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The Year of Our Lord 1868

Bishop Events

January to April

See Also: May to August | September to December | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1867) | Next Year (1869)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown20.1ProfessedJoseph-Emile Abbet, C.R.A. †Member of Swiss Congregation of Canons Regular of Saint Maurice of AgauneAbbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
42.1AppointedCharles-Martial-Allemand LavigerieSuperior General of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)Cardinal, Archbishop of Alger, Algeria
33.0AppointedFrancis Silas Marean ChatardRector of the Pontifical North American CollegeBishop of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
60.0DiedJean DossatPrefect of French Guiana-Cayenne, Antilles
AppointedCamillo Guardi, M.I. †Superior General of Order of the Ministers of the Sick
47.5AppointedPavao GuglerAuxiliary Bishop of Zagreb, Croatia
40.5AppointedAntoine Horner, C.S.Sp. †Prefect of Zanguebar, KenyaPrefect Emeritus
55.6AppointedKonrad MartinApostolic Administrator of Anhalt, GermanyBishop of Paderborn, Germany
21.3ProfessedFran�ois Lesn�, C.M. †Member of Congregation of the MissionApostolic Delegate to Persia
27.4Ordained PriestJames MaherPriestBishop of Port Augusta, Australia
AppointedGiovanni Angelo M. Mondani, O.S.M. †Prior General of Order of Friar Servants of Mary
BornMatthijs Nijens, M.S.C. †Prefect Emeritus of Nuova Guinea Olandese, Indonesia
17.3ProfessedHubert Otto, C.I.C.M. †Member of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Northern Kansu {Kansu Settentrionale}, China
25.0Ordained PriestPierre-Louis P�chenardPriest of Reims, FranceBishop of Soissons (-Laon-Saint-Quentin), France
42.1AppointedAndr� Peyralbe, C.M. †Pro-Vicar Apostolic of Honan {Ho-Nan}, ChinaPro-Vicar Apostolic Emeritus
19.0ProfessedLouis-Hippolyte-Aristide Raguit, M.E.P. †Member of La Soci�t� des Missions Etrang�resVicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria, China
27.1Ordained PriestJuan Antonio Ruano Mart�nPriestBishop of L�rida, Spain
16.4ProfessedEsteban S�nchez de las Heras, O.P. †Member of Order of Friars PreachersVicar Apostolic of Amoy, China
59.7AppointedIstv�n (Štefan) VagyonBishop of the Titular See
27.6ProfessedAlphonse de Voss (Vos), C.I.C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryVicar Apostolic of Southwestern Mongolia {Mongolia Occiduo-Meridionale}, China
1 Jan38.4Ordained BishopManuel Ignacio Ria�o, O.P. †Titular Bishop of ThaumacusVicar Apostolic of Central Tonking {Tonkino Centrale}, Viet Nam
3 JanBornMarcial L�pez y CriadoBishop of C�diz y Ceuta, Spain
6 JanBornMikl�s Sz�chenyi de Salvar-Felsovid�kBishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv�rad}, Romania
10 JanBornFran�ois Steinmetz, S.M.A. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Dahomey, Benin
11 JanBornMiguel de los Santos Serra y SucarratsBishop of Segorbe, Spain
12 Jan63.1Ordained BishopAntonio CanziTitular Bishop of CyreneAuxiliary Bishop of Bologna, Italy
15 JanBornGiovanni Pellegrino Luigi Mondaini, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Changsha [Changsha], China
74.5DiedPiotr Pawel Beniamin Szymański, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Jan�w Podlaski (Podlaska o Jan�w), Poland
18 JanBornJuan Antonio Due�as y ArgumedoBishop of San Miguel, El Salvador
19 Jan70.5DiedIreneus Frederic BaragaBishop of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USA
71.0DiedJ�zef TwarowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Jan�w Podlaski (Podlaska o Jan�w), Poland
23 JanBornFrancesco Maria Berti, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop Emeritus of Amelia, Italy
BornErnest Costa de BeauregardFormer Bishop-Elect of Dijon, France
62.0DiedJohn FennellyVicar Apostolic of Madras, India
52.0SelectedDjordje MarčićBishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro
54.9DiedJean-�tienne S�meria, O.M.I. †Vicar Apostolic of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
26 JanBornJosef HammelsAuxiliary Bishop of K�ln {Cologne}, Germany
32.5Ordained BishopPaul-Fran�ois Puginier, M.E.P. †Titular Bishop of MauricastroVicar Apostolic of Western Tonking {Tonkino Occidentale}, Viet Nam
28 JanBornGiorgio KoletsiBishop of Sap�, Albania
2 Feb57.3Ordained BishopTh�odore-Joseph GravezBishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium
BornCharles-Fran�ois Lasne, C.M. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar
51.6Ordained BishopNial MacCabe, C.M. †Bishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland
42.6Ordained BishopJohann Gabriel L�on Louis Meurin, S.J. †Titular Bishop of AscalonBishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius
43.2Final VowsAndreas Steinhuber, S.J. †Priest of Society of JesusCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Index
BornValentin WojciechAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland
4 FebBornEdmond HeelanBishop of Sioux City, Iowa, USA
52.4AppointedAndreas Ignatius SchaepmanArchbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands
73.4AppointedJohannes Zwijsen (Zwysen)Bishop of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
73.4ResignedJohannes Zwijsen (Zwysen)Archbishop of Utrecht, NetherlandsBishop of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
5 FebBornDudley Charles Cary-ElwesBishop of Northampton, England, Great Britain
6 Feb45.9SucceededVicente Arbel�ez G�mezArchbishop of Santaf� en Nueva Granada, Colombia
70.9DiedAntonio Herr�n y Zald�aArchbishop of Santaf� en Nueva Granada, Colombia
10 FebBornBernard Cornelius O’RileyVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Cape of Good Hope, Western District {Capo di Buona Speranza, Distretto Occidentale}, South Africa
24.5Solemn VowsPedro Armengol Valenzuela Poblete, O. de M. †Member of Order of Our Lady of MercyBishop Emeritus of San Carlos de Ancud, Chile
11 FebBornJean Og�, S.M.A. †Prefect of Liberia, Liberia
12 FebBornAntonio Senso L�zaroBishop of Astorga, Spain
13 FebBornSerge Der AbrahamianAuxiliary Bishop of Roma {Rome}, Italy
15 FebBornGilberto Fuenzalida Guzm�nBishop of Concepci�n, Chile
16 FebBornTom�s Gregorio CamachoBishop of Salto, Uruguay
57.7Ordained BishopRaffaele Corradi, O.C.D. †Bishop of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy
BornFran�ois-Lazare Seguin, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Kweyang [Guiyang] (Kweiyang), China
17 FebBornPavel HuynArchbishop Emeritus of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
19 Feb60.0DiedJoaqu�n Hern�ndez y HerreroBishop of Segorbe, Spain
21 FebBornLouis Petit, A.A. †Archbishop Emeritus of Athēnai {Athens}, Greece
22 Feb67.5DiedJusto Donoso VivancoBishop of La Serena, Chile
23 FebBornEug�ne CurienBishop Emeritus of La Rochelle (-Saintes), France
44.6DiedTheophiel (Th�ophile) Verbist, C.I.C.M. †Pro-Vicar Apostolic of Mongolia, China
25 FebBornRemig S�ndor B�rdos, O.S.B. †Abbot of Pannonhalma, Hungary
26 Feb82.5DiedJuan Nepomuceno Cascallana y Ord��ezBishop of M�laga, Spain
1 Mar44.4DiedLouis Bel, C.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Abyssinia, Ethiopia
BornBernardo Mart�nez y Noval, O.S.A. †Bishop of Almer�a, Spain
BornThomas MulvanyBishop of Meath, Ireland
3 Mar35.1AppointedThomas Albert Andrew BeckerBishop of Wilmington, Delaware, USABishop of Savannah, Georgia, USA
33.6AppointedJames GibbonsVicar Apostolic of North Carolina, USACardinal, Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USA
33.6AppointedJames GibbonsTitular Bishop of AdramyttiumCardinal, Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USA
BornGuglielmo GrassiTitular Bishop of Tamiathis
49.8AppointedMichael HeissBishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, USAArchbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
38.8AppointedJohn Joseph HoganBishop of Saint Joseph, Missouri, USABishop of Kansas City, Missouri, USA
55.2AppointedMichael Angelus Jacobi (Jacopi), O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic of Agra, IndiaArchbishop of Agra, India
55.2AppointedMichael Angelus Jacobi (Jacopi), O.F.M. Cap. †Titular Bishop of PentacomiaArchbishop of Agra, India
40.9AppointedLouis Aloysius LootensVicar Apostolic of Idaho and Montana, USAVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Idaho, USA
40.9AppointedLouis Aloysius LootensTitular Bishop of CastabalaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Idaho, USA
55.5AppointedJoseph Projectus Machebeuf (Macheboeuf)Vicar Apostolic of Colorado and Utah, USABishop of Denver, Colorado, USA
55.5AppointedJoseph Projectus Machebeuf (Macheboeuf)Titular Bishop of Epiphania in CiliciaBishop of Denver, Colorado, USA
44.3AppointedWilliam George McCloskeyBishop of Louisville, Kentucky, USA
44.2AppointedBernard Joseph John McQuaidBishop of Rochester, New York, USA
61.9AppointedJoseph MelcherBishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
49.9AppointedTobias MullenBishop of Erie, Pennsylvania, USABishop Emeritus
52.7AppointedEugene O’ConnellBishop of Grass Valley, California, USABishop Emeritus
51.8AppointedWilliam O’HaraBishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
53.1AppointedAugustin-Henri-Jules RavouxVicar Apostolic of Montana, USAPriest of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
53.1AppointedAugustin-Henri-Jules RavouxTitular Bishop of LimyraPriest of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
41.0AppointedSylvester Horton RosecransBishop of Columbus, Ohio, USA
42.1AppointedStephen Michael Vincent Ryan, C.M. †Bishop of Buffalo, New York, USA
33.6AppointedJeremiah Francis ShanahanBishop of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
41.9AppointedPaul Tosi, O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic of Patna, IndiaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Punjab, India
41.9AppointedPaul Tosi, O.F.M. Cap. †Titular Bishop of RhodiapolisVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Punjab, India
8 Mar24.6Ordained PriestPedro Armengol Valenzuela Poblete, O. de M. †Priest of Order of Our Lady of MercyBishop Emeritus of San Carlos de Ancud, Chile
9 Mar24.9Ordained PriestFrancisco Jarr�n y MoroPriest of Salamanca, SpainBishop of Plasencia, Spain
BornFrancisco Ruiz de Az�a Ortiz de Z�rate, O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Hai Ph�ng, Viet Nam
13 Mar61.9AppointedGiacomo AntonelliCardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Via LataCardinal, Secretary of State
66.2Elevated to CardinalLorenzo BariliCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Indulgences and Relics
66.2ResignedLorenzo BariliApostolic Nuncio to SpainCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Indulgences and Relics
57.4Elevated to CardinalGiuseppe BerardiCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Marcellino e Pietro
57.4ResignedGiuseppe BerardiSubstitute (Sostituto) of the Secretariat of StateCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Marcellino e Pietro
40.3AppointedCarlos Berm�dezBishop of Popay�n, Colombia
39.3Elevated to CardinalLucien-Louis-Joseph-Napol�on BonaparteCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina
45.6Elevated to CardinalEdoardo BorromeoCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prassede
57.1Elevated to CardinalAnnibale CapaltiCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Studies
45.1AppointedGiacomo CattaniApostolic Nuncio to BelgiumCardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
57.5Elevated to CardinalInnocenzo FerrieriCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars
48.7AppointedAlessandro FranchiApostolic Nuncio to SpainCardinal, Secretary of State
56.4Elevated to CardinalMatteo Eustachio GonellaCardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy
52.0AppointedJoaqu�n Lluch y Garriga, O.C.D. †Bishop of Salamanca, SpainCardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
64.0AppointedMarino MariniSecretary of the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical AffairsBishop Emeritus of Orvieto, Italy
64.0AppointedMarino MariniPro-Substitute (Sostituto) of the Secretariat of StateBishop Emeritus of Orvieto, Italy
41.0Elevated to CardinalRaffaele Monaco La VallettaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies
50.3Elevated to CardinalJuan de la Cruz Ignacio Moreno y MaisanoveCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
39.6AppointedLuigi Oreglia di Santo StefanoApostolic Nuncio to PortugalCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies
49.0AppointedJ�n PergerBishop of Košice, Slovakia
61.1AppointedValerio Antonio Jim�nez (Ximenes)Bishop of Medell�n, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
14 Mar50.3AppointedAngelo BianchiApostolic Internuncio to NetherlandsCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina, Italy
60.5AppointedPietro GiannelliSecretary of the Congregation of the CouncilCardinal, President of the Roman Curia - Other
BornFlorentino Sim�n y Garriga, C.M.F. †Prelate of S�o Jos� de Alto Tocantins, Brazil
15 Mar46.2Ordained BishopFrancisco Cardoso AyresBishop of Olinda, Brazil
16 Mar45.2AppointedCharles Andr� AnthonisAuxiliary Bishop of Mechelen, Belgium
45.2AppointedCharles Andr� AnthonisTitular Bishop of Constantia in ArabiaAuxiliary Bishop of Mechelen, Belgium
57.4AppointedGiuseppe BerardiCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Marcellino e Pietro
39.3AppointedLucien-Louis-Joseph-Napol�on BonaparteCardinal-Priest of Santa PudenzianaCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina
45.6AppointedEdoardo BorromeoCardinal-Deacon of Santi Vito, Modesto e CrescenziaCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prassede
57.1AppointedAnnibale CapaltiCardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in AquiroCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Studies
45.1AppointedGiacomo CattaniTitular Archbishop of AncyraCardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
38.6AppointedJos� Ignacio Checa y BarbaArchbishop of Quito, Ecuador
26.7Ordained PriestKasper Felicjan CyrtowtPriest of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), LithuaniaBishop
56.4AppointedMatteo Eustachio GonellaCardinal-Priest of Santa Maria sopra MinervaCardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy
41.0AppointedRaffaele Monaco La VallettaCardinal-Priest of Santa Croce in GerusalemmeCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies
18 Mar73.2DiedMathieu NakkarArchbishop of Homs (-Hama-Nabk) (Syrian), Syria
19 MarBornRam�n P�rez y Rodr�guezPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
20 MarBornAuguste-Joseph-Marie CogneauAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Quimper [Cornouailles](-L�on), France
22 Mar44.9Ordained BishopLothar von K�belTitular Bishop of LeuceApostolic Administrator of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
59.5Ordained BishopFrancesco Domenico Reynaudi (Raynaud), O.F.M. Cap. †Titular Bishop of AegaeVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Sofia e Plovdiv, Bulgaria
23 Mar46.6AppointedGiovanni Battista AgnozziOfficial to SwitzerlandApostolic Delegate Emeritus to Colombia
27 Mar64.0ElectedTeobaldo (Vincentius Joseph Cirillus) Cesari, O. Cist. †Abbot General of Order of CisterciansAbbot General Emeritus
28 Mar24.1Ordained PriestJos� Alves de MarizPriestBishop of Bragan�a e Miranda, Portugal
40.4ResignedSamuel John Augustine Sheehy, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop-Elect of Sydney, AustraliaPriest of Order of Saint Benedict
40.4ResignedSamuel John Augustine Sheehy, O.S.B. †Bishop-Elect of BethsaidaPriest of Order of Saint Benedict
6 AprBornAustin DowlingArchbishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
7 AprBornBurkhard Huwiler, M. Afr. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Bukoba, Tanzania
25.1Ordained BishopTh�odore Jean NersciabuhArchbishopArchbishop Emeritus of Foreign Archdiocese
9 Apr54.0SelectedJos� Benedicto Torres RomeroBishop of Arequipa, Peru
11 Apr23.7Ordained PriestMariano Antonio EspinosaPriest of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaArchbishop
29.5Ordained PriestLudovic-Henri-Marie-Ixile Julien-Laferri�rePriestBishop of Constantine (-Hippone), Algeria
22.8Ordained PriestJos� (Giuseppe) MacchiPriest of Palestrina, ItalyApostolic Nuncio to Portugal
BornJos� Ant�nio de Oliveira LopesBishop of Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Brazil
14 Apr94.8DiedHermann Anton Constantin Franz Sales Johann Nepomuk von VicariArchbishop of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
25 Apr55.0InstalledMariano Cuartero y Medina, O.P. †Bishop of Jaro o Santa Elisabetta, Philippines
64.6SucceededJohannes van GenkBishop of Breda, Netherlands
BornTh�ophile Joseph GeorgiTitular Bishop of Arethusa dei Siri
85.7DiedJohannes van HooydonkBishop of Breda, NetherlandsBishop Emeritus
26 Apr25.2Ordained PriestAngus MacFarlanePriest of Western District, Scotland, Great BritainBishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
20.6ProfessedJacobus Cornelis Meeuwissen, C.Ss.R. †Member of Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Dutch Guyana-Suriname, Antilles
23.3Ordained PriestWilliam TurnerPriest of Eastern District, Scotland, Great BritainBishop of Galloway, Scotland, Great Britain
28 AprBornFrancisco Mu�oz e IzquierdoPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
29 AprBornGiuseppe AngelucciBishop of Citt� della Pieve, Italy
30 Apr66.0DiedSebasti�o Pinto do R�goBishop of S�o Paulo, Brazil
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