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Epidote from
Sauzalito, San Fernando, San Quintín Municipality, Baja California, Mexico

Quality for species:Good crystals or rich for species - important (!)
Abundance at site:Common
Confirmation Methods:Visually Identified
Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:
Orthoclase1 photo of Epidote associated with Orthoclase at this locality.
Mineral Data:Click here to view Epidote data
Locality Data:Click here to view Sauzalito, San Fernando, San Quintín Municipality, Baja California, Mexico
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID:895770
Long-form Identifier:1:3:895770:2
GUID (UUID V4):9379b7cc-903c-4e59-8809-87ed71b416a3
Nearest other occurrences of Epidote
73.5km (45.7 miles) San Quintín skarn occurrence, San Quintín, San Quintín Municipality, Baja California, Mexico
94.1km (58.5 miles) Grain of Iron, San Quintín Municipality, Baja California, Mexico
Reference Search (possible matching items)
La Siesta Press publications on Baja California L. Burr Belden Baja califronia overland Helen Ellsberg...rosario David Goldbaum Towns of baja California Tomds Robertson Baja California and its missions John W. Robinson...Camping and climbing in baja Walt Wheelock Beaches of baja Byroads of baja La Siesta Press BOX 406...i Northernmost Baja — Between Mexican Highways 1, 2, 3, and 5‘, Tijuana-Mexicali-San Felipe-Ensenada...Section 2 Central Northern Baja — South of Mexican Highway 3; Ensenada-Punta Prieta-San Felipe, including the
Report (issue)
SURVEY PRELIMINARY DEPOSIT-TYPE MAP OF NORTHWESTERN MEXICO By Kenneth R. Leonard U.S. Geological Survey...Distribution of Mineral Deposits in Northwestern Mexico Insets: Figure 1. Los Gavilanes Tungsten District... Preliminary Deposit-Type Map of Northwestern Mexico Kenneth R. Leonard Introduction The following...Sonora, North Baja California, South Baja California and the northern part of Chihuahua, Mexico. The area...prospects, and mineral occurrences in northwest Mexico. A record may refer to one deposit or to a group
"'<' ~/ BOUNDARIES U A Mo<'« u~ o V :¾ MEXICO r - ·•-.. ·-··-··-··-·· < •• ....... V S MINERALS OF MEXICO • ERALS OF ~XICO M ______ William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy-Collectors and collecting-Mexico. 2. Mines and mineral...mineral resources-Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This boo i...i.. is deJicated tu the people of Mexico and to the three people who directly affected me and this project
anc MINERALS OF MEXICO 7 | : = Pras #0 AaprTTARE ; | MINERALS OF MEXICO William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy— Collectors and collecting— Mexico. 2. Mines and...and mineral resources— Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This book...Jalisco; D. Santiago Ramirez’s La Riqueza Minera de Mexico, and his translation of Dana’s Tratado de Mineralogia...a. ie = Maes Lie Auadado = ae MINERALS OF MEXICO Vv | Oona tA. IMPORTANT MINING DISTRICTS
Journal (volume)
se 7 The Only Mining Journal Pablithed in Mexico. Vhe Mexican Mining Journal Published SKConthly...— Vhe Mexican Mining Journal APARTADO 105 £IS. MEXICO CITY, MEX. THE MEXICAN MINING JORNAL INDEX TO...Ore 242 American Society of Mexico, 145,.. 198 American Society of Mexico, Organization of, 158 Analysis...Determination of, in Alloys, 102 Antimony Supply, Mexico and, 45 Are Mining Engineers too Cautions?, 426...23(> 46- 237 388 140 Crude Oil Shipments from Mexico B Berenguela Tin District, Bolivia, Blast Furnace
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