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Epidote from
Le Bourg-d'Oisans, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Locality type:Commune
Validity:Valid - Type Locality
Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:
Axinite-(Fe)33 photos of Epidote associated with Axinite-(Fe) at this locality.
Quartz18 photos of Epidote associated with Quartz at this locality.
Adularia3 photos of Epidote associated with Adularia at this locality.
Byssolite2 photos of Epidote associated with Byssolite at this locality.
Chlorite Group1 photo of Epidote associated with Chlorite Group at this locality.
Axinite Group1 photo of Epidote associated with Axinite Group at this locality.
Mineral Data:Click here to view Epidote data
Locality Data:Click here to view Le Bourg-d'Oisans, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Photo GalleryView Gallery (6 photos)
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID:236888
Long-form Identifier:1:3:236888:7
GUID (UUID V4):48074c18-3d93-415e-8d08-7662f548e696
Localities for Epidote in this Region
Cime du Cornillon, Le Bourg-d'Oisans, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Nearest other occurrences of Epidote
1.9km (1.2 miles) Le Rocher d'Armentier, La Garde, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
4.6km (2.9 miles) La Rampe des Commères, Mont-de-Lans, Les Deux Alpes, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
6.6km (4.1 miles) Cime du Cornillon, Le Bourg-d'Oisans, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
9.9km (6.1 miles) Les Chalanches Mine, Allemond, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
12.8km (7.9 miles) Plan-du-Lac, Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
15.2km (9.4 miles) Rif de Muretouse Ravine, La Grave, Briançon, Hautes-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
15.5km (9.7 miles) La Combe de la Selle, Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
23.8km (14.8 miles) Glandon Pass, Saint-Colomban-des-Villards, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
28.0km (17.4 miles) L'Alp dam, Villar-d'Arêne, Briançon, Hautes-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
28.0km (17.4 miles) Pointe Gravelotte, Villar-d'Arêne, Briançon, Hautes-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Reference Search (possible matching items)
Governador Valadares, Brazil (Roger Titeux collection, France) 4 inches. Above: Malachite, Urals, USSR (Sorbonne...lbitiara, Bahia, Brazil (Yves Gillet collection, France) 1.2 inches. Preceding pages: A Tourmaline, Minas...48a, c, 52a, 54a, b,58a,62b,66c, 70a,80a, 100b. France Gilbert Gauthier: page 22b - Yves Gillet: page...(Gk. kyaneos). In some countries, particularly France, it is known as disthene. A Garnet, spessartite...Quarry of La Vi/ate, Chanteloube, Haute-Vienne, France (1.6 inches) C Beryl, Espirito Santo, Brazil (1
cm a matrix of teminated prehnite xls and minar epidote. 48 X 42 X 32 15. CDIUISI'm xx - Green ~ ().w:ry...28. PYRITEreplacing F05SIL AMt-OITTE - calais, France. 6,00 Four selected sharp single fossils, 18 -...34. QUARI"l xx - DAUPHINe 'IYPE - Le Bourg d'Oisans, Dauphine, France. Here is a nice old tilter fran the
£7.00. 5. NATIVE ANTIMONY. Allemont, Isere, France. Bright, silvery metallic mass with minor alteration...QUARTZ crystals. Itxl". £14.00. EPIDoTE. Le Bourg d'oisans, Isere, France. Choice, sharp, lustrous, olive...thickly encrusting and free standing on massive Epidote. Rich specimen from this classic old locat size attached on one side together with a lit t le creamy coloured crystalised Dolomite and odd smaller
assocbtion. 2~-xlixl~-". £5.50. EPIDOTE. Le Bourg d'Oisans, Isere, France. select, lustrous olive green
from the alpine 44 Faults 44 Prehnite Axinite 44 Epidote 44 46 Zeolites Apophyllite 46 10 Mesolite Minerals... . . .126 Dioptase 102 Dolomite 54 Diamond 14 Epidote 44 Eosphorite 42 12 30 Feldspars .... 50 Flourite...Quartz (La Gardette, Isere, France): 10 cm. 2 - Quartz (La Gardette, Isere, France): 12 cm. ir " ft J, f...associated with epidote, axinite, quartz, etc. The region of St. Christophe-en-Oisans (Isere, France) has produced...the last century at Le Bourg-d'Oisans (France), where it is associated with epidote, prehnite and quartz
Journal (issue)
Collector's Tale Fluorite on smoky quartz. Mont Blanc, France. Pink fluorite is one of the most prized associates...plann ed. 1 The Ste-Marie- aux-Mines show (Alsace, France) this year lacked the excitement of last year,...Bijoux-cailloux-fous! originally mounted in Strasbourg, France where it was received with great acclaim, becoming...ever mounted in that city. From there it toured France, attracting large crowds wherever it was shown...strip - an art form. taken far more seriously in France than in Great Britain. His strips, drawn under
Book (edition)
individual atoms; this is the gaseous state (figure le). Obviously, as the substance is cooled down, it...vivianite, erythrite, sphene (titanite), datolite, epidote, many amphiboles and pyroxenes, orthoclase, heulandite...42 Tetragonal system. Cassiterite from Brillany, France (18 mm). This specimen has a prismatic habit; notice...bipyramid. This specimen (5 mm) is from le Bourg-d'Oisans, Dauphint\ France. 44-6 Tetragonal system. Phosgenite...Tetragonal systems. Torbernite from Bois Noir, France (1 mm). These crystals arc tabular and considerably
Book (edition)
vivianite, erythrite, sphene (titanite), datolite, epidote, many amphiboles and pyroxenes, orthoclase, heulandite... Tetragonal system. Cassiterite from Brittany. France (18 mm). This specimen has a prismatic habit; notice...bipyramid. This specimen (5 mm) is from le Bourg-d'Oisans, Dauphine, France. Wr^i .<\'.i \ # 55 Tetragonal...Tetragonal systems. Torbernite from Bois Noir, France mm). These crystals are tabular and considerably flattened...system. Another specimen of barite. this time from France (53 mm). In this crystal also one can see the pinacoid
Journal (issue)
Mineral show is dedicated to Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (France). Eric Heinen De Carlo and Joerg Liebe share their...Joaquim Callen (Spain) and Louis-Dominique Bayle (France). The final part of the issue is a review of Erzgebirge...Dmitriy V. Rundqvist Victor T. Trofimov Lydie Touret (France) John S. White (USA) Managing Editor Ludmila...territory from the Urals to Transbaikalia — G.Yu.), epidote from Norway and Siberia, vesuvianite from Siberia...secretion (Figure 68) from the surrounding of Lyon in France and an aggregate of rhodonite crystals (Figure
mining began at the time of Charlemagne (742-814) in France and also in central Europe - in Bohemia, a new interest in working stones, first in France and later in other European countries. There was...Canada and Siberia. In Europe there are deposits in France, Romania and Slovakia. Gold is suitable not only...found in Austria (Carintbia), Romania CHerja), France, Brazil, and recently mainly in the region around...(polymetallic veins). The main deposits are Mollieres (France), Wolfsberg in the Harz mountains, Pfibram (Czech
Journal (issue)
Silicates Chrysocolla Clinochlore ("Leuchtenbergite") Epidote Muscovite ("Fuchsite") Opal Palygorskite Quartz...picturesque "Valley of Silver" in Alsace, eastern France. This is the second largest mineral show in Europe-second...Saphira Minerals was a new batch (2018) of ''bowtie" epidote from the Ras Koh Mountains, Kharan, Balochistan...volume 49, November- December, 2018 Figure 3. Epidote, 4.5 cm, from the Ras Koh Mountains, Kharan, Balochistan...Bizien (244 Che Du Cry, Chamonix-Mont Blanc, 74400 France +33 6 85 24 30 83) had a selection of sparkling
Book (edition)
haiiyne), they may have old Greek origins (e.g. epidote), less often Latin (e.g. lavcndulan), rarely 8...warmed by sunlight. Abernathyite, 12 mm, Ririera/, France, H Colorless or gray due to inclusions. H = 1-1...greenschists, or in contact metamorphic hornfelses, with epidote, chlorite, albite, titanite, etc. In rich masses...crystals, polysynthetic twins on {010}, dept., France. Dokl. Earth Sci. 142, 107, 1962. or granular....Novara prov., Piedmont, Italy. Dax, Landes dept., France, also at Karakat, Karamazar and at Ambohitromby
zinkenite] occurrence at Saint-Pons, Haute-Provence, France (by J.M. Fourcault) 24:41-44 ALPS Rare-earth minerals...mineral from the Talmessi mine, Iran, and Rabejac, France 24:463-467 BAD EMS Famous mineral localities: Bad...mineral from the Talmessi mine, Iran, and Rabejac, France 24:463-467 --and F. Cesbron, H. Vachey, M. Sadrzadeh:...mineral from the Talmessi mine, Iran, and Rabejac, France 24:463-467 BRAUNITE Braunite and sursassite from...Famous mineral localities: the Les Farges mine [France] 13:261-268 BROWN, WALTER R. --with R. B. Finkelman
Book (edition)
Romanesque church in Bonn), and Puy de Dome in France have wonderful sanidine feldspar phenocrysts in...cavities), and joint surfaces coated oi with quartz, epidote, fluorite, feldspar, stilbite, and even micaceous...different silicate minerals, such as garnet and epidote, replacing the original assortment. Ore and gangue...contactmetamorphic zones. Typically they may host garnet, epidote, vesuvianite pyrite, sphalerite, and scheelite...easily freed silicate crystals such as vesuvianite, epidote, garnet, and wollastonite. Zoning often occurs
Journal (issue)
processed to look like goatskin. VERSO. The back of a le af (two-page sheet). See Recto. OFFPRINT. A separate...original front and back covers. RECTO. The front of a le a f (two-page sheet). See Verso. RE-HINGING. If a...0^ b ile, E m e ii cupis d itcE cre. R a rio n a le. E x o d i. *$.8C 19- L eu i.S . P? Smnragdus Lcui...m i n tn o rtm RxgkptrH olfitim le g iti. VV I T E B E R G M EXCV...if there was one in Europe, sent a gentlem an to France, where he was to make the best Enquiry he was able
Book (volume)
Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Etudes sur le regne de Robert le Pieux. Fellow of Corpus Christi College... " . f Roman. Professor at the College de France. Keeper of the Dept. of Medals and Antiquities...a Professor of History at the Lycee of Lyons, France. . 1 Matter; &c. t- < f . Formerly J AmathuSv...Formerly Archivist to the French National Archives. France (Academy of Moral and Political Sciences). in...Alexanfler V. (pope;. at the Archives Nationales. L France, and of the Soci6t6 de l'Ecole de Chartes. Otto
en eingeführt und zu deren Bestimmung das kleine Le i ß sehe Refraktometer benützt, das bei seiner zu...farbigen das gleichzeitig alle diese verschieden- LE" und verschieden brechbaren Strahlen enthält, wie...prachtschatzes der schwerste. vollen Brillant von 136 '^/le Karat. Andere große Steine von Indien sind weiter...Karat wog; geschliffen betrug das Gewicht noch 11 "/le Karat. Der Stein ist nicht vom reinsten Wasser und...hatte schon 1823 in seinem „Essai göognostique sur le gisement des roches" wegen der vielfachen Ähnlichkeit
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