Catholic-Hierarchy DC

10th day of May

Living Bishop Events

See Also: Diocese Events

YearAgeBishopEventTitleCurrent Title
1924 Settimio TodiscoBornArchbishop Emeritus of Brindisi-Ostuni, Italy
1928 Boutros Mouallem, S.M.S.P.BornArchbishop Emeritus of Akka [San Giovanni d’Acri; Tolemaide] (Melkite Greek), Israel
1942 Gilbert Guillaume Marie-Jean AubryBornBishop Emeritus of Saint-Denis-de-La R�union
1948 Luis Armando Tineo RiveraBornBishop Emeritus of Carora, Venezuela
1950 Alain CastetBornBishop Emeritus of Lu�on, France
1951 Kevin William VannBornBishop of Orange in California, USA
1954 George Palliparampil (Palliparambil), S.D.B.BornBishop of Miao, India
1955 Miguel Fritz, O.M.I.BornApostolic Administrator of Pilcomayo, Paraguay
1956 Antonieto Dumagan CabajogBornBishop of Surigao, Philippines
27.1Leopold NowakOrdained PriestPriest of Paderborn, GermanyBishop Emeritus of Magdeburg, Germany
1958 Joseba Segura EtxezarragaBornBishop of Bilbao, Spain
1959 Almeida Kanda (Canda)BornBishop of Ndalatando, Angola
1960 Fernando FranciscoBornAuxiliary Bishop of Luanda, Angola
Fortunatus NwachukwuBornSecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization
Ivan ŠtironjaBornBishop of Poreč i Pula, Croatia
1961 Vlastimil KročilBornBishop of Česk� Budĕjovice {Budweis}, Czechia
Joseph Ndembu MbatiaBornBishop of Nyahururu, Kenya
1962 Philippe Abbo Chen, I.N.D.V.BornVicar Apostolic of Mongo, Chad
Jo�o Kot, O.M.I.BornBishop of Z�-Doca, Maranh�o, Brazil
1963 Nereudo Freire HenriqueBornAuxiliary Bishop of Olinda e Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
1964 Jozef Hal’koBornAuxiliary Bishop of Bratislava, Slovakia
25.4Murphy Nicholas Xavier PakiamOrdained PriestPriest of Penang, MalaysiaArchbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1970 Leszek LeszkiewiczBornAuxiliary Bishop of Tarn�w, Poland
25.7Nicholas James SamraOrdained PriestPriest of United States of America (Melkite Greek)Bishop Emeritus of Newton (Our Lady of the Annunciation in Boston) (Melkite Greek), USA
Matthew Zhen XuebinBornCoadjutor Bishop of Beijing [Peking], China
1973 Raimundo Vanthuy Neto, Ist. del PradoBornBishop of S�o Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil
1974 Leandro Maria AlvesBornBishop of Baucau, Timor-Leste
197525.4Gregory Michael AymondOrdained PriestPriest of New Orleans, Louisiana, USAArchbishop
27.8Giuliano Frigeni, P.I.M.E.Ordained PriestPriest of Pontifical Institute for Foreign MissionsBishop Emeritus of Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil
197825.7Thomas John Joseph PaprockiOrdained PriestPriest of Chicago, Illinois, USABishop of Springfield in Illinois, USA
198030.6Norbert Marshall Andradi, O.M.I.Ordained PriestPriest of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateBishop of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
27.3Jean-Pierre Edmond Cottanceau, SS.CC.Ordained PriestPriest of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MaryArchbishop of Papeete, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania)
198225.1Esteban Mar�a Laxague, S.D.B.Ordained PriestPriest of Salesians of Saint John BoscoBishop of Viedma, Argentina
52.4Jos� Geraldo Oliveira do Valle, C.S.S.AppointedBishop of Almenara, Minas Gerais, BrazilBishop Emeritus of Guaxup�, Minas Gerais, Brazil
198423.5Aplinar Senapati, C.M.ProfessedMember of Congregation of the MissionBishop of Rayagada, India
198553.1Matthew Francis UstrzyckiAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Hamilton, Ontario, CanadaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
53.1Matthew Francis UstrzyckiAppointedTitular Bishop of NationaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
198625.7Carl Alan KemmeOrdained PriestPriest of Springfield in Illinois, USABishop of Wichita, Kansas, USA
26.9Varghese Thottamkara, C.M.Solemn VowsMember of Congregation of the MissionBishop of Balasore, India
198940.1Josip BozanićAppointedCoadjutor Bishop of Krk (Veglia), CroatiaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Zagreb, Croatia
43.3Tadeusz KondrusiewiczAppointedApostolic Administrator of Minsk, BelarusArchbishop Emeritus of Minsk-Mohilev, Belarus
43.3Tadeusz KondrusiewiczAppointedTitular Bishop of Hippo DiarrhytusArchbishop Emeritus of Minsk-Mohilev, Belarus
37.5Matthieu Nguyễn Văn Kh�iOrdained PriestPriest of Quy Nhơn (Qui Nhơn), Viet NamBishop
28.5Aplinar Senapati, C.M.Solemn VowsMember of Congregation of the MissionBishop of Rayagada, India
199233.3Michael Didi Adgum MangoriaOrdained PriestPriest of Khartoum, SudanArchbishop
51.6Cesare Bonivento, P.I.M.E.Ordained BishopBishop of Vanimo, Papua New GuineaBishop Emeritus
24.3Walter Erb�Ordained PriestPriest of Iglesias, ItalyApostolic Nuncio to Liberia
199325.3Simi�o Purifica�ao FernandesOrdained PriestPriest of Goa e Dam�o, IndiaAuxiliary Bishop
199628.7Deepak Valerian TauroOrdained PriestPriest of Muzaffarpur, IndiaAuxiliary Bishop of Delhi, India
199727.5Ant�nio Manuel Bogaio Constantino, M.C.C.I.First VowsMember of Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of JesusAuxiliary Bishop of Beira, Mozambique
60.1Leo Jun Ikenaga, S.J.SucceededArchbishop of Osaka, JapanArchbishop Emeritus
31.9Francisco Javier Pistilli Scorzara, P. Sch�nstattOrdained PriestPriest of Institute of Sch�nstatt FathersBishop of Encarnaci�n, Paraguay
28.4V�ctor Iv�n Vargas GalarzaOrdained PriestPriest of Cochabamba, BoliviaAuxiliary Bishop
199843.9Juan-Jos� Aguirre Mu�oz, M.C.C.I.Ordained BishopCoadjutor Bishop of Bangassou, Central African RepublicBishop
44.0Walmor Oliveira de AzevedoOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of CaliabriaArchbishop of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
199953.2Christophe Louis Yves Georges PierreAppointedApostolic Nuncio to UgandaCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio to United States of America
200047.6Gervais BanshimiyubusaAppointedCoadjutor Bishop of Ngozi, BurundiArchbishop of Bujumbura, Burundi
53.9Antonino MiglioreAppointedPrelate of Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul, BrazilBishop Emeritus of Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
44.9Dominic Ryōji MiyaharaAppointedBishop of Oita, JapanBishop Emeritus of Fukuoka, Japan
45.8Thomas PulloppillilAppointedBishop of Bongaigaon, India
47.2Marcellino Taiji TaniAppointedBishop of Urawa, JapanBishop Emeritus of Saitama, Japan
66.6Johannes Henricus J. Te Maarssen, S.V.D.AppointedBishop of Kundiawa, Papua New GuineaBishop Emeritus
49.8John Thattumkal, S.S.C.AppointedBishop of Cochin, IndiaBishop Emeritus
200147.4Luc CyrAppointedBishop of Valleyfield, Qu�bec, CanadaArchbishop of Sherbrooke, Qu�bec, Canada
51.1Arthur RocheOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of RusticianaCardinal, Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
55.0George StackOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of Gemellae in NumidiaArchbishop Emeritus of Cardiff-Menevia, Wales, Great Britain
200352.1Abraham DestaOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of Horrea AniniciVicar Apostolic of Meki, Ethiopia
62.8Guillermo Jos� GarlattiInstalledArchbishop of Bah�a Blanca, ArgentinaArchbishop Emeritus
200458.3Mario ZenariAppointedApostolic Nuncio to Sri LankaCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio to Syria
200556.3Carlos Enrique Herrera Guti�rrez, O.F.M.AppointedBishop of Jinotega, Nicaragua
65.1Denis James MaddenAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USAAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
65.1Denis James MaddenAppointedTitular Bishop of BaiaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Baltimore, Maryland, USA
200660.0Orlando BrandesAppointedArchbishop of Londrina, Parana, BrazilArchbishop of Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil
200873.4Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, S.D.B.AppointedCardinal-Bishop of FrascatiCardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
45.3Murray ChatlainSucceededBishop of Mackenzie-Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, CanadaArchbishop of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
75.5Denis Croteau, O.M.I.RetiredBishop of Mackenzie-Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, CanadaBishop Emeritus
63.3Oswald GraciasInstalledCardinal-Priest of San Paolo della Croce a �Corviale�Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Bombay, India
200952.1Pascal Michel Ghislain DelannoyInstalledBishop of Saint-Denis, FranceArchbishop of Strasbourg, France
201162.9Giovanni Angelo BecciuAppointedSubstitute (Sostituto) of the Secretariat of StateCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
65.0Fernando FiloniAppointedPrefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of PeoplesCardinal, Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
58.9Giuseppe PintoAppointedApostolic Nuncio to PhilippinesApostolic Nuncio
47.3Johannes Harmannes Jozefus van den HendeAppointedBishop of Rotterdam, Netherlands
201275.5Hern�n Giraldo JaramilloRetiredBishop of Buga, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
65.1Jos� Roberto Ospina Leong�mezAppointedBishop of Buga, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
68.4Andrew Yeom Soo-jungAppointedArchbishop of Seoul, Korea (South)Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
68.4Andrew Yeom Soo-jungAppointedApostolic Administrator of P’yŏng-yang, Korea (North)Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Seoul, Korea (South)
201452.4Ant�nio Carlos Cruz Santos, M.S.C.Ordained BishopBishop of Caic�, Rio Grande do Norte, BrazilBishop of Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil
66.5Giovanni D’Ercole, F.D.P.InstalledBishop of Ascoli Piceno, ItalyBishop Emeritus
53.2Galo Fern�ndez VillasecaOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of SimingiBishop of Talca, Chile
64.3Jacek JezierskiAppointedBishop of Elbląg, Poland
55.3Luis Fernando Ramos P�rezOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of TetciArchbishop of Puerto Montt, Chile
48.1John Joale Tlhomola, S.C.P.Ordained BishopBishop of Mohale’s Hoek, Lesotho
201565.4Arlindo Gomes FurtadoInstalledCardinal-Priest of San TimoteoCardinal, Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde
87.5J�lio Duarte LangaInstalledCardinal-Priest of San Gabriele dell’AddolorataCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Xai-Xai, Mozambique
63.1Dominique Fran�ois Joseph MambertiInstalledCardinal-Deacon of Santo Spirito in SassiaCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
201758.6Jacy Diniz RochaAppointedBishop of S�o Lu�z de C�ceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil
51.9Andr� Vital F�lix da Silva, S.C.I.AppointedBishop of Limoeiro do Norte, Ceara, Brazil
50.9Luiz Ant�nio Lopes RicciAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Niter�i, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilBishop of Itapetininga, Sao Paulo, Brazil
50.9Luiz Ant�nio Lopes RicciAppointedTitular Bishop of TyndarisBishop of Itapetininga, Sao Paulo, Brazil
201845.6�bel Antal Szocska, O.S.B.M.Ordained BishopBishop of Ny�regyh�za (Hungarian), Hungary
201965.8Kricor-Okosdinos (Augustin) CoussaResignedPatriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem and Amman {Gerusalemme e Amman} (Armenian), PalestineBishop of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt
54.2Willy Ngumbi Ngengele, M. Afr.AppointedApostolic Administrator of Kindu, Congo (Dem. Rep.)Bishop of Goma, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
49.9Ners�s (Joseph) Zabarian (Zabbara)AppointedPatriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem and Amman {Gerusalemme e Amman} (Armenian), PalestineArchbishop of Baghdad (Armenian), Iraq
202348.4Aur�lio Pinto de SousaAppointedBishop of Quixad�, Ceara, Brazil
Girma Tesfaye GariAppointedApostolic Administrator of Nekemte, EthiopiaPriest
63.9Varghese Thottamkara, C.M.AppointedBishop of Balasore, India
202550.8Est�v�o �ngelo FernandoOrdained BishopBishop of Alto Mol�cu�, MozambiqueBishop-Elect
70.4Vitalis Sekhonyana Marole, O.M.I.Ordained BishopBishop of Leribe, LesothoBishop-Elect


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