Name | Abbreviation | Nickname | Type |
Agostiniani Scalzi | O.A.D. | Discalced Augustinians | Mendicant Order |
Antonian Order of Saint Ormizda of the Chaldeans (Chaldean) | O.A.O.C. | Monastic Order | |
Antonin Maronite Order (Maronite) | O.A.M. | Monastic Order | |
Apostles of Jesus Missionaries | A.J. | ||
Armen-Br�der des Heiligen Franziskus Seraphikus | C.F.P. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Arrouhbaniat Albassiliat Almoukhalissiat (Melkite Greek) | B.S. | Basilian Salvatorian Order | Monastic Order |
Ar-Rouhbanyat Al-Marounyat Liltoubawyat Mariam Al-Azra (Maronite) | O.M.M. | Aleppians | Monastic Order |
Augustinians of the Assumption | A.A. | Assumptionists | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Barmherzige Br�der von Maria-Hilf | F.M.M.A. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Barmherzige Br�der von Montabaur | F.M.M. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Basilian Chouerite Order of Saint John the Baptist (Melkite Greek) | B.C. | Monastic Order | |
Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great) | O.S.B.M. | Order of St. Basil the Great | Monastic Order |
Broeders van de H. Aloysius Gonzaga | C.S.A. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Broeders van de Onbevlekte Ontvangenis van de Allerheiligste Maagd en Moeder Gods Maria | C.F.H. | Broeders van Huijbergen | Lay Religious Congregation |
Broeders van de Onbevlekte Ontvangenis van de Heilige Maagd Maria | F.I.C. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Broeders van O.L. Vrouw van Lourdes | F.N.D.L. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy | F.D.M. | CMM Brothers | Lay Religious Congregation |
Brothers of St. Patrick | F.S.P. | Patrician Brothers | Lay Religious Congregation |
Brothers of the Sacred Heart | S.C. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Brothers of the Sacred Heart | S.H.J. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Camaldolese Hermits of Mount Corona | E.C.M.C. | Camaldolese | Monastic Order |
Canons Regular of Saint Augustine of the Congregation of Windesheim | C.R.V. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Canons Regular of the Congregation of Saint Victor | C.R.S.V. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Canons Regular of the Congregation of the Brothers of Community Life | C.R.V.C. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Canons Regular of the Congregation of the Most Holy Saviour of the Lateran | C.R.L. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Canons Regular of the Hospitaller Congregation of Great Saint Bernard | C.R.B. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception | C.R.I.C. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Canons Regular of the Lateran Congregation of Austria | C.R.L.A. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Canons Regular of the Mother of God | C.R.M.G. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross | O.S.C. | Crosier Fathers | Order of Canons Regular |
Capuchin Tertiary Religious of Our Lady of Sorrows | T.C. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Carmelites of Mary Immaculate | C.M.I. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Carthusian Order | O. Cart. | Monastic Order | |
Chemin Neuf Institute | I.C.N. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Christian Brothers | C.F.C. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Clerics of Saint Viator | C.S.V. | Viatorians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Clerics Regular Minor | C.R.M. | Caracciolini | Order of Clerics Regular |
Clerics Regular of St. Paul | B. | Barnabites | Order of Clerics Regular |
Clerics Regular of the Mother of God | O.M.D. | Order of Clerics Regular | |
Clerks Regular of Somasca | C.R.S. | Padri Somachi | Order of Clerics Regular |
Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus | M.C.C.I. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Compagnia di San Paolo | Clerical Secular Institute | ||
Company of Mary for the Education of the Deaf | S. M. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Confederation of Canons Regular of St. Augustine | C.R.S.A. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Congregaci�n de San Pedro ad-Vincula | S.P. ad V. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congr�gation du Sacr�-Coeur | S.C.J. | P�res de Timon David | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of Christian Doctrine | D.C. | Dottrinari | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of Christian Workers of Saint Joseph Calasanz | C.Op. | Calasantini | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of Clerics Regular | C.R. | Theatines | Order of Clerics Regular |
Congregration of Jesus the Priest | C.G.S. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary | M.I.C. | Marian Fathers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of Mariannhill Missionaries | C.M.M. | Marianhiller Missionare | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of Missionaries of Faith | M.F. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of Missionaries of the Holy Family | M.S.F. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of Saint John the Baptist Precursor | C.S.I.B.P. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of Saint Joseph | C.S.I. | Giuseppini del Murialdo | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel | C.S.M.A. | Michaelites | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus �Little Flower� | C.S.T. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of Servants of Charity | S.d.C. | Guanellian Priests and Brothers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of St. Basil | C.S.B. | Basilian Fathers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament | S.S.S. | Blessed Sacrament Fathers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord | C.D.D. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of Holy Cross | C.S.C. | Holy Cross Fathers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Holy Family of Nazareth of Blessed Father Piamarta | F.N. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of the Holy Spirit | C.S.Sp. | Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans) | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | C.I.C.M. | Scheutists | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ | L.C. | Legionaries of Christ | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo | C.S. | Scalabrinians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer | C.Ss.R. | Redemptorists | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Passion | C.P. | Passionists | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Priestly Fraternity | C.F.S. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart | S.C.I. | Dehonians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ | C. R. | Resurrectionists | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary | SS.CC. | Picpus Fathers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata | C.S.S. | Stigmatine Fathers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Schools of Charity | C.S.Ch. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregation of the Sons of Mary Immaculate | F. M. I. | Pavonians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Congregation of the Sons of Merciful Love | F.A.M. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Congregazione dei Figli dell’Immacolata Concezione | C.F.I.C. | Concezionisti | Lay Religious Congregation |
Congregazione Mechitarista | C.A.M. | Mechitarists | Monastic Order |
Congregazione Sacra Famiglia di Bergamo | C.S.F. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Consolata Missionaries | I.M.C. | Consolata Missionaries | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Discalced Mercedarians | O. M. D. | Mendicant Order | |
Esclavos de la Eucarist�a y de Mar�a Virgen | S.E.M.V. | Clerical Secular Institute | |
Fathers of Mercy | C.P.M. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Fils de Marie Immacul�e | F.M.I. | P�res de Chavagnes | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Franciscan Missionary Brothers | C.M.S.F. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Franciscan Brothers of the Third Order Regular, Mountbellow | O.S.F. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Franciscan Brothers of the Third Order Regular of Brooklyn | O. S. F. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement | S.A. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate | F.I. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal | C.F.R. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Franziskanerbr�der vom Heiligen Kreuz | F.F.S.C. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Fratelli Celliti o Alessiani de Aquisgrana | C.F.A. | Alexian Brothers | Lay Religious Congregation |
Fratelli dell’Istruzione Cristiana di Plo�rmel | F.I.C.P. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Fratelli di San Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo | F.S.G.C. | Cottolenghini | Lay Religious Congregation |
Fratelli Maristi delle Scuole (Piccoli Fratelli di Maria) | F.M.S. | Marist Brothers | Lay Religious Congregation |
Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer | F.S.V.F. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Fraters van O.L.V. Moeder van Barmhartigheid | C. M. M. | CMM Brothers | Lay Religious Congregation |
Fr�res de la Charit� de Gand | F. C. | Brothers of Charity | Lay Religious Congregation |
Fr�res des �coles Chr�tiennes | F.S.C. | De La Salle Brothers | Lay Religious Congregation |
Fr�res Jos�phites | F.J. | Bayozefiti | Lay Religious Congregation |
Hijos de la Sagrada Familia | S.F. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Indian Missionary Society | I.M.S. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Institut de l'�uvre de la jeunesse Jean Joseph Allemand | O.J.J.A. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Institut des Fr�res de la Sainte-Famille de Belley | F.S.F. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Institut du Clerg� Patriarcal de Bzommar | I.C.P.B. | ||
Institute of Charity | I.C. | Rosminians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Institute of Sch�nstatt Diocesan Fathers | Clerical Secular Institute | ||
Institute of Sch�nstatt Fathers | P. Sch�nstatt | Sch�nstatt Fathers | Clerical Secular Institute |
Institute of the Incarnate Word | I.V.E. | Clerical Secular Institute | |
Institute of the Josephites of Belgium | C.J. | Josephites of Belgium | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Institute Voluntas Dei | I.V.Dei | Clerical Secular Institute | |
Istituto dei Sacerdoti del Cuore di Ges� | Clerical Secular Institute | ||
Istituto del Prado | Ist. del Prado | Prado Institute | Clerical Secular Institute |
Istituto di Cristo Redentore | M. Id. | Idente Missionaries | Clerical Secular Institute |
Knights of the Cross with the Red Star | O.Cr. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Little Brothers of Jesus | P.F.J. | Foucauld | Lay Religious Congregation |
Little Brothers of the Gospel | P.F.E. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Little Mission for the Deaf and Dumb | P.M.S. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Misioneros de la Natividad de Mar�a | M.N.M. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionari dei Poveri | M.O.P. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Missionari di S. Giuseppe nel Messico | M.J. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionaries of Charity Brothers | M.C. | Brothers of Mother Teresa | Lay Religious Congregation |
Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette | M.S. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales d’Annecy | M.S.F.S. | Fransalians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Missionaries of the Company of Mary | S.M.M. | Montfort Missionaries | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Missionaries of the Divine Redeemer | M.D.R. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionaries of the Holy Family | M. S. F. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionaries of the Holy Spirit | M.Sp.S. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes | M. I. C. | Fathers of Garaison | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Missionaries of the Plain | M.D.P. | ||
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and Saint Mary of Guadalupe | M. S. C. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | M.S.C. | Sacred Heart Missionaries | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary | M.SS.CC. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Mallorca) | M. SS. CC. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionaries of Workers | M.O. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionary Brothers of the Countryside | F.M.R. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionary Congregation of Saint Andrew the Apostle (Ukrainian) | C.M.S.A.A. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament | M.C.B.S. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity | S.T. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionary Servants of the Poor | S.d.P. | Morsel of the Poor | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Missionary Servants of the Word | M. S. P. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Missionary Society of St. Paul | M.S.S.P. | Paulist Missionaries | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | C.M.F. | Claretians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Montfort Brothers of Saint Gabriel | S.G. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Oblates of Mary Immaculate | O.M.I. | Oblates of Mary Immaculate | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Oblates of Saint Joseph | O.S.I. | Josephines of Asti | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales | O.S.F.S. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Oblates of the Virgin Mary | O.M.V. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Orden de los Hermanos de Bel�n | O.F.B. | Betlemitas | Mendicant Order |
Orden de San Jer�nimo | O.S.H. | Monjes Jer�nimos | Monastic Order |
Order of Augustinian Recollects | O.A.R. | Augustinian Recollects | Mendicant Order |
Order of Cistercians | O. Cist. | Cistercians | Monastic Order |
Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance | O.C.S.O. | Trappists | Monastic Order |
Order of Discalced Carmelites | O.C.D. | Discalced Carmelites | Mendicant Order |
Order of Friar Servants of Mary | O.S.M. | Servites | Mendicant Order |
Order of Friars Minor | O.F.M. | Franciscans | Mendicant Order |
Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | O.F.M. Cap. | Capuchins | Mendicant Order |
Order of Friars Minor Conventual | O.F.M. Conv. | Conventual Franciscans | Mendicant Order |
Order of Friars Preachers | O.P. | Dominicans | Mendicant Order |
Order of the Pious Schools | Sch. P. | Piarists | Order of Clerics Regular |
Order of Imitation of Christ | O.I.C. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Order of Lebanese Maronite (Maronite) | O.L.M. | Baladites | Monastic Order |
Order of Our Lady of Mercy | O. de M. | Mercedarians | Mendicant Order |
Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | O. Carm. | Carmelites | Mendicant Order |
Order of Saint Benedict | O.S.B. | Benedictines | Monastic Order |
Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit | O.S.P.P.E. | Pauline Fathers | Monastic Order |
Order of St. Augustine | O.S.A. | Augustinians | Mendicant Order |
Order of the Canons Regular of Premontre; Norbertines | O. Praem. | Premonstratensians | Order of Canons Regular |
Order of the Holy Cross | O.R.C. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John of God | O.H. | Mendicant Order | |
Order of the Minims | O.M. | Minimi | Mendicant Order |
Order of the Ministers of the Sick | M.I. | Camillians | Order of Clerics Regular |
Order of the Most Holy Trinity | O.SS.T. | Trinitarians | Mendicant Order |
Order of the Teutonic Knights of Saint Mary�s Hospital in Jerusalem | O.T. | Teutonic Order | Order of Canons Regular |
Ordine Basiliano Italiano di Grottaferrata | O.S.B.I. | Monastic Order | |
Ordre Basilien Al�pin (Melkite Greek) | B.A. | Monastic Order | |
Parochial Cooperators of Christ the King | C.P.C.R. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Pious Workers Rural Catechists | P.O.C.R. | Ardorini Missionaries | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Poveri Servi della Divina Provvidenza | P.S.D.P. | Don Calabria | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Presentation Brothers | F.P.M. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Priests of Notre Dame de Vie | I.N.D.V. | Clerical Secular Institute | |
Priests of Saint Mary of Tinchebray | P.S.M. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of B�tharram | S.C.I. di B�th. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Religieux de Saint Vincent de Paul | R.S.V. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus | R.C.J. | Rogationists | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Rosarian Fathers | C.S.R. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore di Ges� | Clerical Secular Institute | ||
Sacerdoti Missionari della Regalit� di Cristo | Clerical Secular Institute | ||
Salesians of Saint John Bosco | S.D.B. | Salesians of St. John Bosco | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Secular Institute of Pius X | I.S.P.X. | Clerical Secular Institute | |
Servants of Christ the Priest | S.C.P. | Clerical Secular Institute | |
Servants of Jesus and Mary | S.I.M. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Servants of the Holy Paraclete | S.P. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Servi della Divina Misericordia | Clerical Secular Institute | ||
Society of Christ for Polish Immigrants | S. Chr. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Society of Divine Vocations | S.D.V. | Vocationists | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Society of Jesus | S.J. | Jesuits | Order of Clerics Regular |
Society of Joseleitos of Christ | S.J.C. | Joseleitos | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Society of Mary | S.M. | Marist Fathers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Society of Mary | S. M. | Marianist Fathers | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Society of Saint Cajetan | P.S.S.G. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Society of Saint Edmund | S.S.E. | Edmundites | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Society of St. Paul | S.S.P. | Paulines | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Society of the Divine Savior | S.D.S. | Salvatorians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Society of the Divine Word | S.V.D. | Divine Word Missionaries | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Sons of Charity | F.C. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Sons of Charity | F.d.C.C. | Canossians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Sons of Divine Providence | F.D.P. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Sons of Saint Mary Immaculate | F.S.M.I. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Swiss Congregation of Canons Regular of Saint Maurice of Agaune | C.R.A. | Order of Canons Regular | |
Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance | T.O.R. | Franciscan Friars (T.O.R.) | Mendicant Order |
Ukrainian Studite Monks (Ukrainian) | M.S.U. | Monastic Order | |
Vincentian Congregation (Syro-Malabar) | C.V. | Clerical Religious Congregation | |
Xaverian Brothers | C.F.X. | Lay Religious Congregation | |
Xaverian Missionary Fathers | S.X. | Xaverians | Clerical Religious Congregation |
Other | Other | Other |
Name | Abbreviation | Nickname |
Comunit� Missionaria del Paradiso | C.M.P. | |
La Hermandad de Sacerdotes Operarios Diocesanos del Sagrado Coraz�n de Jes�s | H.S.O.D. | Sacerdotes Operarios Diocesanos |
Missionaries of Jesus | M. J. |
Note: The above lists are incomplete.
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