Catholic-Hierarchy DC

27th day of October

Diocese Events

See Also: Bishop Events

1954Diocese of Oviedo, Spain ElevatedArchdiocese of Oviedo, Spain Elevated
1954Diocese of Astorga, Spain (from Valladolid) Metropolitan Changed
1954Diocese of Le�n, Spain (from Burgos) Metropolitan Changed
1954Diocese of Santander, Spain (from Burgos) Metropolitan Changed
1962Vicariate Apostolic of Barrancabermeja, Colombia ElevatedDiocese of Barrancabermeja, Colombia Elevated
1964Diocese of Acapulco, Guerrero, M�xico (La Union, Coahuayutla, and Zihuatanejo)
Diocese of Chilapa, Guerrero, M�xico (Zirandaro, Coyuca-de-Catalan, Pungarabato or Ciudad Altamirano, Cutzamala, Tlapehuala, Tlalchapa, Ajuchitlan, San Miguel Totolapan, and Arcelia)
Diocese of Toluca, M�xico, M�xico (Tlatlaya, Amatepec, Tejupilco, Sultepec, Otzoloapan, and Zacazonapan)
Diocese of Tac�mbaro, Michoac�n, M�xico (San Lucas and Huetamo)
Territory LostDiocese of Ciudad Altamirano, Guerrero, M�xico Erected
1964Diocese of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), M�xico Name ChangedDiocese of San Crist�bal de Las Casas, Chiapas, M�xico Name Changed
1964Diocese of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), M�xico (Cintalapa, Jiquipilas, Ocozocoautla, Tecpat�n, Francisco Le�n, Chapultenango, Ishuat�n, Tapilula, Ray�n, Pantepec, Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuac�n, Ocotepec, Tapalapa, Coapilla, Copainal�, Jit�tol, Bochil, Chicoas�n, Berriozab�l, San Fernando , Osumacinta, ...)
Diocese of Tabasco, M�xico (Reforma, Sunuapan, Pichuacalco, Ju�rez, Ixtapangajoya, and Parts of Ostuacan, Solosuchiapa, and Ixtacomit�n)
Diocese of Tapachula, Chiapas, M�xico (Villa Flores, Villa Corzo, Angel Albino Corzo (Jaltenango) and La Concordia)
Territory LostDiocese of Tuxtla Guti�rrez, Chiapas, M�xico Erected
2001Apostolic Administration of Moldova ElevatedDiocese of Chişinău, Moldova Elevated


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