chamseddine "IoT"
INSHRAH KOMAL-Abbottabad "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
INSHRAH KOMAL-Rawalpindi "Pakistan Observer (Islamabad, Pakistan)"
Insia Hasan, Syeda Ramsha Batool, Jawed Akbar Dars, Rabisa Batool, Syed Masroor Ahmad and Muhammad I "Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal"
Inside The Games "The Zimbabwean (Harare, Zimbabwe)"
INSIDE THE SSE BY ORLAITH CLINTON "The Mirror (London, England)"
Inside Track All the news from the Welsh racing scene with JIM BEAVIS "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
Inside Track All the news from the Welsh racing scene with JIM BEAVIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH CHEPSTOW A "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
InsideOut "Gulf News (United Arab Emirates)"
Insider's regular focus on Scotland's creative sector by Kenny Kemp "Insider Monthly"
INSIDER, Stable "The Mirror (London, England)"
INSIGHT by Brian Wilson "The Press and Journal (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Insight, Balkan ""
Insights from Express Employment Professionals "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Insignares, Luis E. "Florida Bar Journal"
Insignares, Luis E.; Kruger, Brian J. "Florida Bar Journal"
Insignares, Luis; Kruger, Brian "Florida Bar Journal"
Insinga, Andrea R.; Andresen, Bjarne; Salamon, Peter "Entropy"
Insinga, Maria Grazia "Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature"
Insingel, Mark; Hermans, Theo "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Insinna, Valerie "National Defense"
Insinna, Valerie; Magnuson, Stew "National Defense"
Insinna, Valerie; Munnell, Christina "National Defense"
Insinna, Valerie; Parsons, Dan "National Defense"
Insinna, Valerie; Tadjdeh, Yasmin "National Defense"
Insinns, Valerie "National Defense"
Insinska-Rak, Malgorzata; Sikorski, Marek; Wolnicka-Glubisz, Agnieszka "Cells"
Insists, TOM LEWIS "The Mirror (London, England)"
Insiyah Vahanvaty "Cutting Edge"
INSKE GROENEN "Bolivian Express Magazine"
Inskeep, Devin M. "Best's Review"
Inskeep, P.J. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Inskeep, Steve "ETC.: A Review of General Semantics"
Inskip, Leonard "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Inskip, Michael; Almendrales Rangel, Carolina; Njoku, Chidiamara Maria; Barnett, Fiona; Shih, Isabel "Methods and Protocols"
Inskip, Peter "Apollo"
Inslee, Jay "Business Credit"
Inslee, Jay "Sierra"
Insler, Stanley "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Insley, Charles "The Historian"
Insley, Jennifer "Confluencia: Revista Hispanica de Cultura y Literatura"
Insley, Jennifer; Turkoglu, Cengiz "Aerospace"
Insley, Julie "New Life Journal"
Insley, Stephen J.; Halliday, William D.; de Jong, Tyler "Arctic"
Insley, Stephen J.; Melovidov, Paul I.; Jones, Dustin J.; Robson, Bruce W.; Zavadil, Phillip A.; Par "Northwestern Naturalist: A Journal of Vertebrate Biology"
Insley, Stephen J.; Tauzer, Lila M.; Halliday, William D.; Illasiak, Joe; Green, Ryan; Kudlak, Adam; "Arctic"
Insogna, Iris G.; Brady, Paula C. "OBG Management"
Insole, Christopher J. "Religions"
Insom, Giovanni "Fontes Artis Musicae"
Inson, Peter "Swiss News"
INSPECTOR LORRAINE MACKIE "Evening Express (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
INSPECTOR ROD SMITH, CITY CENTRE INSPECTOR "Evening Express (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
INSPECTOR SIMON LEWIS-DALBY "Evening Express (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Insperity "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Insprucker, By Mary Jekielek "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Insprucker, Mary Jekielek "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
instagram @ therealtamcowanTHE LAUGHS JUST KEEP COMING WITH TAM COWAN'S HILARIOUS LOCKDOWN DIARIES M "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Instanes, Geir; Kristiansen, Sindre Halse "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
INSTANT WEEKEND Nice, France BY MARJORIE YUE "The People (London, England)"
Instep Desk "The News International"
Institute 0 Glentoran 2 BY CARL KENNEDY "The Mirror (London, England)"
Institute 1 Ballymena United 0 BY KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN "The Mirror (London, England)"
Institute, Submitted By NorthShore Orthopaedic; Bone, The Illinois; Institute, Joint "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Insua, Mariela "Hispanofila"
Insua, Mariela "Romance Notes"
Insua, Pinmanee; Nakkiew, Wasawat; Baisukhan, Adirek; Pitjamit, Siwasit "Materials"
Insua, Pinmanee; Nakkiew, Wasawat; Wisittipanich, Warisa "Materials"
Insua-Arevalo, J.M.; Garcia-Mayordomo, J.; Salazar, A.; Rodriguez-Escudero, E.; Martin-Banda, R.; Al "Journal of Iberian Geology"
Insuasti, Jesus; Roa, Felipe; Zapata-Jaramillo, Carlos Mario "Big Data and Cognitive Computing"
Insuasti-Beltran, Giovanni; Gale, James M.; Wilson, Carla S.; Foucar, Kathryn; Czuchlewski, David R. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Insuasty Cárdenas, Andrés "HOW - A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English"
Insuasty Osorio, Julian Alejandro; Ramirez Benavides, Gines Fernando; Mejia Morales, Luis Migue "Boletin Cientifico Centro De Museos De Historia Natural"
Insuasty, Edgar Alirio; Osorio, María Fernanda Jaime "Revista PROFILE: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development"
Insulza, Jose Miguel "Americas (English Edition)"
Insurance Information Institute "Insurance Journal"
Insyari’ati, Titis; Hamid, Penny Humaidah; Rahayu, Endang Tri; Sugar, Diah Lutfiah; Rahma, Nadya Nur "Veterinary Sciences"
Int-Hout, Dan "ASHRAE Journal"
Int-Hout, Dan; Faris, Gus "ASHRAE Journal"
Int-hout, Dan; Wilbar, Lilli "ASHRAE Journal"
Inta, Anuchit; Tongsong, Theera; Srisupundit, Kasemsri "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Inta, Wandee; Traiperm, Paweena; Ruchisansakun, Saroj; Janssens, Steven B.; Viboonjun, Unchera; Swan "Plants"
Intachat, Chanyanuch; Chuammitri, Phongsakorn; Sornpet, Benjaporn; Patchanee, Prapas; Manachai, Nawi "Animals (Basel)"
Intakhan, Nuchpicha; Saeung, Atiporn; Rodrigues Oliveira, Sonia M.; Pereira, Maria de Lourdes; Chanm "Antibiotics"
Intalar, Nuchjarin; Ueki, Yasushi; Jeenanunta, Chawalit "Economies"
Intan, Benyamin Fleming; Bangun, Calvin "Religions"
Intan-Soraya, Rosdi; Chew, Kok-Wai "International Journal of Business and Management Science"
Intana, Warin; Khomphet, Thanet; Srichai, Naramit; Bundit, Nattawadee; Islam, Shams Shaila "Applied Sciences"
Intana, Warin; Promwee, Athakorn; Wijara, Kanjarat; Nguyen, Hien Huu "Agronomy"
Intana, Warin; Suwannarach, Nakarin; Kumla, Jaturong; Wonglom, Prisana; Sunpapao, Anurag "Journal of Fungi"
Intana, Warin; Wonglom, Prisana; Dy, Kim Sreang; Sunpapao, Anurag "Microbiology Research"
Intanoo, Malinee; Kongkeitkajorn, Mallika B.; Suriyasathaporn, Witaya; Phasuk, Yupin; Bernard, John "Animals (Basel)"
Intapiboon, Porntip; Pinpathomrat, Nawamin; Juthong, Siriporn; Uea-Areewongsa, Parichat; Ongarj, Jom "Vaccines"
Intaraburt, Weeraya; Sangsanont, Jatuwat; Limpiyakorn, Tawan; Ruangrassamee, Piyatida; Suttinon, Pon "Water"
Intarakumnerd, Patarapong "Journal of Southeast Asian Economies"
Intarapat, Sittipon; Gonmanee, Thanasup; Thonabulsombat, Charoensri "International Journal of Morphology"
Intarapat, Sittipon; Sailasuta, Achariya; Satayalai, Orawan "International Journal of Morphology"
Intarapat, Sittipon; Satayalai, Orawan "Anatomy Research International"
Intarapat, Sittipon; Sukparangsi, Woranop; Gusev, Oleg; Sheng, Guojun "Genes"
Intaraprasong, Nitchnun; Banomyong, Danuchit; Chotvorrarak, Kanet; Ngoenwiwatkul, Yaowaluk; Pittayac "European Endodontic Journal"
Intarasit, Arthit "Journal of Applied Mathematics"
Intaratat, Kamolrat "Journal of International Women's Studies"
Intaratham, W.; Koonawootrittriron, S.; Sopannarath, P.; Graser, H-U.; Tumwasorn, S. "Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences"
Intardonato, Tari "Creative Machine Embroidery"
Intas, Kadir; Okyay, Gulay Ulusal "Turkish Journal of Nephrology"
Intasurat, Kwanpet; Submunkongtawee, Nonth; Longsompurana, Phoomintara; Thaiprayoon, Apisitt; Kasems "Applied Sciences"
Intatham, Supaporn; Taychaworaditsakul, Weerakit; Khonsung, Parirat; Chansakaow, Sunee; Jaijoy, Kanj "Biology (Basel)"
Intathem, Gerd "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Intawachirarat, Keerati; Mitranun, Witid; Maphong, Raweewan; Sriramatr, Sonthaya "Journal of Exercise Physiology Online"
Intawiwat, Natthorn; Myhre, Elina; Oysaed, Harry; Jamtvedt, Svein H.; Pettersen, Marit Kvalvag "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Intawong, N-T.; Sombatsompop, N. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Intawong, N.-T.; Sombatsompop, N. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Intawong, N.-T.; Wongchaleo, C.; Sombatsompop, N. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Intelligence, By Maria Sherman Ap Music Writer With Some Help From Artificial; Travis, Country Music "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Intelmann, Tiina "New African"
Intem, S.; Hughes, A.E.; Neufeld, A.K.; Markley, T.; Glenn, A.M. "JCT Research"
Intepeler, Seyda Seren; Caran, M. Ismail "Journal of Education and Research in Nursing"
Intepeler, Seyda Seren; Harmanci, Arzu Kader "Journal of Education and Research in Nursing"
INTER MILAN 3 BENFICA 3 BY JAMES NURSEYInter Milan win 5-3 on aggregate "The Mirror (London, England)"
Inter Press Service "The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon)"
Interdonato, Livia; D’amico, Ramona; Cordaro, Marika; Siracusa, Rosalba; Fusco, Roberta; Peritore, A "Biomolecules"
Interdonato, Livia; Ferrario, Giulio; Cordaro, Marika; D’Amico, Ramona; Siracusa, Rosalba; Fusco, Ro "Molecules (Basel)"
Interdonato, Livia; Impellizzeri, Daniela; D’Amico, Ramona; Cordaro, Marika; Siracusa, Rosalba; D’Ag "Antioxidants"
Interdonato, Livia; Marino, Ylenia; D’Amico, Ramona; Cordaro, Marika; Siracusa, Rosalba; Impellizzer "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
InterFaith Aurora submission "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Interference, By Andrew Adams Capitol News Illinois Lawmakers In Illinois Are Asking Voters To Weigh "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Interino, Nicolò; Vitagliano, Rosalba; D’Amico, Federica; Lodi, Raffaele; Porru, Emanuele; Turroni, "Biomolecules"
INTERIOR DESIGN MASTERS By Danielle de Wolfe "Express and Star (Wolverhampton, England)"
INTERIOR DESIGN MASTERS By Danielle de Wolfe "Shropshire Star (Shropshire, England)"
Interis, Matthew G.; Taylor, Naomi J. "International Journal of Sport Finance"
Interlandi, Claudia; Bruno, Fabio; Tabbì, Marco; Macrì, Francesco; Di Pietro, Simona; Giudice, Elisa "Veterinary Sciences"
Interlandi, Emanuela; Pellegrini, Francesco; Giuffrè, Chiara; Cirone, Daniele; Brocca, Daniele; Lee, "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Interlandi, Margherita "Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana"
Interlenghi, Matteo; Sborgia, Giancarlo; Venturi, Alessandro; Sardone, Rodolfo; Pastore, Valentina; "Diagnostics"
International Banker "The Zimbabwean (Harare, Zimbabwe)"
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, "International Journal of Antennas and Propagation"
International News Services ""
International News Services ""
International News Services ""
International, Amnesty "Kabul Press (Kabul, Afghanistan)"
International, Biochemistry Research "Biochemistry Research International"
International, Emergency Medicine "Emergency Medicine International"
International, Hazara "Kabul Press (Kabul, Afghanistan)"
International, Nsf "Progressive Grocer's Store Brands"
International, Robert Half "Journal of Accountancy"
International, Stem Cells "Stem Cells International"
International, Wood Dale ' Power Solutions; Beach, Tico Manufacturing Will Display A Ups Terminal Tr "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
International, Wood Dale Power Solutions; Beach, Tico Manufacturing Will Display A Ups Terminal Trac "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Internet, Jim Cremin On "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Internet, MATT KELLY "The Mirror (London, England)"
Internicola, Joe; Johnson, Peter; McGovern, Jim "Catholic Insight"
Intern��, Valeria; Sergi, Maria Chiara; Metta, Maria Elvira; Guida, Michele; Trerotoli, Paolo; Stripp "Cancers"
Interrante, Julia D.; Pando, Cynthia; Fritz, Alyssa H.; Kozhimannil, Katy B. "Health Services Research"
Intersimone, David "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Interthinx "Mortgage Banking"
INTERVIEW BY CHARLOTTE HEATHCOTE "The Journal (Newcastle, England)"
INTERVIEW BY CHARLOTTE HEATHCOTE "Nottingham Evening Post (Nottingham, England)"
INTERVIEW BY CHDVLOTTE HEDTHCOTE "Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)"
INTERVIEW BY CHDVLOTTE HEDTHCOTE "Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)"
INTERVIEW BY CHDVLOTTE HEDTHCOTE "Paisley Daily Express (Paisley, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW BY CHDVLOTTE HEDTHCOTE "Grimsby Telegraph (Grimsby, England)"
INTERVIEW BY CHDVLOTTE HEDTHCOTE "Stoke Sentinel (Stoke-on-Trent, England)"
INTERVIEW BY DEBBI MARCO "The Mirror (London, England)"
Interview by DEBBI MARCO "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW BY ELIZABETH ARCHER "The Mirror (London, England)"
INTERVIEW BY ELIZABETH ARCHER "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview by ELIZABETH ARCHER "Bristol Post (Bristol, England)"
INTERVIEW BY GEMMA CALVERT "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW BY HANNAH BRITT "The Mirror (London, England)"
IntervIew by HANNAH BRITT "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW BY HANNAH BRITT, Edited by MERNIE GILMORE "The Mirror (London, England)"
interview By HARRY BAMFORTH "Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)"
INTERVIEW BY JAMES MOORE "The Mirror (London, England)"
Interview by JAMES MOTTRAM "The Mirror (London, England)"
INTERVIEW BY LAURA COOKE ; AMY PACKER "The Mirror (London, England)"
Interview by LIZZIE CATT "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW BY LUISA METCALFE "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW BY MARGARET HUSSEY "The Mirror (London, England)"
INTERVIEW BY MARGARET HUSSEY "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW BY MATTHEW BARBOUR "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview by Megan Archer "Express and Star (Wolverhampton, England)"
INTERVIEW BY MONICA CAFFERKY "The Mirror (London, England)"
interview by RACHEL TOMPKINS "The Mirror (London, England)"
Interview by Rafiq Raji. "African Banker"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "The Journal (Newcastle, England)"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "Birmingham Mail (England)"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "Paisley Daily Express (Paisley, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "Grimsby Telegraph (Grimsby, England)"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "Western Daily Press (Bristol, England)"
INTERVIEW BY SERENA RICHARDS "Nottingham Evening Post (Nottingham, England)"
INTERVIEW BY TRACY GAYTON "The Mirror (London, England)"
INTERVIEW Daniela Nardini "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
INTERVIEW Jill Halfpenny WORDS MURRAY SCOUGALL "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
INTERVIEW Kelle Bryan "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
INTERVIEW Kirsty Wark "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Interview, Billy Sloan "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, David Kelso "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INTERVIEW, DAVID McCARTHY "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Finola Lynch "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Interview, HUGH KEEVINS "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Iain Campbell "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Iain Ferguson "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Iain King "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Joan Burnie "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, John Millar "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Keith Jackson "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Kevin Mcallion "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, LORNA HUGHES "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Mark Guidi "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Melanie Reid "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Interview, Ros Dodd "The Birmingham Post (England)"
INTERVIEW: CILLIAN MURPHY "Birmingham Mail (England)"
Interview: David Maddock "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Interview: Simon Mullock "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
INTERVIEW: STEVEN KNIGHT "Birmingham Mail (England)"
INTERVIEWS BY ELIZABETH ARCHER "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INTERVIEWS BY FIONA DUFFY "The Mirror (London, England)"
INTERVIEWS BY VANESSA HOLBURN "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
interviews, as SARAH MORGAN discovers "Nottingham Evening Post (Nottingham, England)"
Intha, Thanaporn; Sirikhachornkit, Anchalee "Fermentation"
Intha, Thitiwan; Wimolmala, Ekachai; Lertsarawut, Pattra; Saenboonruang, Kiadtisak "Sustainability"
Inthachat, Woorawee; Chantong, Boonrat; Pitchakarn, Pornsiri; Takoon, Chawalit; Karinchai, Jirarat; "Pharmaceuticals"
Inthachat, Woorawee; Suttisansanee, Uthaiwan; Kruawan, Kalyarat; On-Nom, Nattira; Chupeerach, Chaowa "Foods"
Inthachat, Woorawee; Temviriyanukul, Piya; On-Nom, Nattira; Kanoongon, Panyaporn; Thangsiri, Sirinap "Molecules (Basel)"
Inthachat, Woorawee; Thangsiri, Sirinapa; Khemthong, Chanakan; On-Nom, Nattira; Chupeerach, Chaowane "Foods"
Inthalaeng, Natthamon; Barker, Ryan E.; Dugmore, Tom I. J.; Matharu, Avtar S. "Molecules (Basel)"
Inthalaeng, Natthamon; Dugmore, Tom I. J.; Matharu, Avtar S. "Gels"
Inthanon, Sirinada; Dejkriengkraikul, Pornngarm; Yodkeeree, Supachai "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Intharanut, Kamphon; Suttanon, Plaiwan; Nathalang, Oytip "Current Issues in Molecular Biology"
Intharuksa, Aekkhaluck; Arunotayanun, Warunya; Takuathung, Mingkwan Na; Boongla, Yaowatat; Chaichit, "Antioxidants"
Intharuksa, Aekkhaluck; Kuljarusnont, Sompop; Sasaki, Yohei; Tungmunnithum, Duangjai "Molecules (Basel)"
Inthasan, Chanatporn; Tanaka, Yasuhito; Vaseenon, Tanawat; Mahakkanukrauh, Pasuk "International Journal of Morphology"
Inthavong, Phouth; Chanthavong, Somphaivanh; Nammanininh, Phounsavanh; Phommachanh, Phouvong; Theppa "Antibiotics"
Inthavong, Sathaphone; Jatavan, Phudit; Tongsong, Theera "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inthawong, Sasiwimol; Pumijumnong, Nathsuda; Muangsong, Chotika; Buajan, Supaporn; Cai, Binggui; Cha "Forests"
Inthawong, Supawan; Wongkoblap, Atichat; Intomya, Worapot; Tangsathitkulchai, Chaiyot "Molecules (Basel)"
INTHEGARDEN With Diarmuid Gavin "Wales On Sunday (Cardiff, Wales)"
inthemoneystocks ""
Inthima, Phithak; Supaibulwatana, Kanyaratt "Horticulturae"
Inthorn, Jirasit; Chomchalao, Pratthana; Rithchumpon, Puracheth; Juntrapirom, Saranya; Kanjanakawink "Pharmaceutics"
Inthumathi, V.; Amsaveni, M.; Nathibrami, M. "Neutrosophic Sets and Systems"
INTI LANDAURO "City AM (London, England)"
Intidam, Abdessamad; El Fadil, Hassan; Housny, Halima; El Idrissi, Zakariae; Lassioui, Abdellah; Nad "Energies"
Intiful, Freda; Osei, Claudia; Steele-Dadzie, Rebecca; Nyarko, Ruth; Asante, Matilda "Advances in Public Health"
Intihar, Matthew R.; Stewart, Ronald E. "Arctic"
Intikhab Amir "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Intikhab Hanif "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Intikhab Hanif and Amin Ahmed "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Intikhab Hanif and Muhammad Faisal Ali "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Intikhab Ulfat-Karachi "Flare"
Intikhab Ulfat-Karachi "Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan)"
Intini, Claudio; Hodgkinson, Tom; Casey, Sarah M.; Gleeson, John P.; O?Brien, Fergal J. "Bioengineering"
Intintoli, Vincent J. "Financial Management"
Intintoli, Vincent J.; Jategaonkar, Shrikant P.; Kahle, Kathleen M. "Financial Management"
Intintoli, Vincent J.; Kahle, Kathleen M. "Financial Management"
Intintolo, Melissa Ussery "The Carolina Quarterly"
Intintolo, Ussery "The Carolina Quarterly"
Intirach, Jitrawadee; Lv, Xin; Han, Qian; Lv, Zhi-Yue; Chen, Tao "Genes"
Intisar A. Shihab and Theiaa N. Al-Sabha "Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry"
INTISAR ALYAMANI "Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)"
Intiso, Domenico; Centra, Antonello Marco; Gravina, Michele; Chiaramonte, Angelo; Bartolo, Michelang "Toxins"
Intissar, Abdelkader "Mathematics"
Intiya, Weenusarin; Hatthapanit, Kannika; Thaptong, Puchong; Sae-oui, Pongdhorn "Polymers"
Intizar Hussain - Islamabad "The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan)"
into retirement By CHRIS WRIGHT Racing reporter @LivEchoSport "Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)"
into this summer, says JANE HAASE "Leicester Mercury (Leicester, England)"
Intoccia, Gregory F.; Moore, Joe Wesley "Houston Journal of International Law"
Intonti, Mariantonietta; Mola, Deborah; De Leonardis, Matteo; Starace, Giuseppe "Sustainability"
Intonti, Mariantonietta; Serlenga, Laura; Ferri, Giovanni; De Leonardis, Matteo; Starace, Giuseppe "Sustainability"
Intorasoot, Sorasak; Intorasoot, Amornrat; Tawteamwong, Arocha; Butr-Indr, Bordin; Phunpae, Ponrut; "Antibiotics"
Intorcia, Elena "Forum Italicum"
Intorcio, Tom "State Legislatures"
Intorsureanu, Anca-Stefania; Kubala, Pavol "American Journal of Medical Research"
Intra, Jari; Carcione, Davide; Sala, Roberta Maria; Siracusa, Claudia; Brambilla, Paolo; Leoni, Vale "Antibiotics"
Intraraprasit, Monthon; Chitsobhuk, Orachat "Computation"
Intrator, David "ADWEEK"
Intrator, Jessica "Sunset"
Intrator, Joanne "Journal for the Study of Antisemitism"
Intrator, Joanne; Rose, Scott "Journal for the Study of Antisemitism"
Intrator, Orna; Grabowski, David C.; Zinn, Jacqueline; Schleinitz, Mark; Feng, Zhanlian; Miller, Sus "Health Services Research"
Intrator, Orna; Hiris, Jeffrey; Berg, Katherine; Miller, Susan C.; Mor, Vince "Health Services Research"
Intrator, Orna; Miller, Edward Alan; Gadbois, Emily; Acquah, Joseph Kofi; Makineni, Rajesh; Tyler, D "Health Services Research"
Intrator, Orna; Schleinitz, Mark; Grabowski, David C.; Zinn, Jacqueline; Mor, Vincent "Health Services Research"
Intrator, Sam M. "Journal of Teacher Education"
Intrator, Sam M. "Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue"
Intrator, Sam M.; Kunzman, Robert "Journal of Teacher Education"
Intravartolo, Cindy "Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society"
Intravia, Rich; Dinwiddie, Harry; Olson, Ward; Leena, Stumble; Stewart, Jennifer; Dietrick, Bill "American Handgunner"
Intravia, Rick "American Handgunner"
Intravooth, Tassanai; Baran, Hazal; Wendling, Anne-Sophie; Halaby, Amjad; Steinhoff, Bernhard J. "Journal of Clinical Medicine"
Intriago Morales, Ruth Viviana; Alvarez Vasquez, Jose Luis "Universitas Odontologica"
Intriago, Danilo Augusto Viteri; Gomez, Lyzbeth Alvarez; Ruiz, Dionisio Ponce "Neutrosophic Sets and Systems"
Intriago, M.; Maldonado, G.; Cardenas, J.; Rios, C. "The Scientific World Journal"
Intriago, M.; Maldonado, G.; Guerrero, R.; Messina, O.D.; Rios, C. "Journal of Aging Research"
Intriago, Pablo; Montiel, Bolivar; Valarezo, Mauricio; Gallardo, Jennifer; Cataño, Yamilis "Viruses"
Intriago, Pablo; Montiel, Bolivar; Valarezo, Mauricio; Romero, Xavier; Arteaga, Kelly; Cercado, Nico "Microorganisms"
Intrieri, Robert C. "Best Practices in Mental Health"
Intrigila, Benedetto; Della Penna, Giuseppe; D'Ambrogio, Andrea; Campagna, Dario; Grigore, Malina "Computers"
Intriligator, Michael D. "Economic Inquiry"
Intriligator, Michael D. "Contemporary Economic Policy"
Intriligator, Michael D. "International Journal of Social Economics"
Intriligator, Michael D.; Braguinsky, Serguey; Bowen, Jewell Ray, II; Tullock, Gordon; Root, Hilton "Contemporary Economic Policy"
introduction to BY DARREN FULLERTON "The Mirror (London, England)"
Introini, Carlo; Sequi, Manfredi Bruno; Ennas, Marco; Benelli, Andrea; Guano, Giovanni; Pastore, Ant "Cancers"
Introna, Arianna "Renewal"
Introna, Arianna "Scottish Literary Review"
Introna, Arianna "Social Inclusion"
Introvigne, Maria Luisa; Beardsley, Trevor J.; Fernando, Micah C.; Leonard, David A.; Wallar, Bradle "Antibiotics"
Introvigne, Massimo "Scripta Theologica"
Introzzi, Isabel Maria; Urquijo, Sebastian; Richard, Maria Marta; Canet-Juric, Lorena; Richaud, Mari "Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia"
Introzzi, Isabel; Lopez-Ramon, Fernanda; Urquijo, Sebastian "Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana"
Introzzi, Isabel; Urquijo, Sebastian; Lopez Ramon, Maria Fernanda "Psicothema"
Intui, Ketsarin; Nuchniyom, Pimchanok; Laoung-on, Jiraporn; Jaikang, Churdsak; Quiggins, Ranida; Sud "Foods"
Intui, Sutasinee; Inazumi, Shinya; Soralump, Suttisak "Sustainability"
Inturi, Anitha Rani; Manikandan, Vazhora Malayil; Kumar, Mahamkali Naveen; Wang, Shuihua; Zhang, Yud "Sensors"
Inturi, Vamsi; Ghosh, Bidisha; Rajasekharan, Sabareesh Geetha; Pakrashi, Vikram "Sensors"
Intveld, Robert "The Journal of Employee Assistance"
Intxausti, Eneko; Skocaj, Danijel; Cernuda, Carlos; Zugasti, Ekhi "Applied Sciences"
Intxausti, Nahia; Etxeberria, Feli; Joaristi, Luis "RELIEVE: Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa"
Intyaswati, Drina; Mahmood, Qasim; Simanihuruk, Hermina "International journal of communication (Online)"
Intzaar, Sadia; Akram, Muhammad; Afrasiab, Humera "International Journal of Agriculture and Biology"
Intzar Ali, Helen Mary Robert, Komal Andleeb, Noman Anjum Rana, Sumaira Ilyas and Muhammad Shahid "Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal"
Intzar Hussain Butt, Ijaz Ahmad Tatlah, Muhammad Anwer and Saima Junaid "The Dialogue"
Intziegianni, Konstantina; Sarens, Marc; Tsivitanidou, Olia; Nisiotis, Louis; Kovacs, Katalin; Nagy, "Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology"
Inugala, Rajkumar Reddy; Kumar G., Sravan "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Inugala, Rajkumar Reddy; Murali, C.H. "Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences"
Inui, Atsuyuki; Nishimoto, Hanako; Mifune, Yutaka; Yoshikawa, Tomoya; Shinohara, Issei; Furukawa, Ta "Bioengineering"
Inui, Hiroshi; Kitahara, Tadashi; Ito, Taeko; Sakamoto, Tsuyoshi "The Journal of the International Advanced Otology"
Inui, Miki "Hmong Studies Journal"
Inui, Norio "Physics"
Inui, Taichi; Hanley, Bryan; Tee, E Siong; Nishihira, Jun; Tontisirin, Kraisid; Van Dael, Peter; Egg "Nutrients"
Inui, Thomas S. "Journal of Family Practice"
Inui, Tomohiko; Ito, Keiko; Miyakawa, Daisuke "Economic Inquiry"
Inukai, Junko Inoue; Nogami, Munenobu; Tachibana, Miho; Zeng, Feibi; Nishitani, Tatsuya; Kubo, Kazuh "Diagnostics"
Inukai, Koichi "Minimally Invasive Surgery"
Inukai, Koichi; Usui, Akihiro; Yamada, Motohiko; Amano, Koji; Mukai, Nobutaka; Tsunetoshi, Yusuke; N "Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine"
Inukai, Ryuta; Mori, Kanako; Maki, Masatoshi; Takahara, Terunao; Shibata, Hideki "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inukai, Yosuke; Yamamoto, Kenta; Honda, Takashi; Yokoyama, Shinya; Ito, Takanori; Imai, Norihiro; Is "Cancers"
Inukonda, Sumanth "International journal of communication (Online)"
Inum, Reefat; Rana, Masud; Shushama, Kamrun Nahar; Quader, Anwarul "International Journal of Biomedical Imaging"
Inungu, Joseph N.; Ankiba, Nestor; Minelli, Mark; Mumford, Vincent; Bolekela, Dido; Mukoso, Bienvenu "Malaria Research and Treatment"
Inungu, Joseph N.; Zinsou, Cyprien E.; Mustafa, Younis; Singbo, Narcisse "Journal of Health and Human Services Administration"
Inungu, Joseph; Mumford, Vincent; Younis, Mustafa; Langford, Sara "Journal of Health and Human Services Administration"
Inusah Musah "Ghanaian Chronicle (Accra, Ghana)"
Inusah, Abass; Quansah, Elvis; Fosu, Kwabena; Dadzie, Isaac "Journal of Pathogens"
Inutsuka, Hideyo; Ichimura, Kinya; Sugimura, Yoshihisa; Yoshie, Muneo; Shinoda, Takeshi "Logistics"
Inuwa, Abdullahi B.; Mahmood, Qaisar; Iqbal, Jamshed; Widemann, Emilie; Shafiq, Sarfraz; Irshad, Muh "Antibiotics"
Inuwa, I.M.; Hassan, M.O.; Ziada, A.M. "International Journal of Morphology"
Inuzuka, Naoki; Shobayashi, Yasuhiro; Tateshima, Satoshi; Sato, Yuya; Ohba, Yoshio; Ishihara, Kazuhi "Bioengineering"
Invencao Cabral, Thais; Pan, Xueliang; Tripathi, Tanya; Ma, Jianing; Heathcock, Jill C. "Behavioral Sciences"
Invenção, Maria da Conceição Viana; Macêdo, Larissa Silva de; Moura, Ingrid Andrêssa de; Santos, Luc "Vaccines"
Inverardi, Pier Luigi Novi; Tagliani, Aldo "Axioms"
INVERNESS 1 DUNDEE 0 by ALASDAIR FRASER "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INVERNESS 2 QUEEN OF SOUTH 0 BY ALASDAIR FRASER "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INVERNESS 2 ROSS CO 1 By EUAN McLEAN "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INVERNESS CT v AYR UTD BY ALASDAIR FRASER "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INVERNESS CT v QoS BY ALASDAIR FRASER "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INVERNESS CT...1 KILMARNOCK...0 BY ALASDAIR FRASER "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Inverness Golf Club "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
INVERNESS v RANGERS U21s GARY RALSTON "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Inverness. v DUNFERMLINE SCOTT BURNS "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
INVERNESS..1 RAITH ROV..0 BY ALASDAIR FRASER "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Invernizzi, Claudia; Rovetta, Tommaso; Licchelli, Maurizio; Malagodi, Marco "International Journal of Analytical Chemistry"
Invernizzi, Costante Mario; Di Marcoberardino, Gioele "Energies"
Invernizzi, Cristiano; Tabacchi, Gloria; Seraglia, Roberta; Benedet, Mattia; Roverso, Marco; Maccato "Molecules (Basel)"
Invernizzi, Federica; Izzo, Rossella; Colangelo, Isabel; Legati, Andrea; Zanetti, Nadia; Garavaglia, "Genes"
Invernizzi, Pietro Luigi; Rigon, Marta; Signorini, Gabriele; Colella, Dario; Trecroci, Athos; Formen "Sustainability"
Invernizzi, Pietro Luigi; Trecroci, Athos; Scurati, Raffaele; Signorini, Gabriele; Formenti, Damiano "Sustainability"
Invernizzi, Stefano; Paolino, Davide; Montagnoli, Francesco; Tridello, Andrea; Carpinteri, Alberto "Metals"
Inversetti, Annalisa; Perna, Giampaolo; Lalli, Gloria; Grande, Giuseppe; Di Simone, Nicoletta "Life (Basel)"
Inversin, Allen; Schmid, Heinrich O.E. "World Watch"
Inverso, Hernan G. "Universitas Philosophica"
INVESTIGATES BY CHRIS HUGHES Defence and Security Editor "The People (London, England)"
investigates by GRAEME CULLIFORD "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
INVESTIGATES BY JOHN SIDDLE "The People (London, England)"
INVESTIGATES BY JOHN SIDDLE and MARTYN HALLE "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
INVESTIGATES BY NICK SOMMERLAD Investigations Editor "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
INVESTIGATES BY PATRICK HILL in Belgrade, Serbia "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
INVESTIGATES BY SASKIA ROWLANDS "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
INVESTIGATES by SCOTT HESKETH and PHIL CARDY "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
INVESTIGATES EXCLUSIVE BY NIGEL NELSON Political Editor "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
investigating cop Tony Hutchinson "The People (London, England)"
INVESTIGATION By Tracey Bryce "The Sunday Post (Aberdeen,Scotland)"
Investigation, Amardeep Bassey "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
Investigation, Andrew Gold "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigation, Anna Smith "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigation, Man Of People "The People (London, England)"
Investigation, Marion Scott "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigation, Norman Silvester "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigation, Patricia Kane "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigation, Paul Drury "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigation, RUSSELL FINDLAY "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigation, Sunday "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigations, ANDREW GOLD "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Investigations, GARY JONES "The Mirror (London, England)"
Investigations, GRAHAM JOHNSON "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Investment fund manager Larry Hayes LISA SALMON "Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)"
Invincible, Adrian Shaw On Board HMS "The Mirror (London, England)"
Invincible, SIMEON TEGEL On HMS "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Invincible, VANESSA ALLEN On Board HMS "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Invisible Lies by Terry Murden "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Invisible Wind Factory By LORNA HUGHES ECHO reporter @lorna_hughes "Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)"
Invitto, Sara; Boscolo-Rizzo, Paolo; Fantin, Francesco; Bonifati, Domenico Marco; de Filippis, Cosim "Bioengineering"
Invitto, Sara; Moselli, Patrizia "Brain Sciences"
Involved, Get "Engineering Designer"
Inwald, Robin "Security Management"
Inwood, Brad "The Review of Metaphysics"
INWOOD, BRAD "The Philosophical Review"
Inwood, Gregory J.; Johns, Carolyn M. "Canadian Public Administration"
Inwood, Joshua F.J. "The Conversation (US Edition)"
Inwood, Kris E. "Business History Review"
Inwood, Shoshanah "Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm and Resource Issues (Online)"
Inwood, Shoshanah; Knudson, Alana; Becot, Florence A.; Braun, Bonnie; Goetz, Stephan J.; Kolodinsky, "Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm and Resource Issues (Online)"
Inwood, Thomas W.; Jahrsdoerfer, Karl; Lee, Jason "CML Army Chemical Review"
Iny, Ofer "Computer Technology Review"
Inyang, Aniefre Eddie "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Inyang, Deborah; Saumtally, Tasneem; Nnadi, Chinelo Nonyerem; Devi, Sharmila; So, Po-Wah "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Inyang, Elizabeth; Mngutayo, James "Library Philosophy and Practice"
Inyang, Inyeneobong Ernest; Bassey, Iya Eze; Okoroiwu, Henshaw Uchechi "GERMS"
Inyang, Obia "Library Philosophy and Practice"
Inyang, Obia Gopeh; agwunobi, juliana nwakaego "Communications of the IIMA"
Inyang, Obia Gopeh; Josiah, Sarah Okpa "Library Philosophy and Practice"
Inyang-Etoh, David Alphonsus "Computing and Information Systems"
Inyimai, Simon Peter; Ocan, Mosses; Wabwire, Benjamin; Olupot-Olupot, Peter "Journal of Tropical Medicine"
Inyinbor, Adejumoke A.; Dada, Oluwasogo A.; Bello, Olugbenga S.; Oluyori, Abimbola P.; Fanawopo, Olu "Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry"

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