Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1818

Diocese Events

See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1817) | Next Year (1819)

unknownPrefecture Apostolic of Islands of the Indian Ocean, R�union ElevatedPrefecture Apostolic of Bourbon, R�union Elevated
unknownDiocese of Wigry, Poland SuppressedDiocese of Sejny o Sejna o August�w, Poland Territory Added
unknownDiocese of Belcastro, Italy
Diocese of Strongoli, Italy
Diocese of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy
SuppressedArchdiocese of Santa Severina, Italy Territory Added
unknownDiocese of Teramo, Italy Territory Added
unknownDiocese of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy Name ChangedDiocese of Cariati, Italy
Archdiocese of Santa Severina, Italy
Territory Added
unknownDiocese of Torcello (Turris), Italy SuppressedPatriarchate of Venezia {Venice}, Italy Territory Added
unknownVicariate Apostolic of Moldavia Erected
unknownFranciscan Brothers of the Third Order Regular, Mountbellow Founded
23 FebDiocese of Guayana, Venezuela Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles Erected
18 MarVicariate Apostolic of Smirne, Turkey ElevatedArchdiocese of Izmir (Smirne), Turkey Elevated
1 AprDiocese of Bamberg, Germany ElevatedArchdiocese of Bamberg, Germany Elevated
1 AprDiocese of Freising, Germany ElevatedArchdiocese of M�nchen und Freising {Munich}, Germany Elevated
1 AprDiocese of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany Territory LostDiocese of Augsburg, Germany
Diocese of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy
Territory Added
1 AprDiocese of Chiemsee, Germany SuppressedArchdiocese of M�nchen und Freising {Munich}, Germany
Archdiocese of Salzburg, Austria
Territory Added
1 AprDiocese of Speyer, Germany (from Mainz to Bamberg) Metropolitan Changed
1 MayDiocese of Belluno, Italy
Diocese of Feltre, Italy
UnitedDiocese of Belluno e Feltre, Italy United
1 MayArchdiocese of Udine, Italy ElevatedDiocese of Udine, Italy (Archdiocese to Diocese) Elevated
2 MayDiocese of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany Territory LostDiocese of Basel, Switzerland
Diocese of Chur, Switzerland
Territory Added
18 JunVicariate Apostolic of Cape of Good Hope {Capo de Buona Speranza}, South Africa Erected
27 JunDiocese of Bitonto, Italy
Diocese of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy
UnitedDiocese of Ruvo e Bitonto, Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Bisignano, Italy
Diocese of San Marco (Argentano), Italy
UnitedDiocese of San Marco e Bisignano, Italy United
27 JunArchdiocese of Manfredonia, Italy
Diocese of Vieste, Italy
UnitedArchdiocese of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Nicotera, Italy
Diocese of Tropea, Italy
UnitedDiocese of Nicotera e Tropea, Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Cava (de’ Tirreni), Italy
Diocese of Sarno, Italy
UnitedDiocese of Cava e Sarno, Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Marsico Nuovo, Italy
Diocese of Potenza, Italy
UnitedDiocese of Potenza e Marsico Nuovo, Italy United
27 JunArchdiocese of Conza, Italy
Diocese of Satriano e Campagna, Italy
UnitedArchdiocese of Conza e Campagna, Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Acerno, Italy
Archdiocese of Salerno, Italy
UnitedArchdiocese of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Aquino e Pontecorvo, Italy
Diocese of Sora, Italy
UnitedDiocese of Aquino, Sora, e Pontecorvo, Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Calvi Risorta, Italy
Diocese of Teano, Italy
UnitedDiocese of Calvi e Teano, Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Bisceglie, Italy
Archdiocese of Trani, Italy
UnitedArchdiocese of Trani e Bisceglie, Italy United
27 JunArchdiocese of Acerenza e Matera, Italy Name ChangedArchdiocese of Acerenza (e Matera), Italy Name Changed
27 JunDiocese of Gravina (di Puglia), Italy
Diocese of Montepeloso, Italy
UnitedDiocese of Gravina e Irsina (Montepeloso), Italy United
27 JunDiocese of Avellino e Frigento, Italy Name ChangedDiocese of Avellino, Italy Name Changed
27 JunDiocese of Bitetto, Italy Suppressed
27 JunDiocese of Castro di Puglia, Italy SuppressedArchdiocese of Otranto, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Isola, Italy SuppressedDiocese of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Citt� Ducale, Italy SuppressedDiocese of L’Aquila, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Capri, Italy
Diocese of Massa Lubrense, Italy
Diocese of Vico Equense, Italy
SuppressedArchdiocese of Sorrento, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Minori, Italy
Diocese of Ravello e Scala, Italy
SuppressedArchdiocese of Amalfi, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Vulturara e Montecorvino, Italy SuppressedDiocese of Lucera, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Minervino Murge, Italy SuppressedDiocese of Andria, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Mottola (Motula), Italy SuppressedDiocese of Castellaneta, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Martirano (Martoranum), Italy SuppressedDiocese of Nicastro, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Montemarano, Italy SuppressedDiocese of Nusco, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Monteverde, Italy SuppressedDiocese of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi e Bisaccia, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Carinola (Calina), Italy SuppressedDiocese of Sessa Aurunca, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Fondi (Fundi), Italy SuppressedDiocese of Gaeta, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy SuppressedDiocese of Termoli, Italy Territory Added
27 JunDiocese of Polignano (Polinianum), Italy SuppressedDiocese of Monopoli, Italy Territory Added
28 JunDiocese of Alessano, Italy SuppressedDiocese of Ugento, Italy Territory Added
30 JunDiocese of Sandomierz, Poland Erected
30 JunDiocese of Warszawa, Poland ElevatedArchdiocese of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland Elevated
30 JunDiocese of Jan�w Podlaski (Podlaska o Jan�w), Poland Erected
30 JunDiocese of Kielce, Poland Suppressed
22 SepEparchy of Mukachevo (Munk�cs) (Ruthenian), Ukraine Territory LostEparchy of Prešov (Prjašev, Eperjes) (Slovak), Slovakia Erected
21 DecDiocese of Lettere (-Gragnano), Italy SuppressedDiocese of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy Territory Added


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