Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1689

Bishop Events

January to June

See Also: July to December | Overview | Necrology | Previous Year (1688) | Next Year (1690)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown56.0DiedStanisław BedlińskiAuxiliary Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine
DiedHenri Bertrand de BeuvronAbbot Emeritus of Cluny, France
43.0AppointedGiuseppe Maria Bottari, O.F.M. Conv. †Minister General of Order of Friars Minor ConventualBishop of Pula (Pola), Croatia
61.0DiedFrancisco Luis de Bruna RicoBishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga (Guamanga), Peru
62.6ResignedFrancesco BuonvisiApostolic Nuncio to EmperorCardinal, Bishop of Lucca, Italy
DiedDaniel DelfinoCoadjutor Patriarch of Aquileia, Italy
BornImrich I. Esterh�zy de Gal�nthaBishop of Nitra, Slovakia
BornPaul-Alexandre de Gu�netBishop of Saint-Pons-de-Thomi�res, France
BornMaximos II HakimPatriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Melkite Greek), Syria
BornHagop Petros II HovsepianPatriarch of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon
59.2AppointedPhilip Thomas Howard of Norfolk, O.P. †Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore {Saint Mary Major Basilica}Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria sopra Minerva
26.9Ordained PriestRoland-Fran�ois de Kerhoent de CoetenfaoPriestBishop of Avranches, France
67.7Ordained PriestFrancesco MaidalchiniPriestCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prassede
BornSandor M�ri�si (M�ri�ssy)Bishop of Knin (Tinin), Croatia
54.0Ordained BishopSebastiano Milazzi (Milati), O.S.B. †Bishop of Lavello, Italy
AppointedHanna MouhassebBishop
Ordained BishopHanna MouhassebBishop
BornSimoni Zezaj (Negri)Bishop of Lezh� {Lesh, Alessio}, Albania
BornBonaventure (Daniel) O’Gallagher, O.F.M. †Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland
BornAndrea de Rossi, C.R. †Titular Bishop of Patara
22.0Ordained PriestJoseph Saliba-Marouf (de Cruce)Priest of Diarbekir (Amida) (Chaldean), TurkeyPatriarch of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), Iraq
45.9DiedLudovicus SciamannaBishop of Spoleto, Italy
DiedGiorgio Maria Trivulzio, B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom, Hungary
41.0Ordained BishopJuan de Villac� y VozmedianoBishop of Guadix, SpainBishop of Plasencia, Spain
2 JanBornStjepan Blasković, C.O. †Bishop of Makarska, Croatia
43.0Ordained BishopVittorio Priuli, C.R.L. †Archbishop of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
47.8Ordained BishopTaddeo Luigi dal VermeBishop of Fano, ItalyCardinal, Bishop of Ferrara, Italy
8 Jan42.0ConfirmedPedro da Silva, O.S.A. †Bishop of Cochin, India
44.0ConfirmedJerome de S�o Tiago, O.S.B. †Bishop of Cranganore (Angamala), IndiaFormer Bishop-Elect
24 Jan43.6AppointedAlberto Sebastiano Botti (Blotto), O. Carm. †Bishop of Albenga, Italy
64.7DiedHenri FuchsApostolic Administrator Emeritus of Lausanne, Switzerland
72.0AppointedJohn O’MollonyBishop of Limerick, Ireland
BornNicola Paolo PandolfelliBishop of Mottola (Motula), Italy
54.1AppointedPietro de TorresArchbishop (Personal Title) of Potenza, ItalyArchbishop of Trani, Italy
62.0ConfirmedPatrick Tyrrell (Tyrell), O.F.M. †Bishop of Meath, Ireland
25 JanBornEustachius Entreri, O.M. †Bishop of Nicotera, Italy
28 Jan63.0DiedBernardino CornianiBishop of Pula (Pola), Croatia
30 Jan43.6Ordained BishopAlberto Sebastiano Botti (Blotto), O. Carm. †Bishop of Albenga, Italy
31.7Ordained DeaconFilippo della TorreDeaconBishop of Adria, Italy
37.9Ordained DeaconFranz Ferdinand von KuenburgDeacon of Salzburg, AustriaArchbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
31 Jan54.0DiedManuel de Herrera, O.F.M. †Bishop of Durango, M�xico
2 FebBornNicolaus (Arcangelo) Bianchini, O.C.D. †Bishop of Sovana (Soana), Italy
23.0Ordained PriestJan Kazimierz de Alten BokumPriest of Przemyśl, PolandBishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland
41.6Ordained DeaconOnofrio MontesoroDeaconBishop Emeritus of Castellaneta, Italy
4 Feb78.7DiedFrancesco Alberti di PojaBishop of Trento, Italy
5 FebBornGian Alberto De’ Grandi, C.R.L. †Bishop of Chioggia, Italy
6 Feb40.1Ordained BishopPetrus Codde, C.O. †Titular Archbishop of SebasteaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Batavia (Holland Mission), Netherlands
41.6Ordained PriestOnofrio MontesoroPriestBishop Emeritus of Castellaneta, Italy
12 Feb67.7AppointedBartolomeo MenattiApostolic Nuncio to SwitzerlandBishop of Lodi, Italy
13 Feb66.8DiedCarlo Pio di SavoiaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
24 FebBornPietro Paolo de ContiCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio
BornGiovanni Filippo (Prudenzio) Patti, O.S.B. †Titular Bishop of Diocaesarea in Isauria
27 Feb43.1Ordained PriestGiovanni RasponiPriestBishop of Forli, Italy
28 Feb52.8AppointedJuan Bonilla, O. Carm. †Bishop of Ariano, Italy
65.7AppointedPaluzzo Paluzzi Altieri Degli AlbertoniCardinal-Bishop of SabinaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Ravenna, Italy
41.0AppointedFrancesco Ram�rez, O.P. †Archbishop of Brindisi, ItalyBishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
43.1AppointedGiovanni RasponiBishop of Forli, Italy
76.7AppointedGiulio SpinolaCardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in TrastevereCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Lucca, Italy
Mar55.1DiedRiccardo Annibaleschi della MolaraBishop of Veroli, Italy
48.1DiedGiovanni Battista PonziBishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy
2 MarBornJos� F�lix ValverdeBishop of Michoac�n, M�xico
5 Mar22.3Ordained DeaconJean Grillet, O.P. †Deacon of Order of Friars PreachersBishop of Aosta, Italy
6 Mar52.8Ordained BishopJuan Bonilla, O. Carm. †Bishop of Ariano, Italy
41.0Ordained BishopFrancesco Ram�rez, O.P. †Archbishop of Brindisi, ItalyBishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
7 Mar77.3DiedFranz Johann von Vogt von Altensumerau und PrasbergBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
9 Mar85.5DiedFran�ois Adh�mar de Monteil de GrignanArchbishop of Arles, France
51.1SucceededJean-Baptiste Adh�mar de Monteil de GrignanArchbishop of Arles, France
10 MarBornCesare BonajutiBishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia
13 Mar44.5Ordained BishopBlažej J�klinBishop of Knin (Tinin), CroatiaBishop of Nitra, Slovakia
16 Mar61.2DiedSebastian von P�tting-PersingBishop of Passau, Germany
17 MarBornKornyliy (Korneliusz) Lebetskyi-Stolpovytskyi (Lebiecki), O.S.B.M. †Bishop of Volodymyr (Włodzimierz) et Brėst (Ukrainian)
20 Mar42.2Ordained BishopPedro da Silva, O.S.A. †Bishop of Cochin, India
43.2Ordained BishopGiovanni RasponiBishop of Forli, Italy
26 Mar29.0Ordained PriestColombino Bassi, O.S.B. †Priest of Order of Saint BenedictBishop of Pistoia e Prato, Italy
23.1Ordained PriestPietro Vincenzo Platamone, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars PreachersBishop of Lipari, Italy
22.3Ordained DeaconDomenico TaglialatelaDeaconBishop of L’Aquila, Italy
31 Mar48.7DiedTommaso Caracciolo, O.S.B. †Bishop of Gerace, Italy
1 Apr24.3Ordained PriestJan Tobiasz AugustynowiczPriest of Lviv (Armenian), UkraineArchbishop
2 Apr92.2DiedAlessandro EgizioBishop of Andria, Italy
9 Apr31.9Ordained PriestFilippo della TorrePriestBishop of Adria, Italy
38.1Ordained PriestFranz Ferdinand von KuenburgPriest of Salzburg, AustriaArchbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
23.2Ordained PriestTom�s Jos� Ruiz MontesPriestBishop of Cartagena (en Espa�a)
11 Apr25.5Ordained DeaconNicolaus PohmajevichDeaconBishop of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia
12 Apr25.5Ordained PriestNicolaus PohmajevichPriestBishop of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia
13 Apr53.2DiedJos� Cos�o BarredaBishop of Salamanca, Spain
60.2DiedFrancisco de BorjaBishop of Trujillo, Peru
BornHijacint Marija Milković, O.P. †Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
14 Apr45.0SelectedMarquard Rudolf von RodtBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
16 Apr78.2DiedMikołaj OborskiAuxiliary Bishop of Krak�w, Poland
23 Apr45.3Ordained BishopSigmund Ignaz von Wolkenstein-TrostburgBishop of Chiemsee, Germany
27 Apr74.3DiedGabriel-Philippe de Froullay de Tess�Bishop of Avranches, France
28 Apr65.7SelectedGiuseppe Vittorio Alberti d’EnnoBishop of Trento, Italy
MayDiedMarcello FilonardiBishop of Aquino, Italy
8 MayBornJoannes Antonius Stratman, O.C.D. †Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (Mughals), India
11 May77.3DiedGreg�rio dos Anjos, C. S. J. †Bishop of S�o Lu�s do Maranh�o, Brazil
15 May56.2Ordained BishopPierre de MontenbachBishop of Lausanne, Switzerland
19 May26.3Ordained DeaconMuzio Gaeta (Sr.)DeaconArchbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy
20 May59.3DiedEstev�o Brioso de FigueiredoBishop of Funchal, Portugal
22 May26.3Ordained PriestMuzio Gaeta (Sr.)PriestArchbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy
23 May71.3AppointedOleguer de Montserrat RufetBishop of Urgell, Spain
46.1AppointedFabrizio SpadaCardinal-Priest of San CrisogonoCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
25 May37.0SelectedJohann Philipp von LambergCardinal, Bishop of Passau, Germany
27 MayBornAndreas Jakob von DietrichsteinArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
28 May26.1ProfessedLuigi Antonio Appiani, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the Mission
35.4SelectedMartin de RatabonBishop of Ypres (Ieper), BelgiumBishop Emeritus of Viviers (Aps), France
4 Jun26.1Ordained PriestGioacchino Francesco Caprini (Carpi)PriestBishop of Bitetto, Italy
23.4Ordained PriestGiacinto Dragonetti, C.O. †Priest of Confederation of Oratorians of St. Philip NeriBishop of Marsi, Italy
32.1Ordained DeaconJos� Espejo y CisnerosDeaconBishop Emeritus of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain
26.7Ordained PriestDomenico Antonio Gagliano, C.R. †Priest of Congregation of Clerics RegularBishop of Lettere (-Gragnano), Italy
23.2Ordained PriestFrancesco Maria Muscettola, C.R. †Priest of Congregation of Clerics RegularArchbishop Emeritus of Rossano, Italy
6 Jun70.4AppointedCarlo de FerrariBishop of Bitonto, Italy
49.4AppointedDiego Ladr�n de GuevaraBishop of Panam�Bishop Emeritus of Quito, Ecuador
57.2AppointedManuel de Moura ManuelBishop of Miranda (do Douro), Portugal
37.9AppointedMichele PetirroBishop of Termoli, ItalyBishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
7 Jun64.7DiedAlphonse de BerghesArchbishop of Mechelen, Belgium
8 Jun66.1DiedDecio Azzolini (Jr.)Cardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
10 Jun33.6SelectedFabio Brulart de SilleryBishop of Avranches, FranceBishop of Soissons, France
DiedBonaventura Cavalli, O.F.M. †Bishop of Caserta, Italy
24 JunBornMarko LučićArchbishop of Bar (Antivari), Montenegro
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