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Revealed: The new $5b plan for Rosehill mini-city

Revealed: The new $5b plan for Rosehill mini-city

The NSW Labor government was pinning its housing hopes on a new mini-city at Rosehill, but plans have changed.

  • by Alexandra Smith and Michael McGowan


Minister refuses to say when she discovered caravan plot was ‘con job’

Minister refuses to say when she discovered caravan plot was ‘con job’

“Minister, this information is no longer confidential” – but Yasmin Catley refuses to say when she first discovered the Dural caravan was not a legitimate terrorism threat.

  • by Max Maddison
NSW Nationals leader jetted to the wineries. He took ministerial car too

NSW Nationals leader jetted to the wineries. He took ministerial car too

Documents released via freedom of information show then-agriculture minister Dugald Saunders took a ministerial vehicle with him on a controversial Hunter Valley trip.

  • by Michael McGowan
‘Never heard of a more stupid idea’: Labor infighting erupts over ‘con job’ caravan

‘Never heard of a more stupid idea’: Labor infighting erupts over ‘con job’ caravan

NSW Premier Chris Minns faces pressure from Labor colleagues and other MPs to explain when he discovered the Dural caravan was a fabricated plot.

  • by Max Maddison and Alexandra Smith
Who benefits from Sydney’s patchwork of toll roads? Consultants

Who benefits from Sydney’s patchwork of toll roads? Consultants

The government awarded the Royal Bank of Canada a $4.1 million contract for its negotiations with tolling operators, the latest in a long history of consultants making big profits off the network.

  • by Michael McGowan
She swam to save lives in 2022. History is repeating itself for this NSW MP

She swam to save lives in 2022. History is repeating itself for this NSW MP

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin helped save a man as floods ravaged Lismore in 2022, but it’s her approach to politics that two premiers rave about.

  • by Max Maddison
‘Not problems to be capped’: NSW treasurer defends international students

‘Not problems to be capped’: NSW treasurer defends international students

International education is second only to coal in terms of NSW’s export industries. Would a cap on overseas student numbers put that at risk?

  • by Alexandra Smith and Matt Wade
‘The system isn’t working’: Backlog in coroner’s cases leads to delays, fewer inquests

‘The system isn’t working’: Backlog in coroner’s cases leads to delays, fewer inquests

Legal experts estimate there is now a backlog of between 130 and 140 mandatory inquests in NSW, with some dating back several years.

  • by Michael McGowan
The boom industries NSW must rely on to avoid a grim decade

The boom industries NSW must rely on to avoid a grim decade

Treasurer Daniel Mookhey says NSW this year must focus on planning reforms – but delivering much-needed housing is not the only reason.

  • by Matt Wade and Alexandra Smith
Revealed: The NSW ministers who used drivers for family holidays

Revealed: The NSW ministers who used drivers for family holidays

Both sides of the political divide will be trying to out-do each other over use of taxpayer-funded chauffeurs.

  • by Michael McGowan, Max Maddison and Alexandra Smith
The Liberal candidate, the mysterious $60,000 and the deleted podcast

The Liberal candidate, the mysterious $60,000 and the deleted podcast

Bennelong candidate Scott Yung claimed he received $60,000 in donations at an intimate fundraising dinner ahead of the 2019 state election. There’s no trace of this donation being disclosed.

  • by Max Maddison