A significant part of Shilo's population work in one of the many educational institutions. The primary school, Ohel Shilo, teaches 700 students, and a large part of the staff comes from Shilo. The Hesder Yeshiva includes close to 200 students, including an English program for students from outside the country, and employs a number of Shilo residents. After school there is a Talmud Torah program for boys, and another one (Or Rachela) with a special bent just for girls. There are also a number of private and public nursery schools, and numerous extra curricular classes. |
Rav Elchanan Bin Nun - Rav Elchanan, in addition to being the Rav of Shilo, is Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Beit Orot of Jerusalem, overlooking the Temple Mount. He gives weekly shiurim in Shilo, and is the local halachic authority for most questions. His commentary on The Book of Judges has recently been published. He is married to Malka, who teaches in the girls elementary school in Shilo.
Rav Michael Brum - Rav Michael was the first Rosh Yeshiva and is the spiritual advisor of Shilo's hesder (army) Yeshiva. He is married to Efrat, who is a social worker responsible for families throughout the Binyamin Council.
Yakov Libi - Yakov is the head of the Education Department of the Binyamin Advisory Council. He founded Miclol, a junior college for technology and Jewish studies, in neighboring Maale Levona. He is married to Vered, the advisor of the girls school in Shilo.
Dov Berkovitz - Dov has a long-term interest in Judaism and the Arts, and is currently the director of Beit Av, dedicated to renewal through Tora. Perhaps he should be listed under Artists, not Educators, as his creative study of the sources qualifies him as an artist . He is an oleh, and is married to Tzippi, who works in special education in the Shilo schools. Contact him at dovtzip@zahav.net.il
Ely Merzbach - Ely is a Professor of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at Bar-Ilan university. He has served as department head and as the Dean of the faculty of Exact Sciences. He is the chairman ofthe Ph.D. Committee and editor-in-chief of the journal :"Higayon, Studies in Rabbanic Logic. An oleh from France, he is married to Miryam, past principle of Shilo's school. They have 10 children and some sort of progression of grand-children. Contact him at merzbach@macs.biu.ac.il.
Yisrael Medad - "Winkie" is the Educational Programming Director at the Begin Heritage Center, and the past director of Israel's Media Watch. He was founding editor of the Yesha Report, and part of the Gush Emunim/Yesha Council information team. Past Shilo "Mayor", Winkie is a volunteer guide at Tel Shiloh and is active in Temple Mount affairs. His blog can be found at www.myrightword.blogspot.com. Write him at ybmedad@netvision.net.il.
Yehudit Welis - Yehudit, earth mother, famous for her Mint Brownies, takes care of infants in her home, and is mother to four of her own. Coming from Herkimer New York, she is married to Yakov, meat expert.
Penina Seigel - Penina operates a small pre-school program for small people. Ten two year-olds learning to sing and play. She comes from New Zealand, and is married to Shimon, a sofer.
Miryam Merzbach - Myriam was the principal of the Ohel Shilo elementary school and is currently a pedagogic supervisor for the Ministry of Education. She is a mother of 10, married to Ely, a mathematician , and grandmother many times over.
Chava Kleinman - Chava is a social worker working in Maale Efrayim. She is married to Daniel. She can be reached at chavak@netvision.net.il.
Bob Heilborn - Bob is the principal and a teacher of English at Yeshivat "Bne Zvi" in Bet El, though currently a shaliach in Holland, which he made aliah from in 1990. He has four wonderful kids, Tehila, Naftalie and Asher plus, and is married to Mazal, a future interior designer. They can be contacted at heilbron@jazo.org.il.
Yechiel Yaish - Yechiel, like many in Shilo, arrived here as a young hesder army/yeshiva student. He not only stayed in Shilo, he stayed at the yeshiva, eventually becoming one of the Ramim, a teacher of the next generation.
Malka Bin Nun - Malka has for many years taught in the schools in Shilo. In addition to regular classrooms, she has often been involved with special projects, such as helping now Olim acclimate to their new school, language, and surroundings. She is married to Rav Elchanan Bin Nun, Rabbi of Shilo. They can be reached at binnunel@actcom.net.il.
Reuven Spero - Reuven is an escapee of Louisville, Kentucky, and a teacher at the Alexander Muss High School in Israel, a special program for American students to spend 2-5 months learning in Israel. Not being satisfied with that, he also married a teacher (and artist) Tamar. They can be contacted at spero@013.net.il.
Nissan Ben-Avraham - Nissan comes from Majorca. He has taught extensively in the Talmud Torah in Shilo, as well as in the school. In addition he has written a number of books about the Conversos, of Majorca. Curruntly he is teaching in the elementary school Ohel Shilo. He is married to Shaula. Amongst their eleven children, are both twins, and quadrupelets They can be contacted at nissanba@gmail.com.
Tzuriel Viener - Rav Tzuriel has taught gemorra where they said it couldn't be done, including in elementary schools, to the resounding enthusiasm of his students. He is currently Rosh Yeshiva of the new and exciting Bet MidrashRa'ava in Yerushalayim. He is married to Yoela, a nurse in Shilo.