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Withamite from
Glen Coe, Fort William and Ardnamurchan, Highland, Scotland, UK

Locality type:Valley
Species:Epidote var: Withamite
Habit:Occurs as single grain foten with subidiomorphic to idiomorphic outlines or, more frequently, as a mass of radiating fibres diverging from one or more centres (Hutton, 1938).
Quality for species:Excellent - world class for species or very significant. (!!)
Abundance at site:Extremely common
Validity:Believed Valid
Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:
Epidote3 photos of Withamite associated with Epidote at this locality.
Calcite3 photos of Withamite associated with Calcite at this locality.
Mineral Data:Click here to view Withamite data
Locality Data:Click here to view Glen Coe, Fort William and Ardnamurchan, Highland, Scotland, UK
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Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID:270576
Long-form Identifier:1:3:270576:7
GUID (UUID V4):7fb7eb9d-3817-46dd-a7db-36c51964d548
Reference Search (possible matching items)
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
EXCURSION TO THE WEST HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND. 1903. 1903. 1910. 1910. 157 REID, CLEMENT.-"The Geology.... Suro. BLACKMORE, H. P., and ANDREWS, W. R.-" Excursion to Salisbury and the Vale of Wardour." Proc...REPORT OF AN EXCURSION TO THE WEST HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND AND THE ISLE OF SKYE. SEPTEMBER 9TH TO 20TH (LONG..., F.G.S. j ALFRED HARKER, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S.; AND WINTOUR F. GWINNELL, B.Sc., F.G.S., Directors of...description of the geology of the neighbourhood of Fort William already published in the PROCEEDINGS (vol. xxii
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
II9 On the nature of withamite from Glen Coe, Scotland. (With Plate IV.) By C. OSBOR~-E Ht~rro~, M.Sc...University of New Zealand. Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Cambridge. [Read March 10...Nthe1824lavasHenry of Glen Coe, ArgyUshire, which was described by Brewster 1 under the name withamite. An analysis...satisfactory agreement with the composition of epidote', and from his figures it would seem very likely that his...his analysed material was also impure. I n the Glen Coe Geological Survey Memoir ~ no further data were
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ERRATIC CONTAINING' WITHAMITE. 115 XVII.—On an lona Erratic containing Withamite. By JAMES CURRIE, JUN...tion for more than a hurried visit to the Cathedral and the ecclesiastical buildings grouped around it. Very...way to the ruddy headlands that front the Atlantic and to the lonely bays sheltering between them. One of...on both sides at the north end by heathery knolls and then by steep though not lofty cliffs, its sandy...peculiar charm of its own that attracts one more and more strongly with each repeated visit. It is most
Geology of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe (Me111. Ceo/. Sun•.) PLATE I (Frontispiece) BEN N1:v1s WITH HANGING... DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SCOTLAND The Geology of ...Nevis and Glen Coe and the Surrounding Country (EXPLANATION OF SHEET 53) By E. B. Bailey, B.A. and H. B...rugged parts of Scotland. Ben (4406 ft) is the highest mountain in Great Britain, and several heights of 3000 ft and over. Between them run glens correspondingly deep and often remarkably picturesque
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
171 ; CounAppin F old...... 158 cil, 262; on Highland Aptian Bed s, Aylesbury 256 Problems, 264 j on...on Lower Arbroath, 306; Excursion to , Dee-Side and Sou th High265; Flags, 310 ; Old Red land Border,...Bergen, 3,1 8; Bartlett, R. E. , Council 262 of Highland Border 276 Basalt, Crawton type 292 Ar ea Wo od...Shooter's Hill, 182; Wardour, Vale of Biotite Zone on Highland Border 275 Bishopstone Gap 249 Blaamanden, Excursion...212, 213. 214 Brown, Arthur, elected 263 Brown, William D., elected ... "61 Buddon Wood 257 Bugle Pit,
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
growth-planes of the muscovite. The crystallization of mica and garnet seems to have been more or less simultaneous...On the nature of withamite. By C. Osborne Hutton. The pink epidote mineral, withamite, occurring in altered...altered andesites in Glen Coe, Scotland, has been analysed and its optics determined. This data shows...several piedmontite-bearing localities in America and two hypotheses as to origin are put forward. (3)...tektites and the several theories of their origin are reviewed. The similarity of type and the wide distribution
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Reports and Proceedings. 187 REPORTS AND PROCEEDINGS. MlNEEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 27th January, 1938. (1)...(1) " The paragenesis of a Malvern hydrobiotite, and the variable content of hydroxyl fn micas generally...By Professor A. Brammall, Mr. F . A. Bannister, and Mr. J. G. C. Leech. The hydrobiotite gives ail X-ray... On the basis of (0, OH, F) = 48, (OH) = 13-70, and (KNa) = 0-93, its constitution is compared with that...normal biotites, and a UtbAonite from Trelavour Down, Cornwall. Dehydration data are given, and experimental
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Hutchinson, Foreign Secretary and a past-President, on December 12, 1937, and of Professor Antonio de Barros...resignations of Mr. Henry Dewey and of Dr. K. W. Earle were received and accepted. Dr. Kingsley Charles...Marshall, Mr. Cecil James Payne, and Mr. Nasri Metri Shukri were proposed and provisionally elected Ordinary...given for the appointment of Mr. F. A. Bannister and Dr. Gilbert Wilson as the auditors of the Society's...presented the audited accounts and balance sheet for 1937, which were approved ; and he gave a general review
Report (edition)
ViRONMENT RESFARl II COUNCIL GEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND MUSEUM British Regional Geology (THIRD EDITION)...AREAS DESCRIBED IN THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND MUSEUM HANDBOOKS AND ILLUSTRATED BY SPECIAL EXHIBITS IN THE...ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL Geological Survey and Museum British Regional Geology The Grampian HloghSaouds...editions by H?H. Read, D.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.S. and A. G. MacGregor, M.C., D.Sc. ■ EDINBURGH HER MAJESTY’S...wide field of geological subjects it has to cover and the fact that, as research workers arc still very
massive-crystalline area about 1 cm x 5mm area on Braunite and another smaller area. Scerscen Glacier Sondrio province...HENMILITE good coverage of Imm dark blue crystals and crystal sections on white matrix 2xl cm Fuka Mine...Finero Quarry, 39 SEPTARIANNODULE both halves cut and polished, a particularly striking piece each about...£12 45 BARYTES , the classic oak.stone . A cut and polished piece, brown banded , resembling wood. 5x3...which is a mixture of Algodonite, Domeykite (Cu As) and Native Copper, Keweenaw County Michigan USA 3.5x3
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
PP. 243 257 References for, and updating of, L. J. Spencer's first and second supplementary lists of...those listed in Greg and Lettsom's Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland (1858). These...British Association for the Advancement of Science, and reprinted in Mineralogical Magazine, 31, 806-10 (1958)...names alphabetically along with the first observer and date wherever possible; in other cases the earliest...references, to reassess the status of the minerals, and to enumerate (within the individual entries) all
MINERALS OF SCOTLAND PAST AND PRESENT Alec Livingstone National Museums of Scotland Publishing Limited... Publishedby NMS PublishingLimited NationalMuseumsof Scotland ChambersStreet EdinburghEHl lJF © 1MS PublishingLimited...PublishingLimited. Layout byJim Farley. Printed and bound by Craft Print International Ltd, Singapore...FOREWORD Vll ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION Scotland, the country, physiography Xl Xlll SCOTLAND'S...GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION The voyage of Scotland through time COLLECTORS AND COLLECTIONS Introduction 9 Miscellaneous
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
AXEL LIEBSCHER8, SILVIO MENCHETTI2, YUANMING PAN9 and MARCO PASERO10 1Laboratorium für chemische und mineralogische...Italy 3Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University, 1060 Nishikawatsu...monoclinic in symmetry and have topology consistent with space group P21/m and the general formula A2M3[T2O7][TO4](O...polymorph of clinozoisite Ca2Al3[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH) and is thus not considered a member of the homovalent substitutions only. The key cation- and anion-sites are A1 = M2+, A2 = M2+, M1 = M3+, M2
Book (volume)
CALIFORNIA THE MINERALOGY OF SCOTLAND VOL. II. Printed by Neill and Company, Limited, Edinburgh FOR...KENT, AND CO. . . CAMBRIDGE . . MAOMILLAN AND BOWKS. GLASGOW . . JAMES MAOLEHOSE AND SONS....Pyrites. DRAWN! eV DR HCDDLE THE MINERALOGY OF SCOTLAND BY THE LATE M. FORSTER HEDDLE, M.D., F.R.S...Stereogram of Orthoclase, 6 and c Projections, Stereograms of Albite and Anorthite, c Projections, Stereograms...Stereograms of Augite, 6 and c Projections, Stereogram of Idocrase, Stereograms of Epidote and Sphene, 6 Projections
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
epidotes By R. G. J. STRE~S Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Downing Place, Cambridge [Read 13 January...epidotes are divided into A1-Fe and A1-Fe-Mn series. In the AI-Fe series, a, b, and c increase steadily over...over the range 0 to 0.9 Fea+ per formula unit, and more slowly at higher Fe contents. Index variation diagrams...increasing moderately fast over the range 0 to 0.85 Fe, and faster at higher Fe contents. In the A1-Fe-Mn series...increase than Fe, whilst a and c increase over the range 0 to 0.9 (Fe, Mn), and then decrease. This curious
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 60, 225-245 (1977) 9 by Springer-Verlag...Synthesis and Physical Properties of Piemontite Ca2 AI3- pMnp3+ (Si2 O7/SiO 4/O/OH) P. Anastasiou and K. Langer...Bonn/Germany Abstract. Mn3+-bearing piemontites and orthozoisites, Ca2(A13_pM@+)(Si2OT/SiO4/O/OH), have...Ca-bearing braunite (Mn~.~Cao.s)Mn~ § Os(SiO, 0, and quartz. A1-Mn3+-piemontite lattice constants (LC)...prominent in a0, which decreases first (p < 1), and then increases (p > 1). Refractive indices (R1) increase
the location of gemstones in the United Kingdom and Ireland to be published for a hundred years. Based...experience in gemhunting and on a large number of references from scientific journals and other sources, and tactics, useful for both the complete beginner at this interesting hobby, and the more experienced...which minerals and gemstones are traced by their geographical England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland occurrence...separate chapters, and specific in are explored locations are given for such diverse and fascinating minerals
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Sea Mountains, Egypt Part I. Mineralogy, petrology and occurrence Emil Makovicky, Robert Frei, Sven Karup-Møller...use in Rome and Constantinople, was widely reused in Romanesque and Renaissance times, and in the Ottoman...the locality, the rocks vary from dark grey to red and are characterized by abundant, weakly aligned white...plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, opaque components and apatite – are always altered. The red colour of the...phenocrysts and groundmass which generated Mn-epidote or piemontite (both rich in Mn3+) and a hematite
Book (edition)
Nortlrn·est Highlands of Scotland Con Gillen 9. The Inner Hebrides of Scotland Con Gillen 11. The Gulf...Alexander Geology and landscapes of Scotland Con Gillen La catastrophe: A1ow11Pelee and the desrruction...Claudio Vita-Finzi Principles of emergency planning and ma11agemer:1DaYid Alexander Vesurius: a biography...Scarth & Jean-Claude Tanguy Minerals of Britain and Ireland A. G. Tindle The Open University T: 'XI...ooper 2005) and the promise of new mineral galleries in Edinburgh in '.!011. I hope that these and all other
ROCKS and GEMSTONES qf highly practical guide to the identification of minerals, rocks and gemstones...gemstones is notable for its compactness and ease of reference. It is divided into three parts. The first...occurrence and localities of nearly 200 minerals. These are first classified by colour and their chief...characteristics—hardness, streak, lustre, etc.—and their associations and chemical composition are stated. The...rearranged in another table according to their streak and hardness. The second section provides an introduction
identification of minerals, rocks and gemstones is notable for its compactness and ease of reference. It is divided...occurrence and localities of nearly 200 minerals. These are first classified by colour and their chiefphysical...characteristics- hardness, streak, lustre, etc.- and their associations and chemical composition are stated. The...rearranged in another table according to their streak and hardness. The second section provides an introduction...their uses and structural properties, and includes a glossary of important rock names and petrographic
Book (volume)
1 Ortho- and Ring Silicates W. A. Deer, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S. Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology...Reader in Geology, London University (King's College) and J. Zussman, M.A., Ph.D., F.Inst.P. Reader in Mineralogy... LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO LTD 48 Grosvenor Street, London W.l Associated companies, branches and representatives...DEER, R. A. HOWIE AND J. ZUSSMAN 1962 FIRST PUBLISHED 1962 THIRD IMPRESSION 1964 MADE AND PRINTED IN GREAT...GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES ONULft PREFACE In writing these
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Contrib Mineral Petrol (1986) 93:56-76 9 Springer-Verlag...Springer-Verlag 1986 Crystal chemistry and reaction relations of piemontites and thulites from highly oxidized low...Abstract. Piemontite- and thulite-bearing assemblages from highly oxidized metapelitic and metacalcareous schists...series of metapelitic quartzose schists, marbles, and basic metavolcanites which were affected by a regional...metamorphism of the high P/T type (T=400-500~ P > 9 k b ) and a later Barrovian-type greenschist metamorphism (
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors and publishers wish to thank J A D Cotton for the loan of equipment and J Winter for assistance...photographs in this book were taken by Carlo Bevilacqua and supplied by courtesy of Istituto Geografico de Agostini...Minerals and Gemstones Reprinted in 1994 under the Black Cat imprint Little, Brown and Company (UK) Limited...London WC2E 7EN © Orbis Publishing Limited, London and Istituto Geografico de Agostini, S. p. A., Novara...Iron are nearly half of all those known to science, and carbonate. The they include all those that the vast
Report (volume)
/SSN 1519·6466 EPIDOTES 56 Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 56 FROM THE SERIES EDITOR The review... The editors (and conveners of the short course) Axel Liebscher and Gerhard Franz and the other chapter...understanding of rock forming geological processes and thereby of geodynamic processes depends largely on...of newly discovered minerals increases steadily, and what used to be a simple mineral may have turned...A continuous update is necessary, and the “Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry” series excellently
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