Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
2 Jul | 65.4 | Ordained Bishop | Pedro Aguado, C.R.M. † | Bishop of Pamplona, Spain |
5 Jul | 50.8 | Died | Domenico Antonio Gagliano, C.R. † | Bishop of Lettere (-Gragnano), Italy |
6 Jul | | Died | Agostinho da Anuncia��o, Ord. D.N.J.C. † | Archbishop of Goa, India |
| Born | Antonio Manuel Hartalejo L�pez, O. de M. † | | Bishop of Vic, Spain |
8 Jul | | Born | Martino Ignazio Caracciolo † | | Titular Archbishop of Chalcedon |
503.5 | Beatified | Bl. Tedaldo Visconti † | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
9 Jul | 47.5 | Ordained Bishop | Louis-Fran�ois-Gabriel de H�nin-Li�tard † | Bishop of Al�s (Alais), France | Archbishop of Embrun, France |
22.9 | Ordained Priest | Paolo Tommaso Marana, O.S.B. † | Priest of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy |
43.5 | Ordained Bishop | Stefan Bogusław Rupniewski † | Titular Bishop of Lycopolis | Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine |
16 Jul | 23.1 | Professed | Jo�o da Madre de Deus Seixas da Fonseca Borges, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Titular Bishop of Areopolis |
21 Jul | 58.5 | Selected | Jacques des Maretz † | Archbishop of Auch, France |
24 Jul | 72.8 | Died | Ettore Algaria † | Bishop of Patti, Italy |
25 Jul | 23.3 | Ordained Priest | J�zef Dominik Puzyna † | Priest | Bishop of Inflanty (Livonia)-Pilten, Poland |
27 Jul | 48.7 | Selected | R�n�-Fran�ois de Beauvau du Rivau † | Archbishop of Toulouse, France | Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
30 Jul | 34.7 | Ordained Deacon | Jos� Botelho de Matos † | Deacon | Archbishop Emeritus of S�o Salvador da Bahia, Brazil |
43.0 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Sellent † | Titular Bishop of Adraa | Auxiliary Bishop of Cagliari, Italy |
Aug | 31.5 | Resigned | Matija Juraj Įtukanović † | Vicar Apostolic of Budua (Budva), Montenegro | Archbishop of Bar (Antivari), Montenegro |
2 Aug | 58.5 | Died | Arthus de Lionne, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Se-Ciuen (Setchoan, Szechwan, Sichuan), China |
6 Aug | 34.7 | Ordained Priest | Jos� Botelho de Matos † | Priest | Archbishop Emeritus of S�o Salvador da Bahia, Brazil |
7 Aug | 83.8 | Died | Andrea Deodati, O.S.B. † | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy |
70.5 | Selected | Manuel de Santo Tom�s y Mendoza, O.P. † | Bishop of M�laga, Spain |
10 Aug | 69.6 | Died | Giovanni Battista Visconti Aicardi, B. † | Bishop of Novara, Italy |
12 Aug | 42.6 | Appointed | Vincent Zmajević † | Apostolic Administrator of Budua (Budva), Montenegro | Archbishop of Zadar (Zara), Croatia |
13 Aug | 54.9 | Ordained Bishop | Bartolom� Cernuda Rico y Pi�eros † | Bishop of Plasencia, Spain |
17 Aug | | Born | Antoine de Malvin de Montazet † | | Archbishop of Lyon, France |
| Ordained Bishop | Josyf (J�zef) Vyhovskyj (Wyhowski) † | Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
19 Aug | | Died | Athanasie Anghel Popa † | Titular Bishop |
20 Aug | 45.6 | Ordained Bishop | Luis de Salcedo y Azcona † | Bishop of Coria, Spain | Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain |
21 Aug | 60.8 | Selected | Sancho Antonio Belunza Corcuera † | Bishop of Ceuta, Spain | Bishop of Coria, Spain |
26 Aug | 68.6 | Selected | Andr�s Caper� Agramunt, O.C.D. † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
45.6 | Died | Charles-Fran�ois de Montmorency-Laval † | Bishop of Ypres (Ieper), Belgium |
27 Aug | 69.6 | Ordained Bishop | Eustace Browne † | Bishop of Killaloe, Ireland |
59.6 | Ordained Bishop | Donagh McCarthy † | Bishop of Cork and Cloyne, Ireland |
33.2 | Ordained Bishop | Krzysztof Andrzej Jan Szembek † | Bishop of Chełm, Poland | Bishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland |
30 Aug | 30.8 | Appointed | Fran�ois-Honor� de Beauvillier de Saint-Aignan † | Bishop of Beauvais, France | Bishop Emeritus |
46.7 | Appointed | Anton Maria Borromeo, C.R. † | Bishop of Capodistria (Capo d’Istria)(Koper), Slovenia | Bishop Emeritus |
73.6 | Appointed | Joaqu�n Canaves, O.S.Io.Hieros. † | Bishop of Malta |
52.8 | Installed | Gianantonio Davia † | Cardinal-Priest of San Callisto | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Rimini, Italy |
36.5 | Appointed | Biagio de Dura † | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy | Bishop of Potenza, Italy |
| Appointed | Ludovicus de Gayoso, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Santa Marta, Colombia |
52.5 | Appointed | Nicola Spinelli † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy |
52.9 | Appointed | Giovanni Battista Stella † | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy |
Sep | 50.4 | Resigned | Giulio Piazza † | Apostolic Nuncio to Emperor | Cardinal, Archbishop (Personal Title) of Faenza, Italy |
1 Sep | | Born | Pierre Brigot, M.E.P. † | | Superior of Karnatic Mission / Pondicherry, India |
44.6 | Selected | Alonso del Pozo y Silva † | Bishop of C�rdoba (Tucum�n), Argentina | Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
3 Sep | 46.7 | Ordained Bishop | Anton Maria Borromeo, C.R. † | Bishop of Capodistria (Capo d’Istria)(Koper), Slovenia | Bishop Emeritus |
28.9 | Ordained Deacon | Benedetto De Luca † | Deacon | Bishop of Treviso, Italy |
36.5 | Ordained Bishop | Biagio de Dura † | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy | Bishop of Potenza, Italy |
| Born | Marco Antonio Piacentini, O.C.D. † | | Bishop of Ispahan, Iran |
52.5 | Ordained Bishop | Nicola Spinelli † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy |
52.9 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Battista Stella † | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy |
4 Sep | 63.6 | Died | James Fagan † | Bishop of Meath, Ireland |
5 Sep | 36.1 | Appointed | Pier Luigi Carafa (Jr.) † | Apostolic Nuncio to Florence (Tuscany), Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
8 Sep | 22.0 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Maria Arduini, O.F.M. Conv. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor Conventual | Bishop of Noli, Italy |
28.9 | Ordained Priest | Benedetto De Luca † | Priest | Bishop of Treviso, Italy |
10 Sep | 73.6 | Ordained Bishop | Joaqu�n Canaves, O.S.Io.Hieros. † | Bishop of Malta |
28.5 | Ordained Deacon | Pierre-Fran�ois Lafitau † | Deacon of Society of Jesus | Bishop of Sisteron, France |
14 Sep | | Born | Toussaint Duvernin † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg, France |
15 Sep | 55.7 | Appointed | Malachy Dulany † | Bishop of Ossory, Ireland |
57.7 | Appointed | Luke Fagan † | Bishop of Meath, Ireland | Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland |
17 Sep | | Born | Tom�s de Azpuru Xim�nez † | | Archbishop of Valencia, Spain |
18 Sep | 29.7 | Confirmed | Jean-Louis Berton des Balbes de Crillon † | Bishop of Saint-Pons-de-Thomi�res, France | Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
58.7 | Confirmed | Esteban Bellido Guevara † | Bishop of Palencia, Spain |
39.7 | Confirmed | Nicolas de Malezieu † | Bishop of Lavaur, France |
44.6 | Confirmed | Raymund Ferdinand von Rabatta † | Bishop of Passau, Germany |
59.7 | Confirmed | Martin de Ratabon † | Bishop of Viviers (Aps), France | Bishop Emeritus |
19 Sep | 82.7 | Died | Louis Aube de Roquemartine † | Bishop of Saint-Paul-Trois-Ch�teaux, France |
20 Sep | | Appointed | Francis Burke † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland | Archbishop |
| Appointed | Francis Burke † | Titular Archbishop of Miletopolis | Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland |
58.7 | Resigned | Jacques des Maretz † | Bishop of Riez, France | Archbishop of Auch, France |
57.7 | Appointed | Silvester Jenks † | Titular Bishop of Chariopolis |
44.7 | Appointed | Matthew Pritchard, O.F.M. Rec. † | Vicar Apostolic of Western District, England, Great Britain |
44.7 | Appointed | Matthew Pritchard, O.F.M. Rec. † | Titular Bishop of Myrina | Vicar Apostolic of Western District, England, Great Britain |
21 Sep | 28.6 | Ordained Priest | Ignazio Stelluti † | Priest | Bishop of Macerata e Tolentino, Italy |
22 Sep | 46.3 | Appointed | Alessandro Aldobrandini † | Apostolic Nuncio to Venice, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro Coronati |
| Born | Vicente da Gamal Leao † | | Coadjutor Bishop Emeritus of S�o Sebasti�o do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
53.1 | Died | Jurij Havryjil (Jerzy) Vynnyc’kyj (Winnicki), O.S.B.M. † | Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
23 Sep | 23.1 | Ordained Priest | Marino Bozzatini † | Priest | Bishop of Novigrad (Cittanova), Croatia |
28.6 | Ordained Priest | Pierre-Fran�ois Lafitau † | Priest of Society of Jesus | Bishop of Sisteron, France |
22.5 | Ordained Deacon | Francesco Lanfreschi † | Deacon | Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy |
87.2 | Died | Victor-Augustin M�liand (Melrand) † | Bishop Emeritus of Alet, France |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | Christoph Nebel † | Priest of Mainz, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop |
30.0 | Ordained Priest | Johann Franz Anton von Sirgenstein † | Priest of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop |
27 Sep | 60.3 | Died | Pedro de Lencastre, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Elvas, Portugal |
Oct | 38.8 | Resigned | Girolamo Grimaldi † | Apostolic Internuncio to Belgium | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Balbina |
1 Oct | 30.9 | Ordained Bishop | Fran�ois-Honor� de Beauvillier de Saint-Aignan † | Bishop of Beauvais, France | Bishop Emeritus |
4 Oct | 73.7 | Installed | Joaqu�n Canaves, O.S.Io.Hieros. † | Bishop of Malta |
6 Oct | 70.7 | Died | Armand de Montmorin de Saint-H�rem † | Archbishop of Vienne, France |
10 Oct | 37.5 | Appointed | Vincenzo Santini † | Apostolic Internuncio to Belgium | Apostolic Nuncio to Poland |
14 Oct | 64.9 | Died | Michele Carlo Visdomini Cortigiani † | Bishop of Pistoia e Prato, Italy |
15 Oct | 29.7 | Ordained Bishop | Jean-Louis Berton des Balbes de Crillon † | Bishop of Saint-Pons-de-Thomi�res, France | Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
| Born | Girolamo Sp�nola † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina |
16 Oct | | Born | Francesco Maria Cotroneo † | | Titular Bishop of Zoara |
22 Oct | 39.8 | Ordained Bishop | Nicolas de Malezieu † | Bishop of Lavaur, France |
24 Oct | 50.8 | Appointed | Lev (Luka) Kiszka (Kyška), O.S.B.M. † | Administrator of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine | Archbishop |
50.8 | Appointed | Lev (Luka) Kiszka (Kyška), O.S.B.M. † | Administrator of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), Poland | Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
31 Oct | | Succeeded | Francis Burke † | Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland |
89.8 | Died | James Lynch † | Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland |
Nov | 69.8 | Died | Antonio Manso, O.M. † | Bishop of Nicotera, Italy |
40.9 | Resigned | Girolamo Mattei † | Apostolic Nuncio to Venice, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Fermo, Italy |
8 Nov | 59.2 | Died | Didacus �lvares † | Archbishop Emeritus of Cranganore (Angamala), India |
65.8 | Died | Gregorio Civatelli † | Bishop of Scardona (Skradin), Croatia |
18 Nov | 56.8 | Selected | Francisco Sol�s Herv�s, O. de M. † | Bishop of C�rdoba, Spain |
27 Nov | | Born | Giuseppe Orlandi, O.S.B. † | | Bishop of Giovinazzo e Terlizzi, Italy |
| Appointed | Louis-Baltasar Ph�lypeaux d’Herbault † | Bishop of Riez, France |
48.4 | Appointed | Andrea Roberti † | Archbishop (Personal Title) of Policastro, Italy | Bishop |
53.3 | Appointed | Antonio Rosignoli † | Bishop of Nona (Nin), Croatia |
Dec | | Appointed | Orazio Capalbi † | Bishop of Bisignano, Italy |
| Died | Ludovicus de Gayoso, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Santa Marta, Colombia |
1 Dec | | Born | Manuel de Abad e Illanar, O. Praem. † | | Bishop of Arequipa, Peru |
3 Dec | 28.2 | Ordained Priest | Guido Orselli † | Priest | Bishop of Cesena, Italy |
6 Dec | 60.5 | Died | Jan Mikołaj Zgierski † | Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania |
9 Dec | | Born | Giuseppe Capocchiani † | | Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy |
47.4 | Selected | Michele Guardia † | Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy |
10 Dec | 69.9 | Died | Juan V�ctores de Velasco, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Trujillo, Peru |
11 Dec | 51.3 | Appointed | Nicolao Gaetano Aprosio, C.R. † | Bishop of Nebbio, France |
49.1 | Confirmed | R�n�-Fran�ois de Beauvau du Rivau † | Archbishop of Toulouse, France | Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
61.1 | Confirmed | Sancho Antonio Belunza Corcuera † | Bishop of Ceuta, Spain | Bishop of Coria, Spain |
68.9 | Confirmed | Andr�s Caper� Agramunt, O.C.D. † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
| Appointed | Antonio de Zuloaga † | Archbishop of Lima, Peru |
52.9 | Appointed | Louis Le Bel, O.F.M. Rec. † | Titular Bishop of Bethleem |
45.2 | Appointed | Vincenzio Lessio † | Bishop of Arbe (Rab), Croatia | Bishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia |
70.9 | Confirmed | Manuel de Santo Tom�s y Mendoza, O.P. † | Bishop of M�laga, Spain |
44.9 | Confirmed | Alonso del Pozo y Silva † | Bishop of C�rdoba (Tucum�n), Argentina | Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
55.3 | Appointed | Fulvio Salvi † | Bishop of Sovana (Soana), Italy |
17 Dec | 68.0 | Ordained Bishop | Jan Franciszek Kurdwanowski, S.J. † | Titular Bishop of Marocco o Marruecos, Titular Sees | Auxiliary Bishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland |
19 Dec | 59.3 | Appointed | Didacus �lvares † | Auxiliary Bishop of �vora, Portugal | Archbishop Emeritus of Cranganore (Angamala), India |
21 Dec | 55.4 | Ordained Bishop | Fulvio Salvi † | Bishop of Sovana (Soana), Italy |
23 Dec | 26.4 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Battista de Capua † | Priest | Titular Bishop of Carrhae |
27.2 | Ordained Priest | Sante Lanucci † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Civita Castellana e Orte, Italy |
42.1 | Appointed | Carolus Polodig, O.C.D. † | Vicar Apostolic of Smirne, Turkey |
42.1 | Appointed | Carolus Polodig, O.C.D. † | Titular Archbishop of Cyrrhus | Vicar Apostolic of Smirne, Turkey |
63.5 | Selected | Jer�nimo del Valle Ledesma † | Bishop of Almer�a, Spain |
24 Dec | 63.3 | Died | Camillo Caravita † | Bishop of Vieste, Italy |
27 Dec | 25.1 | Ordained Deacon | Leandro de Santo Agostinho da Piedade, O.A.D. † | Deacon of Agostiniani Scalzi | Bishop of S�o Tom� e Pr�ncipe |
28 Dec | | Born | Govaart-Geeraard van Eersel † | | Bishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium |
31 Dec | | Ordained Bishop | Louis-Baltasar Ph�lypeaux d’Herbault † | Bishop of Riez, France |
22.9 | Ordained Deacon | Scipione Sersale † | Deacon | Bishop of Lecce, Italy |