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The Year of Our Lord 1899

Bishop Events

January to February

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown22.4Ordained PriestPablo Alegr�a Iriarte, O.A.R. †Priest of Order of Augustinian RecollectsVicar Apostolic of Casanare, Colombia
23.7Ordained PriestErcole AttuoniPriest of Pisa, ItalyArchbishop of Fermo, Italy
14.4ProfessedBerardo Barracciu, O.F.M. Conv. †Member of Order of Friars Minor ConventualPrefect of Ankang [Hinganfu], China
35.1Final VowsHermann B�cking, S.V.D. †Member of Society of the Divine WordPrefect Emeritus of Togo
23.2Ordained PriestJean-Ren� Calloc’h, C.S.Sp. †Priest of Quimper [Cornouailles](-L�on), FrancePrefect Emeritus of Oubangui Chari, Central African Republic
54.8ResignedBenjamin Christiaens, O.F.M. Rec. †Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Hupeh {Hu-P� Occiduo-Meridionale}, ChinaVicar Apostolic Emeritus
BornEmmanuel Chu-Kim-Tuy�n, O. Cist. †Superior General Emeritus of Order of Cistercians
30.3Ordained DeaconL�on Delaval, C.S.Sp. †Deacon of Congregation of the Holy SpiritPrefect of French Guiana-Cayenne, Antilles
30.3Ordained PriestL�on Delaval, C.S.Sp. †Priest of Congregation of the Holy SpiritPrefect of French Guiana-Cayenne, Antilles
17.0ProfessedL�on Jean Marie De Smedt, C.I.C.M. †Member of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryBishop of Xiwanzi-Chongli [Siwantze], China
20.1First VowsPeter Janser, S.V.D. †Member of Society of the Divine WordPrefect Emeritus of Indore, India
19.9Perpetual VowsEug�ne Klaeyl�, O.M.I. †Member of Oblates of Mary ImmaculatePrefect Emeritus of Cimbebasia Inferiore, Namibia
22.5Ordained PriestCalliste (Paul) Lopinot, O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinPrefect Emeritus of Isole di Mayotta, Nossi-B� e Comore, Madagascar
41.0SelectedFlavien-Michel Malk�Bishop of Gazireh (Gezira) (Syrian), Turkey
18.1ProfessedLouis Morel, C.I.C.M. †Member of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryArchbishop Emeritus of Hohhot [Suiy�an], China
64.8ResignedGiacinto NicolaiBishop of Ripatransone, ItalyBishop Emeritus
65.3ResignedLucido Maria ParocchiVicar General of Roma {Rome}, ItalyCardinal, Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber
53.2CeasedGennaro PortanovaApostolic Administrator of Oppido Mamertina, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy
24.8Ordained PriestGaston-Antoine RasneurPriest of Tournai {Doornik}, BelgiumBishop
18.4ProfessedAnton Theodor Fortunatus Spruit, O.F.M. †Member of Order of Friars MinorVicar Apostolic of Luanfu, China
49.0ResignedFrancesco TarnassiApostolic Internuncio to NetherlandsApostolic Nuncio
49.0ResignedFrancesco TarnassiApostolic Internuncio to LuxembourgApostolic Nuncio
51.1ResignedAnge-Louis Tib�riPrefect of Iles Saint-Pierre et MiquelonPrefect Emeritus
Jan48.9InstalledGaetano M�llerBishop of Gallipoli, ItalyBishop of Nard�, Italy
1 Jan24.2Ordained PriestDion�z NjaradiPriest of Križevci (Kreutz) (Križevci), CroatiaBishop
3 Jan81.7DiedPaul-Matthieu de La FoataBishop of Ajaccio, France
6 Jan55.0SelectedElias Pierre Hoyek (Hoayek)Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Maronite), Lebanon
7 Jan53.2AppointedPeter Bourgade (Bougarde)Archbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
53.3AppointedMarcolino (del Carmelo) Benavente, O.P. †Bishop of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina
62.5AppointedAeneas ChisholmBishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain
57.7AppointedDenis T. O’Connor, C.S.B. †Archbishop of Toronto, Ontario, CanadaArchbishop Emeritus
53.0AppointedJohn Walter ShanahanBishop of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
52.0AppointedJean-Baptiste Simon, S.J. †Vicar Apostolic of Kiangnan, China
52.0AppointedJean-Baptiste Simon, S.J. †Titular Bishop of CircesiumVicar Apostolic of Kiangnan, China
8 Jan40.5Ordained BishopGiuseppe Mor�bitoBishop of Mileto, ItalyBishop Emeritus
44.3AppointedIldebrando Maria Polliuti, O.S.B. †Abbot of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Italy
23.0Ordained PriestDaniel Rivero RiveroPriest of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BoliviaArchbishop Emeritus of Sucre, Bolivia
57.2Ordained BishopDomenico ScopellitiBishop of Oppido Mamertina, ItalyBishop Emeritus
22.7Ordained PriestSebasti�o Thom�s, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars PreachersPrelate of Sant�ssima Concei��o do Araguaia, Brazil
11 Jan70.4AppointedLaurenz MayerAuxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
70.4AppointedLaurenz MayerTitular Bishop of DiocleaAuxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
15 Jan70.8Ordained BishopSalvatore GaffieroTitular Bishop of SelymbriaAuxiliary Bishop of Malta
49.5Ordained BishopVilmos Istv�nTitular Bishop of DometiopolisBishop of Szombathely, Hungary
17 JanBornV�ctor Manuel Sanabria y Mart�nezArchbishop of San Jos� de Costa Rica
18 Jan46.3Ordained BishopPaul Wilhelm KepplerBishop of Rottenburg, Germany
21 JanBornGeorges D�sir� Raeymaeckers, O. Praem. †Bishop of Buta, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
70.0DiedAm�rico Ferreira dos Santos SilvaCardinal, Bishop of Porto, Portugal
22 Jan58.6SucceededFerdinando Maria CieriBishop of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy
70.4Ordained BishopLaurenz MayerTitular Bishop of DiocleaAuxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
22.7Ordained PriestRicardo Pittini Piussi, S.D.B. †Priest of Salesians of Saint John BoscoArchbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
85.2DiedDomenico RamaschielloBishop of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy
24 JanBornJames Donald ScanlanArchbishop Emeritus of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
25 Jan48.3Ordained BishopL�on-Adolphe AmetteBishop of Bayeux (-Lisieux), FranceCardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France
28 JanBornJohann LenhardtAuxiliary Bishop of Bamberg, Germany
BornAntoon van Oorschoot, M. Afr. †Bishop of Mbeya, Tanzania
29 Jan84.9DiedSalvatore Giovanni Battista Bolognesi, C.O. †Bishop of Belluno e Feltre, Italy
BornJoseph MastersonArchbishop of Birmingham, England, Great Britain
72.9DiedGiacinto Rossi, O.P. †Bishop of Luni, Sarzana e Brugnato, Italy
31 Jan61.2AppointedRobert BrindleAuxiliary Bishop of Westminster, England, Great BritainBishop Emeritus of Nottingham, England, Great Britain
61.2AppointedRobert BrindleTitular Bishop of Hermopolis MaiorBishop Emeritus of Nottingham, England, Great Britain
1 FebBornWilliam Otterwell BradyArchbishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
55.7SelectedManuel Baptista da Costa (da Cunha)Archbishop of Braga, Portugal
BornAntoine-Hubert Grauls, M. Afr. †Archbishop Emeritus of Gitega, Burundi
AppointedMichele SciuriagaBishop of Tinos and Mykonos, GreecePriest
2 Feb53.0Ordained BishopJoseph Gu�rardBishop of Coutances (-Avranches), France
32.1Final VowsGaston Robichez, S.J. †Priest of Society of JesusBishop of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
50.0Ordained BishopJoseph RumeauBishop of Angers, France
3 Feb45.6SucceededMichael John HobanBishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
82.8DiedWilliam O’HaraBishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
4 Feb51.7SelectedPierre-Marie AvonBishop of Guadeloupe et Basse-Terre, Antilles
5 FebBornErnesto de PaulaBishop Emeritus of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
23.0Ordained PriestFranz Wolf, S.V.D. †Priest of Society of the Divine WordVicar Apostolic of Eastern New Guinea
6 Feb50.4AppointedAndrea Elia CelebianBishop of Amida (Diarbekir) (Armenian), Turkey
32.9AppointedStefano P. IsraelianBishop of Karput (Kharput) (Armenian), Turkey
53.9AppointedMichel KaciadurianBishop of Melitene (Malatia) (Armenian), Syria
53.5AppointedAvedis Marcus TurkianArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Armenian), Syria
9 Feb70.4DiedMariano Gavasci, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop Emeritus of Norcia, Italy
BornEugene-Jean Imhof, S.M.B. †Prefect of Qiqihar [Tsitsihar], China
10 Feb59.0AppointedGustave Augustin RouxelAuxiliary Bishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
59.0AppointedGustave Augustin RouxelTitular Bishop of CuriumAuxiliary Bishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
11 Feb47.2AppointedLucien-�mile Mossard, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Western Cochin {Cocincina Occidentale}, Viet Nam
47.2AppointedLucien-�mile Mossard, M.E.P. †Titular Bishop of MedeaVicar Apostolic of Western Cochin {Cocincina Occidentale}, Viet Nam
12 Feb62.2Ordained BishopJos� Homobono Anaya y Guti�rrezBishop of Sinaloa, M�xicoBishop of Chilapa, Guerrero, M�xico
BornOubagaraswami BernadotteBishop of Coimbatore, India
14 FebBornMarco Antonio Garc�a y Su�rezBishop Emeritus of Granada, Nicaragua
15 FebBornIgnace Pierre XVI (Louis) BatanianPatriarch Emeritus of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon
16 Feb52.9AppointedJames BellordVicar Apostolic of GibraltarVicar Apostolic Emeritus
52.9AppointedJames BellordTitular Bishop of MilevumVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Gibraltar
73.1DiedNo�l-Mathieu-Victor-Marie GaussailBishop of Perpignan-Elne, France
57.0AppointedSt. J�zef Sebastian PelczarAuxiliary Bishop of Przemyśl, PolandBishop
57.0AppointedSt. J�zef Sebastian PelczarTitular Bishop of MiletopolisBishop of Przemyśl, Poland
42.3InstalledFrancisco Plancarte y NavarreteBishop of Cuernavaca, Morelos, M�xicoArchbishop of Linares o Nueva Le�n, Nuevo Le�n, M�xico
21 FebBornBernard William GriffinCardinal, Archbishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
23 Feb23.1Ordained PriestAugusto BertazzoniPriestBishop Emeritus of Potenza e Marsico Nuovo, Italy
24 Feb62.6Ordained BishopEdouard-Adolphe CantelBishop of Oran, Algeria
62.6Ordained BishopAeneas ChisholmBishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain
25 Feb22.1Ordained DeaconJean-Baptiste Castanier, M.E.P. †Deacon of La Soci�t� des Missions Etrang�resBishop Emeritus of Osaka, Japan
24.7Ordained PriestMaurizio Francesco Crotti, O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinBishop of Citt� di Castello, Italy
22.1Ordained Deacon�mile-Alexandre-Joseph Devred, M.E.P. †Deacon of La Soci�t� des Missions Etrang�resCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Seul, Korea (South)
22.5Ordained PriestJoseph-Romuald L�onardPriest of Rimouski (St. Germain of), Qu�bec, CanadaBishop Emeritus
24.9Ordained DeaconGustave-Georges-Ars�ne Vandaele, M.E.P. †Deacon of La Soci�t� des Missions Etrang�resVicar Apostolic of Hung Ho�, Viet Nam
26 Feb57.3Ordained BishopJos� Guadalupe de Jes�s Alva y Franco, O.F.M. †Bishop of Yucat�n (M�rida), M�xicoBishop of Zacatecas, M�xico
57.5Ordained BishopMaximiano Reynoso y del CorralBishop of Tulancingo, Hidalgo, M�xicoBishop Emeritus
54.6DiedJohn VertinBishop of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USA
27 Feb55.1ConfirmedAugustyn RosentreterBishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland
50.1InstalledJoseph RumeauBishop of Angers, France
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