Apply for a residential parking permit

When you’ve completed the online application including payment, we’ll immediately email your interim parking permit to use until you receive the official permit.
Fees vary and concessions apply for vehicles in the green vehicle guide.

When you need to do this

What you need to do

Apply for a permit.

When you apply for a permit, the application form will begin by checking if your address is eligible. If you're not eligible for a parking permit, the form will let you know.

Apply now

Before you start

What you need to provide

Parking permit area map

View the parking permit area map to see where your permit will allow you to park.

How your fees are calculated

Environmental discounts: We aim to demonstrate environmental leadership and are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to address climate change.

Green vehicle guide rating: The scaled annual permit fees are based on the star rating of your vehicle in the federal government's green vehicle guide.

After you finish

When you’ve completed the online application including payment, we’ll immediately email your interim parking permit to use until you receive the official permit.

If you opted to receive your official permit by post, please allow postage time.

Making changes or applying for a temporary parking permit

Depending on your circumstances, changes can be made to your permit or temporary permit.

Other information

Other ways to apply